mkfigos 1.3: combines librepup with refracta

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mkfigos 1.3: combines librepup with refracta

#1 Post by learnhow2code »

at the boot screen, hit enter (or wait 5 seconds) to boot in puppy mode,
or type "live" or "live" with boot options to boot in refracta mode.

infrequently asked questions:

where can i get the iso?
the latest version is 1.3 -- you can find download it here: ... gos1.3.iso

versions older than 1.1 are not recommended, but are available on the archive for whatever reason you like.

to build the iso, you will need librepup (or refracta, or another puppy version with genisoimage and unsquashfs and mksquashfs and python.) if you want the ping scripts disabled, it is recommended you download one of the images from the archive and run mkfigos from refracta mode. you can easily figure out if the scripts are disabled or not, by running the iso and this command from inside fig os: cat /usr/sbin/check_internet | grep mkfig # (if it says "auto-edited..." youre good.)

* you will need fig-- which you would already have if you were running fig os. you can get the .pet for fig here: ... 501#909501

* and you will need the .fig script to build it, which you can find here: ... 873#914873

* to build you will need a lot of ram (2gb or so) and LOTS of free space on /mnt (if youre booting live, youll need to ln -s another folder on a real drive to /mnt/mkrefpup)

what is the point of fig os?
fig os is meant to demonstrate a few things:

* automatically generating a distro (an .iso) from a script.
* a puppy created from a real pup + another distro, and mixing features
* possibly another way to update puppy more often
* a possible way to puppify devuan (which other people are already working on.)
* the fig educational programming language (although a remaster script is not necessarily the best place to start with something like that.)

why did you break the ping scripts?
first of all: because i can.

but actually, because like a number of people who were driven into silence (they werent a majority anyway, im not pretending they were) i dont think theyre right for me. they can be turned off, but i prefer they be off by default. heres the code that makes that happen, remove it to stop the ping scripts from being turned off:

Code: Select all

now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/video_upgrade/video_upgrade_wizard"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/yassm/yassm-search"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/apps/pnethood/pnethood"  
now fixpings isoname "ping -4" "baseping -4" "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/Pudd"  
now fixpings isoname "ping -c" "baseping -c" "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/alsa-base/"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/getflash"  
now fixpings isoname "ping" "baseping"       "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/check_internet"  
what the mods do is move the functionality from /bin/ping and /bin/ping6 to /bin/baseping and /bin/baseping6. so if you copy or link ping ang ping6 to those places, you should be pinging again.

why dont you collaborate/discuss with other devs and users?
im quite happy to. so far none of the puppy devs have complained.

where can i offer suggestions and ask questions?
in this thread, or if its relevant: on the "favorite puppy features" thread: or wherever you like.

where can i learn more about the fig language?
you can ask questions here, or on the thread for the dotpet, or read the mini intro (or the full pdf) on the google drive mirror: ... sp=sharing

if youre running fig os, most of the contents of the mirror are already in your home folder.

pets that work in fig os, hosted on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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Last edited by learnhow2code on Wed 17 Aug 2016, 16:02, edited 35 times in total.
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#2 Post by Keef »

I think it would help to give a little more info.
Having seen your posts in Programming, I guessed it was a fig script, so ran it through that first. It seemed to work ok, and downloaded everything, but just ended up with a 265mb ISO at /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/rpup.iso. All the 'bits' seem to be there in /mnt/mkrefpup/, but something is going wrong with the iso building part. The 'newiso' directory has all the puppy files, but the 'live' directory is empty.

#3 Post by learnhow2code »

Keef wrote:I think it would help to give a little more info.
Having seen your posts in Programming, I guessed it was a fig script, so ran it through that first. It seemed to work ok, and downloaded everything, but just ended up with a 265mb ISO at /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/rpup.iso. All the 'bits' seem to be there in /mnt/mkrefpup/, but something is going wrong with the iso building part. The 'newiso' directory has all the puppy files, but the 'live' directory is empty.
thanks for the feedback and bug report, i wasnt sure how this would work for other users. my guess is that i manually mounted the refracta iso in /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta or worse, /mnt/refracta, and need to add that as an automatic step. a patched version that may work (i will probably report on that before you do) is included in this post.

yes, quality-wise that is abhorrent, although the project is about 24 hours old. i really appreciate you trying it out and reporting this bug. sorry about that-- it does seem like you did everything right.

refractahrpup is mostly a proof of concept, although im running it (as i type this) from dvd. adding isohybrid to the script would make the iso dd'able to usb. it seems like this project from a few years ago: is similar, and still in use, as far as proof-of-concept is concerned. thanks again.

Code: Select all

#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain) 

proginf "mkrefractahrpup 0.3, jul 2016 mn" print 

# # # # ! ! ! !   
####    patched version of 0.2... havent even tried it yet    ####
# # # # ! ! ! !                                                  

# lazy way to stop redundant downloads 
morewget 1 

function addquoted mainv toquote 
    q 34 chr 
    now mainv  plus " "  plus q  plus toquote  plus q  return now 

function urf p 
    # filename from url 
    # ... return whats to the right of the rightmost "/" (or entire string if "/" not found) 
    r p  reverse  instr r "/" minus 1 
    ifmore r 0 
        now p  right r  return now 
        now p  return now 

function download iso 
    now iso 
    now urf iso 
    u  urf iso  
    ck "ls"  addquoted ck u  plus " | wc -l"  arrshell  join ck " "  int 
    ifequal ck 0 
        now "wget"  addquoted now iso  shell 

pwd "pwd" arrshell  join pwd ""  

tahrurl "" 
refractaurl "" 
urftahrurl  urf tahrurl 
urfrefractaurl  urf refractaurl 

now download tahrurl 
now download refractaurl 

fpath pwd  plus "/"  plus urfrefractaurl 
now "ln -s "  addquoted now fpath  addquoted now "refracta8_xfce_i386_beta-20160526_1442.iso"  plus " 2> /dev/null"  shell 

shel "du -b refr*.iso*" 
now "hello"  addquoted now shel  colortext 7 print 

now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/iso"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/fs"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq"  shell 
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta"  shell 

q 34  chr 
now "mount "  plus q  plus pwd  plus "/"  plus urftahrurl  plus q  plus " /mnt/mkrefpup/iso -o loop"  shell 
now "mount "  plus q  plus pwd  plus "/"  plus urfrefractaurl  plus q  plus " /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta -o loop"  shell 
now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/iso/* /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell    

# now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/vmlinuz /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell    
# now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/initrd.img /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/initrd.gz"  shell    
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell 

now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/vmlinuz /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell    
now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/initrd.img /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live/"  shell    

now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell    

now "cat /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/isolinux/live.cfg >> /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/isolinux.cfg"  shell    

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq"  chdir 
now "unsquashfs /mnt/mkrefpup/iso/puppy_tahr_6.0.5.sfs"  shell 

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/"  chdir 
iftrue morewget 
    now "mkdir fig ; cd fig ; wget ; cp fig31_1.0.deb /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell 

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root"  chdir 
now "mksquashfs . /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs/new.sfs -noappend ; cp /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs/new.sfs /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/puppy_tahr_6.0.5.sfs"  shell 
now "/mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  chdir 

iftrue morewget 
    now "rm logo.16 ; wget "  plus q plus ""  plus q plus " -O logo.16"  shell 

now "genisoimage -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -r -J -l -o /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/rpup.iso /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/"  shell 


#4 Post by learnhow2code »

version 0.4 is the first version that edits the sfs for refracta mode, making it possible to puppify devuan-- one of the primary goals of refractahrpup. as a demo, refracta now shows the puppy wallpaper. version 0.4 is also the first version to remove files from the refracta sfs, cutting out a lot of locale data to keep the iso under 1gb.

Code: Select all

#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain)

proginf "mkrefractahrpup 0.4, jul 2016 mn" print

function addquoted mainv toquote
    q 34 chr
    now mainv  plus " "  plus q  plus toquote  plus q  return now

function urf p
    # filename from url
    # ... return whats to the right of the rightmost "/" (or entire string if "/" not found)
    r p  reverse  instr r "/" minus 1
    ifmore r 0
        now p  right r  return now
        now p  return now

function download iso
    now iso
    now urf iso
    u  urf iso 
    ck "ls"  addquoted ck u  plus " | wc -l"  arrshell  join ck " "  int
    ifequal ck 0
        now "wget"  addquoted now iso  shell

pwd "pwd" arrshell  join pwd "" 

tahrurl ""
refractaurl ""
urftahrurl  urf tahrurl
urfrefractaurl  urf refractaurl

now download tahrurl
now download refractaurl

fpath pwd  plus "/"  plus urfrefractaurl
now "ln -s "  addquoted now fpath  addquoted now "refracta8_xfce_i386_beta-20160526_1442.iso"  plus " 2> /dev/null"  shell

now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/iso"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/fs"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs"  shell

now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs"  shell
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newrefractafs"  shell

now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup ; if [ -e logo.16 ] ; then echo ; else wget '' -O logo.16 ; fi"  shell

q 34  chr
now "mount "  plus q  plus pwd  plus "/"  plus urftahrurl  plus q  plus " /mnt/mkrefpup/iso -o loop"  shell
now "mount "  plus q  plus pwd  plus "/"  plus urfrefractaurl  plus q  plus " /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta -o loop"  shell
now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/iso/* /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell   

# now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/vmlinuz /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  shell   
# now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/initrd.img /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/initrd.gz"  shell   
now "mkdir /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell

now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/vmlinuz /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell   
now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/initrd.img /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live/"  shell   

# now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live"  shell   

now "cat /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/isolinux/live.cfg >> /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/isolinux.cfg"  shell   

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq"  chdir
now "unsquashfs /mnt/mkrefpup/iso/puppy_tahr_6.0.5.sfs"  shell

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs"  chdir
now "unsquashfs /mnt/mkrefpup/refracta/live/filesystem.squashfs"  shell

now "cp /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/backgrounds/default.png /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/backgrounds/xfce"  shell
now "sed -i 's/\/usr\/share\/backgrounds\/refracta\/milky-1280x1024-p4-redo.jpg/\/usr\/share\/backgrounds\/xfce\/default.png/g' "
nowplus now plus " /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/home/user/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml"  shell

now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf af  am an ang ar ar_EG as ast az az_IR bal be be@latin bg bg_BG bn bn_IN"  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf bo br bs bs_BA byn ca ca@valencia ceb ckb cmn crh cs csb cy da da_DK de "  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf de_CH de_DE de@hebrew dv dz el en@arabic en@boldquot en@cyrillic en@greek "  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf en@hebrew en_NZ en@piglatin en@quot en@shaw eo et et_EE fa fa_IR fi fi_FI"  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf fil fo frp fur fy ga gd gez gl gu gv haw he hi hr ht hu hy ia id id_ID ig"  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf io is it it_IT ja ja_JP ka kg kk km kn ko kok ks ku ky la lb lg li lo lt "  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf lv mai mg mhr mi mk ml ml_IN mn mr ms mt my nah nb nb_NO nds ne nhn nl "  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf nl_NL nn nn_NO no nso oc or pa pl ps qu rm ro ru rw sc sd se shn si sk sl"  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf so sq sr sr@ije sr@latin sr@Latn sr_RS sv sv_SE sw szl ta ta_LK te tet tg"  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf th ti tig tk tl tl_PH tr tt tt@iqtelif tt_RU ug ur ur_PK uz uz@cyrillic "  shell
now "cd /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root/usr/share/locale/ ; rm -rf ve vi wa wae wal wo xh yi yo zh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu"  shell

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/"  chdir
now "mkdir fig ; cd fig ; if [ -e fig31_1.0.deb ] ; then echo ; else wget ; fi"  shell
now "cd fig ; dpkg-deb -x fig31_1.0.deb /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root"  shell
now "cd fig ; dpkg-deb -x fig31_1.0.deb /mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root"  shell

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/squashfs-root"  chdir
now "mksquashfs . /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs/new.sfs -noappend ; cp /mnt/mkrefpup/newfs/new.sfs /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/puppy_tahr_6.0.5.sfs"  shell
now "/mnt/mkrefpup/refractafs/squashfs-root"  chdir
now "mksquashfs . /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/live/filesystem.squashfs -noappend"  shell

now "/mnt/mkrefpup/newiso"  chdir
now "rm logo.16 ; cp /mnt/mkrefpup/logo.16 ."  shell

now "genisoimage -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -r -J -l -o /mnt/mkrefpup/unsq/rpup.iso /mnt/mkrefpup/newiso/"  shell
(23.46 KiB) Downloaded 335 times
several changes: cli help overloading, new boot screen, icewm is now the default, adwaita icons removed
(11.28 KiB) Downloaded 228 times
Last edited by learnhow2code on Fri 22 Jul 2016, 15:31, edited 2 times in total.

#5 Post by learnhow2code »

heres mkrefractahrpup 0.6.

this version disables the ping command in the following scripts:

* squashfs-root/usr/local/video_upgrade/video_upgrade_wizard
* squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/
* squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/
* squashfs-root/usr/local/yassm/yassm-search
* squashfs-root/usr/local/apps/pnethood/pnethood
* squashfs-root/usr/share/alsa-base/
* squashfs-root/usr/sbin/Pudd
* squashfs-root/usr/sbin/getflash
* squashfs-root/usr/sbin/check_internet

will this break those scripts? probably.
can they be edited further to work without ping? probably.
will there ever be a remaster that makes everyone happy? probably not.
but this one can make it trivial to turn this sort of thing on and off before the iso is a dvd or usb.
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#6 Post by learnhow2code »

per suggestions from both the puppy community and a refracta dev, this is now called fig os.

i actually wanted to call it refractahrpup to show where it came from. a regular from the puppy community thinks its better without pup in the name (if only because of length) and the refracta dev doesnt mind the project, but doesnt want the name to create confusion. so, fig os it is :)

a note of thanks to those who have supported this so far.

you know who you are :) its much appreciated.
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#7 Post by rcrsn51 »

learnhow2code wrote:will this break those scripts? probably.
can they be edited further to work without ping? probably.
How do you know this? Did you look at the code to see what purpose the pings were serving? Did you collaborate with the author before breaking his program?

#8 Post by learnhow2code »

rcrsn51 wrote:
learnhow2code wrote:will this break those scripts? probably.
can they be edited further to work without ping? probably.
How do you know this? Did you look at the code to see what purpose the pings were serving? Did you collaborate with the author before breaking his program?
this is how:

* i used fig os in puppy mode for about a day, and it worked fine. like any new derivative, it needs more users to find out how reliable it is.

* a (small) number of experienced puppy users seem to think the change is fine

* its trivial to use this remaster script in a way that doesnt change the scripts

* even if you somehow find this iso in the wild, you can simply copy (or link) /bin/ping to /bin/baseping and /bin/ping6 to /bin/baseping6

COPYING THOSE TWO FILES WILL COMPLETELY RESTORE THE PING SCRIPT FUNCTIONALITY. im sure theres a variety of ways this can be done as a feature, but i personally prefer the ping scripts off by default. so do the other users (no, not just one) i did this for.

and thats the only change that was made to the scripts. want to see the part that does it?

Code: Select all

now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/video_upgrade/video_upgrade_wizard"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/yassm/yassm-search"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/apps/pnethood/pnethood"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping -4/baseping -4/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/Pudd"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping -c/baseping -c/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/alsa-base/"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/getflash"  shell
now "sed -i 's/ping/baseping/g' unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/check_internet"  shell
not elegant, but it works.
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#9 Post by Pete »


Why does he have to collaborate with anyone?
He decided to create a project and set his own parameters and does warn potential users that it may break a few things.
It is then up to each potential user to decide if they want to try it or not.

This is Linux, free Linux, free to do with it what you like.
Don't like it? no problem don't use it, it's called freedom of choice.

#10 Post by learnhow2code »

Pete wrote:Why does he have to collaborate with anyone?
its actually a ridiculous question if he knows the history of the decision-- because any attempt to collaborate on this was forcefully shut down. even bans were called for.

so collaboration was not a real option even if i wanted to.

no matter how i try to talk about something else, people come and blame me for keeping this going. i tell them its fixed, no need to talk about it-- they tell me people should be banned for talking about it. then they come here and talk about it some more.

but its important to point out that (since there is nothing about it mentioned here) rcrsn51 may have missed all that fun... i dont want to assume, so i might as well answer the question. as for the external ip script, hes right. and you pete, can probably guess what id like to do with that feature. in fact i should check it for wgets and things.
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#11 Post by Pete »


You heretic, you.
How dare you mess with sacred code and propose progress. :D

#12 Post by learnhow2code »

you know, im just trying to show how it can be edited-- to the people that dont want it in their iso. im not uploading it to, im not writing over the online copy of puppy tahr. ive even made it very easy to turn back on. this whole debacle is about defaults.

tahr is a fine pup, i already said so. but there are things you cant customize without p*ssing off half the town. funny because i take no issue with someone editing the part of mkfigos that edits the part of tahr-- go right ahead! thats honestly what its there for.
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#13 Post by rcrsn51 »

Pete wrote:@rcrsn51
Why does he have to collaborate with anyone?
Common courtesy.
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#14 Post by Pete »

rcrsn51 wrote:
Pete wrote:@rcrsn51
Why does he have to collaborate with anyone?
Common courtesy.
What is so discourteous about changing someones code that is open sourced without first asking them provided credit is given?

If I write some code, open source it and release it, people can do with it what they like except claim that they originally wrote it.
Learnhow2code never claimed it as his own, he simply modified it to suit his needs and made it available again.
Where is the problem in that?

#15 Post by learnhow2code »

im glad the puppy community has such a diverse culture. apparently its neatly divided between people who think i shouldnt edit the scripts without talking to the devs, and people who think the devs shouldnt be bothered about it-- not only that, but that talking about it should result in a ban. what kind of catch-22 version of "open source" is this?

and also the people who dont want to say anything about it in public, for obvious reasons. im happy to remove the scripts entirely if that would be more courteous:

Code: Select all

now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/video_upgrade/video_upgrade_wizard" shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"        shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/petget/"             shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/yassm/yassm-search"                 shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/local/apps/pnethood/pnethood"             shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/Pudd"                                shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/share/alsa-base/"             shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/getflash"                            shell
now "rm unsq/squashfs-root/usr/sbin/check_internet"                      shell
however, this is all about people electing to speak on behalf of the devs... it would be better if the devs would simply contact me-- since several people seem to have an issue with me contacting them over this.
Last edited by learnhow2code on Fri 22 Jul 2016, 23:19, edited 2 times in total.
Sailor Enceladus
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#16 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

Pete wrote:What is so discourteous about changing someones code that is open sourced without first asking them provided credit is given?

If I write some code, open source it and release it, people can do with it what they like except claim that they originally wrote it.
Learnhow2code never claimed it as his own, he simply modified it to suit his needs and made it available again.
Where is the problem in that?
Here's one example. Notice how scientist claims the Farenheit problem in the script is by rcrsn51 when it really isn't:
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#17 Post by Pete »

I'm not quite sure what bearing that example has.
Whoever changed that script had every right to in order to make it suit their needs.
Where the problem came in is the over reaction by that user.
The script should have been headed as follows:

Code: Select all

# rcrsn51 2015-09-20 
# modified by Whomever at whatever date
That would have been the proper way to do it.
I have never come across such resistance to change as on the Puppy linux forum.
Since when does one have to go with hat in hand begging for permission from the original author to change their open sourced script?
Just give them credit, put your name as the one doing the mods and off you go.

#18 Post by learnhow2code »

Sailor Enceladus wrote:Here's one example. Notice how scientist claims the Farenheit problem in the script is by rcrsn51 when it really isn't
that thread is difficult to follow. how many accusations are formed from a simple miscommunication? in any case, if anyone thinks im mishandling their puppy code, they have several options (apart from the usual legal ones, which i think will not get them as far as this very friendly offer):

now i think this offer is completely unnecessary.

but its there, because hey-- someone here might misunderstand. theres one more place for them to try to get some satisfaction.

Pete wrote:Just give them credit, put your name as the one doing the mods and off you go.
probably not the worst idea to note the changes to the scripts made by mkfigos then: \n\n#script edited by mkfigos can probably be added to the scripts in question.
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#19 Post by Marv »

Pete wrote:I have never come across such resistance to change as on the Puppy linux forum.
After a decade or more watching novae I think some resistance is to be expected. Scripts grow barnacles over time and even with the best of intentions it can become exceedingly difficult to sort out what myriad changes really do. Documentation and bouncing proposed changes off whoever originally wrote the script if they are still around is really the key. I have an assortment of core puppy scripts and some awk and sed based updaters for them that I have cobbled to better suit my personal needs (on the init script for example) but they stay in my closet. The originals are hoary enough already.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.

#20 Post by learnhow2code »

Marv wrote:Documentation and bouncing proposed changes off whoever originally wrote the script if they are still around is really the key.
heres the thing marv, i tried several times to ask where the scripts were. when i found them on my own, i noted the changes i planned to make. and i said i would make them, since it was made very clear by people DO NOT BOTHER THE DEVS WITH THIS. so i didnt bother them. nonetheless, they were free to join in any time-- and still are.

i think its great to have conversations, when theyre not full of trolling and attacks and (so much) strawman (im referring to the way these conversations went.)

in the end, i was told people shouldnt be allowed to speak about it-- by the same person that suggested making these changes! so i made them, and i said what the changes would be, in my own thread, and i got attacked some more.

if what the puppy community wants to encourage is communication with devs, this is about as far as possible from the kind of encouragement i need to try to do that. but either way, i tried. now im being critiqued for going ahead instead of doing what i was told not to do. farther up i asked, who am i supposed to believe? who speaks for the community? because until we sort that out, this "right way" is just "one way." the community has no consensus on it, and i get criticized either way-- its plain old catch 22. all this talk of "best practices" has to come after fixing that.

Marv wrote:I have an assortment of core puppy scripts and some awk and sed based updaters for them that I have cobbled to better suit my personal needs (on the init script for example) but they stay in my closet. The originals are hoary enough already.
this is a common appeal here.

if im to get to the gist of it, its not wise to share remaster scripts? or put in more practical terms: if you write a remaster script, it should not use any part of puppy?

im not trying to put words in your mouth, i know youre not forbidding anything-- but it sounds like you might be trying to make a case against changing puppy at all, or just "leaving it to someone else."

licensing aside, if the puppy community is against derivative puppies, i can consider dropping the puppy part of fig os. but theres a whole subforum dedicated to puppy derivatives-- which this thread is in-- the subforum is entitled "puppy derivatives."

so if youre NOT saying that we should just leave puppy well enough alone, whats the alternative? join a club? join a committee? be part of woof-ce? and of course, stay away from puppy otherwise-- hands off puppy (not absolutely, but maybe.)

i welcome corrections to any misunderstandings of what youre saying. im not really sure i follow but id like to figure out the local culture (which has changed since my time here years ago) if thats possible for an ordinary person.
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