
For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#1 Post by musher0 »

"So I've got good music and video, web browsing,
and games. These things are what matter to me,
it's a keeper! :)"

-- Billtoo, tenth post down this thread, last paragraph.
You can download Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha1a and its devx from here:
http://augras.eu/puppy_linux/?dir=mushe ... an-6.0_wmx
(New repository)


Hello all!

This is Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha1a, a remaster of the Puduan Jessie built with
woof-CE. This thread is a continuation of that one.

Many thanks to all of you on that thread who helped me along this road. I wouldn't
be writing this presentation of a Puduan Pup without you.

There are still some details to iron out, but I've been using it for a couple of days,
and it's been going great.

Some of those details will be, I think, "language separation", as gcmartin once
dubbed it. Meaning: you may find some bits of French here and there. After a while
I don't see it, because I can function in both languages, but please mention to me
those incongruities.

Any other bugs or stupidities you can find too.

This is what alpha versions are for, isn't? :)

It's big for a Puppy: 291 Mg's. It has:
  • an adrive : containing fonts and themes

    an fdrive : containing seamonkey and mplayer (if you like neither and have
    replacements, tuck this sfs away in a safe place instead of loading it!)

    a ydrive : containing the various themed wmx-8's and the wmx menu

    of course a zdrive, which contains, in addition to the drivers and such usually
    put in there, the tcltk interpreter needed for tkConverter.
This Pup uses aemenu-pango (the vovchik variant! Thanks, vovchik!) a lot.
It will take you a bit of "getting-used-to", but in the end I hope you'll agree with me
that using menus for a lot of functions makes computer life easier. :)

On boot-up, you are brought to a near empty desktop, except for the ROX panel to
the left.

-- If you wish to have more icons on screen, somewhat like the traditional
Puppy appearance, click on one of the white-ish/yellow-ish icons either on the
bmpanel2 (first icon after the circles) or on the ROX panel (fourth icon from the
bottom), and click on "empty PPin". Twice! (The absolute first time is for
initialization, the second time is when you get results. After it's initialized, just
one click is enough to have the ROX desktop tilt from near-empty to normal and

-- If you prefer to have the ROX-panel on the right edge of your screen as in this
illustration by tester Billtoo, right-click on the ROX-panel and hit "panel options"
in the menu. In the window that appears, click "Right edge" in the bottom part. Done!

Please see the post below for a short section on using the wmx-8 window manager.

You may wish to explore Puppy's traditional default apps (and a few more) by
clicking on the aemenu below the clock. You can't miss it, it says "MENU" ! ;)

If you wish to change the default app, please use the "default-app chooser" utility.
The default app menu will still work, no problem.

The jwm window manager is still there. To use it instead of wmx, go back to the
initial black console and type < xwin jwm >.

I'll cover more ground in the next post.

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On Nilson Morales' beautiful reddish background, wmx's secondary menu
of menus, plus the MRUD aemenu list. The wmx menu illustrates the
Navajo1 wmx theme.
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What I call the &quot;milk&quot; theme is the theme wmx offers by default.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Attached are two screen captures which I hope are self-explanatory. If they are not,
please ask. But first, please study them a bit.

Concerning wmx-8 generally:

The wmx menu proper is called with a MIDDLE click anywhere on an empty part of
the background. Be warned: you need a steady hand to navigate it. But after a while
it becomes second nature.

Left-click calls a list of what's running on the desk.

Right-click moves focus from one window to the other on the desk.

Top right is where you change desks with first a middle-click, then a left-click or a
right-click depending on the direction you want to go. You can also change desks
with your mouse wheel.

To change the color theme of wmx, go back to the initial black console with
Cntrl-Alt-Backspace and type < choice-wmx > : a number of color themes will be
shown. Type the color you like and hit return. The colors are as follows:
  • light-grey

    milk (the default color of wmx)

    Navajo1 (a Navajo white theme)

    Navajo2-bristled (almost the same as above, with "bristles")

    noir2 (black with white type in the menu and window frames. Very classy.)

    porto8 (the color "port", a beautiful dark red, like the Portuguese wine
    bearing the same name)

    vagues4 (transl.: "waves4". Sea blue)

    vert6 (transl.: "green6". Ideal for green backdrops and GTK themes).
In the wmx "Navajo1", to
-- totally maximize a window, type the "Left win" key + Home in the arrows pad.
-- to undo, type the "Left win" key + End in the arrows pad.

-- maximize a window horizontally, type the "Left win" key + the "+" key in the
numbers pad.
-- to undo, type the "Left win" key + the "-" key in the numbers pad.

-- maximize a window vertically, type the "Left win" key + Up in the arrows pad.
-- to undo, type the "Left win" key + Down in the arrows pad.

-- iconify a window, type the "Left win" key + the Enter key on the main keyboard.
-- to undo, click on the icon on the desktop.

NOTE -- Some colors of wmx were compiled with the Left-Alt key as the main key
(instead of Left-win). In the wmx color you are using, if for example, Left-win +
Enter does not iconify the window, try Left-Alt + Enter. And so on.

If you look closely at the above full-screen screenshots, bottom right, you'll see a
green-gradients line just above the digital clock on the bmpanel2. That's actually an
icon. Clicking on it will toggle the bmpanel2 off and on.

The xerrs.log abstract.
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One focused, two unfocused.
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#3 Post by musher0 »


First of All:
to Barry Kauler for having invented Puppy! (« À tout seigneur tout honneur ! ») ;)

For Help in Using the Woof-CE Process to Output this Puduan Jessie:
01micko, 666philb, jlst

Invaluable Testers:
Billtoo, davids45, gcmartin.

For the Distinctive, Beautiful and Classy "Puduan" Backdrops:

Plus all the Puppy-ists and forum members who, during the past eight years, taught me
how to do things in Linux and Puppy through samples or examples, tips, general
directions, their Puppy-related work or their actual Puppies. They are too numerous to
mention all here, but off the top of my head:

etc., etc., etc.

A bit of what you taught me is in here somewhere! ;)
Last edited by musher0 on Sun 21 Aug 2016, 06:57, edited 5 times in total.
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#4 Post by musher0 »

Special Features

1 ) -- A CLI music-player script based on the Sound eXchange, for ogg, flac and
mp3 files. To use, right-click on a music folder and click "BOU". A secondary CLI
menu allows you to play all pieces first to last, last to first, or a selection of titles.

Only thing is that you have to have music files in the folder. For example, I have a
Jessie_Cook folder with a Free_Fall sub-folder in it. The Free_Fall folder contains
the music files. If I call the BOU player from the Jessie_Cook folder I'll get an

Additionnally, the qiv viewer will cycle through the cover art if there is any in the
folder, while the music is playing.

2 ) -- If you left-click on the analog rclock or on the digital clock in the bmpanel2,
you get a menu with various calendars: monthly, term, six-month, past year,
current year, next year.

Also an organizer sub-menu can be accessed from there, and you can fetch your
e-mail from it. Please see attached picture.

3 ) -- If you click on the X round button (second from the bottom in the ROX panel),
you will be presented with an abstract of xerrs.log. To consult both the abstract
and the xerrs.log, type "v" in the CLI window: the files will open in your editor,
either joe or geany (it doesn't work with leafpad). This info may give you leads for
debugging. (Illustrated by the first picture in the second post above.)

4 ) -- Stats (in the wmx menu). From this menu, you can
4.1) -- show available ram and
4.2) -- on which desk you are.
This one has a submenu:
4.2.1) -- The left and right arrows mean: go to the next or previous desktop;
4.2.2) -- the "+2" and "-2" entries mean: go to the 2nd desktop to the left or to
the 2nd desktop to the right.

It's designed as a continuum, in other words it cycles, meaning: it does not bump
and stay there at the first or last desktop, as in some other window managers.
Here's an example:
-- Let's say that you have three (3) desktops.
-- You are currently on desktop #2, thus in the middle of your screen set-up.
-- You open the stats submenu, then the desktop sub-submenu, and you click on
the "+2" entry.
-- Result: you are brought to desktop #1.

Here's another example:
-- You have three (3) desktops.
-- You are on desktop #1.
-- You open the stats submenu, then the desktop sub-submenu, and you click on
the "-2" entry.
-- Result: you are brought to desktop #2.

Capiche? :)
4.3) -- You can free up some ram if you click on the ram statistics entry. It takes
a few seconds; the window will open at +/- 2 o'clock on your screen (some call it
4.4) -- it also accesses a MRUD list (your "most recently used" docs and apps)
4.5) -- and a "what's running" table. (Please see the attached composite picture.)

5 ) -- "Dailies" system back-up technique.

6 ) -- This Puduan Pup has its own "partview" (please see 2nd attached pic).

7 ) -- To update the wmx menu, click on the entry in the wmx menu that says:
"MAJ_Update.sh". It's pretty fast, considering the amount of applications we have
in /usr/share/applications. When it's done, it will say so in a message on screen.
(This is, for wmx, the equivalent of < fixmenus > for jwm.)

8 ) -- Most urxvt consoles fade to a grayish green color when not in focus. I'm
making a separate item of it so you're not surprised and know that this console
behavior is not a bug! :) The second picture in the second post above illustrates
this behavior.

Happy exploring of your Puduan Puppy!

The partview utility in this Puduan
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#5 Post by Billtoo »

I did a manual frugal install to a 16gb flash drive to use on my COMPAQ Presario.
It boots to the desktop but the mouse is dead, pressing tab does nothing.
I tried a usb mouse, and a ps2 mouse, no luck.
Tried a couple of different keyboards as well.
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Re: Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha

#6 Post by musher0 »

Billtoo wrote:I did a manual frugal install to a 16gb flash drive to use on my COMPAQ Presario.
It boots to the desktop but the mouse is dead, pressing tab does nothing.
I tried a usb mouse, and a ps2 mouse, no luck.
Tried a couple of different keyboards as well.
Shucks. A real bug... Thanks for reporting it, Billtoo,

I'll try to figure it out. It's an alpha, so things like this are to be expected.

It may be a tough one for me to debug, since I do not own a Compaq Presario.

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Re: Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha

#7 Post by Billtoo »

musher0 wrote: It may be a tough one for me to debug, since I do not own a Compaq Presario.
I don't mean to be pessimistic but I think you may get more reports like mine, I got the same result on a hp desktop and a hp mini stream.

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Re: Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha

#8 Post by musher0 »

Billtoo wrote:
musher0 wrote: It may be a tough one for me to debug, since I do not own a Compaq Presario.
I don't mean to be pessimistic but I think you may get more reports like mine, I got the same result on a hp desktop and a hp mini stream.

Many thanks for the report, Bill.

All I can tell you at this point is that I woofed and remastered the Puduan-6 Pup on my
HP Compaq 6715b, and that neither the remaster or the machine have caused me any
keyboard or mouse problem yet.

The specs of my HP Compaq 6715b notebook are in the 2nd half of this post.

(@666philb: I have had no sound or sound card problems either.)

As you may understand, Billtoo, the last few days have been quite hectic for me
pushing this Pup out the door, so I had no time to test it on a couple of old desktops that
I have.

I'll investigate your console interface issue after I've taken a breather! :) Thanks
for your understanding.

PS (edit) -- By happenstance I just came across this post by Colonel_Panic. I think
that it nicely answers some questions regarding alpha Puppies, as well as any distro.
IMO, it's worth a read!
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#9 Post by musher0 »


I corrected the problem. I created a new sfs and iso and tested it on a second
computer, and this time the keyboard and mouse work fine. I think I had hit the
customize button instead of the pristine one on the first remaster. But now it
should be fine.

The download link for the new, corrected, "alpha 1a" iso is in my first post.

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#10 Post by Billtoo »

I did a manual frugal install to a 16gb flash drive, computer is a compaq presario desktop:

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sat 20 Aug 2016 on Puduan 6.0.0 Linux 3.14.0 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV530 [Radeon X1600 PRO]
product: RV530 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
1920x1080 60.00*+
1920x1080 60.00*+

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV530
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.2

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Core 0: @2800 1: @2800 MHz

I used links2 to download Firefox ESR 45.3.0

I got an error message about a missing backdrop so there was no
wallpaper at first.

I've just begun to explore but I like this so far.

Will report more after I use it for a few hours.


Later: I've added kdegames with PPM which is working much better but I
still needed my qt-482 pets to get it working.
Mplayer works well so that takes care of music and videos.
Firefox is working well.
So I've got good music and video, web browsing, and games.
These things are what matter to me, it's a keeper :)
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Last edited by Billtoo on Sat 20 Aug 2016, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha

#11 Post by learnhow2code »

short post to musher to say-- you and i may have our differences, but keep up the good work. im happy that someone is working on woof-ce distros.

learning-by-doing is a way to become expert-- we can use more of those, glad that youre becoming one.
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Re: Puduan-6.0.0-wmx-alpha

#12 Post by musher0 »

learnhow2code wrote:short post to musher to say-- you and i may have our differences, but keep up the good work. im happy that someone is working on woof-ce distros.

learning-by-doing is a way to become expert-- we can use more of those, glad that youre becoming one.
Coming from you this remark has special meaning. Many thanks.

@Billtoo: thanks for your patience, for testing again.

I decided against Qt for the moment, until I can find how to get the total Mb count
of this baby under control! ;)
Last edited by musher0 on Sat 20 Aug 2016, 20:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#13 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Almost forgot:

during the test of the alpha1 on that other desktop computer, I was able to save
to DVD sessions. :) Isn't that great?

We have back a totally HD-free Puppy if we wish or need to! In the Pup Wheezy I
woofed late last winter, that capacity had been lost!

Thanks to whomever corrected it, brought it back.

Nowadays saving to a DVD session may sound old-fashioned, but there are still a
couple of niche uses for it:

-- for absolutely secure online banking (recommended by the Australian police,
BTW), and also:

-- for dating or versioning of your work. It's a simple and efficient way for a dev or
any user to know what (s)he did when, since the names of the DVD session
folders are the date and hour of your saves.

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puduan-6.0.0 alpha

#14 Post by davids45 »

G'day/jour musher0,

I'm trying your latest puduan-6.0.0 as a Frugal. I am loading all your lettered sfs files on start-up (a, z, y, f).

Some problems and comments.

Background image did not load on booting - the image file was being looked for somewhere in /root. I used the wallpaper setter to go to /usr/share/backgrounds/ and loaded up your dark red puduan wallpaper (screenshot).

Weather program - icon is on the right side of the screen so gets covered by my pwidgets -so I moved the weather icon 'centre-stage'. I still need to press <Enter> to get the weather report after the program starts. My widgets also covered the grey analog clock which I could not move. So I moved the widgets by hand but the clock is now detail-less. The widgets also are displaying in a series of conky windows which is not their normal look.

I have two hard-drives (28 partitions in all) and like to have the partition icons in rows across the bottom of the display. These are all in a pile at bottom left of the display.

Attached screenshot shows my problems.

Only having had two years of high-school French about fifty five years ago, I am sadly mono-lingual :oops: . So I was in difficulty in closing puduan down - the red icon bottom right spoke to me in French :shock: . Your comment about mixed English/French still being present is truly made :D .

Software from my own sfs files loaded by the Boot Manager seem to be OK so far except for the pwidgets framing. Wine is OK as is libreoffice also a range of old games, and I'm posting from a slimjet sfs using a profile held on my data partition. And gimp (sfs) edited the attached screenshot without problem.

I will try to keep a record of any other things I come across and let you know later.

Thanks for this interesting new Pup.

David S.
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Re: puduan-6.0.0 alpha

#15 Post by musher0 »

davids45 wrote:G'day/jour musher0,

I'm trying your latest puduan-6.0.0 as a Frugal. I am loading all your lettered sfs files on start-up (a, z, y, f).

Some problems and comments.

[1] Background image did not load on booting - the image file was being looked for somewhere in /root. I used the wallpaper setter to go to /usr/share/backgrounds/ and loaded up your dark red puduan wallpaper (screenshot).

[2] Weather program - icon is on the right side of the screen so gets covered by my pwidgets -so I moved the weather icon 'centre-stage'.

[3] I still need to press <Enter> to get the weather report after the program starts.

[4] My widgets also covered the grey analog clock which I could not move. So I moved the widgets by hand but the clock is now detail-less. The widgets also are displaying in a series of conky windows which is not their normal look.

[5] I have two hard-drives (28 partitions in all) and like to have the partition icons in rows across the bottom of the display. These are all in a pile at bottom left of the display.

Attached screenshot shows my problems.

[6] Only having had two years of high-school French about fifty five years ago, I am sadly mono-lingual :oops: . So I was in difficulty in closing puduan down - the red icon bottom right spoke to me in French :shock: . Your comment about mixed English/French still being present is truly made :D .

[7] Software from my own sfs files loaded by the Boot Manager seem to be OK so far except for the pwidgets framing. Wine is OK as is libreoffice also a range of old games, and I'm posting from a slimjet sfs using a profile held on my data partition. And gimp (sfs) edited the attached screenshot without problem.

[8] I will try to keep a record of any other things I come across and let you know later.

Thanks for this interesting new Pup.

David S.
Hello davids45.

Good to see you back! :)

I took the liberty of pairing numbers with the main subjects in your post. It will help me
focus on hopefully proper answers.

[1] That's a minor oops on my part. I will correct that oversight in the next alpha.

[2] No problem! The user is supposed to re-arrange any or all desktop items to his/her
liking on first boot! :)

[3] Now I have to press Enter too (hehe). As discussed in the weather script thread,
that problem originates "up river" from my work. I mentioned it to 666philb but he has
not replied yet on this. (He did reply to many of my other questions, but not to this one.)

[4] I don't know widgets too well any more. I haven't used any since GrumpyWolfe's
Quirky Puppies. Fond memories, eh? :) I remember that Zigbert is using an old version
of conky as the engine for his widgets. So possibly there is a "collision" between the
versions. The widgets don't know which conky to use, because this Puduan is also
calling his own conky for the two liner info section at the top of the screen. (See
Billtoo's captures and mine.)

I'll have to introduce an either / or fork in my conky loader script. Something like: "if
pwidgets are loaded, do nothing." And a similar fork in the Puduan rclock script. This
means that my StartUp scripts have to wait until the pwidgets are in memory to do that
fork. Time programming is never as simple as it sounds. Give me a few days for this.

In the meantime, move Startup scripts (I mean in /root/Startup) conky-2l.sh and
rclock.sh to /root/Startup-NON. Then reboot or, less drastically, restart X.
provides a temporary solution by getting my scripts out of the way of your widgets.

EDIT, Aug. 21 2016. -- For a permanent solution, please see here.

[5] That one is easy to solve. Please refer to the attached screen capture entitled "Drive
Icons Management". I am doing things in reverse compared to regular Puppies,
starting with only one drive icon.

Click on the Drive Icons Management item in your menu (on the right in the screenie).
The panel on the left of the screenie will open.

Bottom left you have some tick boxes. Tick them on your Puppy as they are in the
picture. To the right of that panel you have various spacings. Popular spacings for the
top two entries are 64, 80 or 96 (in multiples of 16 pixels). Set your choice. Then,
make sure that the button on top of those entries says "Bottom". Then, hit enter.
A line of disk icons should appear at the bottom after a drum roll. ;)

[6] I'll be working on a more thorough "language separation" in the menus during the
next few days. May I ask for your patience on this subject?

[7] It's good to know that users' sfs files are loading nicely.

[8] Good idea! More testers should do it. :) Much appreciated.

I hope the above do provide some clarifications.

Have a great day!
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#16 Post by Billtoo »

Since I already have qt-482 installed I downloaded and compiled
Smplayer-16.8.0 and Smtube-16.7.2, works well with your Mplayer.

Also saw the tips on rearranging the desktop and moved the panel that
was hiding the drive icons.

Puduan-6.0.0 is working great on my old p4.

Thanks again.
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#17 Post by musher0 »

Hi, Billtoo.

Thanks for the compliment!

Great desktop you have there in your pic! (I'm jealous!) ;)

About SMPlayer and SMTube: did you compile them on this Puduan? If so, is there a
possibility you can make them available (including the Qt) for the rest of us?

Thanks in advance. And have a great Sunday! :)
Last edited by musher0 on Sun 21 Aug 2016, 06:37, edited 1 time in total.
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#18 Post by musher0 »

Double. Sorry.
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#19 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I've added a "Credits" post (#3) and a "Special Features" post (#4) on page 1.

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#20 Post by 01micko »


Congratulations Christian!

Working to satisfaction here in qemu. The qemu video driver is fbdev so unaccelerated it has a few quirks but of course qemu/fbdev have their limitations. So the attached screen shot may not be what is expected. BTW, as reported, I had to set a wallpaper manually.

I downloaded iceweasel from ppm and that works fine too.

Sound worked ootb. Basic puppy staples all working in limited testing.

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