Precise Puppy 5.7.1

Please post any bugs you have found
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#501 Post by L18L »

tlvu wrote:Seems like a collection of apps and fixes. With all the apps listed how can this quickpet be only 208.75 KB ?
Because the collection of apps and fixes is not inside, it is just the list of apps and fixes.
Hope that helps :D
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#502 Post by starhawk »

Welp, okay, I guess it's supported for people with handles that don't read "starhawk".

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was that caustic... should I change my sig to a chemical warning sign, maybe? or "Handle with care"...? or maybe you folks want me to just go away... I've been thinking about giving Linux Mint a more serious look anyways.

You folks tell me. Opinions wanted...
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Colonel Panic
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#503 Post by Colonel Panic »

Thanks for reminding me of a good puppy; I'm running 5.7.1 (Large) now and seeing if I can get Flash working itn (it isn't working now).

EDIT; Mike's advice above to use getflash was good and Flash is working fine in Seamonkey now.
Last edited by Colonel Panic on Wed 23 Mar 2016, 19:40, edited 1 time in total.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#504 Post by Colonel Panic »

starhawk wrote:Welp, okay, I guess it's supported for people with handles that don't read "starhawk".

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was that caustic... should I change my sig to a chemical warning sign, maybe? or "Handle with care"...? or maybe you folks want me to just go away... I've been thinking about giving Linux Mint a more serious look anyways.

You folks tell me. Opinions wanted...
Please stick around starhawk. I've never had a problem with you here AFAIK and don't expect I ever will, also you're one of the most knowledgeable people here and always willing to help other people who are having a problem.

Plenty of people here use Mint as well as Puppy (I do for a start).
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#505 Post by starhawk »

Thank you, Colonel Panic, for the kind words -- and my apologies for not seeing them sooner.

Just seems, a lot of people on here either avoid me or try to start crap... or get indignant when I ask for help... or get indignant when they're not really being helpful but they want to think they are and I call them on it -- as happened earlier in this thread.

Maybe I just need to take a break. I dunno.
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#506 Post by musher0 »

Colonel Panic wrote:
starhawk wrote:Welp, okay, I guess it's supported for people with handles that don't read "starhawk".

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was that caustic... should I change my sig to a chemical warning sign, maybe? or "Handle with care"...? or maybe you folks want me to just go away... I've been thinking about giving Linux Mint a more serious look anyways.

You folks tell me. Opinions wanted...
Please stick around starhawk. I've never had a problem with you here AFAIK and don't expect I ever will, also you're one of the most knowledgeable people here and always willing to help other people who are having a problem.

Hello starhawk.

I haven't followed this Precise thread closely at all -- simply put, I haven't used the
PrecisePup in a long time.

But I'll counter-sign what "Colonel Panic" has written about your presence AND your
posts here. You are one of the most helpful AND friendly members on this forum.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#507 Post by starhawk »

Thanks, musher!
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#508 Post by quirkian2new »

Hello starhawk,

first of all thanks for your helping me in posting a desktop sreenshot on another thread " My Puppy is more gorgeous than yours!" and also your reply on android pup.

I am totally agree with Colonel Panic and musher0 that you're one of the most knowledgeable people here and always willing to help other people who are having a problem.

Take a break if you want, but I hope you won't give up. Hope you can continue with your willingness to help other people in this forum.

Many thanks.

#509 Post by april »

Suckups KMA
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#510 Post by starhawk »

Someone sounds a little sore... try Preparation H ;)

...sorry, couldn't resist...
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#511 Post by starhawk »

@april -- no smartass response? I figured you'd troll me harder than that...

Oh well. As they say around my part o' the world -- don't let the door hitcha where the Good Lord splitcha...

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#512 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hey, starhawk.
musher0 wrote:But I'll counter-sign what "Colonel Panic" has written about your presence AND your
posts here. You are one of the most helpful AND friendly members on this forum.
Snap! Hang around, starhawk.....we're not all sarky and smartass (and we luv ya!!)

Mike. :wink:
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#513 Post by Mike Walsh »

april wrote:Suckups KMA
'Sakes, man (or woman?).....what is your problem? This is supposed to be a friendly forum. Your attitude toward certain other members is not helping.....

Mike. :roll:
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#514 Post by starhawk »

...I think april's flown the coop. Easiest varminting I think I've ever done... almost feels a little too easy. Hmm.

Time will tell...

EDIT: yup, no replies. Gone. Can't say I miss that particular poster -- maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't -- but I don't. I must be getting old :P

EDIT2: premature conclusion. Oh well. Everyone deserves a second chance... let's see what happens.

no answers for van pup during a long time

#515 Post by Pelo »

starhawk, don't worry, some passengers had no answers for van pup during a long time, and suddenly lot of people arrived for help
"Hate to say it -- but don't expect a response here. Precise 571 is old news and the developer has (sadly) moved on."
I keep puppy precise, because ffmpeg and Mplayer included. I am sure People willl come back to Precise Puppy 5.7.1 soon.
If Developers develop newer Puppies, my computer is still the same.Its RAM is still 512MB. My pendrive for it has old puppies, Precise 5.7.1 is the newest.
puppy_precise_5.7.3.sfs: 127 M does not fulfil my Ram and does not freeze any process.
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#516 Post by starhawk »

Pelo, honestly, I've given up.

The problem is one of those hardware-software things that happens at too low a level for anyone on this forum to be able to deal with it. There is something in the programming code for that driver that just doesn't do its thing on this specific implementation, this particular make and model of system.

Maybe it's a signal getting somewhere too fast, or too slow. Maybe it's that the driver has to activate a lead to a chip and it doesn't know to do that, before it moves onto the next step. I don't know. But I *do* know that it's on that level, where hardware and software are no longer distinct.

To be honest, I have the tools -- I can dissect the laptop, and put to it logic probe and oscilloscope. I could, if I knew what I was looking for, figure it out.

What I *don't* have is the knowledge required to see what's missing. I don't know the electrical sequence required to successfully initialize *any* wireless card in that slot -- and it's going to be a little different for each and every one. Without that information, I can do all the probing I want and none of it matters.

Besides, once I get the card cage off the laptop -- the part that holds the Cardbus cards -- I lack the knowledge even of how to get it back on. I have never done that successfully. Once it's out... it's out forever -- and I have to have access to the back of it in order to use the tools I have, so it's kind of a pointless effort anyways.

Argolance has just issued version 2.1 of ToOpPy .

#517 Post by Pelo »

About Precise 5.7.1, Argolance has just issued version 2.1 of ToOpPy .
He could have changed to Tahrpup, or Xenial Pup.. He preferred to keep Precise.
ToOpPy Linux 2.1 announced jun 12, 2016. (Now translated to Hungarian)
If ever it remained some bugs, ToOppy users should find answers In precise Puppy topic. But there are no more bugs in these popular Puppies.
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#518 Post by starhawk »

Ah! ToOpPy... I remember ToOpPy :D it's very pretty. As I recall, my complaints were two -- one, English translations were not perfect and I could not correct them easily (I am American) -- two, it still used ROX-Filer as file manager. ROX gives me fits.

Whatever. Let's see how much it's improved...

I'm downloading it now. I will report back once I get around to actually testing it on the old Dell. Motivation here is low, and I have other toys with which to play, so that report may be a while in coming... you have been warned ;)
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#519 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hey, starhawk.
starhawk wrote:Besides, once I get the card cage off the laptop -- the part that holds the Cardbus cards -- I lack the knowledge even of how to get it back on. I have never done that successfully. Once it's out... it's out forever -- and I have to have access to the back of it in order to use the tools I have, so it's kind of a pointless effort anyways.
Don't take this the wrong way (and in your case, especially, I hate to seem like I'm teaching my grandma to suck eggs..!).....but, surely; isn't replacement a case of carefully noting what you do during the removal process, then reversing the steps? Or is this particular lappie a bigger nightmare than most to work on...?

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#520 Post by starhawk »

The card cage attaches to the underside of the motherboard. Wouldn't be a problem if (a) there were a panel for it on the bottom of the laptop, or (b) less protrusion on the side. When you put the assembly back in the case there's no way to get the card-cage-and-motherboard-assembly in there that doesn't leverage out the card cage again. I could of course cut the heck out of the bezel so that it bloody well fits like it's supposed to -- but screw that.

The connector is a friction-fit model. This is the exact part (eBay link), although you can't see the connector, and this other one (also eBay) looks to be a dead ringer for it from a similar series (Dell Latitude CP-series, immediately prior to the CPi-series that mine belongs to).

...besides, in order to have any use of disassembly, I'd have to be able to probe the thing and know what I'm looking at. That last part is the critical one. I'd either have to have documentation of what signals play out which way when it's proper, or I'd have to have a working example from which I could create that documentation.

I have neither, so removing the card cage is pointless. The controller for it is on the graphics board anyways -- this is a multi-board laptop! (You don't see that too often.) The graphics and CardBus controller are on one board, with RAM, audio, chipset, and socket for the CPU module (it's a daughtercard as well -- remember, Pentium II CPUs have off-die cache right next door on a dedicated card) on a second board underneath.

Needless to say, this is a very weird system inside. The graphics are by some long-gone third-party company (such things existed back then) called "NeoMagic". The audio is a troublesome beastie -- it's an old ISA (!) Crystal Audio chip -- ah, but it's the weird one that the driver doesn't work for from the late Puppy 4xx series up to Precise 571 Retro, as far as I can tell. (I can't remember the model number offhand :oops: ) The CardBus chip (it's not technically PCMCIA) is an offering from Texas Instruments of all companies -- I tend to think of TI as more likely to be found in eg a Honeywell programmable thermostat, or as making CPUs for some phones (TI's OMAP series of ARM SoCs is extremely well-known to all but the most budding of electronics hobbyists). The thing even has an easily serviceable BIOS chip -- a phenomenal rarity with laptops of any kind or era -- it's a socketed "PLCC" type, as you'd expect of a desktop board of the era. You can get to it from under the memory door, and it pries out with a small flathead screwdriver (I've done it) if you're delicate and don't have a proper PLCC extractor.
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