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#281 Post by backi »

Hey you guys !
What`s going on .....
Now i am feeling somehow guilty .....because of this shitty Htop thing ( and Conky too ) which showed for me 360 megs Ram ( which i myself never believed ).

Hey you guys ....MintPup and Debian and Xenial
which ever you like are superb Distros ....ultra-fine ..
Creme de la Creme !
I beg you please boys and girls .....please come back to Mother Earth again .!

backi !

is this thread's last 2-3 ages real??

#282 Post by Belham »

+1 backi

You guys are all big boys and can sort your own stuff out, but I can't help but wonder is/was this thread hijacked over the last 2-3 pages with people and the postings?? I mean, what in heck happened???

Various versions of Puppies each make each other stronger, or they each can make each other weaker. There's a reason that saying of "...divide and conquer..." is the first maxim of battle/war. The few MSFT/Apple cone heads coming by Murga probably couldn't be happier when they read a thread like this, and couldn't laugh any harder in our (users) faces of the various versions/derivatives of Puppy that we use.

Please, all, just step away, have some beers, but still come back for the war. It can be won. Big OSes are going to disappear. Do this together. Not apart.
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#283 Post by dancytron »

Wait. What happened?

You guys have created something really great. I'd really hate to see something that seems like a small disagreement that took on a life of its own ruin it.

The thing about the internet is that people from all over the world interact with different cultural backgrounds, often not in their first language. It is easy for misunderstandings to crop up and people to be insulted.

Saintless, please know that a lot of people appreciate the work you've done. I've read most of this thread, and I honestly don't think there was any bad intent by anyone. Please take a step back and reconsider.
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#284 Post by wanderer »


I too would like to express my appreciation for all you have done

but you should do whatever is comfortable for you

please keep in touch

thanks again

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Is Mintpup upgradable to version 18 of Mint?

#285 Post by labbe5 »

I am wondering if Mintpup can be upgraded to a Mintpup 18.

I think we have to redirect Mintpup towards repositories of Mint 18, but i am afraid that could break the system. Anyone has tried it?
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#286 Post by backi »

Hi labbe5 !

Good Question !!
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#287 Post by backi »

Hi !.....

Anybody at home ?
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#288 Post by fredx181 »

I'm in the neighborhood :)

Mintpup is initiated by Toni, as you know, info from here what he is up to:
I will get back to the starting point first building base version with only live-boot-2 (without yad, without gtkdialog, without porteus-boot scripts, without /opt directory and sh restored to dash). From this point I will try to make command line scripts for frugal and full install, sfs-load, remaster and some more working with dash. The result from this base will tell how DebianDog-Jwm and MintPup development will continue here for me.
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#289 Post by backi »

Hi fred
Thanks for the info.....keep on rocking !!!
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#290 Post by saintless »


Reading the posts after closing DebianDog-Jessie thread I don't feel I like to share or contribute anything. I wish you were in my shoes, so that one day you would be able to understand what I feel posting this below.

This project has been discontinued.
The github repository will be removed in few days.
Anyone who wants to work on it - now is the time for backup.

saintless out.
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#291 Post by mcewanw »

Very dramatic Toni. Yawn. Sorry, I'm tired of it all now - it is one o'clock in the morning here. Goodnight. I should say Goodbye. I doubt I'll be back either. Fact is you made a good attempt of destroying the project - I don't know why. I hope Fred continues it and that people will support him. I think you imagine this is a social forum where people more generally will really care - I doubt it - users just want distributions they like that work for them - they don't really worship the creators even when they pretend to. Once you are gone you are forgotten. No point worrying about it further. Or come back as a new persona and you can start all over again - easy as that really.

github mcewanw

Build a new OS is for developers

#292 Post by Pelo »

mcewanw wrote:users just want distributions they like that work for them
That is the base. We buy a computer for our needs, and choose Puppy Linux because small, fast and easy.
Build a new OS is for developers, don't you agree ? How can we help you .
I choose XenialDOG, working well. DebianDOG and MintPup, sorry. Please understand that there are so many OS and Puppies that we cannot use all.
mcewanw, i appreciate to work with you, either for pAVrecord and Wex, that has to be said.
With Debian user and root are not the same. With Puppy Linux, everybody can be root, even newbies from Windows (more than half the downloaders 57%)
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#293 Post by fredx181 »

Hi All,

I just like to state my opinion about what saintless wrote on the first post of this thread:
(not to start a discussion)
Seems all posts from fredx181 and mcewanw (my fellow linux developers) in DebianDog-Jessie thread are deleted. Usual practice after stealing a project.
It looks to me that saintless is making accusations not based on reality, because:

1) The last posts are deleted by ttuuxxx (moderator), William (mcewanw) or me didn't have any influence on that of course. (and ttuuxxx did well IMO by deleting such "non-productive" replies)
(and not only the the posts from William and me were deleted)

2) What on earth does saintless mean with "stealing a project"?
Wasn't it his own decision to leave the project?, I think yes, it was a clear sign to me that he canceled his membership from DebianDog organization on Github, didn't show up here for around 5 months, and was working on his own project on Github completely different from how DD was setup before.

In fact, from what I understood, he said "I don't want to work together with you anymore"
OK, that's fine (I accept that as reality), he could have done his own thing in peace (and/or work with someone else maybe) and I do my thing, simple as that.
But instead he started attacking us and does it again now.

So the terms "usual practice" and "stealing a project" are clear bullsh*t to me.

Continuing a project is really something else, specially after the original initiator of the project has stated that he prefers to stop (which he did earlier in this thread).

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#294 Post by backi »

Best thing to do ......just ignore it ......i know it is not easy.
It is beyond my horizon ,why a person , so intelligent and talented behaves in such a childish way .
What a needless bring down .
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#295 Post by saintless »

The childish way: ... f14#931992 ... f14#931996 ... f14#932050 ... f14#932073
backi wrote:Hi all !

From my perspective ......

was sitting in my room...
.... slowly getting bored ...........asked myself to get some action ?..... ........
So i thought to funny it would be to start a little Dog- Fight .

Seems it worked .

The truth:
anikin wrote:This is Toni's project. There's absolutely no question or second thought about it.
mcewanw wrote:Whatever you decide to do Fred, this and similar are Toni's threads, as he has just demonstrated. I think you need to start a new thread or threads and no longer use the DebianDog name for your alternative project since DebianDog is Toni's. i.e. you need to formally fork the project under new name for your one.
fredx181 wrote:BTW, I for one really wouldn't welcome him with open arms, unless he makes a big apologize.
(most probably he won't do that. of course this is still his thread, but I'm gone in that case)
fredx181 wrote:Ok, Toni is back, hurray!
I'm out.
mcewanw wrote:Certainly he can legally "fork" the project "DD-Jwm Wheezy and Jessie versions" since the original project is hosted on GitHub, according to the GitHub Terms Of Service he is allowed to fork the repository on GitHub (allowing others to view it and do the same), but... the individual software authors "retain all rights to [their] source code ... nobody else may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work".
...he has no right to rename and (re)license most of these original DebianDog scriptsFred could give him permission to do so for his scripts (though he isn't obliged to do so).
saintless deleted: ... 6a1627b9cd
So we have hidden bomb in DebianDog with most scripts without license and noone or just me can't use them without yours or Fred's permission. Nice :)
Any other script violating your or Fred's license will be removed. Just point me to it, please.
fredx181 wrote:But if someone would mark this thread as closed, I wouldn't be sad, because it's not fun and/or useful anymore.
saintless wrote:Your wish is my command.

There is an e-mail on my github account profile in case you like me to remove any other of yours scripts.
fredx181 wrote:Maybe Flash can delete only the last few pages?
anikin wrote:Fred, you had a chance to engage Toni in a dialog. Instead, you chose this: ... 085#926085
and this: ... 111#926111
which lead the other side to respond in kind like this: ... 110#926110
mikeslr wrote:As technically this thread is "closed", and the name "DebianDog -- Jessie" "belongs" to saintless, might I suggest a new thread named, perhaps, "JessieDog" or suggestive of such other iteration of debian as fredx181 or someone else might find fitting.
fredx181 wrote:I'm not an insider in these matters, but I don't think Toni "owns" something, so should not be a problem AFAIK.
anikin wrote:Your, mcewanw/William's comments drove Toni out of his *own* project. Ask yourself a question: "What you, mcewanw/William have personally done to bring him back?" Don't tell me, you're part of the team. Because, you also claim, that Toni has evil plans to usurp the work (scripts) of that team.
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#296 Post by backi »

Hi saintless !

Quite confusing .
I hope you are fine .
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#297 Post by emil »

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#298 Post by backi »

Hi emil !

Interesting .....
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#299 Post by Ether »


As an ardent fan of the "Dog" concept, this whole argument saddens me greatly.

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A message to saintless

#300 Post by mikeslr »

Dear Toni,

We live in a world we did not create. We eat food we did not create; drink water we did not create; breath air we did not create. We speak languages we did not create; use tools we did not create. We have abilities handed down from generation to generation or, rarely, received as gifts from either a loving God or the vagaries of natural processes over neither of which we have control. We have learned to use those gifts by studying with or of those who have come before us or, rarely, applying those gifts we did not create by force of will and effort. We did not create the social system which enables us to devote our efforts, or direct our wills.

You and I, we share this: an interest in the development of frugal implementations of the Linux operating systems. We did not create the computers on which such systems run. We did not create Linux. We did not create debian, debianLive, or Puppy Linux. And most of what either of us know about such systems, we know because others have forged an knowledge path to such information and left a trail for us to follow.

A thousand years from now, if the human race survives, only archivists may stumble across a reference to Linux. You and I, and our accomplishments, will be as significant as our grandparents-fifty-times-removed and their accomplishments. Not even a memory.

And a mere three generations from now, only a handful of our descendants, at most, will even remember that once we were here.

And yet there is this. We would not be here were it not for our collective ancestors, their accomplishments, the will and efforts they made, and the knowledge they passed on generation to generation.

Science tells us that the Human Species has been successful because of a gift: our ability to co-operate. The Sayings of Jesus, and the words of the Prophets of the Old Testament have told us time and again how we are charged with the duties of caring for and cooperating with each other. But in this instance, at least, Islam has said it most succinctly: God has made each of us unique in order that we may help each other.

You feel you have been slighted, perhaps rightly, perhaps wrongly. Forget about it. It is just a moment's irritation. Yours is not the burden of single handedly saving the World; and an irritation is not an insurmountable obstacle. In the grand scheme of things, we are all just foot soldiers. Every soldier has the right to gripe. None of us can hide. Compare, Matthew 25:14-30.

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