binary compatibility database

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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binary compatibility database

#1 Post by learnhow2code »

1. puppy .iso images contain .sfs files.

2. some debian .iso images contain hierarchies that would be in in .sfs files.

3. some debian-based .iso images contain .sfs files like puppy.

4. these hierarchies and .sfs files can be auto-scanned with ldd to build a database of the libraries the binaries in each .iso uses.

5. .pet packages can be scanned and checked against the database for % of packages that are binary compatible: (0%? 100%? ?%)

6. .sfs packages can be mounted and scanned just like .pet packages.

7. this can be used to check puppy packages for which .isos (which pups) they are compatible with, pretty much automatically.

8. the isos do not need to be stored once the database is built for that iso-- only the sha256, the md5 and the text of the database for that iso.

anyone interested in using such a thing?

can this help woof somehow?
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