X-Tahr-2.0 with Xfce

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Re: take a shot doesn t work ?

#141 Post by rg66 »

kiramm wrote:tried this incredible beta

take a shot

of screen doesn t work just at me???

also cant install pequilaizer :( from ppm
only on my pc ?
Take a shot is working fine for me.

I also can't download pequalizer from PPM. You can get it here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... es-noarch/

It has dependencies, see original thread http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=81889
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Re: X-tahr-1b3 beta possible to install photoshop?

#142 Post by rg66 »

kiramm wrote:X-tahr-1b3 beta
is very very perfect beautifull puppy i would like to keep on my laptop as main system
knows somebody how to put on photoshop???

for example the cs 2 which is for free
on adobe com :)

i thank u very for helping and answering me!:) :)
I believe it can run in wine. There is wine-1.7.23-i486_v2.1.pet for Tahr here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pet_packages-tahr or use PPM.
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#143 Post by kiramm »

thank u very much for answering and giving advices

i now in windows try equi.... tomorrow

photoshop i tried allready all my ignorant possibilites

i am real 0000 for wine as not alkohol drinker really

got only ugly explorer in wine tricks to run...

i think u must be gods

to understand what to trick together ......

here it is really free and bbbest:


it would be super to get this bbest puppy on bbbbbest with wine quick pet? photoshop :))))) possible ????

is probably just future dream

but maybe a easy wine aproach for this my favorite is some how possible??

whish u good morning

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#144 Post by Moat »

Hello kiramm -

Have you tried GIMP? Available in the PPM and at the link rg66 offered you above. I actually like it more than Photoshop!

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#145 Post by kiramm »

u must be really insider it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


otherwise i had to leave this wonderfull bbest puppy

from ppm didnt work!!! but urs workeddddd!!!

with pulse audio will even louder???

GIMP would be nice for beginners to get understanding of
photoshop concept with rotate SELECTION etc....

buttttt if u want to crop a SOME PICS for publication

then u dont want first take rotate and then crop


anyone tried on this puppy ADOBE creative suite in wine which is also for free on adobe.com???

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#146 Post by kiramm »

now i discovered that there is no quickpet on this x thar ???

is that possible ????

getting sad:((
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#147 Post by rg66 »

kiramm wrote:now i discovered that there is no quickpet on this x thar ???

is that possible ????

getting sad:((
Control Panel > Software > quickpet tahr
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in original thar quick pet and connect was in front of eye

#148 Post by kiramm »

shitt i remeber now
was looking everywhere around
also resizing!!

THANK U !!!!!

in original SIMPEL thar quick pet and connect was in front of eye !!!


i think a puppy beginner has no chance to find at this place ....
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#149 Post by Marv »

The XFCE puppies have a distinctively different menu structure and look from a traditional JWM/ROX puppy. The Thunar file manager is also very different from ROX. That's why it's X-. Some of us love it and having used it for a time wouldn't go back for anything. There's always the classic Tahr, Slacko, and Xenial pups for the original flavor, and LXDE based puppies for yet another. Choice is Puppy, Puppy is choice. Give it an honest chance before fleeing back to the Windows dungeon. And be nice to the developers. They all do it for love, not money :)
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#150 Post by kiramm »

i know i remeber this diffferent looks from different ubuntus?

BUT puppy mangers & programmers could put on the screen IF they really want to make puppy popular

quick pet button and connect ..ADDITIONAL;)

for normal people who are not willing to spend weeks hours
in which they can easy earn money to buy apple pro ;)
in exploring puppies to get all this out

i read that feedback is asked so i say it ;)

thank u for ur answer what u think is anybody who got photoshop or ilustrator which is for free here see attach ...on this wonderfull bbest puppy?

tomorrow i must finally do stuff for fashion school

already gave up and installed that programms in windows :(((((
free adobe products with code legalScreenshot.png
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u tube videos crashing down at once google and firefox

#151 Post by kiramm »

u tube videos crashing down at once google and firefox

slimboat not u tube working



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#152 Post by starhawk »

I have never had a problem with YouTube on X-Tahr, except with interference from GNOME-MPlayer which is probably not your issue (symptoms are entirely different).

You provide no useful info except that you are having trouble, and you also give us these horrible cryptic images from which nothing useful can possibly be derived.

I'm honestly not sure if you're a very poor troll, a 'bot, or whether you simply don't know how to Internet.

I can maybe help you with X-Tahr 1b3, but (a) you must type your posts in intelligible English, rather than that awful mess you're using now (seriously, it looks like fat-finger typing in a text message -- that is NOT a compliment!) and (b) you must provide useful information. At minimum -- system make, model, specifications; Puppy install method (full or frugal), what if anything you've done to it (eg Flash PETs installed, etc). DO NOT post any more of those horrible images in reply to me.

Note that you really can only have one version of Flash working at once. More than one version will cause problems such as you, er, attempt to describe.
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#153 Post by kiramm »

i am sorry i thought because is beta its interessting for this thread to

otherwise i wouldn t write

because i normaly dont look movies dont expect perfect puppy
with wifi also often sosososo in all at boot up

if somebody looks movie on this laptop than in slacko 64 (which incredible longliving)

there movies worked best

google has inbuild flash i thought
and firefox i use without flash i think in hope to be lighter

mybe u right is not beta thar because on x slacko 2.4.2 happed the same
i saw strangly today after reporting
maybe ill laptop because touchpad left button not working often
and often dead mouse too
also imgur upload today more pics crashed at both
but this all not important for me :)

i will not report any more such not important stuff

appologize my self

and u also dont need to answer:)
have a nice day and thank u and all ur friends for this great puppy movment!:)

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#154 Post by starhawk »

It's not that it isn't important, it's that (a) I can't understand about half of what you're saying (partially because you continue to use text-speak -- this is an Internet forum, not Twitter or instant messaging or texting on your phone) and (b) what I can understand contains approximately none of the information required to assist you.

I can probably help you troubleshoot this if you would like. But for ANY assistance of ANY kind on this forum, you must provide at least the following always-important / always-relevant information, and you must provide it in coherent English (unless you are in the Spanish, German, or French sections, in which case it should be posted coherently in that other language) --

(1) What system are you using? Manufacturer, model number, some idea of specifications -- at least whether or not it is 32bit or 64bit. For example, I'm typing this on an ASUS EeePC 1000HE, with an Intel Atom N270 CPU (32bit), 2gb RAM, and a 160gb mechanical hard drive (not an SSD).

(2) What Puppy are you experiencing the problem(s) in, and how is it installed (full or frugal), and to what medium is it installed (internal hard drive, internal SSD (or media card in internal reader), external USB drive [pick one: flash drive or media card in external reader, external hard drive, or external SSD), LiveCD or multisession CD, etc.)

(3) A detailed description of the problem. Remember, here, that we are not in the room with you -- what do you see? What do you hear? Just as importantly, what do you not see or hear that you are expecting...?

If you cannot answer at least most of that in a form that most people can read and understand, then nobody on this forum can help you.

By the way -- if your first language is not English, you are fairly often better off to use Google Translate or a similar machine-translation service than to do it yourself. We can read that quite a bit more easily than, er, amateur attempts at English -- no, it's not you; English is a right mess to learn if you didn't do so during your formative years...
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#155 Post by kiramm »

thank for long answer!

i thought that the installed system info& summery in all puppies provides all need info therefore is that button&s there

but seems not

i will in next days reinstall broken windows because puppy seems not be enough and so look up if i can put fast xp
maybe same fast like puppy__??
what u think____?????
then i will know what is this for laptop
now i don t know
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#156 Post by starhawk »

I can't help you with that.
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#157 Post by starhawk »

'ey, rg66 -- little teeny bug report, something I noticed with the new system I just built.

Intel Core i3-3120M CPU
AAEON GENE-QM77 weird-whotsit motherboard (it's an industrial board, the size of a desktop hard drive!)
4gb RAM (will be 8gb later on...)
256gb SSD + 32gb "CFast" media card for the drives
...all integrated into a rather thoroughly modified Dell AT101W keyboard. You should see the guts of this thing, it's a real doozy... not a work of art, mind you, but work nonetheless ;)

Runs X-Tahr 1b3 (of course) from the SSD, Windblows 7 from the CFast card. Dual boot because I want to run a few apps that will (quite sadly) never come 'round to the Light Side of the Force ;)

This is of course in Puppy, and I can't remember if I've mentioned it before -- apologies if I'm being repetitive. So, I have a bunch of cursor themes that I, er, "liberated" (I can say that, since I'm American :P ) from Carolina Vanguard. I copy 'em over to /root/.icons and use PCur in the Control Panel to pick one I want. "Apply" button gets clicked. The window closes (crash?) the cursor theme doesn't actually change, and now whenever I boot, I get a popup Retrovol window. Huh.

Can you fetch a wrench and see what fell off under the hood, please...? I'm glad to help if I can, of course!

EDIT: looks like it needs a full reboot, not just a restart-X in order to work. A pity about the Retrovol popup but I can handle that...

EDIT2, a day later. Shut sys down for the night, woke it up just now (spent the morning at a coffee shop drinking Diet Coke, lol) and the cursor has reverted. What the...?
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#158 Post by starhawk »

rg66, are you still maintaining this X-Pup...?

I honestly hate that I have to ask...
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#159 Post by rg66 »

Starhawk, pcur doesn't work with xfce. Use Control Panel > Hardware > Mouse and touchpad > theme tab.

I've been busy lately and not on the forum much, need a break from puppy.
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#160 Post by starhawk »

Thanks for the tip. Now if only it would 'stick' in Chromium... it works just fine but only outside the browser window!

Ah well, we all need a little vacation sooner or later. Enjoy yours :)

EDIT 6/21: Working fine now, even in Chromium.
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