Fotoxx: digital image editor

Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.

Fotoxx 15.11.1 XenialDog 2016 : pet soon available

#81 Post by Pelo »

Fotoxx 15.11.1 XenialDog 2016 : pet soon available.
Fotoxx is really a powerful editor and was worh of a new version. I will try to make a pet of it, for people aficionados of hunting (with a camera).
tar.gz ... version 12 :!:
Lot of nice textures
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Building a Pet/SFS

#82 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Pelo,

As an actual, even frequent, user of the various applications you review, perhaps you could help those of us who are not as familiar with these applications in deciding which one or several we want.

For example, what features does fotoxx have that other photo editing applications may lack?

Which tasks does fotoxx perform better, or makes it easier for the user to accomplish compared to other, similar applications?


Edit: Inspired by Pelo, I decided to build a pet. With hindsight, I suggest this application usually be built as an SFS for reasons explained below. Although small, as the pet exceeds the size limit for attachments, the following is the fairly easy to follow recipe if you are running a Ubuntu or debian based Puppy:

1. Download the appropriate fotoxx deb from here into a work directory: As I was working in and with Tahrpup64, I chose the 64-bit version.

2. Right click the downloaded deb and select "UExtract". This will create a folder named something like "fotox-16.03.1-xxx-deb.extracted" depending on which deb you downloaded.

3. Right-click the folder and select "rename". Give it a meaningful name. I chose "fotoxx64-16,03.1", placing the 64 where it would easily be seen to distinguish this application from a 32-bit application; and preserving fotoxx's version number. Left-click the folder to enter it. Left-click the "usr" folder within to enter it. Leave the folder open.

For the purpose of illustration, the folder named fotoxx64-16,03.1 is referred to in the following steps. In practice, substitute such references with the actual name you use.

4. Fotoxx requires exiftool, I discovered this when I tried to run fotoxx without it. I obtained exiftool by typing that name in Puppy Package Manager. The actual deb I downloaded was named "libimage-exiftool-perl-xxx-all.deb" --xxx representing the actual version number. As its name suggests, this is an application which requires perl. Exploration revealed that the deb included a version. Perl, being a framework, the version libimage-exiftool has may conflict with versions other applications requiring perl need. This is why I suggest fotoxx usually be built as an SFS. SFSes can be loaded when needed and unloaded if and when they would conflict with other applications.

At any rate, having downloaded libimage-exiftool to a different "work-folder". I right-clicked the deb and selected UExtract.

5. Left-Click the folder of the extracted libimage-exiftool. Left-Click the "usr" folder within to enter it. You'll see two folders: bin and share. Left-click the bin folder to enter it. You'll see a file named exiftool.

6. Left-mouse-button-press, hold and then drag /libimage-exiftool-xxx/usr/bin/exiftool into /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr/bin and select copy. Click the Up-Arrow of the fotoxx64-16.03.1/bin to reach its parent folder; then Left-Click the "share" folder to enter it.

7. Left-click libimage-exiftool/usr/share. Within you'll find several folders. You will only need "lib-exif-tool-perl" and "perl" [unless you desire documentation]. Left-mouse-button-press, hold and then drag those files into /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr/share and select copy.

8. Click the Up-Arrow on the toolbar of /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr as many time as necessary until you see the folder named fotoxx-16.03.1.

9. Right-click an empty space next to fotoxx64-16.03.1 and from the popup menu select "terminal here."

10. In the terminal which opens type:

dir2pet fotoxx64-16.03.1 if you want a pet; or
dir2sfs fotoxx64-16.03.1 if you want an sfs.

That's it. You should move your pet or sfs to somewhere safe and can then delete any remaining files from your work folders.

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LazY Puppy
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Re: Building a Pet/SFS

#83 Post by LazY Puppy »

mikeslr wrote:1. Download the appropriate fotoxx deb from here into a work directory: As I was working in and with Tahrpup64, I chose the 64-bit version.

2. Right click the downloaded deb and select "UExtract". This will create a folder named something like "fotox-16.03.1-xxx-deb.extracted" depending on which deb you downloaded.

3. Right-click the folder and select "rename". Give it a meaningful name. I chose "fotoxx64-16,03.1", placing the 64 where it would easily be seen to distinguish this application from a 32-bit application; and preserving fotoxx's version number. Left-click the folder to enter it. Left-click the "usr" folder within to enter it. Leave the folder open.

For the purpose of illustration, the folder named fotoxx64-16,03.1 is referred to in the following steps. In practice, substitute such references with the actual name you use.

4. Fotoxx requires exiftool, I discovered this when I tried to run fotoxx without it. I obtained exiftool by typing that name in Puppy Package Manager. The actual deb I downloaded was named "libimage-exiftool-perl-xxx-all.deb" --xxx representing the actual version number. As its name suggests, this is an application which requires perl. Exploration revealed that the deb included a version. Perl, being a framework, the version libimage-exiftool has may conflict with versions other applications requiring perl need. This is why I suggest fotoxx usually be built as an SFS. SFSes can be loaded when needed and unloaded if and when they would conflict with other applications.

At any rate, having downloaded libimage-exiftool to a different "work-folder". I right-clicked the deb and selected UExtract.

5. Left-Click the folder of the extracted libimage-exiftool. Left-Click the "usr" folder within to enter it. You'll see two folders: bin and share. Left-click the bin folder to enter it. You'll see a file named exiftool.

6. Left-mouse-button-press, hold and then drag /libimage-exiftool-xxx/usr/bin/exiftool into /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr/bin and select copy. Click the Up-Arrow of the fotoxx64-16.03.1/bin to reach its parent folder; then Left-Click the "share" folder to enter it.

7. Left-click libimage-exiftool/usr/share. Within you'll find several folders. You will only need "lib-exif-tool-perl" and "perl" [unless you desire documentation]. Left-mouse-button-press, hold and then drag those files into /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr/share and select copy.

8. Click the Up-Arrow on the toolbar of /fotoxx64-16.03.1/usr as many time as necessary until you see the folder named fotoxx-16.03.1.

9. Right-click an empty space next to fotoxx64-16.03.1 and from the popup menu select "terminal here."

10. In the terminal which opens type:

dir2pet fotoxx64-16.03.1 if you want a pet; or
dir2sfs fotoxx64-16.03.1 if you want an sfs.
That's really much of a task to create a .pet or .sfs of fotoxx.

Here's how I do this in my LazY Puppy and now T.O.P.L.E.S.S. LazY Puppy Systems.

1. Downloading all packages and storing all packages into the same directory (e.g.: fotoxx64-16.03.1)
2. Right-click the directory and choose Combine to SFS.


If anyone would listen to what I'd developed so far, this could have been already default in Puppy Linux - though, they don't...

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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Lazy Puppy's Way is better, but

#84 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Lazy Puppy & All,

Actually, when more than two downloaded packages are involved, I always use Lazy Puppy's PaDS's Combine to SFS. But, in the instant case I originally thought the fotoxx deb, alone, would be sufficient. And remember, I was building a Pet, not an SFS. When the need for exiftool became apparent, I already had the fotoxx work-folder. So starting from scratch to create an SFS and then convert it into a pet would actually have required more work than just adding one file and two folders to the work folder.

It actually takes longer to read the recipe I gave than to do it.


cause of error was gtk3...

#85 Post by Pelo »

Merci amis de la photographie !
I just failed transforming last fotoxx to pet, in terminal cause of error was gtk3...
Gtk3 will prevent using last fotoxx on Puppy Linux...
Unless a famous developer knows how-to link gtk2..
A was developer too, but in darkroom, :? not in computing

why Fotoxx ?

#86 Post by Pelo »

why Fotoxx ? because of adjustement by curves. Image changes as you move the curve. Down of the curve modify dark zones, up of the curve modifies light zones. But you can choose any point of the curve...
You adjust where you like. If not satisfied, you undo !
Look my screenshot, upper topic, colours are false, i was doing my tries. Windows are zone too light. So you have to lower lihter zone withe the curve, only lighter zone, not the office interior. Fotoxx will be able to satisfy you, at least to approach the ideal .

Technical : in the past, black and white, image appears on the paper until all argentic ions are burn. (black colour). you could slow that on choosen zones using a cache (paper sheet ) to make lighter zone too dark... Hum that will be understood well by old people, seniors ! However the computer is such a progress, and linux is better for images than windows.. (audio is the opposite)

Linuxian technics, : 64 bits version, or other improvment is useles for photo editing, Old fotoxx will do the job... but we don't want to stop new versions releasing, as 32bits versions perhaps will not be usable with a 64 bits Puppy.. But Gtk3 is a no-go for Puppy.
I like curves to adjust, result immediately on the screen,
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