Recommended for beginners: the How-To Videos

How to do things, solutions, recipes, tutorials
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#21 Post by Sylvander »

1. Recently had to set up a WIRELESS ROUTER.
Connecting my PC by cable, and my TV [downstairs from my PC] wirelessly using a USB dongle connected to the TV's only/single USB socket.
The TV is thus able to go out on the web without the help of the PC, using just the router and cable modem.

(a) Tried first in Win2000Pro, where it was really easy.
Just put the supplied CD in the drawer and close it, and wizard runs, and I followed instructions given.

(b) Now tried to do something similar in Puppy.
Couldn't find the Wizard, don't know if such a thing exists.
Ended up typing the routers' IP address into Firefox, then it was easy enough.

2. Is there a better way in Puppy to do this?
How about a HOWTO video?

See post #3 at:
LCD TV Sony Bravia KDL-32EX503: wireless connection
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Java plugin

#22 Post by jabbathehurt »

Could someone point me in the direction of a video or simplified instructions on how to update java on puppy? I've been to the java site but I'm not sure I understand which one to download or how to install it.
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#23 Post by LeithR »

Really good stuff these short videos,
Thanks Rhino.
I've just burned myself an iso using BurnCDCC. I had to go to this site to get my copy: ... ncdcc.html
rather than the one featured in the video
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#24 Post by bones01 »

sneekylinux has a series of videos on youtube showing five days with Lucid 5.2 on his computer. He starts by aiming to see if Puppy can do everything you need a computer to do.

There is some stuff along the way that is very helpful - like setting up a printer. Now I think I could probably do it!

So to You Tube and search for sneekylinux. From there, it shouldn't be too hard to find.

Dell Latitude D630 running Puppy 5.2.8 frugal, Macpup 525 frugal (if I can get it working again. Sadly, I couldn't get it fixed :? )
Precise Puppy 5.4 live DVD
Precise 5.7.3 on USB
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None of the links work here.

#25 Post by edrive007 »

[b]I really am getting in to Puppy Linux, and I thought this site was well put together until I tried to click on any of the link that should to take you to the video. Nothing is working I get ether: Go Daddy. of Forbidden, 404-File not Found. I am hungry for this knowledge, and I am leaving Recommended for beginners starving. What is up with that.[/b]
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Re: None of the links work here.

#26 Post by RetroTechGuy »

edrive007 wrote:[b]I really am getting in to Puppy Linux, and I thought this site was well put together until I tried to click on any of the link that should to take you to the video. Nothing is working I get ether: Go Daddy. of Forbidden, 404-File not Found. I am hungry for this knowledge, and I am leaving Recommended for beginners starving. What is up with that.[/b]
Look at the time-stamps at the top of the posts (many of the posts in this thread are YEARS old -- probably expired links and servers). Threads aren't deleted here, just because they're old -- but servers and links do "die"...

So, to learn more: ... tarted.htm

Lots of stuff and info here:

To find tools and patches, I often enter a search term in Google such as "puppy linux wikka _______", for example ""puppy linux wikka flash"

(note the link at the top of the page to get the flash player)

Software exists in many, many locations... But the main archive is Ibiblio (and its mirrors -- I forget the name of the European server): ... uppylinux/

And Barry's Wary and Quirky projects: ... ns/quirky/

Pick you version, and select software from the appropriate folder.

Suppose you've wisely chosen the current stable (5.28.004) ... ppy-5.2.8/

(you need none of the updates from here, just the main .ISO image -- the updates are patches to bring you to v.004).

Then you go into the Lucid package collection: ... ges-lucid/

Where you could grab your favorite browser, perhaps "" (download, click on it and answer "yes" and it will install).

And lastly, use the "Well Minded" search engine (see the link in my .sig) which will help you locate software discussions within John Murga's site (and elsewhere).

Good luck (and feel free to ask questions, that's what the forum is for).

Edit: Here's another thread that's worth reading:
[url=]Add swapfile[/url]
[url=]WellMinded Search[/url]
[url=]PuppyLinux.US Search[/url]
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#27 Post by Puppyt »

RetroTechGuy, that's a great collection of links you compiled above, thanks!
I was just searching for the extent of Puppy tutorial videos and I came across a repository of Rhino's original videos, produced using "Wink": ...

Coolpup, darkcity, Lobster and others have been doing a fine job with the "Puppy School" pages and from this point here the reader can also access Rhino's archive plus more recent 'how-to' tutorials from the likes of icyOS, IvanSampa, lobster et al. (As a perennial noob, I wish I'd found these resources much earlier :oops: )
Search engines for Puppy
[url][/url]; [url=]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url][/url] others TBA...
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#28 Post by darkcity »

I've merge the wiki pages TutorialYouTube and Videos

Please feel free to add your own suggestions 8)
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Recommended for beginners: the How-To Videos

#29 Post by bill »

Hats off to ALL who make "How to Videos" They are great ! It did however come to my attention that for users who for some reason or another are stuck with dialup,viewing them,is not a pleasant experience.
Just saying cheers

translation to fr es and Ru

#30 Post by Pelo »

Sneeky videos
translation to fr es and Ru Would be a good idea ?
Written englishis not so easy, but spoken english is still harder for non commonweahth citizens. Merci gracias, da !
4.3 fun intro :D :D :D :D bravo les brésiliens, viva Brazil you can dance on it]
ivan Sampa Brazil.jpg
Puppy Samba
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Mike Walsh
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#31 Post by Mike Walsh »

Every single link on this thread is dead. Period.

I think RetroTechGuy is right. The links are still there, but the stuff at the other end of them is long since retired. Perhaps somebody might consider re-making a short 'newbie's' video to explain, in as short a space as possible, how to install Puppy?

I only suggest this as we have a generation of newcomers nowadays who have grown up, expecting to find video tutorials for absolutely everything. Having got SimpleScreenRecorder up-and-running, I might even have a go at it myself.....but please, everybody, don't expect top-notch post-production quality!

Watch this space. If I manage to create something of acceptable quality, I will of course find a host for it and post links.

Mike. :wink:

screencasting what a newbie has to reproduce

#32 Post by Pelo »

Among ToOpPy users, Anaxagore just arrived in forum francophone makes nice tutorials for Argolance, screencasting what a newbie has to reproduce plus information ici Clap on the blue, cliquez sur le bleu
Last edited by Pelo on Fri 29 Sep 2017, 12:08, edited 4 times in total.

for our spanish users (or speaking spanish)

#33 Post by Pelo »

Un video explicativo (la verdad me quedó un poco largo, pero bueh) acerca de esta interesante distribucion GNU/Linux Links: ...
is a nice tuto (27mns)
"Muchas gracias por referenciar nuestro sitio Web... excelente vídeo... saludos desde Colombia" y many more congratulations;
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Mike Walsh
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#34 Post by Mike Walsh »

Evening, all.

Well, I said a while ago that I was going to make a Puppy installation video.....and, wonder of wonders, I've finally got around to it.

This shows the installation of 'Slacko' 5.7.0 to a USB flash drive, from an existing 570 'frugal' HD install. I would have liked to show this taking place from the LiveCD.....but you need Simple Screen Recorder installed in order to make the video to start with!

(And it needs a shed-load of dependencies.....)

Anyway, this shows the main points of the frugal install.....and it's essentially the same process for the majority of Pups. Hope this helps..!!

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Mon 28 May 2018, 21:21, edited 2 times in total.

#35 Post by radev222 »

Hey guys , Thanks for the video :)...Its helpful, Hope we get more tutorials like this in the future... :D
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#36 Post by Mike Walsh »

You're very welcome..! (And 'Welcome' to the kennels...)

Hope it was of some small use..!

(If you've got any suggestions for tutorials you think might be useful, give us a bell. If I find the time, I'll see if I can stir the old grey matter into action, and make some more...)

Mike. :wink:

Thousands of videos show how to install Puppy..

#37 Post by Pelo »

Tutorials are a lot, just search you tube.
Thousands of videos show how to install Puppy..
Hundred explains it in Spanish
I hope french guys will get shame to be so different from UK citizens :evil:
felicitations Mike Walsh
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Getting started.. installation for complete utter noobs

#38 Post by fiskrond »

after 3yrs of consideration and failed attempts, followed by 4 very determined days of tears, swearing, lager, nicotine... I have finally managed to install a version of something which isn't Windows.

Here is a non-jargonized guide to getting Puppy onto your old PC. It is written in normal English (non-tech)... so it is easy to follow.
It could do with a little tidying-up but massive thumbs up to the author... I'm not a donut, but the vast majority of 'guides' are far from intelligible and are seriously off-putting. This one is EASY to follow and does not assume prior knowledge.

Anywayz... this WILL make some kind of sense to users migrating from Windows... ... ard-drive/

By the way... am absolutely astounded with what Puppy can do with 384mB of SDram!!!

I've been converted!!! :-)

fiskrond, i am very happy for you

#39 Post by hamoudoudou »

fiskrond, i am very happy for you. Happy that tutos videos get you run Puppy successfully..
S-kami is doing a lot of tuto , magyar speaking.. I hope some french will do the same.. We have some. The tuto must explain a process and precise for which computers. Remember partitions are not the same on very old XP and newer Windows 7...
The usual way to boot nowadays is not with a CD or a DVDs...
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#40 Post by Puppyt »

Yes you made a really good video Mike - I've subscribed to your channel :) I will be spending some time over the break with some Puppy-convert-wannabe's, and I hope that will give me fresh ideas on where the most challenging concepts might lie for those new to Puppy (and Linux). Is there a list of titles somewhere for the earlier "how-to's" from Rhino, perhaps copies stored somewhere?

Hopefully some newbies can chip in with additional suggestions for "how to" videos but for my mind, the most problematic issues I had with Puppy when making the leap from Windows were: - dealing with drive/partition naming conventions from C:, D:, E: etc to sda1 (or hda1) etc file directories; the multiple subdirectories for "home", Bin, etc and the rationale for the sometimes fractal-like organisational structure in Puppy Linux; coping with ROX and the non-operational 'delete' key, no tree view for directory structures; all the multiple workspace goodies that are perfect for the way I use laptops in the field - that Windows still can't get right; and - how in the heck is all this super-fast software, tiny operating system with all its security structures (and low virus risk) *actually FREE*???

Once I was able to handle the above concepts, the higher-order abilities to govern your operating system configurations and *even make your own individualized version of Puppy Linux* kinda fell into place, and it was "off to the races". Mind you, I don't think I truly understand how the SFS really works...
Mike Walsh wrote:You're very welcome..! (And 'Welcome' to the kennels...)

Hope it was of some small use..!

(If you've got any suggestions for tutorials you think might be useful, give us a bell. If I find the time, I'll see if I can stir the old grey matter into action, and make some more...)

Mike. :wink:
Search engines for Puppy
[url][/url]; [url=]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url][/url] others TBA...
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