US Friends Like Hillary

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

US Friends Like Hillary

#1 Post by gcmartin »

Her past public contributions have been admirable.

Women do have the ability to command and run leadership positions. She is loved by the many NY State voters who made her a Senator. And she worked diligently for its state's peoples while in office.

Hope the US rhetoric about women and about ability subsides. It has been some very unsupported views exhibited by outspoken members.

This is NOT a Political forum, so maybe this area of the forum can move beyond this divisive attempts in US politics that are being posted. The HATRED exhibited about blacks and minorities, Black President, Women for President should be evaluated by all who have read thru the recent months in this area of the forum.

@Musher0 seems to be the only one concerned for using this area for looking at policy and taking steps to insure legislators and regulators are doing good things for Internet technology users.

It is hoped that this thread is the last thread started with a political subject line. And hoped that it stops the much mis-aligned hatred disguised as meaningful dialogue. (Yes I said that and from my point of view it is true.)

You know whom I refer. We can do better in our forum behavior. So much bitterness has come forth from the US recently. Not one has offered to join forces for change and inclusions. Instead we, in the world, have been subjected to a mass of messages steeped in hatred, in sexism, in racism, etc

I propose that in US, one should stop and evaluate whether the hatred you possess about others unlike you, is a valid position for you to adopt. It is a key reason why many in the world find objections.

We can, all of us "can", dismiss our hatred and find source reasons we can begin an embrace such that community, neighbors, and peoples find interlocking interest to improve their environments as a cohesive country. Since the Black President was elected, the HATRED has been relentless and continuous and we, in the forum, has had to content with this constant behavior.

Maybe its time to stop it. Maybe its time to recognize that the world does not support those views. Maybe its time for re-evaluation and joining groups who can bring unity in inter-working with ALL of its peoples; not just white men.

This is another appeal for getting back to Puppy Linux and Technology that affects Puppy directly, or indirectly.

This forum is comprised of a world of peoples and together it has been a collection of contributions from peoples of all walks of life. It can be an example for a collection of those largely behaving in a manner for collective contribution to technology issues, ideas, and solutions available to all.

This appeal is a hope for abandoning the political rhetoric we are being bombarded with in this forum area. This is not a political forum for technical ideas. It is a technical forum; plain and simple which has an off-topic area for non-Puppy related items. Because of its Technical focus related to Puppy, I (and I'm others too) view this as an area to contribute other "technical" interest that are not Puppy specific. This can be seen by the many contributions that were here before the bombardment of US politics and recent view of hatreds.

My personal friends and family in the US find Hillary a better choice. Her past records show her interest in improving the country for all of its peoples. Trumps plans appear to be for his personal family business interest versus for the US people. The office of the President will give him the ability to place people as heads of US government Departments that will change department operations in his and his family's business favor I agree and see their side. These are from New Yorkers who know him well.

Let hope that the rhetoric, politics and hatreds stops. ... soon. This is a world's forum for Puppy Linux. (there are other forums on the net for politics and the behavior being brought into this community)
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#2 Post by starhawk »

Ya know, gc, we're often at loggerheads.

This particular thread, however, is not an example of that. I think you and I are in agreement, on all counts.

Personally, I stay out of the politics threads. I'm tired of being beaten up and beaten down. But that is not really a valid excuse to allow that sort of bullshit (sorry, but a spade is a spade) to fester.

One thing I've noticed about you, gc, is you have a way of making threads disappear upon occasion. That power can be useful here, I think ;) As for me, I've got a folder on my computer labeled "Humor" -- it's mostly lolcat-grade material, which is wonderful for thread derailment.

What say you and I have a little fun? :twisted:

Re: US Friends Like Hillary

#3 Post by learnhow2code »

starhawk wrote:One thing I've noticed about you, gc, is you have a way of making threads disappear upon occasion. That power can be useful here, I think ;)
et tu, starhawk?

gcmartin wrote:Her past public contributions have been admirable.
my favorite is the wall she voted for.

seriously, anyone that votes to build a giant wall around the united states is "unpresidential."

Women do have the ability to command and run leadership positions.
yes! i happen to think jill stein is excellent. but a sellout that can appeal to women is more likely to get in than a woman who actually cares about the country.

She is loved by the many NY State voters who made her a Senator. And she worked diligently for its state's peoples while in office.
including voting for a wall. though that probably made her loved in arizona. still, arizona should like her more than new york, shes very right wing.

Hope the US rhetoric about women and about ability subsides.
can you actually point to any rhetoric against hillarys gender? or are you suggesting that no one can criticize a woman because its automatically sexist?

(thats it, isnt it?)

now, can you point to such rhetoric ON THIS FORUM, or did you have it deleted?


note i dont know if youre the reason entire threads are getting deleted. i cant prove it-- but:

1. you insist we shouldnt be allowed to talk about american politics
2. then the thread disappears
3. now youre talking about american poltics...

youre a censor and a complete hypocrite. thats typical of hillary supporters though.

It has been some very unsupported views exhibited by outspoken members.
liar. prove it.

oh you cant! because the threads deleted.


This is NOT a Political forum, so maybe this area of the forum can move beyond this divisive attempts in US politics that are being posted.
this again? youre actually posting political topics to tell us that off-topic isnt for politics?

the f***?

are you really tay, the the microsoft ai that got pulled from twitter? have you gone to the left? (i should say, the fake left?)

The HATRED exhibited about blacks and minorities, Black President, Women for President should be evaluated by all who have read thru the recent months in this area of the forum.









you make an outrageous claim like that, you should point to an example--

there isnt one, because YOU MADE IT UP.

@Musher0 seems to be the only one concerned for using this area for looking at policy and taking steps to
well tell me this boy wonder, how is he supposed to do that if this forum isnt for politics?

admit it-- youre fine with politics THAT YOU LIKE, its the politics you dont agree with that this forum isnt for...

--you stinking fascist.

It is hoped that this thread is the last thread started with a political subject line.
why should you get the last one? you claim to be against them altogether (but youre more equal than some, right?)

And hoped that it stops the much mis-aligned hatred disguised as meaningful dialogue.
you seem to be the one disguising hatred (of politics you dont agree with) as meaningful dialogue. well, dialogue.

not really even dialogue. in dialogue, people respond to questions-- you dont. you just make outrageous claims and bail-- youre trolling as usual-- when you do respond its with meaningless ad hom about rules that dont exist, as if any person that breaks your made-up rules dont deserve a real answer.

theyll never get one.

seriously, who pays you?

You know whom I refer.
... your mom...

We can do better in our forum behavior.
youre a troll, or youre a non-english speaker feeding this nonsense through google translate.

also youre a liar and a hypocrite.

you have no room to talk about forum behavior. NONE.

let me know if you want a response to that other garbage you posted here.

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Joined: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 06:04
Location: Everybody knows this is nowhere...

#4 Post by starhawk »

The wall thing is Trump, last I heard.

#5 Post by learnhow2code »

starhawk wrote:The wall thing is Trump, last I heard.
when did trump vote for a wall? hillary actually VOTED for it in 2006: ... -president

further support: (unlike the op, i actually support claims like this one.) ... le/1061753

so is it HATRED and "racism" when hillary says these things about immigrants, or just when the right does? hmm...

i like mexicans.

i like blacks.

i even like the irish, and NO ONE likes them!

im also against the wall. im even against trump! and unlike FASCIST HILLARY ive *always* been against building a wall!

but nothing is good enough for gc, except gc. i guess its all the hatred :(

so tell me man, did you one moment ago come out in favor of censorship on the forum, or did i make up that thing about how hillary supporters love censoring all critics and different points of view?

:( from now on, all your posts will make me very sad, because i know youre just trying to delete what others say while having the nerve to post yourself. consider yourself tsked.
Last edited by learnhow2code on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:12, edited 1 time in total.

Hillary has always attempted to work for a concensus

#6 Post by gcmartin »

you insist we shouldnt be allowed to talk about american politics
This is NOT a quote from me!!! THAT,MY FRIEND, IS A REACTIONARY LIE! I am not on record for what you are allowed. I do appeal for what is good approach for a world-wide community. US, or any country's politics is not a good placement in this forum or this subarea viewable by world's forum members.

This forum chooses to provide a subarea for its technical mission. I agree with that and find it a good practice.

Sorry you continue to find it offensive that I should ask for your observation on forum mission versus your propensity for US politics to be thrust upon the community.

If you wanted to express a view for personal views you could elect to PM to those who you feel is worthy of your position.

But, this forum has a very large world population and the issues of PUPPY affect us all. It is the reason this forum exist.

There are forums, again, that cater to your views. But, you somehow feel you need to use this forum for your own.

Yes, you dont like my appeals but, I feel it is the right thing to do for this forum with all of the world looking for meaningful Puppy Linux contributions and the help it provides.

Try to understand, if you can.

Hope this is helpful
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:18, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 4906
Joined: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 06:04
Location: Everybody knows this is nowhere...

#7 Post by starhawk »

Well this didn't take long :(

@learn. Can you cite a source that "normal people" would consider trustworthy...?

#8 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:
you insist we shouldnt be allowed to talk about american politics
This is NOT a quote from me!!! THAT,MY FRIEND, IS A REACTIONARY LIE!
dude-- you deleted the post where you said it... but you didnt delete the witnesses to that thread.

youre a liar of an impressive caliber. i havent met many trolls as dedicated as you, and ive been online for over 20 years.
This forum chooses to provide an subarea for its technical mission. I agree with that and find it a good practice.

There are forums, again, that cater to your views. But, you somehow feel you need to use this forum for your own.
what on earth does that mean?
Yes, you dont like my appeals but, I feel it is the right thing to do for this forum with all of the world looking for meaningful contributions and the help it provides.
i dont like your hypocrisy-- you insist imaginary rules exist and that everyone (except you apparently) should follow them.

why would anyone like that?
Try to understand, if you can.
you go ahead, try to respond to what people ask you, since you make outrageous claims about everyone except musher, and dont back them up with evidence.

#9 Post by gcmartin »

Another LIE!!!

Cut the crap @learnhow2code!

In fact I view what you have shared politically as a distortion. That is an equivalent to LIES!. SO, what should I continue to expect from you. Distortions and lies???
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:21, edited 1 time in total.

#10 Post by learnhow2code »

starhawk wrote:Well this didn't take long :(
are you suggesting that you believe hillary didnt say those things, or do you just want to waste my time? i do mean waste my time, since youre in favor of censoring viewpoints you dont agree with.

if hillary voted for the wall (the year was 2006) what difference does it make where it was reported?

to clarify, one more time: do you actually think they made up her voting for a wall?

or.. do you just want to waste my time? because no one here owes you any favors.

#11 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:Another LIE!!!

Cut the crap @learnhow2code!
oh just have the thread deleted, you lying sack of crap.

trump wastes his time talking about LYING HILLARY. he should talk about LYING GCMARTIN!

#12 Post by gcmartin »

if you STOP QUOTING, you would have had the moment to see the update added to quote.

Stop your lies, and your quotes and your politics and your attempts at positioning how we, in this community, are suppose to see things... your way!

And the lie about my erasing something of what members should not be ALLOWED is again, a lie from you. Even I, in my myopic view, recognized the structure that the forum offers members.

Cut the crap!
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:28, edited 1 time in total.

#13 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:if you STOP QUOTING, you would have had the moment to see the update.
Stop your lies, and your quotes and your politics and your attempts at positioning how we, in this community, are suppose to see things... your way!
actually im in favor of choices-- i dont delete their choices, everyone is entitled to their own pov. its you that tries to limit them here-- you that (in this very thread.) ask for people to not talk about politics, even while you talk about politics. the only thing you need to know youre a hypocrite IS A DICTIONARY.
Cut the crap!
Cut the crap!
Cut the crap!
Cut the crap!
have fun, lying gcmartin.
Last edited by learnhow2code on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:31, edited 1 time in total.

#14 Post by gcmartin »

Another update for your quoting added to yet another recent post by me.

You want to continue the lies in public or would you be a better man doing this in a PM? Your choice, but I will not be lied about or bullyed by you or anyone.

#15 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:You want to continue the lies in public or would you be a better man doing this in a PM? Your choice, but I will not be lied about or bullyed by you or anyone.
i havent lied, and i will not accept your pm. (you havent sent one yet, just in case you think im implying anything.) i will go up and take another look at your ridiculous, lying post. if i do not edit THIS post or reply further, you may assume i found your edits to not remove your lies and fabrications.

edit: good edits!

youre still a fascist, but its a nice post for now. will you be changing it some more later? :)

according to the page im typing on, "The time now is Thu 18 Aug 2016, 17:33"
Bruce B

#16 Post by Bruce B »

gcmartin, you do not believe the people of this forum are good enough for you.

You bring more accusations, guilt projection and shaming.
gcmartin wrote:The HATRED exhibited about blacks and minorities, Black President, Women for President should be evaluated by all who have read thru the recent months in this area of the forum.
Hate speech? What hate speech? Show me.
gcmartin wrote:You know whom I refer. We can do better in our forum behavior. So much bitterness has come forth from the US recently. Not one has offered to join forces for change and inclusions. Instead we, in the world, have been subjected to a mass of messages steeped in hatred, in sexism, in racism, etc
You condemn the whole lot of them, especially those white Americans.

You want to make people feel bad about themselves.

I do not buy it. I think we are a pretty good bunch of people. We have done no wrong. We are people with ideas and opinions. We like to have discussions.

You are the accuser and you have dropped in to make more false accusations. I think you are sick.

#17 Post by learnhow2code »

starhawk wrote:@learn. Can you cite a source that "normal people" would consider trustworthy...?
did you see the video? its footage of hillary, hosted on youtube, only 30 seconds long-- where she herself says that she voted for a barrier "and i do think that you have to control [the] borders."

so rather than have you deflect again, i will repeat the question-- is it hatred when hillary says this, or only when the right says it, or is there some other way that a wall is reasonable? i wont vote for anyone that votes for (or supports) building a wall. walls around countries should (generally) come down, not go up. if theres really no other way to protect a nations safety thats another thing-- im still unconvinced that the wall is for our safety.

and is footage of hillary saying it herself a good enough source, or do you think the video was fabricated or manipulated?

again-- she voted for the wall. she says she voted for it-- the vote is on public record elsewhere, too. trump has merely said its a good idea. considering that he wont be in office, and she was, i think shes worse (for now-- and probably when she is in office again, because everything trump does is amateur hour.)

#18 Post by gcmartin »

I request, at this point, YOU read the opening thread, again, if you have not done so.

Just maybe you might see something you missed in understanding.

#19 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:I request, at this point, YOU read the opening thread, again, if you have not done so.
i already did it and responded, i dont know what you want.
Just maybe you might see something you missed in understanding.
you dont even understand when someone rereads a post and replies to it, so what kind of standard am i up against here?

i hope you know that i hold myself to a MUCH lower standard when im replying to you. not much point in trying when youre likely to have the post deleted anyway. you get that, right? by making it a little more pointless to try to talk about politics here, youve made it that much more pointless to talk to YOU about them. and besides, you dont want us to talk about politics here-- or do you? have i misunderstood you THAT MUCH, or only your reason? i dont care (at all) about your "reason," what you want totally sucks and you arent entitled to at all.
Bruce B

Re: US Friends Like Hillary

#20 Post by Bruce B »

gcmartin, I think you imagine things.

Take this example
gcmartin wrote:Hope the US rhetoric about women and about ability subsides. It has been some very unsupported views exhibited by outspoken members.
Where is this ongoing unsupported US rhetoric from outspoken members about women and their abilities you hope subsides? Please show us. Back up your allegations.
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