US Friends Like Hillary

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

Re: US Friends Like Hillary

#21 Post by learnhow2code »

Bruce B wrote:Where is this ongoing unsupported US rhetoric from outspoken members about women and their abilities you hope subsides? Please show us. Back up your allegations.
well first of all, gcmartin dodges most questions asked of him. i can tell you of the things ive asked him, ive rarely if ever gotten a direct reply. his favorite style of replying to tough questions is to talk about the entire forum or some made-up rule, as if that is relevant to the question.

its changing the subject, very plainly. its diversion.

in this case it will be difficult because i think hes referring to a thread that is now missing. i dont believe the thread said the things he thinks were there (i think they are very poor interpretations on his part) though he feels strongly enough to make accusations about them (in this thread) though perhaps there are other examples of what hes talking about-- especially since he speaks about it as though its some kind of epidemic.

you will get no examples, since he doesnt support his accusations with anything except "its my opinion." well jolly good, its my opinion that hes full of crap. see how well that works?
Last edited by learnhow2code on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 22:31, edited 1 time in total.
Bruce B

#22 Post by Bruce B »

In any event women are different than men. If they the same as men there would not be any point in being transgender.


#23 Post by learnhow2code »

Bruce B wrote:In any event women are different than men. If they the same as men there would not be any point in being transgender.
i think women are just as fit to lead as men. since there are few women running, either a) the system is very sexist or b) women arent very interested in running or c) some other thing or d) two or more of the previous.

again, i think jill stein would be excellent. there are very few female candidates to choose from, and hillary was an awful senator. i think she would make an awful president. i also think she is a terrible person.

i would take oprah over hillary. i would take stein over hillary. i would even take palin over hillary, since with a clown like palin in office she might only get 4 years before shes impeached or voted out, and with hillary we are pretty much guaranteed 8. i am against voting for the lesser of two evils, but im not against speculating which is worse :)

gc will never comment (ok, so its an assumption) on whether we should vote for someone we think its a terrible candidate, just to support someone for being a woman. i bet you he didnt vote for palin (i mean, i bet he didnt ask anyone to vote for palin) because despite being a woman, palin IS an absolutely appalling politician. (there you have it, its possible to be both.) but these made-up arguments tend to favor the left no matter what, even when they turn out to be nothing but double standards and excluded context :)

as gc will tell you, the only way you can exclude context is by quoting people, you cant exclude it by simply not mentioning it :) or by refusing to respond directly.

another thing gc probably wont respond to is why i should care what new yorkers thought of hillary as senator. senators make decisions that affect the entire country, and hillary was also secretary of state. its not like being a mayor, where the politics are so local. or were they going to build the wall to keep mexicans out somewhere on new yorks border?
Last edited by learnhow2code on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 22:46, edited 1 time in total.

#24 Post by gcmartin »

That not a tough question and some questions are not really good questions as they are designed to pigeon hole a view.

And @learnhow2code I see you seek to quote others in your constant on-slaught to make your views seem legitimate. They are NOT! Some are, but for the most part you can make you claims without the need to constantly quote others.

For your counterpart, it is a requirement as it seems.

The most recent ones are those who want to assert that white men are privileged and under attack from me. This is NOT true either. Because I have privilege does not mean I earned it because I am white.

The white false viewpoint (false when one steps back and analyzes) is white is the race. I feel that Mankind is the race, and we all have differing colors due to environmentals. There are those who will NOT accept that, as they feel that the privilege distinction is deserving and yields the "right" to assert it over all others.

Like many of us in the world, we dont all share that view. Nor do we believe that the US political ethics is what we need as a behavior in the forum. The forum is public for worldwide Puppy discussions, contributions and solution. As such it, in its technical outlining, we should be focused on solutions versus spouting rants about US politics.

Let reread the original post and either you will consider it or you will reject.

Peace be with you!

#25 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:you seek to quote others in your constant on-slaught to make your views seem legitimate. They are NOT!
the only reason i quote you these days is because you dont like it. but i would do it anyway, because context is to an argument what icing is to a cake.

i guess you like yours dry.
for the most part you can make you claims without the need to constantly quote others.
we can talk about politics in off-topic, too-- are you about to do what i just said you would, and avoid responding directly, instead-- WAIT, I WILL QUOTE MYSELF!
learnhow2code wrote:gcmartin dodges most questions asked of him. i can tell you of the things ive asked him, ive rarely if ever gotten a direct reply. his favorite style of replying to tough questions is to talk about the entire forum or some made-up rule, as if that is relevant to the question.

its changing the subject, very plainly. its diversion.
i will judge whether youre doing that now by how many of my questions you answer. (youre certainly giving a decent amount of time to your usual diversionary, made-up rules.)
The most recent ones are those who want to assert that white men are privileged and under attack from me. This is NOT true either. Because I have privilege does not mean I earned it because I am white.

The white false viewpoint (false when one steps back and analyzes) is that Mankind is the race, and we all have differing colors due to environmentals. There are those who will NOT accept that, as they feel that the privilege distinction is deserving and yields the "right" to assert it over all others.

Like many of us in the world, we dont all share that view. Nor do we believe that the US political ethics is what we need as a behavior in the forum. The forum is public. As such it, in its technical outlining, we should be focused on solutions versus spouting rants about US politics.

i have to hand it to you-- when cornered into it you do a marvelous job of mixing answers i cant follow with your usual preaching about rules you made up.

its almost like a real explanation. i cant knock progress!

my other questions have gone unanswered, but i really want to applaud your effort for trying, so lets table them for at least another reply or two, "eh?"
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#26 Post by Galbi »

today I've read an interesting article: What the media do not tell about the US elections

Hope you read it and tell your opinions.

V. Navarro is a university professor born in Spain, but he works and live in USA. The article is in spanish so I put here the link to the google translation: ... t=&act=url
Remember: [b][i]"pecunia pecuniam parere non potest"[/i][/b]

#27 Post by learnhow2code »

Galbi wrote:Hope you read it and tell your opinions.
nice article galbi-- im still reading it, but i will point out some things it says that ive already said. first a quote, then comments:
The essential point of this neoliberal doctrine has been to liberalize the economy, which means encouraging mobility of capital and investment worldwide, eliminating any brake or regulation that may be seen as protectionist, ie that undermine such mobility . As I have indicated on several occasions, such mobility favors the world of big business at the expense of small and medium enterprises and also at the expense of the vast majority of the working class, which, by moving their jobs to other countries with lower wages, it remains without work. The evidence that the impact of so-called free trade agreements has been extremely negative for the welfare of the working class is huge. Since President Clinton signed the free trade agreement in 1994 between the US, Canada and Mexico (NAFTA acronym) per day fifteen factories have left US for countries with lower wages and less social protection. As a result, six million jobs in manufacturing have disappeared.
ok, so here are some things i take from this quote:

* its not just about personalities
* we arent the only ones talking about germany
* problems with these two candidates are about corporations as much as it is about people
* and in that sense, it is not only trump that is a problem.

they even mentioned free trade agreements and thatcher! so i would put it to gcmartin, who wants to paint me as some deluded american with no awareness of global politics, that im ghostwriting articles in spanish now!

(no, but i do like the author of this article.)

also i care more about the working class than trump or hillary-- then again, most people do :)
Needless to say, the capitalist class (known in the US as Corporate Class- -the corporate class) prefer a person of the same establishment, like Mrs. Clinton, that the candidate Trump, partly because of the unpredictability of the latter
ive said ALL of this.

yes, clinton will be ceo-- i mean president of the united states. if you want to stand against her, speak out. your votes will not help you this term, unless you vote for someone that actually represents you.

trump will not be elected. his primary purpose (not necessarily as part of some scheme, but perhaps inadvertently) is to make you vote for hillary. thats what he will do best. and corporations dont trust him/like him as much as hillary.

nothing new, but nothing wrong with confirmation. we are going to need more (very sadly.) but it will come. also:
His success was the big news hidden by the mainstream media, which clearly favored Hillary Clinton on Sanders, which was against not only the direction and apparatus of the Democratic Party, but all the mainstream media. However, Sanders won the support of voters under age 45
its foolish old democrats ruining the election for everyone else. thanks guys! youre truly the most worthless party: you think you have a monopoly on progress, while youre truly loved by the guy wearing the top hat. pip, pip!

p.s. im proud to know at least TWO people over 45 that are for sanders and dont like hillary.
he victory of the business world was at the expense of the working class. Instead of these class policies, the progressive forces had emphasized identity politics (in favor of minorities and women) in order to promote their integration into the dominant political-economic system in the US. The federal government institutions in response to this strategy, managed through anti-discrimination measures, integrating these minorities and women within the institutions of the system. The election of a black citizen to the US presidency shows the success of these anti-discrimination policies. And a somewhat similar would happen in the event that the candidate Clinton was elected president. But this integration into the established system has not changed the standard of living of most blacks and women in the US, which belong to the working class,
in english: your political correctness is a bit superficial, and doesnt help the working class that need real (less superficial, less identity-focused) change. but the democratic party is about image, so good luck!
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#28 Post by bark_bark_bark »

gcmartin is a hypocrite confirmed. And also, Trump says he will build a wall but he's lying; Republicans and their corporate friends love the slave labor coming in from south of the border. The only reason why Trump says he'll build one to pander to all these ignorant, bigoted christians.

#29 Post by learnhow2code »

bark_bark_bark wrote:Trump says he will build a wall but he's lying; Republicans and their corporate friends love the slave labor coming in from south of the border.
im inclined to agree with you fully, though part of me thinks that an illegal immigrant is worth more to the right-wing-owned companies than a legalized illegal immigrant--

youre right that they dont actually want to keep them out (not that a wall is going to stop smugglers) but a legalized immigrant is going to at least be a risk of higher wages-- an illegal one has to take what they can get.

actually im not sure if this is agreeing less fully or more fully. either way, i think youve got it.

#30 Post by gcmartin »

Anyone else here for name calling.

But, I can see something very odd in the earlier post. I have never drawn a position on @learn2code as was stated a few posts back.

I have made requests about politics here in this forum. It matches post I have made about religion on the forum, too. My views on these subjects intended toward forcing positions upon the rest of us, I feel is wrongly placed here. And, the attempts at disguising it as dialogue make me expose what one can observe.

So, you or anyone need not post about your so-called "righteous" views on those 2 topics. There are better places on the Internet for such behavior.

We are a collection of humans here because of what Puppy Linux contributions we have used, help, or make. This, in and of itself, represents "SOLUTIONS" we can all use. Politics and Religion are outside of the scope of solutions and certainly of Puppy Linux.

And again, STOP YOUR QUOTING me. Others can read and draw their own conclusions without your interpreted positions to match your responses.
Bruce B

#31 Post by Bruce B »

Why even talk about building a wall?

My theory is that for the most part we can only stop, detain and deport illegals at the points of entry.

Once the illegal has made it to the interior, his chances of getting deported is very low. There are not anyone looking for illegals inside the country.

There are many stories of illegals committing felonies, being sent to prison, then released without deportation.

We cannot have police looking for illegals, even if they want to, which they don't, because that would be called racial profiling. Profiling is a politically incorrect no-no, therefore we cannot do it.

What if they checked me for papers? I do not have a Green Card, no Passaporte, nada. I am undocumented, except for a drivers license and any illegal or visitor can get a drivers license.

#32 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:Anyone else here for name calling.
calling you on your actions-- just like you think youre doing for everyone here. the only difference is, you dont point to the things youre calling people out on-- you just accuse without evidence. ordinarily we point to it, or admit the lack of it-- you dont. if you think "hypocrite" is name calling, STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!
But, I can see something very odd in the earlier post. I have never drawn a position on @learn2code.
nonsense. youve lumped me in with everyone else that disagrees. youve responded to my questions with irrelevant charges. but anyway, lets move past this farcical preface:
I have made requests about politics here in this forum. It matches post I have made about religion on the forum, too. My views on these subjects intended toward forcing positions upon the rest of us, I feel is wrongly placed here.

And, the attempts at disguising it as dialogue make me expose what one can observe.
So, you or anyone need not post about their so-called "righteous" views on those 2 topics. There are better places on the Internet for such behavior.
this is you reiterating:

* your same old opinion
* for the donkey-molesting-th time
* disguised as forum "advice"
* disguised as your position on me?

that last point is novel, its still bullsh**.
We are a collection of humans here because of what Puppy Linux contributions we have use, help, or make. This, in and of itself, represents "SOLUTIONS" we can all use. Politics and Religion are outside of the scope of solutions and certainly of Puppy Linux.
how do you say this in every thread without getting bored of it? its not even true-- it suits your purposes, but its NONSENSE.

Others can read and draw their own conclusions without your interpreted positions to match your responses.
i would compare you to a horses ass, but thats not fair to horses, or their asses.

you said nothing about me, man. you pretended that you were going to say something, but then you just launched into your old routine about how the forum should work the way you think it should.

in other words, no quoting, no politics, no religion.

you know what talking to you is like? its like talking to terrance and phillip, except instead of the punch line invariably being a fart, its something more inane about your made-up forum rules.

"hey terrance, what did the prime minister of france say to the belgian diplomat?"

"i dont know phillip, what did he say?"


youre a hilarious little man. are you really canadian? or is that too political for the forum?

#33 Post by gcmartin »

This thread has invited some very disturbing statements.

The Democrats are responsible for what has occurred. When the last 26 years has seen Republican Congress in control of US laws???

Hillary is responsible for a "wall" when she was Senator when there are in excess of 500 people in Congress???

Illegals can get drivers licenses without any papers???

Illegals commit crimes which when apprehended they are returned to host country society same as citizens???

This is why POLITICS does not belong here!

And, it appears by YOUR definition of hypocrite that you know the meaning. Neither definition, thus far, matches. :roll:

Cut the crap!
Last edited by gcmartin on Fri 19 Aug 2016, 01:32, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1885
Joined: Tue 05 Jun 2012, 12:17
Location: Wisconsin USA

#34 Post by bark_bark_bark »

gcmartin wrote:This thread has invited some very disturbing statements.

The Democrats are responsible for what has occurred. When the last 26 years has seen Republican Congress in control of US laws???

Hillary is responsible for a "wall" when she was Senator when there are in excess of 500 people in Congress???

Illegals can get drivers licenses without any papers???

Illegals commit crimes which when apprehended they are returned to host country society same as citizens???

This is why POLITICS does not belong here!
And yet you started a topic on politics, so that makes you a hypocrite.
Bruce B

#35 Post by Bruce B »

gcmartin wrote:Anyone else here for name calling.
I'm your daisy.

Who called you a name? What did he say?
gcmartin wrote:But, I can see something very odd in the earlier post. I have never drawn a position on @learn2code as was stated a few posts back.

I don't know about that. Maybe. Generally speaking you paint with a broad brush and make all of us White Americans wrong.
gcmartin wrote:I have made requests about politics here in this forum. It matches post I have made about religion on the forum, too. My views on these subjects intended toward forcing positions upon the rest of us, I feel is wrongly placed here. And, the attempts at disguising it as dialogue make me expose what one can observe.
I remember, someone called you a hypocrite. Maybe you are. After all you are the one who started this contentious political topic.
gcmartin wrote:So, you or anyone need not post about your so-called "righteous" views on those 2 topics. There are better places on the Internet for such behavior.
Why don't you stop trying to control things?
gcmartin wrote:We are a collection of humans here because of what Puppy Linux contributions we have used, help, or make. This, in and of itself, represents "SOLUTIONS" we can all use. Politics and Religion are outside of the scope of solutions and certainly of Puppy Linux.
Politics and religion are not outside the scope of the Off Topic section. You know this very well. You only pretend it is not allowed.
gcmartin wrote:And again, STOP YOUR QUOTING me. Others can read and draw their own conclusions without your interpreted positions to match your responses.
It is not going to happen. There are good reasons to quote. It is entirely acceptable. It is fair and good. There is nothing wrong with quoting.

#36 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:Hillary is responsible for a "wall" when she was Senator when there are in excess of 500 people in Congress???
no one said that-- but if you dont understand that she is responsible for HER VOTE then you dont get politics, man. imo this quote proves how full of crap you really are, but the only person thats going to pay attention is someone that can figure you out for themselves (as youre fond of saying.) seriously, you dont even hold her accountable for HER OWN VOTES! *hilarious*
Bruce B

#37 Post by Bruce B »

gcmartin wrote:This thread has invited some very disturbing statements.
Someone started it.
gcmartin wrote:The Democrats are responsible for what has occurred. When the last 26 years has seen Republican Congress in control of US laws???
Who said that? What did he say?
gcmartin wrote:Hillary is responsible for a "wall" when she was Senator when there are in excess of 500 people in Congress???
Who said that? What did he say?
gcmartin wrote:Illegals can get drivers licenses without any papers???
In most states people over the age of 15 can get drivers licences. People visiting us from China can get drivers licenses. Most states honor the drivers licenses from other states. We do not honor Chinese drivers licenses. We cannot even read them. If the Chinese want to drive legally they need to apply for a license. Gotta be over 15, which is sometimes confusing because Chinese think they are one year older than they are.

In any event, I am not trying to say it is safe to be on our hiways. But it is of zero consequence to you because you don't live here. Therefore, you cannot get hit by a Chinese driver.
gcmartin wrote:Illegals commit crimes which when apprehended they are returned to host country society same as citizens???
When they are apprended, they are booked, arraigned, place bonds, put in jail, see the judge, pay for their crimes.

Think they are going to rob a store, get caught and merlely told to go home? No way. They have to pay for their crime.
gcmartin wrote:And, it appears by YOUR definition of hypocrite that you know the meaning. Neither definition, thus far, matches. :roll:
The devil defines it like this: HYPOCRITE, n. One who, profession virtues that he does not respect secures the advantage of seeming to be what he despises
gcmartin wrote:Cut the crap!
Stop trying to control things. You need to calm down.

#38 Post by gcmartin »

You didnt read the VERY 1ST OPENING POST, now did you?

#39 Post by gcmartin »

I wrote:Hillary is responsible for a "wall" when she was Senator when there are in excess of 500 people in Congress???
So is there a wall somewhere? She also voted for other things too that you might twist into objections.

For example if a Senator says to another that I will vote for a particular, if you will vote to give illegals a pathway to citizenship, did she vote for a wall or for a pathway to citizenship.

Cut the crap. And reread the opening post. That is if you are tired of twisting with your quotes.

If you have something to say, say it and move on. Quote quote quote expecting that we cant read. WOW! And a shame.

I say, as long as you do so I will call you out on it.

#40 Post by learnhow2code »

gcmartin wrote:You didnt read the VERY 1ST OPENING POST, now did you?
as someone with a jewish mother, i can say that gcmartin would have probably risen all the way to the top if hed only chosen that for a career (being someones jewish mother that is.) hes very preachy for a canadian-- probably "canadian baptist." they have at least a few of those in canada, dont they? theyre probably exceedingly polite.
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