XenialDog (Ubuntu 16.04 'Xenial Xerus' LTS, 32-bit)

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#21 Post by oui »

Hi Fred

I am now in XenialDog (Ubuntu 16.04 'Xenial Xerus' LTS, 32-bit)

1) the download was terribly difficult but I confirm it did happen from your main depot (but I did probably download more than 2..4 Gb to obtain the 4 files! I each user does that you will increase terribly the frequentation of the site!

2) I find your help:
fredx181 wrote:

Code: Select all

title XenDog - porteus-boot - save on EXIT changes=EXIT:/xendog/casper
root (hd0,2)
 kernel /xendog/casper/vmlinuz from=/xendog noauto changes=EXIT:/xendog/casper net.ifnames=0
 initrd /xendog/casper/initrd1.xz
as to be included into the first message of this thread! :roll:
as well as the same piece for the real actual grub:

Code: Select all

menuentry  "XenDog - porteus-boot - save on EXIT changes=EXIT:/0xendog/casper"{
 set root=(hd0,6)
 linux /0xendog/casper/vmlinuz from=/0xendog noauto changes=EXIT:/0xendog/casper net.ifnames=0
 initrd /0xendog/casper/initrd1.xz
(the "puppy/16.04/dog" part of my grub.cfg:

Code: Select all

menuentry  "DebianDog64 Jessie sda6" {
   set root=(hd0,6)
   linux /0deb64/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/0deb64/ changes=EXIT:/0deb64/live/
   initrd /0deb64/live/initrd1.xz

menuentry  "Ubuntu sda6" {
   set root=(hd0,6)
   linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6 ro
   initrd /initrd.img

menuentry  "XenDog - porteus-boot - save on EXIT changes=EXIT:/0xendog/casper"{
 set root=(hd0,6)
 linux /0xendog/casper/vmlinuz from=/0xendog noauto changes=EXIT:/0xendog/casper net.ifnames=0
 initrd /0xendog/casper/initrd1.xz

menuentry  "LYunicorn sda6" {
   set root=(hd0,6)
   linux /0LYunicorn/vmlinuz lpextsfs=no lpconfigsfs=no lpusersfs=no psubdir=0LYunicorn pfix=ram # pmedia=cd
   initrd /0LYunicorn/initrd.gz
3/ I am of course in one of my usual browsers (xombrero, firefox, vimprobable or luakit :wink: ; now in xombrero as xombrero is now the wished standard browser from the Lubuntu minimal, and is for this reason well integrated now in the depositories of Ubuntu for Lubuntu. It seems to be the most secure browser at all and seems to need only very rarely some actualization, not all 6 hours like Firefox!!! To increase more the discretion, you can install a ~ /.xombrero.cfg. Same thing to add hunspell's, startpage etc...), not in Firefox, the, in my opinion, spying browser. And I did have to search to find it.

To do that:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install xombrero
rm /usr/local/bin/firefox
ln -s /usr/bin/xombrero /usr/local/bin/firefox
now, you can hit on the firefox icon without risk to create all the save files of Firefox on your fresh system. If xombrero is good for you, before to quit, make a RemasterDog :roll: .

Kind regards


#22 Post by oui »


I did commute to JWM as I am an old puppyist feeling well in JWM...

If nothing is in a menu subdir (for ex. menu > other) the graphic system crashes and the opened windows close as well as things like your actual definitions after start time like setxkbmap...

what user manipulations are possible / allow in XenialDog as it seems to work without to use the usual Debian system offered by the Debian package "menu"?

(In my remastered DebianDog64 Jessy, I did use that package "menu" and add as well "grun" as "xfce4-appfinder"! I don't like xfce at all but xfce4-appfinder is really one of the best utilities I know as it finds really all graphic app's present on the system and perhaps not take in consideration by the common menu system of each system, so Debian menu or KDE menu! It need onlu ab. 8 Mb but it is a really good investition! And it find all icons itself - nothing to do yourself in ugly XLM doc's!)

Kind regards
Terry H
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#23 Post by Terry H »

fredx181 wrote:Hi oui, Terry H

Added a mirror in first post:
Mirror (from google-drive):
Iso: XenialDog-openbox_jwm-2016-04-30.iso Size: 287MB
Md5sum: XenialDog-openbox_jwm-2016-04-30.md5
Don't know why the download fails for you, for me it works OK using Firefox

@Terry H
I'm curious if you have the same sudo issues with this one as you reported earlier with DebianDog.

Unfortunately yes I do. I was hopeful that it would be OK, but it's the same.

My b43 wifi card is not recognised either. I haven't done anything to check for firmware though.
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#24 Post by neur1 »

it did take a long time to download the iso for me also.

used terminal: apt-get upgrade, firefox-portable on hold: (apt-mark hold firefox-portable) so it doesn't upgrade to ubuntu version. used built in updater to get to 46.0 everything working in a lenovo all in one. * lists my wifi as wlp3s0. then used synaptic to install pysolfc.

installed it to a usb via rufus persistence/save working . but also tried it as a live cd first. fast and stable for me. nice :P
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#25 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.

I also had bad download (118Mb iso size) using Iceweasel.

Iso and modules mirrored here:
I will replace them with new versions anytime.
Tell me if you prefer different folder name or structure.

I think you can move the repository to smokey01.com if you like. The free space should be enough for one more package repository.

B43 wireless should work with this package (maybe the DEVX should be loaded too):
http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/firmw ... -installer

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer

#26 Post by stemsee »

I am testing this out as a manual frugal install from iso to hdd.
Boot up is very informative, seems a tad quicker than DD-jessie. Shutdown is very fast.

I had trouble connecting with frisbee took five or six attempts. no problem displaying available networks, only initial connection. Will test with an alternative app soon.

No way to play a DVD: neither from disc nor VIDEO folder on hdd!

Touchscreen is working very well. Would be nice to have option to switch pointer off in touchscreen mode. Have you considered adding touchegg for multi-touch gestures?
EDIT: I found touchegg in the repo, I will try it out!
very full list of utilities and apps!
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#27 Post by backi »

Hi fredx181 !
Regarding Htop showing 362 megs of ram usage ,
here are the results of :

for Mintpup ( shows 72megs ram usage in Htop) :

mint ~ # free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1017580 582452 435128 207140 44280 465284
-/+ buffers/cache: 72888 944692
Swap: 3123056 0 3123056

For XenialDog :

Shows 362 megs of ram usage in Htop

root@xenial:~# free
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 1015676 61252 180008 297832 774416 629632
Swap: 2614268 0 2614268

#28 Post by oui »

all that stuff

Code: Select all

apt-get install menu 9menu ayttm bluefish clex cups deskscribe darktable didiwiki evince flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound fonts-alee fonts-cwtex-fs fonts-gfs-artemisia fonts-hanazono fonts-samyak-taml fonts-sarai fonts-uralic gramps grun hunspell-fr jwm merkaartor marble-qt mhwaveedit mtpaint paman paprefs pasystray pavucontrol pavumeter pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils ratpoison rox-filer sc synaptic tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-deu unrar unzip unrtf viewnior vokoscreen xfce4-appfinder xombrero xsane skype
is now installed plus TED, the 3 European TED dictionaries, and some hunspell more through simple copies.

remastered, the size is only 601 Mb (zx compression) - as I did immediately before that exactly the same installation as full install in the dedicated partition with Lubuntu minimal 64 bit (it is not exactly the exact same thing as the other Ubuntu's. Lubuntu uses own packages choice and packages that other Ubuntu's normaly don't use...), above apt-get code is copyed from Lubuntu history :wink: , I know the size of the unsquashed corresponding Lubuntu 64 bit installation: 3,674 GB: more than 3 GB more... I will test in the next time if this big ISO starts willing on my second laptop having only just under 2 GB RAM (this one has 8 GB, no problem at all depending of course of the kernel)...

as I don't know what is allow concerning the .jwmrc, I did add the grun, bluefish and rox icons right at the bottom of the desktop :wink: but I really miss the StartUpCommand in IN A TEMPLATE for the .jwmrc (it is of course possible to write directly in it just before to start the second phase of remasterdog)

the menu is ok excepted the subdiv "other" with nothing in it...

and I don't find the time synchronization from web in the menu (like rox: it doesn't appear in the menu! Add it in the subdiv "other" would be a good idea to avoid crashes of jwm if you touch it :idea:

skype starts willing but actually no sound (perhaps that the packages needed in full install 64 bit to manage pulseaudio are to much here! I don't know at this time...)
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#29 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Possible TODO: make it smaller (but I'm no good with that)
I can't help much here, Fred. I have some ideas for MintPup update with smaller size but checking the module content casper and locales are removed already. The only thing I can suggest and I will do for MintPup is removing linux-firmware package. It gets updates every few weeks with more and more firmware. Best way is to keep it installed in save file if you need it. Probabaly you will never need 99% of this firmware.
So my suggestion is keep only /lib/firmware/4.4.0-21-generic + the firmware we have in DD-Jessie (but extracted from xenial linux-firmware package) and upload separate squashfs module with linux-firmware content in case someone have problems like not working internet connection.
I would do the same with Firefox because of the regular updates but I know you prefer to keep it included.


#30 Post by oui »

Hi Toni
saintless wrote:Best way is to keep it installed in save file if you need it. Probabaly you will never need 99% of this firmware.
This would be a wrong way for me and all the users using not save file of course! Why not in an external squashfs or kind of dotdeb or dotpet to install separately before remaster.

I find the use of save files ABSOLUTELY archaic! It was a good matter in 2005 .. 2006 where the puppyist did try to pack all Puppy in a check card CD and data separately on a CD/RW, it was a real progress on PC's sometimes with only 500 MB hard disk, but not 10 years later on fast and big PC's able to juggle all the day with divers OS's: You have to find your data clearly on only one unique place, the right place, on system, to access to them directly and without searching!

A separate save file for system and apps would be ok, but as you know, but Linux is too chaotic in this matter, give to much freedom to be sloppy (as I see a Firefox directory in /usr/local/bin and not in /usr/lib or /opt, I get cold shower in the back :lol: !

Kind regards

#31 Post by oui »

I did until now only install, install, adjust etc.

And now, IN JWM, I see that my graphic system is NOT stabil and waits / blocks until you prefer clearly to reboot

so I am now back to real Lubuntu minimal 64 16.04 again, as I will today work and not experiment.

(but, I have to say, I am not surprised: I test the original the original ubuntu yet since begin of November 2015 and have yet in the live stable ISO Kubuntu 64 16.04 troubles in the graphic system. Those troubles where also present in all other Ubuntu 16.04 testing excepted in Lubuntu and that is the reason why I did, now, install Lubuntu minimal, hopping they are solved in this small among of software! My DELL laptop uses, of course by Dell, Intel chips :oops: ...)
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#32 Post by saintless »

oui wrote:This would be a wrong way for me and all the users using not save file of course! Why not in an external squashfs or kind of dotdeb or dotpet to install separately before remaster.

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install linux-firmware
Then remaster and keep 116Mb extra firmware you will never need + source code included inside. In a month the size will be 150Mb or more in /lib/firmware.
Debian runs with only 150Kb firmware on most machines.
We use the same method for locales in DD and I see no problems to remove lnaguages you don't speak and firmware you don't need from your system. You can install them with apt-get (Synaptic) anytime.
My suggestion doesn't mean Fred will do it. It is his choice.


#33 Post by stemsee »

Here is a script by technosaurus might be useful for cutting down unused modules/firmware on an individual system basis. Could be modified also to cut locales and non-zeroed docs etc.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 48&t=51552
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#34 Post by fredx181 »

Thanks all for testing and the feedback!

I did commute to JWM as I am an old puppyist feeling well in JWM...

If nothing is in a menu subdir (for ex. menu > other) the graphic system crashes and the opened windows close as well as things like your actual definitions after start time like setxkbmap...
Yes, same for me, I didn't notice that crash before, here's a fix, install new version (0.0.2) of jwm-setup.

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install jwm-setup
- No empty categories show in the default menu
- Added choice for menu type (Menu Debian or Menu Default) in Menu > System > ...
The menu Debian has icons, but lots are missing.

Changes added to Changes and fixes list

If you want to make your own JWM setup with Debian-menu, just delete the symlink /usr/local/bin/update-menus.
Then it should be back to original state (no custom menu setup), unless you run one of the menu options (like 'Menu Default') again.
Or... you can edit ~/.jwm/jwm.tail or jwm.head to how you like.

Edit: There IS 'Rox Filemanager' entry, Menu > System

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#35 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Iso and modules mirrored here:
Thanks! I added as mirror in first post.
I think you can move the repository to smokey01.com if you like. The free space should be enough for one more package repository.
Yes, thanks again, I will probably do that at a later point (new iso)
fredx181 wrote:
Possible TODO: make it smaller (but I'm no good with that)

I can't help much here, Fred.....
Yes, good idea to have firmware as separate squashfs


quite a Puppy !

#36 Post by Pelo »

quite a Puppy ! promoted on Facebook by skamilinux.hu and not too big Iso, i decided to try this version of Ubuntu.
appart the boot, once on the desktop, i really know how to do, main things i would say. frisbee, sfs load.
the big trouble is saves, how to change this strange boot. I always failed with Porteus.
This Puppy is much more fun than UBUNTU (abandoned however i have CDs at home). However i can speak about XenialDog on Ubuntu Users forum, francophone users.. I am registered (for applications it's useful when Puppy developers had never use an application -SSR for instance)
My favourites home spreadsheets and typing machine installed easily
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#37 Post by escucha »

XenialDog (Ubuntu 16.04 'Xenial Xerus' LTS, 32-bit) working as xenius.

What about a 64-bit version?

Any plans for it?

Love this very good aesthetic.

how to save your data in porteus boot

#38 Post by Pelo »

USB is fat32, it does not work there.
Save in Linux partition . now ok.
100mb 'pupsave' create, that is exactly the same as Puppy excepted that partition must be .ext
Now i must set my keyboard to fr..
Fotoxx, a brand new version !
Yellow : colleague fulfilling database for the boss. Green : studying Facebook
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#39 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Pelo,
the big trouble is saves, how to change this strange boot. I always failed with Porteus.
It's really not that complicated as you might think.
Read here for examples (it's for Mintpup but applies for XenialDog also):
https://github.com/MintPup/MintPup-Trus ... ot-methods

Looking at your screenshot from few posts ago you created setup for changes folder in a folder named Porteus at the root of your sda3 partition,
Be sure there's no directory 'Porteus' also at the root of another partition.
Then "changes=...." parameter would be :

Code: Select all

(unique name 'Porteus' at root of partition)
or for save on exit only:

Code: Select all

Then the changes will be in Porteus/changes

But could be any name instead Porteus (e.g: xendog) if it exists and corresponds with the changes=..... parameter .

Changes to directory works only on ext partition, not FAT or NTFS.


FFmpeg not needed for MP3. ?

#40 Post by Pelo »

saves are now understood and run in my Linux partition (porteus). In my opinion that is the main difficulty for people used to Puppy.
8) thanks for the explanations.
:?: Where do you type Changes=/porteus in Live.cfg ?

Please confirm i cannot save to my pendrive because FAT32 is the format. Perhaps i should create a Partition ext2 in this pendrive using Gparted,
I am exploring..
Neur1 (page 2) succeeds :"installed it to a usb via rufus persistence/save working . but also tried it as a live cd first. fast and stable for me. nice
It's a nice distro, i am pleased (Xenialpup is too much like tahrpup, that is the reason i test XenialDog)

Rufus ???? (Lili live usb creator was my pendrive creator)
You Tube : perfect. (audio working)
Now i am facing to recording applications. No sound (Xvidcap and Precord)
Precord help told me that FFmpeg not needed for MP3.
Loaded with packages manager, all dependencies included.
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