tahrpup 6.0.5 CE

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facebook chat via pidgin

#1401 Post by sapt »

I heard that pidgin had new support in reconnecting to facebook chat (facebook purple, i suppose). Please tell me where i can get the plugin and how to assemble it into pidgin.... :) :?:

gnome version of Tahrpup

#1402 Post by Pelo »

A brand new user asked for a gnome version of Tahrpup. It seems that Puppy Linux don't have any gnome version since Jejy69 choose LXDE. Perhaps i am wrong..
In fact he miss Nautilus.
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#1403 Post by r_o_b_e_r_t »

Thanks Phil for your Tahrpup, it works fine on my old EeePC 901.
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Re: facebook chat via pidgin

#1404 Post by Makoto »

sapt wrote:I heard that pidgin had new support in reconnecting to facebook chat (facebook purple, i suppose). Please tell me where i can get the plugin and how to assemble it into pidgin.... :) :?:
Are you perhaps referring to this?


I'm not sure how well it handles the latest Facebook changes, but it's supposed to be rolled into the next major version of Pidgin, whenever that is to be released.

If you can't wait, you can compile it yourself, but you'll need to compile it against the Pidgin source. I'm not aware of anyone having released compiled binaries.
[ Puppy 4.3.1 JP, Frugal install ] * [ XenialPup 7.5, Frugal install ] * [XenialPup 64 7.5, Frugal install] * [ 4GB RAM | 512MB swap ]
In memory of our beloved American Eskimo puppy (1995-2010) and black Lab puppy (1997-2011).


#1405 Post by Pelo »

augras wrote:Hi,
Tas doesn't work because ffmpeg and some libraries lack.
I put together ffmpeg_2.5.2, libass5, libfdk-aac, libx265 in a pet and a sfs and it works fine.
ffmpeg is needed by pmusic and it's ok also for pmusic and a lot of other things.
Pet (32 MB)
Some linnux experts tell me that you can choose ffmpeg as defaut when building the ISO. that will get our life easier, lot of applications need ffmpeg in Puppy Linux, the Linux small OS ready to use for the family entertainment. Only administrators now can use it ! To be root does not mean prevent newbies using Puppy applications :!:
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#1406 Post by LazY Puppy »

Is there a working youtube downloader for tahr?

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#1407 Post by u2tahr »

scabz wrote:sorry i took so long but i said i would post this so here it is Qt 5.2.1
libicu52_52.1-3_i386 is included in the sfs. tested and works to compile, i compile smplayer smtube and qupzilla without issues, oh and includes QtWebkit.

--edit here is my ./configure

Code: Select all

./configure -prefix $QT5PREFIX -sysconfdir /etc/xdg -bindir $QT5BINDIR -headerdir $QT5PREFIX/include/qt5 -archdatadir $QT5PREFIX/lib/qt5 -datadir $QT5PREFIX/share/qt5 -docdir $QT5PREFIX/share/doc/qt5 -translationdir $QT5PREFIX/share/qt5/translations -examplesdir $QT5PREFIX/share/doc/qt5/examples -confirm-license -opensource -dbus-linked -openssl-linked -release -strip -icu -system-sqlite -qt-xcb -nomake examples

Code: Select all

   Configure summary

Build type:    linux-g++ (i386, CPU features:)
Platform notes:

            - Also available for Linux: linux-kcc linux-icc linux-cxx
Build options:
  Configuration .......... accessibility accessibility-atspi-bridge alsa audio-backend avx c++11 clock-gettime clock-monotonic compile_examples concurrent cups dbus dbus-linked directfb egl eglfs evdev eventfd fontconfig full-config getaddrinfo getifaddrs glib gtk2 gtkstyle iconv icu inotify ipv6ifname large-config largefile libudev linuxfb medium-config minimal-config mremap mtdev nis no-harfbuzz opengl openssl-linked pcre png posix_fallocate precompile_header qpa qpa reduce_exports reduce_relocations release rpath shared small-config sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 system-freetype system-jpeg system-png system-sqlite system-zlib xcb xcb-qt xcb-sm xcb-xlib xinput2 xkbcommon-qt xlib xrender 
  Build parts ............ libs tools
  Mode ................... release
  Using C++11 ............ yes
  Using PCH .............. yes
  Target compiler supports:
    SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3 ...... yes/yes/yes
    SSE4.1/SSE4.2 ........ yes/yes
    AVX/AVX2 ............. yes/no

Qt modules and options:
  Qt D-Bus ............... yes (linked to dbus-1)
  Qt Concurrent .......... yes
  Qt GUI ................. yes
  Qt Widgets ............. yes
  JavaScriptCore JIT ..... yes (To be decided by JavaScriptCore)
  QML debugging .......... yes
  Use system proxies ..... no

Support enabled for:
  Accessibility .......... yes
  ALSA ................... yes
  CUPS ................... yes
  FontConfig ............. yes
  FreeType ............... system
  Iconv .................. yes
  ICU .................... yes
  Image formats: 
    GIF .................. yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
    JPEG ................. yes (plugin, using system library)
    PNG .................. yes (in QtGui, using system library)
  Glib ................... yes
  GTK theme .............. yes
  Large File ............. yes
  mtdev .................. yes (system library)
    getaddrinfo .......... yes
    getifaddrs ........... yes
    IPv6 ifname .......... yes
    OpenSSL .............. yes (linked to the libraries)
  NIS .................... yes
  OpenGL ................. desktop
  OpenVG ................. no
  PCRE ................... yes (bundled copy)
  pkg-config ............. yes 
  PulseAudio ............. no
  QPA backends: 
    DirectFB ............. yes
    EGLFS ................ yes
    KMS .................. no
    LinuxFB .............. yes
    XCB .................. yes (bundled copy)
      MIT-SHM ............ yes
      Xcb-Xlib ........... yes
      Xcursor ............ yes (loaded at runtime)
      Xfixes ............. yes (loaded at runtime)
      Xi ................. no
      Xi2 ................ yes
      Xinerama ........... yes (loaded at runtime)
      Xrandr ............. yes (loaded at runtime)
      Xrender ............ yes
      XKB ................ yes
      XShape ............. yes
      XSync .............. yes
      XVideo ............. yes
  Session management ..... yes
  SQL drivers: 
    DB2 .................. no
    InterBase ............ no
    MySQL ................ no
    OCI .................. no
    ODBC ................. no
    PostgreSQL ........... no
    SQLite 2 ............. no
    SQLite ............... yes (plugin, using system library)
    TDS .................. no
  udev ................... yes
  xkbcommon .............. yes (bundled copy)
  zlib ................... yes (system library)
qt-5.2.1-i386.sfs and qt_DEV-5.2.1-i386.sfs
This qt-5.2.1_i386.sfs always crashed if try drag any part of window framework, so is there updated Qt5 sfs, with this issues fixed?
1) http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/63899-Q ... g-and-Drop
2) http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/53626-D ... tion-fault
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#1408 Post by recobayu »

LazY Puppy wrote:Is there a working youtube downloader for tahr?
I usually use savefromnet addon in firefox to download it. We can go to here:http://en.savefrom.net/user.php and goto very bottom of that page to install it. I also use downthemall too
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#1409 Post by backi »

Hi !
"I usually use savefromnet addon in firefox to download it " .

Yes Lazy Puppy ...that`s true .......i do highly recommend this addon ...it even let you download content which is blocked in Germany because of GEMA.....
without the need of a Proxy .. .
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#1410 Post by 666philb »


there is a qt5-5.5.1.sfs in the repo ....uninstall the older one first.
then in a terminal type

Code: Select all

this qt5 installs to /opt so you'll need to add to /etc/profile

Code: Select all

if [ -d "/opt/qt5" ];then
	[ -d /opt/qt5/bin ] && PATH="$PATH:/opt/qt5/bin" #if devx sfs.
	export QT5DIR="/opt/qt5"
	[ -d /opt/qt5/include ] && export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/qt5/include" #devx
Last edited by 666philb on Fri 10 Jun 2016, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.
Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=114311
Xenialpup64, built with xenial xerus packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=107331
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LazY Puppy
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#1411 Post by LazY Puppy »

recobayu wrote:
LazY Puppy wrote:Is there a working youtube downloader for tahr?
I usually use savefromnet addon in firefox to download it. We can go to here:http://en.savefrom.net/user.php and goto very bottom of that page to install it. I also use downthemall too
This has worked so far.


"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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James C
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Re: Firefox upgrading to version 46

#1412 Post by James C »

Belham wrote:Hi all,

Just wanted to followup here on "scsijon" 's warning about Firefox 46 suddenly needing GTK-3 instead of python in order to make it work. See here:


Phil posted to just install GTK-3 from the PPM, and I did that and can confirm Firefox is all happy again & working correctly (posting this using Firefox 46.0 & Tahr64 after just updating it).

I just have two questions for Phil (or anyone who knows more about these things), when I typed "GTK-3" in PPM, it brought back these 5 choices:

1. libgtk-3-0_3.10.8

2. libgtk-3-bin_3.10.8

3. libgtk-3-common_3.10.8

4. liggtk-3-dev_3.10.8

5. libgtk-3-doc_3.10.8

Question 1:
Was I correct in installing #s 1-3? (when I did this, I was informed number 3 was already installed in Tahr64 6.0.5)?

And, since I've never truly understood the description in Linux of when packages are "dev" or "doc" or "common" (I understand what "exe" ones are when I see them in the PPM), but are we supposed to install every package we see in PPM when we type in something like libgtk-3? What I mean is, should I have also installed the "dev" and "doc" packages, numbers 4 & 5 above, too?

Sorry for the dumb questions. Also, I just wanted to give thanks to you, Phil, (and anyone else responsible for the Tahrs). Tahr64 (along with all of Barry's iterations over the years of puppy & now his excellent Quirkys, and Micko's Slackos) is just a blast to use across the different machines we have around the house. To be able to walk up to any of our computers, toss in the Tahr & have them all bootup--in under a minute no less (this is true even on one of ancient rigs we still have) it is just sublime and wonderful. So, just wanted to thank you for making and upkeeping one of the top puppies out there.....even my kid & wife, over the past months, have started grabbing the Tahr USBs and/or SDs (and recently Barry's new Quirky) as they grown sick of Window's and Apple's hoop jumping one has to go through to just use those operating systems.
For what it's worth, I've been installing the same 3 GTK-3 packages in all my Tahr installs, no need for the development or documentation packages. Or, at least I haven't ran into any problems yet.

Code: Select all

root# inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: puppex Kernel: 3.18.2-PAE-puppex i686 (32 bit, gcc: 4.6.4) Desktop: JWM git-976 dm: N/A Distro: tahrpup 6.0
Machine:   Mobo: ASUSTeK model: M5A97 LE R2.0 version: Rev 1.xx serial: 140323665200131
           Bios: American Megatrends version: 2202 date: 12/12/2013
CPU:       Octa core AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core (-MCP-) cache: 16384 KB flags: (lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm) bmips: 56211.2 
           Clock Speeds: 1: 1400.00 MHz 2: 1400.00 MHz 3: 2300.00 MHz 4: 1400.00 MHz 5: 2900.00 MHz 6: 1700.00 MHz 7: 3500.00 MHz 8: 1400.00 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GM107 [GeForce GTX 750] bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1381 
           X.org: 1.15.1 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: vesa,nouveau) tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root 
Audio:     Card-1: NVIDIA Device 0fbc driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 01:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:0fbc 
           Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) 
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:14.2 chip-ID: 1002:4383 
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ver: k3.18.2-PAE-puppex
Network:   Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller 
           driver: r8169 ver: 2.3LK-NAPI port: d000 bus-ID: 02:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: 40:16:7e:b2:b8:be
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 1120.2GB (-)
           1: id: /dev/sda model: KINGSTON_SV300S3 size: 120.0GB serial: N/A 
           2: id: /dev/sdb model: WDC_WD10EZEX size: 1000.2GB serial: N/A 
RAID:      System: supported: linear raid0 raid1 raid10 raid6 raid5 raid4 
           No RAID devices detected - /proc/mdstat and md_mod kernel raid module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 137 Uptime: 19 min Memory: 546.6/16145.2MB Runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 4.6.4 
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.29 running in rxvt) inxi: 1.9.17 
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LazY Puppy
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#1413 Post by LazY Puppy »

While visiting some Puppy files never met before, I found something 'strange' ?
Tahr 6.0.2 wrote:cat: can't open '/lib/modules/3.14.20/modules.dep': No such file or directory
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
cannot create directory `/lib/modules/3.14.20/kernel/drivers/scsi': No such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/lib/modules/3.14.20': No such file or directory
sh: -d: unknown operand
Tahr 6.0.5 wrote:cat: can't open '/lib/modules/3.14.56/modules.dep': No such file or directory
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi: No such file or directory
cannot create directory `/lib/modules/3.14.56/kernel/drivers/scsi': No such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/lib/modules/3.14.56': No such file or directory
missing destination file
Try `cp --help' for more information.
sh: 1: unknown operand
This is from: /initrd/tmp/bootinit.log.

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#1414 Post by gyro »

@LazY Puppy,
There is still old code in the "init" script that is not aware that with a "huge" kernel, the contents of "/lib/modules" is in the zdrv and hence simply not available.
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LazY Puppy
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#1415 Post by LazY Puppy »

My cause to make this post was not the issue of /lib/modules/3.14.20.

The reason for my post is the sh: -d: unknown operand and the sh: 1: unknown operand. That's why I marked them in red colour.

The sh means: it is a shell script that seems to use an unknown operand.

I wonder if this may have any negative effect to the shell script that is using this unknown operand?

However: I think it would be hard to find out what scripts are using these unknown operands. Probably a Woof-CE issue/problem?

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#1416 Post by gyro »

@LazY Puppy,

Sorry, I realise it's a while since you posted, but I've just had a similar error "sh: 5: unknown operand".
It was result of the following script code:

Code: Select all

if [ $PUPMODE -eq 5 ];then
The $PUPMODE variable was empty, resulting in the code becoming

Code: Select all

if [  -eq 5 ];then
hence producing the error.
The "-d" one is probably due to a test for a directory where the unquoted variable that was supposed to contain the directory name was empty.

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#1417 Post by bigpup »

Newer version of JWM desk manager V2.1

Seems to offer more options and is an update for latest changes in JWM.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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#1418 Post by s243a »

There is a problem with how palemoon is called in tahrpup 6.0.5.

if I use the command defaultbrowser the following script is executed:


Code: Select all

#script to run $APP as spot...
[ "$1" ] && while [ "$1" ]; do ARGS="$ARGS \"$1\""; shift; done
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
 [ $XAUTHORITY ] && cp $XAUTHORITY /root/spot/.Xauthority 2>/dev/null
 touch /root/spot/.Xauthority
 #following line is mostly there to catch any root:root files that may have got copied in...
 find /root/spot \( -not -user spot -or -not -group spot \) -exec chown -h spot:spot {} \; &
 export XAUTHORITY=/root/spot/.Xauthority  
 export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/root/spot/.config
 export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/root/spot/.cache
 export XDG_DATA_HOME=/root/spot/.local/share
 exec su spot -s /bin/sh -c "\"$APP\" $ARGS"
else #precaution
 exec "$APP" "$ARGS"
Which then executes:


Code: Select all

/opt/palemoon/palemoon /usr/share/doc/home.htm &
which then executes:

Code: Select all

rm /usr/bin/palemoon
ln -s /opt/palemoon/palemoon /usr/bin/palemoon
There are a few problems here. First the script palemoon2 tries to delete
and replace it with the "non-run-as-spot" version.

This seems to be prevented because
is right protected. Also the script
does not use the input arguments that were passed to it by /usr/bin/palemoon and instead just opens the puppy linux home page. This prevents one for instance from opening a specific link as a new tab with the default browser from the command line.

I'm going to patch my installation as follows:


I'm going to replace

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

This is just a hack since I don't know the intent of these scripts.

flsynclient collapses during border calibration

#1419 Post by tenochslb »

The program flSynclient crashes while trying to calibrate the borders of the touchpad. It faults as soon as any of the calibrate buttons are pressed.

The verbose log of the program:

Code: Select all

root# flsynclient -v
Reading synclient output
Executing: (synclient -l) 1>&2
Executing: synclient LeftEdge=153.000000
SIGCHLD from synclient
Executing: synclient RightEdge=870.000000
Executing: synclient TopEdge=115.000000
Executing: synclient BottomEdge=652.000000
Executing: synclient FingerLow=12.000000
Executing: synclient FingerHigh=15.000000
Executing: synclient MaxTapTime=180.000000
Executing: synclient MaxTapMove=56.000000
Executing: synclient MaxDoubleTapTime=180.000000
Executing: synclient SingleTapTimeout=180.000000
Executing: synclient ClickTime=100.000000
Executing: synclient EmulateMidButtonTime=75.000000
Executing: synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=141.000000
Executing: synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=7.000000
Executing: synclient VertScrollDelta=25.000000
Executing: synclient HorizScrollDelta=25.000000
Executing: synclient VertEdgeScroll=1.000000
Executing: synclient HorizEdgeScroll=0.000000
Executing: synclient CornerCoasting=0.000000
Executing: synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=0.000000
Executing: synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=0.000000
Executing: synclient MinSpeed=1.000000
Executing: synclient MaxSpeed=1.750000
Executing: synclient AccelFactor=0.156495
Executing: synclient TouchpadOff=0.000000
Executing: synclient LockedDrags=0.000000
Executing: synclient LockedDragTimeout=5000.000000
Executing: synclient RTCornerButton=2.000000
Executing: synclient RBCornerButton=3.000000
Executing: synclient LTCornerButton=0.000000
Executing: synclient LBCornerButton=0.000000
Executing: synclient TapButton1=1.000000
Executing: synclient TapButton2=3.000000
Executing: synclient TapButton3=0.000000
Executing: synclient ClickFinger1=1.000000
Executing: synclient ClickFinger2=1.000000
Executing: synclient ClickFinger3=0.000000
Executing: synclient CircularScrolling=0.000000
Executing: synclient CircScrollDelta=0.100000
Executing: synclient CircScrollTrigger=0.000000
Executing: synclient CircularPad=0.000000
Executing: synclient PalmDetect=0.000000
Executing: synclient PalmMinWidth=10.000000
Executing: synclient PalmMinZ=100.000000
Executing: synclient CoastingSpeed=20.000000
Executing: synclient CoastingFriction=50.000000
Executing: synclient PressureMotionMinZ=15.000000
Executing: synclient PressureMotionMaxZ=80.000000
Executing: synclient PressureMotionMinFactor=1.000000
Executing: synclient PressureMotionMaxFactor=1.000000
Executing: synclient ResolutionDetect=1.000000
Executing: synclient GrabEventDevice=1.000000
Executing: synclient TapAndDragGesture=1.000000
Executing: synclient AreaLeftEdge=0.000000
Executing: synclient AreaRightEdge=0.000000
Executing: synclient AreaTopEdge=0.000000
Executing: synclient AreaBottomEdge=0.000000
Executing: synclient HorizHysteresis=6.000000
Executing: synclient VertHysteresis=6.000000
Executing: synclient ClickPad=0.000000
Executing: (synclient -m 100) 1>&2
Usage: synclient [-h] [-l] [-V] [-?] [var1=value1 [var2=value2] ...]
  -l List current user settings
  -V Print synclient version string and exit
  -? Show this help message
  var=value  Set user parameter 'var' to 'value'.
SIGCHLD from synclient
(27.9 KiB) Downloaded 1266 times
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#1420 Post by s243a »

How do I unque sfs files.

The issue is that I boot from a USB drive and I want to keep the sfs files on a seperate external hard drive because I want to minimize what is on the usb drive which I formated as ext2 whereas the seperate external hard drive where I want to keep the sfs is formated as ntfs.

Mounting the drive is not enough to unque the sfs files in sfs load.
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