Lucid Puppy Revitalized as - Nov., 2017 - Final

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#481 Post by Atle »

A test version is ready for brave testers. Sulu 004 based.

Latest Xampp with PHP7(2-3 times faster than PHP5.X)
Joomla 3.5beta6(latest) with PHP 7 support

The joomla is just installed and checked to work.

Additional there is Wlanmaker. What this does is that it "reverses" your wifi chip(if supported) to become a access point. There are default settings with no encryption and SSID. These can be changed in /root/scripts/

There are desktop icons to start and stop the Xampp and also for Wlanmaker.

You can have clients connected to your wifi while the webserver in it self is connected to internet by cable or usbmobile modem.

The only "bug" i see so far is that the desktop icon for APstart and stop disappears upon install.

Apart from that it all seems functional.

You might need to restart your network after running the AP function and also you can not be using your chip while starting it.

Some might find this usefully while other might not. This current version i have done nothing with the joomla, but i shall remaster another that showcases some of joomla capabilities, such as clientless file upload/download via wifi against all browsers/devices/makes.

The iso is 350mb. ... -puppy.iso


Also Lupu is now ready for a testride... ... Joomla.iso
Last edited by Atle on Sat 19 Mar 2016, 23:00, edited 1 time in total.
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#482 Post by rerwin »

Sorry for being so slow to respond. Interesting project.
Atle wrote:I think i look at the following setup for a USB boot setup for a project:

Old Hardware
Main Lupu

Newer, but still 32bits with less than 3 gb ram
Lupu 04

Newer 32 bits with more than 3 gb ram
Some puppy with PAE support(anyone might suggest a choice(Precise?))

64 bits hardware
Lupu and Sulu4 are good choices. Although Lupu cannot access "xz"-compressed SFS files, neither can 3HD. The Sulus can. Lupu is by far the most popular version, judging from the download counts. I would think, though, that the tahrpups would be a safer set for modern PCs, because they are based on Ubuntu, like the Lupus. Fatdog has a quite different internal structure, I believe.
The thing is that i want to make a USB setup, where you got a puppy for all kinds of hardware/specs. The only one missing is the one for older MAC hardware :? , but that is ok. I think this might cover the entire specter. In the USB also there must be files to boot even the oldest floppy based system, so i also wonder if any of the above will support 386?
None of the puppies mentioned will support anything older than a I686. You would need Wary or 4.3.1 or older for that.

BTW, I recommend you name your ISOs anything but "custom-puppy", to avoid conflict with new remasters. Give them meaningful names, as I do with the Lupu group.
You can have clients connected to your wifi while the webserver in it self is connected to internet by cable or usbmobile modem.
Be aware that connecting through a modem with PupDial will kill ethernet and wifi sessions, to avoid domain name server conflicts. Although the current pgprs version does not do that, my newer version may kill dhcpcd if a certain tool is not present. The "tool" is resolvconf, currently not part of puppy. I have published a pet package for it, as an experiment to allow concurrent connections without DNS IP-address conflicts. The risk is that maybe some other part of puppy cannot handle multiple connections, thus the "experimental" caveat. Your project sounds like a candidate for using resolvconf.

UPDATE: The resolvconf packages are now offered at: ... 227#895227
Last edited by rerwin on Sun 20 Mar 2016, 00:09, edited 2 times in total.
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#483 Post by Atle »

Tahrpup is a good choice Rerwin... Thanks for that. I have alredy made one with Lupu and another with 004.

And i shall change the names of the files yes. :lol:

The conflict issues i can test tonight as i got a usb modem to test that with.

Thanks for providing these platforms.

Btw... If anyone would like to fix their own server, the script folder is found here: ... pts.tar.gz

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Finding this page was tricky

#484 Post by wert »

Manual here took me here Those are outdated updates. To find this page was very tricky and It'd be greate if this page was linked to in so that this new updates can be seen. Thanks alot
Rodney Byne
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End of trial for Lucid Puppy

#485 Post by Rodney Byne »

Just a note to anyone interested, after trialling Lucid Puppy on usb
over the last few days, I've had to abandon fair tests and return to
using other distros in my collection.

Although Lucid itself was working well;
the issue was, the normal warm spot area of the keyplate to the left of
the trackpad on this laptop was getting excessively hot and the cooling
fan was racing away at top speed all the time. Very much faster than usual.
This event was not normal for me and I was becoming concerned for the
wellbeing of this machine.

Lucid code must have been stressing sensitive pc components everywhere
making it work too hard, so time to say goodbye to what was otherwise
a nice Puppy.

I certainly don't have this raging heat problem with Mint, Precise
or any of the Quirky distros.
So please take heed of my comments & no disrespect meant to the compilers.
Best regards to all readers.
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Re: End of trial for Lucid Puppy

#486 Post by wert »

Rodney Byne wrote:Lucid code must have been stressing sensitive pc components everywhere
making it work too hard, so time to say goodbye to what was otherwise
a nice Puppy.
Must be your machine isn't compatible with it. I've used lucid for years on my 2001 pc and never had any problems whatsoever. Many UFEI have problems with linux boot systems. BTW lucid is pretty old for those uefi boot systems. Try enabling legacy support in bios of your mobo. Use a tiny pin to screw you pc's tiny hole near the earphone hole in order to get to bios screen. After enabling legacy support, you should be able to boot using your distro's cd each time you need to use puppy. Just remember to key in puppy pmedia=hdd at the first puppy screen when your cd/dvd is booting. Good luck champ
Last edited by wert on Sun 11 Sep 2016, 13:39, edited 1 time in total.
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#487 Post by wert »

Rodney Byne wrote:Lucid code must have been stressing sensitive pc components everywhere
making it work too hard,I certainly don't have this raging heat problem with Mint, Precise
or any of the Quirky distros.
I upgraded mine to lupu- from on my old pc and now I run it for 20 mins and pc turns itself off due to overheating. Good thing my machine has a good heat sensor mechanism due to it's 2004 period of manufacture.

Maybe the savefile was corrupted due to previous improper shutdowns.
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#488 Post by chapchap70 »

I am trying Super Lucid with the newer kernal. I have a netbook and a laptop that won't suspend properly. Where can I change the settings similar to other puppy /etc/acpid/ directory. The suspend script that works for me is ...

Code: Select all

# 28sep09 by shinobar

# do not suspend at shutdown proccess
if [ "$(cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/*/state | grep open)" != "" ] ; then
for P in
  ps ax | grep -v 'grep' | grep -q "sh[ ].*$P" && exit
for P in wmpoweroff poweroff
  pidof "$P" >/dev/null && exit

# unmount if usb media mounted
USBS=$( mount | grep $(probedisk2|grep '|usb' | cut -d'|' -f1) | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed 's/dev/mnt/' )
for USB in $USBS
	fuser -mk $USB
	umount $USB

# process before suspend
# sync for non-usb drives
rmmod ehci_hcd


/etc/rc.d/ stop
kill -9 $(pidof wpa_cli)
killall dhcpcd-wpagui
killall dhcpcd
killall wpa_supplicant
killall openvpn
echo mem > /sys/power/state 

# process at recovery from suspend
modprobe ehci_hcd
/etc/init.d/50-Wpagui start

I still use my prefered Lucid Puppies, but as puplets

#489 Post by Pelo »

I still use my prefered Lucid Puppies, but as puplets : nite fluxbox 528 spane)
Lucid Diamonds, Macpup 528, ... and all my CDs (not often)
Ah don' forget the marvelous Lucid Moeppy, pink Lucid 528 for japanese teenagers :)
To-day, Macpup528
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#490 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, Richard.

Just wanted to stop by, and give some praise where it's due. I installed the other day, initially to help out somebody with a browser problem.....but I'm glad now that I did.

With my hardware (dual-core Athlon 64, 4 GB RAM, SSD's, etc) I can run any Puppy I want to. I thought some of the others in my kennel were fast, but this thing is a revelation; it's like greased lightning, it's so quick and responsive. It's astonishing, it really is.

I run a few graphics apps under WINE; specifically version2013's 1.7.51. This includes Photoshop CS2; and, no word of a lie, it actually runs faster than it ever did in its native environment, under Win XP.

I am gobsmacked. Thank you so much for this. Unbelievable.... :lol:

Mike. :wink:
Lucid desktop.....
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Fix for long Utility menu!

#491 Post by rerwin »

At long last I have looked into the problem of an excessively long Utility sub-menu. The fix puts the upper half of the sub-menu into its own sub-menu.

Sorry to take so long for such a simple change.
splits utility menu with sub-menu
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#492 Post by wert »

Geany is outdated. I suppose other packages are also outdated so whats the purpose of upgrading to this version of lucid if some packages will be not updated. I heavily use reg exp in find functionality of geany which only has good support of that in updated versions. Thanks
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Strange network connection issue.

#493 Post by Snail »

I have been running an early version of Sulu2 on my old HP desktop. Until a few days ago, I was connected to my gigabit-ethernet-capable router by a long patch cable. I am pretty sure that the network card is only 100-baseT. The setup worked perfectly for yonks. Connection was automatic.

I have moved the computer so that it is now connected via in-the-wall cat5e cabling. The internal cabing is set up as 100baseT only, the blue pair is used for a POTS phone jack. It is also entirely possible that the internal punchdown connections are not perfect but I have seen 90+ Meg connection speeds on Since my fibre deal with my ISP is only for 100 Meg, I'd be happy with that, if only the connection process still worked automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't with this setup.

When I boot up, I am never connected. Using either Barry's or Dougal's connect programs gives similar results. When I test eth0, it almost but not quite invariably fails to find any network connection. However, if I ignore that depressing test result and hit AutoDHCP, I usually get connected no trouble. So we can get connected but it's a pain and my wife is unimpressed.

On the same machine, I also have Precise 540 and Windows XP. Precise has the same problem. Xp however works perfectly. Naturally it would be suicidal to use XP for regular internet access, I just note that it shows that the cable issue probably needn't cause the problems that it is causing on Puppy.

I also have a Thinkpad T400 running 3HD (Luci-001 Kernel Ethernet controller.: Intel Corporation 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03). It seems to have similar problems but 3hd is a bit problematical on the T400, so I am not quite sure. Changing patch cables has no effect with either machine.

Can anyone help please?
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#494 Post by rerwin »

wert wrote:Geany is outdated.
I looked into updating geany to a version later than 1.23, but found that 1.23 is the last version that can be compiled with the version of gtk+ (2.20.0) in lucid pups. I tried installing 1.25 compiled in precise, but that failed due to lupu's version of glibc. Both of those are central components of a puppy, so might be challenging to upgrade successfully.
I suppose other packages are also outdated so whats the purpose of upgrading to this version of lucid if some packages will be not updated.
My goal is to upgrade all components that I can, but rely on user reports of any that I missed. The main constraint is whether a package requires levels of supporting components newer than those in lupu. The two items I mentioned are the usual "deal killers".

This project is to support older hardware as well as possible given the dependencies. When that is not sufficient, the next options are wary or precise pups. I think others have been maintaining updated remasters of at least one of those. After my next release, which I am working on now, it may make sense for me to consider a precise remaster project of my own, if no one else is continuing that and if there is interest in my doing so.
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Re: Strange network connection issue.

#495 Post by rerwin »

Snail wrote:I have been running an early version of Sulu2 on my old HP desktop.
. . .
I have moved the computer so that it is now connected via in-the-wall cat5e cabling. The internal cabling is set up as 100baseT only, the blue pair is used for a POTS phone jack. It is also entirely possible that the internal punchdown connections are not perfect...
. . .
I'd be happy with that, if only the connection process still worked automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't with this setup.

When I boot up, I am never connected. Using either Barry's or Dougal's connect programs gives similar results. When I test eth0, it almost but not quite invariably fails to find any network connection. However, if I ignore that depressing test result and hit AutoDHCP, I usually get connected no trouble.
. . .
On the same machine, I also have Precise 540 and Windows XP. Precise has the same problem. Xp however works perfectly.
. . .
I just note that it shows that the cable issue probably needn't cause the problems that it is causing on Puppy.

I also have a Thinkpad T400 running 3HD (Luci-001 Kernel Ethernet controller.: Intel Corporation 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03). It seems to have similar problems but 3hd is a bit problematical on the T400, so I am not quite sure. Changing patch cables has no effect with either machine.

Can anyone help please?
Although I am not a networking expert, it appears that the new cabling affects puppies but not XP. If the ethernet and POTS wires are in the same cable, perhaps a telephone conversation could cause cross-talk that might confuse puppy. Unlikely, though.

Besides this project, I also maintain frisbee, so am most familiar with its inner workings. But I inherited it from Jemimah, so learn as I go.

My first suggestion is to upgrade your lucid pups to the latest version (20150702), so I know what I am dealing with. Then, if you have the patience for it, I can work with you via PM to try to troubleshoot. But it could get tedious. If we soon find something to fix, I can add it to the next release of the set of lupus.
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Re: Strange network connection issue.

#496 Post by greengeek »

Snail wrote:I have been running an early version of Sulu2 on my old HP desktop. Until a few days ago, I was connected to my gigabit-ethernet-capable router by a long patch cable.
Just to double check terminology - I thought "patch cable" referred to the short cables used in a network room to interconnect switches with patch panels. I thought they were wired differently to the standard network cables that connect your PC to the RJ45 wall socket (or at least they can be depending on which "standard" of wiring is chosen (eg T568A or T568B). (see here). Now that the cabling path has been changed it is possible that there may have been an inadvertent swap of transmit and receive pairs.

Most modern devices have the ability to autoswap their Tx and Rx pairs "on-the-fly" so maybe the router is now having to do that for your PC where it did not have to do it before. Maybe this could introduce timing alterations that are affecting the connection process.

It might be worth using a multimeter to verify that the end-to-end wiring using the new method is exactly identical to what it was before. If it is pin-to-pin identical then the issue must be due to cable length or resistance.

Unless of course the change has introduced different electronic hardware - are you still connecting to the same router or has that hardware been swapped as part of your ISP deal?

- and is there now a hub or switch that was not previously in the data path to the PC?

- how is the house wiring distributed? Is there a single cable from the router feeding a central electronic hub/switch that splits off to individual room wiring, or do you have a "house-wiring breakout panel" next to the router with individual wires from each patch connector to each port on the router?
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Re: Strange network connection issue

#497 Post by Snail »

Hi Rewin and Greengeek,

Thank you for your replies.

I have downloaded the latest Super4 and will try that. I'll also take a look at Frisbee. It may be a few days before I can get to the desktop machine location however.

The phone line crosstalk isn't the problem, I've disconnected that cable from the phone system to be sure.

The router and everything upstream of it is unchanged.

As far as I am aware, all modern ready-made ethernet cabling you can normally buy is wired straight through. The "cable-modem" crossover cables are very old technology. I could well be wrong here. However, in any case, I initially used the same very long cable I had been using before at the new computer location and that is when I discovered the problem.

I am using a 24-port patch panel in the cupboard. Each 8p8c jack in the house is wired to one of these ports and the port is then connected to the router by a patch cable to one of the router ports.

I obviously must have a slightly less than perfect hardware setup. I suspect it's my crappy punchdown tool and my DIY technique. However, once I do get connected, the speed is adequate for my needs and I don't get dropouts. My main point in raising the question here is the weirdness of the symptoms. Why does XP work perfectly when Puppy doesn't? And how on earth can AutoDHCP work when TEST claims that there is no connection? It appears to my uneducated eye that TEST and AutoDHCP are using different methods of looking for a signal?
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Re: Strange network connection issue

#498 Post by greengeek »

Snail wrote: However, in any case, I initially used the same very long cable I had been using before at the new computer location and that is when I discovered the problem.
True - but you now also have the cabling through the walls too - and that cabling can be introducing an Rx/Tx crossover depending on whether the connectors are colour marked for T568A or T568B. The only way to check this is with a multimeter measuring pin to pin from the connector now plugged into your network card on the PC, through to the end that plugs into your router. I used to have to do this sort of measuring when I was troubleshooting network connections to printers. Some printers had auto-sensing of rx/tx pairs and some didn't. You had to match the cable to the printer to get the pairs to match up.

Obviously in your setup the pairs must match eventually, or else you would never get a connection - but it's possible that the matching is now having to be done by the auto-sensing circuit in the router. That might upset the timing of the puppy network setup routine.
Why does XP work perfectly when Puppy doesn't?
I have had similar issues with different routers - some of them performed the connection/DHCP routine much better with XP than puppy, and some handled both ok. I used to have the situation where Barrys SNS setup would never run and only Dougals would work. After a router change it switched around and now SNS is more reliable. There must be some difference in how the dhcpcd routine works in puppy versus how XP does it.
And how on earth can AutoDHCP work when TEST claims that there is no connection?
That definitely leads me to suspect crossed rx/tx pairs forcing auto-sensing circuitry activation.
It appears to my uneducated eye that TEST and AutoDHCP are using different methods of looking for a signal?
Probably true.
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Re: Strange network connection issue

#499 Post by Snail »

Well I certainly thought I'd wired everything up to T568A. Can't check right now but I'll probably open things up and try to improve the punching at some point. I'll try the newer Sulu and Frisbee first though.

Even if auto-sensing has become involved, surely TEST has no way of knowing that?
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Re: Strange network connection issue

#500 Post by greengeek »

Snail wrote:Even if auto-sensing has become involved, surely TEST has no way of knowing that?
No, TEST won't have any idea about the electronics of the physical connection - it probably just sends some low level data request that gets a single response from any device on the network. As opposed to dhcpcd which is expecting a full DHCP protocol.

The fact that the DHCP connection no longer runs automatically suggests to me that the network simply does not have a ready connection at the critical time in puppy's boot process. It might just be a matter of a few milliseconds delay in getting an appropriate DHCP response.
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