~572, p575, and p57577: three spins/updates of Precise 5.7.1

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another update for menus, etc

#181 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from update fixes some menus (aemenu and jwm had n2 and n3
Subject description: backwards, some of the documentation may still be backwards, but the menus are now correct...

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:nwp-mc2.pet

fixed up some stuff in /root/.../rox..Templates, making the nwp work better as a right click utility in rox. tidying up that folder led me to condense the word processing templates to three, which are all new--they just add a help comment about the use of comments and add the viewport set to 700--Barry Kauler reported that worked well on his phone, and it's what the word processor FocusWriter also uses, and it seems to comfortably give documents a pdf layout that doesn't cut them at the margins, so it's the default, and it's now more easily accessible--the n, n1, n2, and n3 word processing menus (the latter two no longer labled as one another on the jwm and aemenus) all have the dual launchers (for simultaneous text editor plus browser viewing/work) and templates menus, and now so does rox's right click > new menu, and now they all have the 700px viewport by default option (it's a buried option in the templates > new folder--the wp folder now contains a folder of the panel frames, a set of the dual launchers, a set of templates, and a set of aemenu word processing and utilities menus--other than the pet making utilities (a new one added--it has a folder with a puppy skeleton and a drag and drop directory to pet converter), it's pretty much anything in the templates menu that could be construed as helping with word processing). the mcc make concurrent copies function has also undergone a similar cleanup--your customizations, if any, will be in the original folder as mcc-prev. i added a few more unextensioned options, plus a few for .bak and .~; the icons have been left out of the new version in the templates folder--the mc folder in /nwp still has them. all the aemenu functions are now on the baek menu (also a right click new option) as pop-off menus.

your old templates folder gets backed up as Templates-prev in its original location.
here's the new rox right click > new menu:
same attachment as in original post. not sure if much more than cleanup and updating some of the nwp files are due for nwp_.3. anyway, the update applies to the spins and all previous nwp installations. just geanytweaks, alphabet shorts in rox, and a consistent recoll away from making this thing pet packages rather than isos. not that i'm necessarily convinced it matters much--i think the consistency and portability are important, though. to that end, the drag and drop pet maker and the config2pet scripts could always be used to make a general backup of your files or sets of directories.
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the mcc (make copies popup) improvements

#182 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:drag and symlink or copy choice, then drag file to be copied onto it/drag file to folder to make copies there (more for the rox right click version). use the subdirectory as a storehouse for the lesser used ones, delete those you'll never use, modify to taste. here's what the folder looks like:
from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 894#918894, Re: screenshot of the impoved Make_Concurrent_Copies popup
(mcc in main launcher)

from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 894#918894, Re: some new shortcuts
Subject description: and the previous post summarized:

serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template
serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.
icons for labeling in the parent folder (launcher version only).
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some notes on windows 10

#183 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

so, i just got a laptop for 330 bucks that's more powerful than my main machine, an hp entertainment laptop i got refurbished for seven hundred a few years ago (could be five or eight--i've had it a while). they've both got six gig of ram and large hard drives--new one's got two more cores and an extra 500 gig of storage. it's only got three usb ports total (one 3.0, two 2.0), so i figure i'll eventually get a 7 or 9 port usb3 hub (they're 40-50 dollars u.s. off the net in the u.s.). anyway, windows ten sort of sucks due to its sloth, but it's not bad in the sense that it's a bit like linux mint, or at least like mint was around the time i first tried linux 4 or so years ago (first laptop's now seeming older than 8.).

so, disabling Secure Boot so i could boot off a cd wasn't so difficult--it's a dell and f2 got me to the set up screen. disable efi, enable legacy boot, pick the boot order, exit. except that i can only boot off the cd's or whatever was last installed to disk so far--there seems to be no way to get a boot menu with the new (gpt?) system. i'm new to this stuff, but i've gotten used to repartitioning and messing around with gparted, running off something other than the main hard drive so that i can manipulate it, but this new system that just seems to let you add more and more partitions but disallows logical and extended partitions (i was about to mess around with the last two categories for the first time) also seems to not get along with grub4dos, which annoys me enough to repartition away the Windows that remains on the system. so anyway, a help and how to of sorts, though in retrospect maybe just installing quirky would've been enough--i'm really looking forward to the speed of the usb3 drive (maybe too much so--i should've repartitioned and reformatted before the actual install from cd (or used the quick-to-usb quirky); running off an old fashioned sd card in precise 5.5. (autosaves disabled) was secure and on an epoxy embedded medium. it was also fast except for the aspect that now promises to be somewhat blazing, the autosaving.

back onto W10, which has some nice software that it gives you a taste of and then asks you to pay for when your trial is up...puppy is so much faster...and it's free...i'll mess around with some more boot flag options before i chuck it altogether (regulated to 150 gb from its prior 960 or so...no need to have copied the backup or tools partitions and deleted the originals if their number is no longer limited (thing comes with three occupied partitions that total less than 15 gig).


well, while i'm here, some notes on where things seem to be heading:

tried out xenial64 and tahr64--prefer the latter because i can't get slimjet or megasync to work on the new one. the roxi script in /nwp/c works in both 64 bit spins and gives the rox right click key cuts and the ability to add/edit the letter shorts on the fly (this is part of the "headed" part--you'd need to manually swap in the menu2 file in /nwp/c for this to be true at current writing--that done manually is the rest of the script that's there). same script crashes xenial32-701 (it reboots with the settings and abilities) and is ignored by the unicorn spin. haven't run it in precise (original version) in a while, but an earlier version (no auto selection of 1rx1--changing it out (invoking original roxicon changer script) for a bit got the unicorn spin to acknowledge the config file swap) worked.

here's an update of libreoffice (5.2.0):


language packs and higher compression by vicmz:
LibreOffice 5.2 Language Packs

for a 64 bit installation:


since xenial-7.0.7-64 uses a different geany than tahr64, use the generic nwp64 pet, the mcc2.pet (renamed to mcc.pet-- :oops: :roll: :wink: ), then move in the menu2 file, and install extendselect, spellcheck, and treebrowser plugins from the ppm--these are really the only non-defaults the menus and geany tweaks call. also, xdotool for xenial is better gotten through the ppm as you need possibly two dependencies, both of which it will install. here's one:

(the other may be imaginary. seems to me two things other than xdotool got installed, but the package list doesn't reveal anything that backs the assertion. anyway, newer or ppm xdotools will just overwrite the one that came with the nwp.pet).
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updates, etc

#184 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

OscarTalks has updated the browser packages:

i've combined the previous nwp updates and made some more tweaks with an eye towards the next set of remasters:

for the 64 bit geanytweaks to work and match up with the jwm and aemenu menus, install the following plugins:

unlike prior updates, this version of the nwp (either 32 or 64 bit) will autoinstall the geany tweaks, rox tweaks, and keycentric configs (my1). pinstall script for 32 bit sets the syntax back to the old style for the unicorn and precise spins. will release pae mature (5p), pae new (7x), non pae (6u, the next version of the unicorn spin), and 64 bit--6t4, which will be based on tahr64. i've been using xenial 64 and 32 on somewhat equivalent machines, and now that i know rox being overloaded is what crashes 701 (and avoid it), i have to say i'm happy with the performance of both. my earlier complaints about 32bit when using over 4gig of ram doesn't seem to hold with this newest pup--going to make a xenial spin based on the earlier x7 package since it's got the light recoll. the 64 bit spin won't include it by default, but it will have most of the features of the 32 bit spins. ETP's get chrome64 package has been modded (as anubis,get(64bit)chrome.pet)in an attempt to add some semblance of unifying theme to pux and 6t4 (or 6d4, since the debian-using xenial707-64 also works well with the nwp); i think it's there. the Word Processor and Ultimatesque Utilities Pack (and the vtg) are the anubis folder...everything's a file, a folder... :lol: :roll: :wink: (...)

here's the contents of the geany64 plugin.xz's--127 is for xenial64, 125 is for tahr64 (and it should work in slacko64 as well, but you may need to add the jwm stuff manually--aemenus will work regardless):


(tree browser (included in tahr64) and extrasel are the only ones the menus require, though the spell-check dictionary in nwp/wp is there because of the above plugins and their 32 bit counterparts).

jaewm! documentation and keycuts cheat sheet have been updated both in the package and in the repo's support folder.

making a version of the two pets for use with woofy remastering, but these will update current installations (use p6.pet, u6.pet, or x7.pet then the __.3 nwp upgrade pet, then reboot and enjoy if 32 bit or enjoy straight away if on 64bit (at least that's the way they've been playing out lately).

(remasters are being held up while i figure out what to put on my new machine and where...something's crippled gparted so i'm formatting usb drives on the unicorn spin and...pretty sure i'm going to end up ditching windows...too bad gparted crapped out before it was able to get rid of that second ntfs partition...

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nwp32.3.1, nwp64.3.1, nwp-6t4.pet (new version), the

#185 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »



update allows piecemeal removal of some of the installation tweaks--they're in /nwp/c as clickable scripts and on the main installation aemenu (mae in the launcher, and after installation of the nwp pet, it'll be on various submenus of the jwm menu "system."

forgot i had made the whole pack of tahr64 plugins "nwp-6t4.pet"--this newer version is just nwp.64.3.1 with the roxicon script deactivated (commented out on the pinstall script). it's purpose here is not really to give you a custom icon set for your rox filer windows (though that's nice) but to give your system a chance to reset itself and use the new config files--the end of the script kills all rox, restarts the main pinboard, and puts your icon changes in place--i just added a line that's supposed to force rox to allow the letter keycuts regardless of whether or not it was originally compiled with the ability--original script as i read is pumping info to a file--i just piggy backed on it. the hack appears to work in precise and the 64 bit spins, and not so (with varying drama) on the unicorn and xenial spins (xenial and 64bit are really prespins, i guess). since a remaster forces the setting, there's no need for a possibly problematic reset being added to the proceedings. here's the rest of the replacement for the original 6t4.pet--it's got the plugins plus some other pets and debs i plan to add for the remaster: geanytahr64.tar.xz


modded roxicon script (can't find original thread or author--think i remember but don't want to misattribute it, but it may be one of stu90's...)

Code: Select all


export TEXTDOMAIN=roxiconchanger

TITLE=" $(gettext 'ROX Toolbar Icons')  "
TEXT=" $(gettext 'Select an icon theme for the ROX toolbar. \n The themes must be in .svg o .png format.') "
TEXTINFO=" $(gettext 'To apply the new icon theme to the toolbar, \n  ROX-Filer will close temporarily, please wait...') "

### mime file to set rox tool bar icon theme ###
### rox toolbar icon directory ###

   ### root password for user fido ###
  [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] && exec sudo -A ${0} ${@}
  ### Rox toolbar icon changer GUI##
  THEME=`ls $ICONDIR | yad --title="$TITLE $VERSION" --text="$TEXT" --height="250" --column="$(gettext 'Icon Themes')" --list --separator="/" \
--button="default:2" --button="gtk-quit:1" --button="gtk-apply:0"`

  if [[ "$RESULTS" = "1" ]]; then 
   echo "$(gettext 'Quitting')" && exit 

case $RESULTS in

     if [ -f "$mime" ]; then
     mv $mime /root/.gtkrc.mine.bak
     echo " $(gettext 'No $mime file found - making new mime file') " && touch $mime
  ### search for icon format###
  svg="`find $ICONDIR$THEME/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \*.svg`"
  png="`find $ICONDIR$THEME/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \*.png`"
     if [ "$svg" ]; then 
     INFO1=$(yad --title="$TITLE Info" --text="$TEXTINFO" --button="gtk-ok")
     if [ $? = 1 ];
     then exit
     cat >> $mime <<EOF
pixmap_path "$ICONDIR$THEME"
 style "normal" {
   stock["gtk-go-back"] = {{"back.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-go-forward"] = {{"forward.$form"}} 
   stock["gtk-go-up"] = {{"up.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-home"] = {{"home.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-zoom-in"] = {{"zoomin.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-zoom-fit"] = {{"zoomout.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-jump-to"] = {{"bookmarks.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-sort-ascending"] = {{"sort.$form"}}
  stock["gtk-help"] = {{"help.$form"}} 
  stock["rox-select"] = {{"select.$form"}}
  stock["rox-show-hidden"] = {{"hidden.$form"}} 
  stock["rox-show-details"] = {{"details.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-refresh"] = {{"gtk-refresh.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-close"] = {{"gtk-close.$form"}}
widget "*" style "normal"
gtk-can-change-accels = 1
     killall ROX-Filer && rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
     echo "$(gettext 'switching to $theme icon theme')"
     elif [ "$png" ]; then
     INFO2=$(yad --title="$TITLE Info" --text="$TEXTINFO" --button="gtk-ok")
     if [ $? = 1 ];
     then exit
     cat >> $mime <<EOF
pixmap_path "$ICONDIR$THEME"
 style "normal" {
   stock["gtk-go-back"] = {{"back.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-go-forward"] = {{"forward.$form"}} 
   stock["gtk-go-up"] = {{"up.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-home"] = {{"home.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-zoom-in"] = {{"zoomin.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-zoom-fit"] = {{"zoomout.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-jump-to"] = {{"bookmarks.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-sort-ascending"] = {{"sort.$form"}}
  stock["gtk-help"] = {{"help.$form"}} 
  stock["rox-select"] = {{"select.$form"}}
  stock["rox-show-hidden"] = {{"hidden.$form"}} 
  stock["rox-show-details"] = {{"details.$form"}} 
  stock["gtk-refresh"] = {{"gtk-refresh.$form"}}
  stock["gtk-close"] = {{"close.$form"}}
widget "*" style "normal"
gtk-can-change-accels = 1
     killall ROX-Filer && rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
     echo "$(gettext 'switching to $THEME icon theme')"
     echo "$(gettext 'no icons found, exit')" && exit 


    INFO3=$(yad --title="$TITLE Info" --text="$TEXTINFO" --button="gtk-ok")
     if [[ -f "$mime" ]]; then
     mv  -f "$mime" /tmp
     killall ROX-Filer && rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
     echo "$(gettext 'switching to default ROX icon theme')" && exit
     echo "$(gettext 'File /root/.gtkrc.mine not found')" && exit
extent of the hack is gtk-can-change-accels = 1 added twice. rest of rox tweak is moving in the new menu2 and gtkrc settings (and "-preving" the old) so that when rox resets, it reads the file(s) with the customizations (you could set this swap-in to keep your bookmarks, themes, group settings, icon preferences, pinboards, and panels consistent between machines. use the pinstall scripts in the right click pet-makers and templates to rename originals to backups, and petted-in mods to names that will hook back into the rest of the system.
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minor nwp update (two lines on the pinstall script that lead

#186 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


only changes since the last batch are an update of the elp help file and the following two lines added to the pinstall scripts (that activate after the pet installation moves in the files you're adding to your system):

Code: Select all

cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /nwp/root3/root39menu/jwmrc-personal 
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /nwp/root3/root39menu/_root_.jwmrc
these lines make your current jwm configuration (current as of the time of this nwp.pet install) your my39 quickswitch (i.e. "my39" in the launcher activates that particular set of configuration files); my39r reverses it, but only to the previous configuration. this is to say, installing, playing around with the configuration switches, and then getting back to your preinstall config while leaving the rest of the functions in tact may lead to some unfortunate backtracking--making the originals a quickswitch avoids any headaches and brings up a point about customizing your own (or sets of your own) wm features--anything you do to the contents of the root#menus folders in /nwp/root3 and their associated files will stick as a quickswitch and the feature mod (the tray, key, and menu config files for the nine extra menus (x3), the 6 keycentric configs, the thirty or so trays are all there) will be a part of the swapped in customizations, but you must mod the files in nwp/root3/, not the ones in their system-active places in root/.jwm and /etc/xdg/templates to make them portable (though you could always run the above two lines adjusted to the destination folder of your choice (or drag and drop manually--rl in the launcher then c gets you there...there's a keycut...my guess is alt plus j...(woo hoo)(rung is h for keys launcher, j for rox launcher, k for geany, l for leafpad)...---make changes, restart jwm to see if you like them, copy them to those folders in nwp/root3 if you want to make them swappable. the new menus on scroll up and down and mae (ae menu launched by that code in main launcher) have the quickswitches plus links to edit or activate the keys, trays, menus, etc. you can edit the files to include menus from elsewhere, but all the presets are fed from that folder. make a file of the above repeated for menus30-49 and you could vtg in your current settings at any time with a click of the cauliflower (etc).
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updated launcher codes (spacebar plus shift for main, alt +

#187 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

the Word Processor and Ultimatesque Utilities Pack (and the vtg) are the anubis folder...["]everything's a file, a folder["]...
quickest way to get an overview of the folder/deity's utility is probably by looking over the keycuts and launcher codes. here's the latter:

from launcher shortcuts:
The ever-evolving list of launcher shortcuts (nwp installation sets the shortcut for the launcher itself as spacebar plus shift, but if you don't have jwm, you'll have to do it manually through whatever method you find convenient. The shortcut is used heavily if at all, i guess, and so my recommendation tries to make it fluid, simple, and quick). An almost complete (as of June 2016) list of shortcuts (interrupted by a list of fixes in the upcoming [edit: nwp32/64.3 onward autoinstall geanytweak, my1 (keycentric configs), and rox tweaks--can be reversed piecemeal through mae menu or scripts in nwp/c.] 1.9.1: geany and geany new instance were backwards on the root one menu; the mae aemenu (installation, port-store-backup, menumaker, shutdown+, and jwm config options submenus, etc) was never added to the nwp folder itself--the mae shortcut won't work until it's copied over (though you can activate it from the installation/download folder); trayfix old and new have been given more prominent placement on mae and its jwm equivalent; megasync's a builtin; ocr thanks to rcrsn51; …[one of the two upgrades in the works is in lieu of two isos. it upgrades p6.0 to what would have been p6.1 and makes ~572.15 out of -.14; other upgrade has no add-in pets. set for old syntax this time. fresh installs are generally quicker than upgrades so rename your old nwp if you're upgrading. once the folder turns to anubis (about 15 seconds on my slower machine) you can call from nwp rather than the install folder and/or complete the installation. pets run fixmenus and jwm -restart automatically so the update pack is just a click and a bunch of okaying (alt plus o or more clicking).....]):

bb -- spit out bold tags
bb2 -- span tags for bold fonts or other, non default font choices (bold tags don't appear to work though the nwp's underlining and italics tags show the expected results). default is for monospace, same as po1, po2, po4 (the latter two are templates, po1 is an xdotool "spit this code" script/a backup of the main (monospace) template).
book -- older version of one of the tocs/tics--customize if you like
bpo -- open the default template files in a browser so you can see the line spacing, highlighting, etc. use gpo to edit what the command calls and what browser gets opened
bq -- block quote tags
f - findnrun
gpo -- open the browser, leafpad, and geany configuration files for the nwp word processor plus the default default templates in geany.# geany /nwp/po1 /nwp/po2 /nwp/po3 /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/gpo /nwp/lpo /nwp/bpo /nwp/bb2
h1-h6 -- print out tags for headings 1-6
her -- open the hr template in geany
herl -- open the hr template in leafpad
hero -- open the hr template in geany
hr -- print out hr tags
hr0 -- open the hr template in geany
hr0l -- open the hr template in leafpad
hr1 -- spit out hr doc template
hrl -- <hr> tag, 35%, grey left side
hrr -- <hr> tag, 10%, grey right side
hrt -- template for autopage breaks with hr tag. called by other scripts.
ii -- italics tags
link -- external form of the toc tags
lp -- launch leafpad
lpo -- leafpad /nwp/po2| leafpad /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5| leafpad /nwp/po6| leafpad /nwp/lpo (open the wp template files in leafpad; open the file that determines what leafpad opens
mono -- open monospace template with geany
mono1 -- spit out monospace doc template
monol -- open monospace template with leafpad
monot -- monospace template

quick codes to better templates (added 8/24):

serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template
serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier/elsewhere more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.


np02 -- pu(/)up launcher (configured to begin with a highlighted /nwp/)
p -- pu(/)up launcher configured to start at the end of /nwp/
pb -- <par style="page-break-after: always"></par>
pba -- <par style="page-break-before: always"></par> (a=above)
po -- open po2
po1 -- print out an improved version of the preotry template
po2 -- (template--po1 without the mini-wait--use Clone (under Documents menu) or SaveAs to preserve the file)
po3 -- geany /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/po2
po4 -- template as 14 pt monospace
po5 -- template as 14 pt sans
po6 -- template as 14 pt serif
pr -- print out paragraph tags
prc -- print out paragraph centered tags
prj -- print out paragraph justified tags
prl -- print out paragraph left tags
prr -- print out paragraph right tags
q -- cite tags
san1 -- spit out sans serif doc template
sans -- open sans template with geany
sansl -- open sans template with leafpad
sanst -- sans serif doc template
ser1 -- spit out serif doc template
serf -- open serf template with geany
serfl -- open serf template with leafpad
sert -- serif doc template
sub -- subscript tags
sup -- superscript tags
t -- launch terminal of your choice (delete/comment sakura and uncomment or add your choice)
toc and tic paste bookmark/hyperlink codes. good for tables of contents, master documents, etc. on the editing side, you can make bookmarks in geany with ctrl+m, which will also toggle it off. ctrl plus comma is previous bookmark, control plus period is next bookmark. the plugin for numbered bookmarks makes a list on the side panel (unless that's default and i can't just can't figure out how to work/access the plug in version):
tic -- tic same page template and anchor --new tab
tic1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- same tab
tic2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- same tab
toc -- toc same page template and anchor, same tab (general bookmarks). look up your text editor's method for bookmarking for the edit text (also non formatted) view.
toc1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- new tab
toc2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- new tab
to open files in geany at specific location, append :line#:column# to the file, i.e. geany /nwp/docs/file1:50:14
ul -- underline
v -- activate vtg
xp -- launch xpad/new xpad
terminal nwp/pwn/pax shortcuts:
s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu (this and rr may need to be adjusted depending on how your rox filer is set up)
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run (same as f--fnr is it's traditional short.)
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work in nwp launcher or terminal)
x#-- move to # on x-axis (increments of 5)
y# --move to # on y-axis (increments of 5)
h# --height (increments of 5)
w# --width (increments of 5)
rs --resize
t --terminal (set for my-applications/bin, so launchable from terminal or np/nwp/pxc launcher)
f --findandrun (also set for my-apps/bin)
np --nwpus launcher2 (no sweep right--prehighlighted entry)
sd --speeddials
sdr --speed dials recent list only
gnysys --open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ww -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
galc -- galculator
nc-- notecase
gd -- goldendict
jv -- make java sfs and take you there (thanks, uten. (still there but superseded by rerwin's packages (two installed if you use the -ur version of the nwp))).
##5c -- now the command to make 5 copies of a file by command line.
5ce -- generate drag and drop file in your current working directory and another set to make editing it easier (set for 5 copies with the bulk-renameable extension X(followed by the number of copies). this is an improvement, i think, but you may prefer
mcc -- Make_Concurrent_Copies, which open a directory set for sets of three and five for a fairly wide variety of file types
##5cd -- [obs.]
7c -- print out the command for changing permissions of a script to executable (kind of lazy--chmod 755 isn't that involved...).(sorta made obsolete by the ch launchers (still arguably useful for vtg use)).
1 -- single monitor menu
2 -- double monitor menu
g -- grid menu
x -- x axis menu
y -- y axis menu
w -- width menu
h -- height menu
mv -- move
wn -- windows menu
mn -- minimize
mx -- maximize window
o -- old windows manipulation menu
s -- new version of supplemental menus
n -- the original nwpus menu
n1 -- the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from n3
n2 -- just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section
n3 -- the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.
slac -- search all databases
sloc -- search selected database with option to print results #sometimes problematic
sluc --update all slocate databases/create databases (thanks to musher0 for the slocate wrapper and the three scripts i've renamed here)
ww - winswitcher
sv -- make a folder a server. open a terminal and sv in the pax launcher (nwp launcher, etc) will print out "python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload"--open a browser in the client computer and input the ipnet address (run ifconfig in a terminal) with :8000 appended to it (i.e. this will allow you to upload and download files to the directory you ran the sv command (i.e. shift+spacebar (which pops up the modified pexec launcher showing /nwp/ in the entry box) then sv then enter) in.
by rcrsn51. thread here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 132#415132 (unnecessary now that it has a gui)
fw -- toggle firewall on off (actually give a pop up that provides the function. requires the pet by tronkel you can find at
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 9ea478cf1f). rcrsn51's SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload won't run with the firewall in place and this is a convenient way to temporarily disable it.
-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7
b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.
1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9
a# series is quadrants...
sk - sakura (also t in nwp/pwn/pax or any terminal for most of them (some may be set to urxvt or rxvt--they all have sakura though)
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
#wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)--[Obs.]
some changes to the templates...
a much better way to launch and batch launch files (you'll get a dual view without having to to click the file more than once. for print preview of the pdf form of this essentially txt/html word processing document (though you can embed and link what you like , it seems), you'll need to access to your choice of browser/htmlviewer's print preview button. to change the headers and footers, you'll need to use your browser's print > options menu.
dual launchers (text editor and browser) for the Nooby Word Processor/nwp:
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey
more shortcuts now available to the Nooby Uber Utility Pack
sda[1-6]-sdd[1-6] -- open those partitions
the following will open in rox if entered in the pw,n launcher: mnt, home, mdoc (opens root/my-documents), apps (opens usr/share/applications), jwm (/root/.jwm), bin, jxdg(etc/xdg/templates), conf (/root/.configure), mybin (/root/my-applications/bin), etc, tmp, and pack (/nwp).
at, at[1-10] are autotext scripts. atx is the template, ate will open the 11 in geany for you to edit/rename. single monitor setups now have similar nwp shortcuts as doubles:
q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9
some deps, recs, and links:
pcp requires puppy control panel:http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=61961
tas requires take a shot: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=84528
f requires find and run: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 5582835582
xpc and xpb require xpad
[tas and find and run are now built ins--for original tas icon install the pet. some alternate icons in nwp/icons, nwp/keys, and nwp/root3/icons]
some other included shortcuts:
xpc -- xpad clear
xpb -- xpad back up
[these have been neglected because i mostly use "lpx" in place of xpad and sync the notes folder to my dropbox account--been meaning to switch copy out for rsync (but i still haven't read up on rsync beyond tales of its superiority]
cnt -- spit out the code in those echo sections from the script above that allows you to create files with predetermined content (cnt--content)
c- -- a comment line that looks like this: #------------------
tas -- SFR's take a shot
pcp -- radky's puppy control panel
ww -- MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher
v -- vtg
(another batch from recent update:)
roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
another batch from recent update:
rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany
cursor at right versions of launcher
p -- main nwp launcher
ch - permissions launcher
gl - geany launcher (also -g)
ll - leafpad launcher (also -l)
rl - rox launcher (also -r)
highlighted entry versions:
r- rox launcher
g- geany launcher
ch- change permissions launcher
l- leafpad launcher
f1-f36 --type/press those function keys
(one of my machines is without) (:() (though 1600 virtual key keypad(s) make up for it--not every program will accept all it has to offer, but you can try F36 plus up to four modifiers (k launcher, acswf36 (alt, control, shift, windows key--that's the pattern. from one to four modifiers in alphabetical order for alphanumeric characters and function keys to F36--rename the call codes whatever you like. single digit codes all unused though i've been finding sometimes too cryptic's not much of a help (but the k2 launcher gives you 600 by number--iirc, just the function and numbers starting with the former with four modifiers? (i prefer the other version, but the easiest way to set keycuts for programs may be through a menu you generate for the purpose))))).
elp - help opened up in leafpad (mostly paste and paste cheats until you modify them)
tem - ae templates menu
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1
(new one, "elp," pops up a leafpad document with what's between the asterisk trains. modify to taste)

new additions:

gg and the key launchers [documentation pending]

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 274#895274
main key launcher -- k
key launcher for 669 version -- k2 (as separate launcher)
key launcher without sweep right-- k-
key launcher, change permissions of mini script (key, key sequence, etc)-- kch
open key folder -- kir
key launcher, mod keys in geany -- kg
key launcher, mod keys in geany, new instance -- kgi
key launcher, mod keys (rename, save as, repeat, etc) in leafpad -- kl
key launcher, return to main launcher -- p
gg -- aemenu popup for custom geany items (vtg, keys, menu entries--use as a template to put other programs' shortcuts in easier reach and/or a custom arrangement.
pwns -- aemenu of all the launchers
aef -- all the aemenus as an aemenu popup


vtg5 opens up an expanded version of "elp" in geany.


mae -- configuration menu (ae menu also containing port, store, install scripts for use with NWPDE i.e. the insta-configure setup in /nwp/c)
ams1-3 -- toggle in the three alternate menu sets (for new installs, as of version 1.9 you needn't use any of the my series quickswitches to use this or the other toggle functions (with the exception of the six keyboard configuration switches (kb1on-kb6on---also on the ae and jwm menus in less cryptic form (jwm version of the mae menu you find starting in 1.9 is on the root four and five (up and down, alt+four and +five) menus and the shutdown+ menu on the left click (root1, alt+1) menu.)
my1-4 -- keyboard centric configuration toggle
my1r-my42 -- reverse those configurations. pattern is the same for the my30-my49 quickswitches.
avtray and dvtray 1 and the rest of the menu and tray swapping commands were originally for the menus and so may not be worded/shortened for nwp launcher use, but looking at the rest of that menu making menu (what mae originally was, although first called maekr (still there as a copy you can mod) and aei (also still there--you can mod that for your five custom jobbies in nwp/root3. they in turn can be your default swap-ins when and if you decide you take your current/future-current setup with you.
when i make 1.9 official (it's in the repo but i haven't announced in a murga-linux thread) i'll likely first clean away all from the following that isn't a launch code, but you can always check out what code launches a menu item using the same method as for editing. unfortunately for ae menus, it's usually a two step ll since the first one will only show you the name of the file it's reading--this second one is the one you need to actually look at. for menu making items, tray items, etc, for now see here (or ll > maek in the launcher, maek being the file mae reads): http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 121#905121

ilkon -- open up desktop template, leafpad
igkon -- open up desktop template, geany

from the notes file in the recs section:

Kind of related to the following idea of nwp as remaster-tool, you could use it as a sort of bootleg zero-install method. For example, i have a number of programs and scripts (01micko's get_libre office utility, MochiMoppel's SpeedDials and Winswitcher (ww), SFR and Step's FindnRun(f), etc) that aren't installed, but get called as if they are through the launcher that pretends the nwp is part of the executables' path/PATH. You can do it with scripts by renaming them and moving them into the nwp (get_libreoffice becomes getlibre in the launcher, speed dials is sd or sdr, if you just want the recents to pop up), and many pets are amenable to the same with one or two extra steps (uncompress the folder, find the script that the pet is a wrapper for, then move it and/or rename it). Of course, some things are just easier left as pets (but you may know how to make a jwm theme but not know how to make a pet of it--easier just to copy it over to its correct location perhaps).

bonus on the bootleg0: the which command will give you the location of the scripts powering most pets you and other developers have installed (it doesn't distinguish between builtins and addins). you could then just up arrow that in the terminal, prepend with "geany" or "leafpad" and a space, hit enter, then save the thing that pops up as a nwp/pwn shortcut (i.e. give it a short, easy to remember (and associate with its intended function) name and save it in the /nwp folder so the shift plus spacebar launcher can launch it. rename the keys in a similar (though easier) way: kl (or kg) in the main launcher followed by the keycode/key call--then rename the script or a copy of it).

here's that menu with a little substitution so it more resembles the rest of the list on these pages (less codey and saves you a click):

menu "menu maker
aemenu launcher template -- ael
aemenu--given program -- aeae
aemenu--given title -- aeae2
aemenu template -- aeaem
jwm --given program -- jwmkr
jwm --given label -- jwmmkr
jwm menu template -- jwmm
jwm includes template -- jwmi
[these follow the same pattern as the highlight and click to apply formatting codes in the n,n1, and n2 ae menus]
grab exec commands --leafpad -- e4ml
grab exec commands --geany -- e4m

menu "Select Custom Keyboard Configuration
keycentric configs:" "
keyboard-1 (my1) -- my1
keyboard-2 (my2) -- my2
keyboard-3 (my3) -- my3
keyboard-4 (my4) -- my4

reverse keycentric configs:" "
reverse my1 (my1) -- my1r
reverse my2 (my2r) -- my2r
reverse my3 (my3r) -- my3r
reverse my4 (my4r) -- my4r
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

these could be made into two separate scripts for launcher (rather than menu/launcher-to-menu) activation:

menu "edit the 6 key configs:
edit keys: geany" "geany /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1
edit keys: geany -i" "geany -i /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1

[geany -i means a new instance (window)--it's easier to copy and paste between menu sets that way. another, somewhat related tip: if you drag file contents to a tab it will open--together with select to copy and middle click to paste, menu making is more like finger painting than coding (not that i really know how to do the latter). three sets of nine seemed like too many slots for individual leafpad entries (just use rl > root3 and open the files individual if that's what you want), and scrolling from the first to (a version of?) the thirtieth seemed like a stretch without the new window, but you could also open the lot in the same/current geany.]

Choose Alternate Key Configuration (my1-4 series only):"
(the 4 can swap 6)" "
KB1 -- kb1on
KB2 -- kb2on
KB3 -- kb3on
(these are the swap on keyboard configs mentioned earlier)
KB4 -- kb4on
KB5 -- kb5on
KB6 -- kb6on

menu "Swap Menu Sets
edit menu set 1 -- ems1
edit menu set 2 -- ems2
edit menu set 3 -- ems3
activate menu set 1 -- ams1
activate menu set 2 -- ams2
activate menu set 3 -- ams3
edit menu set 1i -- ems1i
edit menu set 2i -- ems2i
edit menu set 3i -- ems3i
(edit items from this menu is what i had in mind with the earlier comment regarding geany and the keyboard configs)

menu "edit configs and helpers
edit/open configuration files --jwm -- gea3i
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit quickswitches (30 series) -- edit3i
edit main jwm configs -- joopi
edit main jwm system configs -- jpe
edit panels incoming -- edpanc
edit panels current -- edpan
edit pinboards incoming -- edpinc
edit panels current -- edpin
edit panels incoming--new instance -- edpanic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpani
edit pinboards incoming--new instance -- edpinic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpini
edit word processing templates -- geak
edit rox shortcuts -- roks
edit autotext shortcuts -- ate
edit this menu--geany" "geany jwmim
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
swap to tray syntax for older jwm setups -- jio
swap to tray syntax for newer jwm setups -- jin
edit this menu--leafpad" "leafpad /nwp/jwmim
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit my30 series config switches -- edit3i

menu "tray toggles

move over the stock tray a pixel (better mouse menu access) -- xover1
undo the pixel move -- undoxover1
toggle off stock tray -- puptrayoff
toggle on stock tray -- puptrayon
SEND" "fixmenus; jwm -restart ---this one exists as "fixu"

menu "deactivate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
deactivate vertical tray12 -- dvtray12
deactivate vertical tray11 -- dvtray11
deactivate vertical tray10 -- dvtray10
deactivate vertical tray9 -- dvtray9
deactivate vertical tray8 -- dvtray8
deactivate vertical tray7 -- dvtray7
deactivate vertical tray6 -- dvtray6
deactivate vertical tray5 -- dvtray5
deactivate vertical tray4 -- dvtray4
deactivate vertical tray3 -- dvtray3
deactivate vertical tray2 -- dvtray2
deactivate vertical tray1 -- dvtray1

menu "deactivate top and bottom trays
deactivate top tray6 -- dtop6
deactivate top tray5 -- dtop5
deactivate top tray4 -- dtop4
deactivate top tray3 -- dtop3
deactivate top tray2 -- dtop2
deactivate top tray1 -- dtop1
deactivate bottom tray6 -- dbot6
deactivate bottom tray5 -- dbot5
deactivate bottom tray4 -- dbot4
deactivate bottom tray3 -- dbot3
deactivate bottom tray2 -- dbot2
deactivate bottom tray1 -- dbot1

menu "activate top and bottom trays
activate top tray6 -- atop6
activate top tray5 -- atop5
activate top tray4 -- atop4
activate top tray3 -- atop3
activate top tray2 -- atop2
activate top tray1 -- atop1
activate bottom tray6 -- abot6
activate bottom tray5 -- abot5
activate bottom tray4 -- abot4
activate bottom tray3 -- abot3
activate bottom tray2 -- abot2
activate bottom tray1 -- abot1

menu "activate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
activate vertical tray12 -- avtray12
activate vertical tray11 -- avtray11
activate vertical tray10 -- avtray10
activate vertical tray9 -- avtray9
activate vertical tray8 -- avtray8
activate vertical tray7 -- avtray7
activate vertical tray6 -- avtray6
activate vertical tray5 -- avtray5
activate vertical tray4 -- avtray4
activate vertical tray3 -- avtray3
activate vertical tray2 -- avtray2
activate vertical tray1 -- avtray1

Install/configure/store/port (entries with > need two commands):
edit the jwm version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > jwmim
edit the ae version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > aeim
edit 30 series -- edit3i
edit 40 series -- edit4i
back up current/original configuration files -- bk
restore original/previous configuration files -- rbk
port configuration files from /nwp/c -- port
store configuration files in /nwp/c -- store
edit recs, port, store -- editport

[my30-49, my30r-my49r were here]

edit quickswitches (30 series and KB) -- edit3i
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

menu "shutdown2
menu "window button issue
no buttons (possible bugfix) -- nobut
standard -- standbut
line buttons -- linebut
square buttons -- sqbut

winswitcher -- ww
recents -- sdr
rox recents -- rr


wiz -- run the wizard wizard
pcp -- (same as wiz but with pupcontrol commented out. ll > pcp > switch position of pound sign if you've installed pup control (panel? popup? not sure where i got that last p from. name change with version 2.8?) and want a separate launcher cut for it)

lpx -- ae menu that uses (mostly) leafpad as a notetaker

t2x -- print out text2xpm code template
t2x2 -- same as above plus template for a .desktop file (presumably to match up a program with the icon you just made)
jin -- trayfix-new
jio -- trayfix-old
aekill (or killae)--solve an issue reported by musher0 (who introduced me to aemenu and how to use its syntax--thanks, musher). apparently too many launched in succession can cause it to hang or not close menus it otherwise should have--this will allow it to continue as normal (once i remember seeing lxtask showing some hanging menus, but the few didn't affect much. this was on a random check of what was going on with the system (i get a kick out of htop and lxtask). another time it did, or i think it did--there were quite a few and i think i noticed some sluggishness and checked for an actual reason. or at least that's the reason there's now an aekill/killae.

cadi -- close all instances of active window's program
ccdi -- close just program's windows on current desktop
caw -- MochiMoppel's CloseAllWindows script (like cadi and ccdi but with more options and a popup)
view -- page width control for phones, convenience, and pdf printout (autotexts tags set at a width of 700px. place in <head></head> section)
dil -- dillo (a superfast and light and somewhat limited browser) reference popup (set for google, dictionary.com, murga-linux/puppy, and etymology.com--edit (add or remove web addresses to the list) with ll > dil in the main launcher (or use the leafpad launcher from its keyboard shortcut (which i can never remember))).
[jp in the launcher opens up jwmrc-personal which reveals the shortcut key to be alt+l--thought i changed it to something else...seems sort of legacy. if you use the my1-4 series, you should check out the heaps of banks of shortcut keys/potential shortcut keys before proceeding. use the mae ae menu (mae in the launcher) or the config submenus on the root 4 and 5 menus (scroll up and down, alt 4 and 5) to access and edit the files.]


new for 1.9.2:

backup Geany configs -- backg
store Geany configs -- storeg
port Geany configs -- portg
restore original/previous Geany configs -- restg

geanytweak -- backg
-- portg

store LibreOffice configs -- storel
restore original/previous LibreOffice configs -- restl
backup LibreOffice configs -- backl
port LibreOffice configs -- portl

portil -- backl
-- portl

equivalent of back/portg and back/portl now removed from installation (2)step2 and each made into scripts/buttons (wrong picture covering them but that's essentially what they are--i may just copy the syntax from the wizard wizard and make this stuff a panel at some point--could use tx2 (text2xpm code printout) to make label-buttons and skip the text field part...). "portil" backs up the current lo configs if any and ports in your custom choice. "geanytweak" backs up the original geany configurations (keyboard, toolbar, main) and ports in a set ready made with the vtg tweak in place, a history set at roughly 50 configuration files (including all those from the three folders (9,10, 9menusblanks) in root3 that feed JWM the info for the menus, trays, and keys), the necessary keycuts for the custom geany menus (set for alt9, alt0, alt2 (also middle click) at the moment) to work, and enables spell check. jag and jagvk should be on the new recent documents list, which should help you in your menu making endeavors. swap the non vk version (it shows you the code the other has in the scripts--follow its pattern to add more keys and set them after the menu is made by keys>edit>[clicking your menu]) out (relabel, expand, copy) for use with other programs or to add additional menus. look at root4menu, root5menu, root2menu, root9menu, root0menu for that "<Includes>" line--change to match other menus you'd like to add by pointing to the new files (no reason for that menu to repeat five times, the space efficiency of pipe menus notwithstanding. control+shift o (or right click>open selected file) take the inconvenience out of files reading from other files--it's a cool feature another reason i recommend editing the JWM stuff in geany over leafpad).

fixes to joop, joopi, jp, and jpe
(typo on "jwmrc-tray," defunct files removed; joop and joopi open all the keys, menus, and trays in the main three in root3; joopi does it in a new instance of geany. jp opens just jwmrc-personal and /etc/.../_root_.jwmrc. jpe opens the tray in addition to these two. you could just open joop in geany (gl launcher) and access the files individually with the right click as described above). dopey name for joop/i is mnemonic for root plus jwm--both will open over forty files at once. vtg5 gave another five files to add to the recents list…


[should have 192 up by tomorrow morning or earlier]

edit: four and five contain the installation, configuration switches, menumaking, and port-store-restore submenus--i never put the custom program menus on those (but you're free to if you like--just add an includes line wherever you want it to go, sandwich it between <Menu></Menu> tags to compress a submenu to a line on the main if your menus get too long (copy the other menu templates to see how to label it--well, the second one's fine as is. for the top of the sandwich just add a label="" tag:

<Menu label="your title here">
[menu entries or an <Includes></Includes> line]



for 192, you can skip the second step of the install sequence (the one labeled "2," not the actual second step, which is labeled 00--install the deps and move the nwp folder to /, then proceed to 1step1, which will back up your jwm configs and move some useful files to /root/my-applications/bin--the nwp launcher calls on these for some functions and to reset itself should you get finger-tied or typo it past convenience) and transfer over the configuration files for the vtg and custom menus/menu templates. the recs from 1.9 are gone and replaced by just geany 125 and the plugin pack for it (both made by Corvus). i added two 1.27 plugins (overview and multiterm) that are working well for me in Xenialpup--haven't tried them in anything else yet (and so they're commented out). you could skip the recs and still have the vtg, but the extend select and some of the other functions shown on the menus won't work without the plugins.

"dil" requires dillo--available in the browser section of the repo and thanks to OscarTalks. the two largest of the latest five or so nwps have it as part of the recs or approximatic/uncompressed remaster folder in /nwp/c.


added 08/08/2016:

conf2p -- make pets of your geany configurations (toolbar, keyboard shortcuts, general configuration); your rox settings (bookmarks, your menu2 file (which controls the shortcuts for bookmarks, make-new-file-from-template, and right click functions; it also sets the icons for the filer windows), your templates, and your groups (speed dial to a folder by number--set with control plus the chosen number from within the chosen folder)); your jwm settings (you can uncomment some of it below and add your jwm and gtk themes); and your libreoffice configuration/settings. the launcher will dump the pets in a configpets subfolder in /root since it's apparently set to that...at least in xenial. through the terminal (and generally speaking) it should make the pets in whatever file window's open when you call the code (which are all clickable scripts and available in root/my-applications/bin and /nwp/pets (as well as the nwp folder proper).
l2p -- just the libreoffice configurations ported to pet
r2p -- the rox stuff
j2p -- the jwm configurations
g2p --your geany settings
see http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 106#917106
for more


added 8/24:

serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template
serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.

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Puppus Dogfellow
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two main versions of the keyboard shortcuts (larger version

#188 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Posted: Today, at 03:38 Post subject: most recent keyboard configuration files (jwmrc-personal
Subject description: version (my30-49(except my39 which is your originals)) and keycentric version (my1-4)

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from nwp keyboard shortcuts (jwm):

from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 759#908759
(approximately series of precise spins thread)


built in keyboard shortcuts (default version. many call nwp/pwn scripts or aemenus. see the pwn launcher shortcut list above or forthcoming keycentric version (better comments) to decode. a, b, and q are positionals/window-resizers, and alt+# no longer takes you to a specific desktop (d# does, the function keys (keycentric only) do, but all 24 are accessible from each of the ten menus (desktops slot)...another help file built from a menu by substituting in geany...(pardon its being a bit backwards).

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=z -- xdotool key alt+1 Return (or /nwp/v--it's the vtg and not all are set up the same).
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=g -- /nwp/vtg5 (scrap, vtg and general help, 5 document popup in geany)
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=g -- /nwp/g (grids menu)
key=Up -- up
key=Down -- down
key=Right -- right
key=Left -- left
key=h -- left
key=j -- down
key=k -- up
key=l -- right
key=Return -- select
key=Escape -- escape
key=F12 -- root:3

modifier(s)=Control KEY=Tab -- prev
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Tab -- next
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F4 -- close

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F1 -- root:3
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F2 -- window
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F3 -- exec/nwp/n

modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F2 -- /nwp/ww
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F1 -- /nwp/v
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F3 -- /nwp/g

modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F4 -- /nwp/sd
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F12 -- /nwp/n2</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F11 -- /nwp/n1
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F10 -- /nwp/q10
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F9 -- /nwp/q9</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F8 -- /nwp/q8
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F7 -- /nwp/q7
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F6 -- /nwp/q6</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F5 -- /nwp/q5
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F4 -- /nwp/q4
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F3 -- /nwp/q3</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F2 -- /nwp/q2
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F1 -- /nwp/q1

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Escape -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Control KEY=Escape -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=Escape -- window
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Escape -- move
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Escape -- minimize
modifier(s)=ControlS KEY=Escape -- maximize
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Escape -- resize

keycode=160 -- amixer sset Master toggle
keycode=176 -- amixer sset Master 1+,1+
keycode=174 -- amixer sset Master 1-,1-
keycode=178 -- defaultbrowser
keycode=236 -- defaultbrowser
keycode=111 -- defaultscreenshot

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Up -- /nwp/supup
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Down -- /nwp/supdown
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Right -- /nwp/supright
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Left -- /nwp/supleft

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Up -- maximize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Down -- minimize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Right -- resize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Left -- move

modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Up -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Down -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Right -- next
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Left -- prev

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Up -- /nwp/2
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Down -- /nwp/n
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Right -- /nwp/g
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Left -- /nwp/s

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=1 -- root:1
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=2 -- root:2
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=3 -- root:3
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=4 -- root:4
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=5 -- root:5
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=6 -- root:6
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=7 -- root:7
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=8 -- root:8
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=9 -- root:9
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=0 -- root:0

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=1 -- /nwp/a1
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=2 -- /nwp/a2
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=3 -- /nwp/a3
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=4 -- /nwp/a4
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=5 -- /nwp/a5
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=6 -- /nwp/a6
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=7 -- /nwp/a7
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=8 -- /nwp/a8
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=9 -- /nwp/a9
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=0 -- /nwp/a10

modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=1 -- /nwp/b1
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=2 -- /nwp/b2
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=3 -- /nwp/b3
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=4 -- /nwp/b4
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=5 -- /nwp/b5
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=6 -- /nwp/b6
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=7 -- /nwp/b7
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=8 -- /nwp/b8
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=9 -- /nwp/b9
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=0 -- /nwp/b10

<!-- modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=2 -- vgt -->

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=1 -- /nwp/winswitcher

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=2 -- xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=3 -- /nwp/3but
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=4 -- window
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=5 -- move
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=6 -- resize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=7 -- minimize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=8 -- maximize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=9 -- prev
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=0 -- next

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=1 -- ldesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=2 -- rdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=3 -- udesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=4 -- ddesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=5 -- prevstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=6 -- nextstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=7 -- shade
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=8 -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=9 -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=0 -- /nwp/k

key=h -- left
key=j -- down
key=k -- up
key=l -- right

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=h -- /nwp/rungn
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=j -- /nwp/rungo
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=k -- /nwp/rungt
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=l -- /nwp/lpx

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=h -- /nwp/k
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=j -- /nwp/rl
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=k -- /nwp/gl
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=l -- /nwp/ll

(these are the virtual keypad, rox, geany, and leafpad launchers)

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=h -- ccdi
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=j -- close
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=k -- kill
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=l -- cadi

<!-- mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. shift plus control below are layer and stickiness.-->

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=h -- move
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=j -- resize
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=k -- prevstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=l -- nextstacked
<!-- also on the arrow keys-->
<!-- layer above, middle, below:-->
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=h -- laa
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=j -- lma
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=k -- lba
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=l -- wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=space -- rox
modifier(s)=Control KEY=space -- /nwp/winswitcher
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/p
(^main launcher^)

modifier(s)=Control+Alt KEY=space -- /nwp/rr
(^rox recents--will likely need adjusting depending on the spin/your menu2 file^)
modifier(s)=Control+Space KEY=space -- /nwp/cr
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/n
modifier(s)=Control+Alt+Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/(blank)


(taken from a murga-linux.com/puppy post):

Puppus Dogfellow

Joined: 07 Jan 2013
Posts: 1289
Location: nyc

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2016, 23:17 Post subject: the keycentric keyboard shortcuts (my1-my4 series--each has
Subject description: six to swap in and out. all are copies of what's below (though in actual jwm keycut syntax))  
hopefully this is a little more readable a reference than the file from which it's taken:

keyboard shortcuts --keycentric version:

<!-- Key bindings -->

<!-- alt z is the vtg, alt g is the help files for the vtg and nwp, alt shift g is the grids pop up (aemenu set up to divide the screen into 100 pixel placement points)-->
Alt+ KEY=z -- exec:xdotool key alt+1 Down Return
Alt+ KEY=g -- exec:geany /nwp/vtg5
Alt+Shift+ KEY=g -- exec:/nwp/g

<!-- alt shift g is grid menu (move windows around the screen by 100 pixel increments), alt g opens vtg help files in geany, alt plus z is the vtg-->

KEY=Up -- up
KEY=Down -- down
KEY=Right -- right
KEY=Left -- left
KEY=h -- left
KEY=j -- down
KEY=k -- up
KEY=l -- right
KEY=Return -- select
KEY=Escape -- escape

Ctrl+ KEY=Tab -- prev
Alt+ KEY=Tab -- next

<!-- a, b, q do the following:

q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9

-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7

b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.

1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9

a# series is quadrants...

one of the most up to date versions of the cheat sheet available (to cross reference codes)

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 701#860701


Ctrl+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/n1
Ctrl+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/n
Ctrl+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/q10
Ctrl+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/q9</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/q8
Ctrl+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/q7
Ctrl+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/q6</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/q5
Ctrl+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/q4
Ctrl+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/q3</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/q2
Ctrl+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/q1

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/n2</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/n3
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/a10
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/a9</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/a8
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/a7
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/a6</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/a5
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/a4
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/a3</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/a2
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/a1

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/tem</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/b10
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/b9</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/b8
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/b7
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/b6</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/b5
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/b4
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/b3</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/b2
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/b1

Shift+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/g
Shift+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/wm
Shift+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/o
Shift+ KEY=F4 -- window
Shift+ KEY=F5 -- move
Shift+ KEY=F6 -- resize
Shift+ KEY=F7 -- minimize
Shift+ KEY=F8 -- maximize
Shift+ KEY=F9 -- prev
Shift+ KEY=F10 -- next
Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/ww
Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/w1

Alt+Shift+ KEY=F1 -- ldesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F2 -- rdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F3 -- udesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F4 -- ddesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F5 -- prevstacked
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F6 -- nextstacked
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F7 -- shade
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F8 -- showdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F9 -- fullscreen
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/pxc
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/gxc
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/p

<!-- alt plus f1 and f4 are built-ins. -->

Alt+ KEY=F1 -- root:3
Alt+ KEY=F2 -- window
Alt+ KEY=F3 -- /nwp/rr
Alt+ KEY=F4 -- close
Alt+ KEY=F5 -- /nwp/sd
Alt+ KEY=F6 -- /nwp/sdr
Alt+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/w
Alt+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/h
Alt+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/x
Alt+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/y
Alt+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/1
Alt+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/2
in dual monitor setups, the q series could be replaced or modified to give ten additional preset position/dimension commands to active windows or replaced with select select versions of a(1-10) and b(1-10) (called by as(1-10) and bs(1-10)). single monitor setups can get 20 additional custom positionals by editing the a and b series below* (enter ll in the main launcher, then enter the launch code to edit in leafpad. use gl to do the same in geany. the function keys below are for the 24 desktops. windows key sends you to the first 12 desktops, alt+windows key the next 12, control instead of alt for the send to version for 1-12, shift and windows key for desktops 13-24. personally, i think it's easier to use d# and s# in the launcher, but it's here for you to use or modify/reassign. there's no included select version for the quadrants and halves for single monitor setups, but
geany q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10
will open them up for editing. swap the :ACTIVE: for :SELECT: and rename to qs# if you want them. (next version will likely include them and a few other tweaks to the jwmrc-personal file.

*the a and b series have now also been moved to the function keys (they're easier to edit (q5 aside as it's the same syntax) than the q series--you'll just be filling out four fields, x,y,w,h) and can be found above. (i'll merely comment out their former location--you could pick which set up you like better).


Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/d12
Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/d11
Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/d10
Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/d9
Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/d8
Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/d7
Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/d6
Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/d5
Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/d4
Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/d3
Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/d2
Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/d1

Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/d24
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/d23
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/d22
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/d21
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/d20
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/d19
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/d18
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/d17
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/d16
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/d15
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/d14
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/d13
<!-- go to desktops 1-24-->

Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/s12
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s11
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/s10
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/s9
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/s8
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/s7
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/s6
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/s5
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/s4
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/s3
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/s2
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/s1

Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/s24</Key
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s23
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/s22
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/s21
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/s20
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/s19
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/s18
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/s17
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/s16
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/s15
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/s14
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/s13

<!-- send to desktops 1-24-->

<!-- F12 is a built in. -->

KEY=F12 -- root:3

Alt+ KEY=Escape -- fullscreen
Ctrl+ KEY=Escape -- showdesktop
Shift+ KEY=Escape -- window
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Escape -- move
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- minimize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- maximize
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- resize

<!-- editing the escape series necessitates editing other things. which reminds me, don't use the showdesktop entry on the menu--it doesn't work. use the keys or the buttons. press escape and hold if you hit the showdesktop on the menus (it needs to be removed)-->

Alt+ KEY=space -- exec:rox
Ctrl+ KEY=space -- exec:winswitcher
Shiftt+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/p
Ctrl+Alt+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/rr
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/cr
Alt+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/t
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/rup

MochiMoppel's excellent winswitcher allows you to navigate windows better than than the tray does (more options, more keyboard friendly--it's ww in the launcher. rr is rox recents, cr is close all rox, rup is three up from the bottom on the rox bookmarks tab (ctrl plus b in a rox window), rox is activated by alt plus spacebar (ll launcher plus rr will allow you to set what folder is being opened when the recents is being called. you could do the same for rup and rb (rox bookmarks)).

KEY=h -- left
KEY=j -- down
KEY=k -- up
KEY=l -- right

Alt+ KEY=h -- move
Alt+ KEY=j -- resize
Alt+ KEY=k -- prev
Alt+ KEY=l -- next

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=h -- /nwp/rungn
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=j -- /nwp/rungo
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=k -- /nwp/rungt
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=l -- /nwp/lpx

<Key mask="SA" KEY=h -- exec:ccdi
<Key mask="SA" KEY=j -- close
<Key mask="SA" KEY=k -- exec:kill
<Key mask="SA" KEY=l -- exec:cadi

<!-- mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. alt plus shift plus. the alt controls above it are layer and stickiness.-->

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- move
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- resize
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- prevstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- nextstacked

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:laa
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:lma
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:lba
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:/nwp/x0
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:/nwp/x1200
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:/nwp/x2000
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:/nwp/x2500

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:/nwp/y0
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:/nwp/y200
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:/nwp/y400
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:/nwp/y800

these are fairly lame--random spots on the x and y axes -->

<!-- supleft et al scripts (grab and quickly move a window with the arrows) don't work in 64 bit slacko, 64 bit quirky april, or 64 bit werewolf, so there seems to be a problem with the 64 bit versions of xdotool and wmctrl. here's a blank version for you to fill in with whatever you choose (move the comment arrows to the above in 64 bit). note--no "exec:"--add if you're not using windows function.

Alt+ KEY=Up --
Alt+ KEY=Down --
Alt+ KEY=Right --
Alt+ KEY=Left --


Alt+ KEY=Up -- exec:/nwp/supup
Alt+ KEY=Down -- exec:/nwp/supdown
Alt+ KEY=Right -- exec:/nwp/supright
Alt+ KEY=Left -- exec:/nwp/supleft

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Up -- maximize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Down -- minimize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Right -- resize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Left -- move

Alt+Shift+ KEY=Up -- fullscreen
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Down -- showdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Right -- next
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Left -- prev

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Up -- exec:/nwp/2
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Down -- exec:/nwp/n
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Right -- exec:/nwp/g
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Left -- exec:/nwp/s

<!-- nearly everything is now duplicated on the function keys so you could generally pick one or the other/modify either. don't mess with escape or alt plus number though.-->

Alt+ KEY=1 -- root:1
Alt+ KEY=2 -- root:2
Alt+ KEY=3 -- root:3
Alt+ KEY=4 -- root:4
Alt+ KEY=5 -- root:5
Alt+ KEY=6 -- root:6
Alt+ KEY=7 -- root:7
Alt+ KEY=8 -- root:8
Alt+ KEY=9 -- root:9
Alt+ KEY=0 -- root:0

Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/n1
Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/n2
Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/n3
Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/n
Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/tem
Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/uh
Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/ii
Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/pbw
Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/paw
Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/elp

the above repeat below as commented out blanks. delete these (or move the arrow on line 14 to line 2) if you'd prefer to use your own. 4 is the windows key. held together with the number specified they execute the following functions (exec code (minus the /nwp/ part) is what gets entered into the launcher, which itself is most conveniently called with the built in spacebar plus shift shortcut):
win+1=main nwp menu
win+2=only the highlight and click to apply word processing codes (thanks again to miriam).
win+3=only the paste and place word processor codes
win+4=main nuup menu: nwp menu as 1 plus the uber utilities packs' functions.
win+5=ae tem menu--access template files or make word processing files out of text files. access a folder for drag and drop launching of batches of files (something that could also be done through the vtg or with launcher if the identical code is sent as a script (i.e. it has #!/bin/sh at the top and has been given the proper permission (e.g. with ch in the launcher followed by its name in the following launcher that pops up)) to the /nwp/ folder.)
win+6=underline -- highlight and activate (through code, key, or menu)
win+7=italics -- paste and paste version
win+8=page break in white, below
win+9=page break in white, above
win+0=help file pop up in leafpad

1 and 5 can be seen as start centers, though the vtg and the remaining blanks can likewise initiate the dual launchers (or any other program, for that matter)

blank templates for an additional 132 shortcut keys. they all rely on the ten number keys. surround path and file name with <Include></Include> and place in /root/.jwmrc-personal. i.e.

then jwm -restart/then restart jwm.

uncomment a section below and fill in the program choices of a section to use it.

4 is the windows key; S, A, and C are shift, alt, and control. windows commands generally don't need the "exec:" and things off the PATH need their full paths after it.

the nwp menus (both ae and jwm) allow access to just about (there may've been a few oversights) every word processing command, but it's still menu access instead of button-immediacy, so to get that regular word processor feel back, you may want to have, for example, bold or underline only a key combo away.
copying the commented out group below and inserting the following (from the vtg cheat sheet that pops up when you hit alt plus g)

bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
tem - open templates/duals menu

these are all in nwp, so they need the path (/nwp/) prepended to them so machine can find them. or you could just pick (and possibly copy to overwrite the versions without the "/nwp/"--just substitute out (through find and replace) the modifiers. substitute the keys to make similar levels of any other keys. well, here they are again, but with the proper path added to the call:

/nwp/bh # adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/uh # adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/sth # add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/ih # add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/bb # print out bold tags
/nwp/cmt # print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
/nwp/ii # print out italics tags
/nwp/st # print out strikethrough tags
/nwp/ul # print out underline tags
/nwp/tem # open templates/duals menu

(i made them so they'd work in a fake pexec or gexec history pulldown as a launchable cheat sheet, but we just need the /path/file bit for the keys. if you don't have a template with the "exec:" bits already in place, do another substitution, /nwp replaced with exec:/nwp or something similar. then just pick the keys you've got your bold, italics, and whatever else you want (including batch launching and things normally deemed apart from word processing). so that's the basic idea behind the big batch of potential keyboard shortcuts.


Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:

<!--a couple of samples for the previous two key banks: -->

<!-- Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:vgt -->

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/winswitcher

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/3but
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- window
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- move
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- resize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- minimize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- maximize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- prev
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- next

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- ldesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- rdesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- udesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- ddesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- prevstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- nextstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- shade
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- showdesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- fullscreen
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/k

<!--a couple of samples for the previous two key bank (part of main jwmrc personal in other nwp configs (through quickswitch or otherwise)>


Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:

(another set of function key blanks for you to customize)

[remove the lead and trailing arrows (<!-- -->), (fill out with programs, scripts, files of your choice and save file), and restart jwm to activate an otherwise dormant bank (nearly all of which are set as blanks in the actual file you'd need to edit (on alt+4 menu or mae in the main launcher. r0-r9 in the launcher will also give you access to the ten jwm menus.)]

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 289#920289:
line's boldface because i'm about to post the updated launcher code list, and now that the keycentric configs are activated upon installation by default, that list too. also, since i've got a few keyboards that aren't quite as linux compatible as i'd like (microsoft ergo 400 or something, a logitech wireless that's got no middle button, another that's got at least a dozen currently useless multimedia and/or otherwise gummy buttons), i may post an additional keys insert file with the xev mapping for one or two of them. both time-saving lists are already on the ridiculous side of lengthy or approaching it. ...thing that looks like a light switch doesn't register at all...
:wink: :? :P
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firefox, iron, where things may be headed, some inclusions

#189 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

i was going to make firefox the default browser next time around, but decided to make it a pet instead: firefox48.ooo.pet
this one will install in a slot on the right click original menu plus overwrite the entry for a firefox on sda1 on the root one menu. if you've followed the upgrades since the release of ~572.14 and p6, you won't need the libgtk dependency posted earlier: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 433#901433

(ignore the pet if you've followed the earlier advice and unpacked a mozilla firefox folder in sda1 or linked one there. the last nwp had a firefox desktop file that assumed that location. the one in this pet will overwrite it so it points to /opt--the ooo is opt over (sd)one. :?


i like iron on this xenial installation and still may end up using it to replace slimjet there. the last nwp update gave everything palemoon updaters and installers, so firefox's autoupdating ability is less of a factor in the decision. i'll probably keep palemoon in xenial and the 64bit spins, but include a get chrome utility. some sort of chrome-like browser in precise, maybe just keep dillo and netsurf in the unicorn, allow the users to load it up further in that regard...

so, other than the updaters and get browser utilities (64 bit chrome version is by ETP except for the possibly epileptic fit causing animation--use at your own risk?)...only thing i think i haven't as yet covered was the five new variations on the dark gray jwm theme, which itself i think is a takeoff of a main ubuntu theme...

here are OscarTalks' newest Iron packages:

iron 52
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java packages updated

#190 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


the utility by rerwin i used to make them (and which was included in the last release if not the first update) has also been updated:


if you've got Get Java Runtime in your Utilities menu (still right click but now as the "original menu" submenu), all you need is the update patch.
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updated wine packages to 1916. thanks to version2013,

#191 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

version2013's wine thread
pet and sfs include

peebee and argolance made the menu utilities and you can find more info at the above link. i just took the most recent stripped and modern packages, used sc0ttman's easypackage utility to combine them with the scripts and menu stuff, and hosted the results (pet had to be made manually (two clicks) from a folder that the utility set up--sfs was automatic)

wine1916-32.pet and wine1916.sfs

made a bit differently than previous packages but should work the same apart from the pet no longer being an extractable folder of smaller pets.
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forgot to update the tem (templates menu) last time around

#192 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

menu "Individual Duals and The Dual Launchers Folder"
cmd "duals folder for drag and drop/batch launching" "/nwp/duals"
cmd "geany, chrome" "/nwp/ggc"
cmd "geany new instance, chrome" "/nwp/gigc"
cmd "geany new instance, opera" "/nwp/gio"
cmd "leafpad, chromium" "/nwp/lgc"
cmd "geany new instance, firefox" "/nwp/gif"
cmd "default text editor, default browser" "/nwp/def"
cmd "geany, firefox" "/nwp/gf"
cmd "default text editor, firefox" "/nwp/tef"
cmd "leafpad, firefox" "/nwp/lff"
cmd "geany, default browser" "/nwp/gb"
cmd "geany new instance, default browser" "/nwp/gib"
cmd "leafpad, default browser" "/nwp/leb"
cmd "leafpad, seamonkey" "/nwp/leafy"
cmd "leafpad, dillo" "/nwp/dlll"
cmd "geany, dillo" "/nwp/ged"
cmd "geany, seamonkey" "nwp/ges"
cmd "leafpad, opera" "/nwp/lop"
cmd "geany, palemoon" "/nwp/gep"
cmd "geany, chromium" "/nwp/gc"
cmd "geany new instance, palemoon" "/nwp/gip"
cmd "geany new instance, chromium" "/nwp/gic"
cmd "leafpad, palemoon" "/nwp/lep"
cmd "geany new instance, dillo" "/nwp/gid"
cmd "leafpad, chromium" "/nwp/lec"
cmd "geany new instance, seamonkey" "/nwp/gis"
cmd "geany new instance, slimjet" "/nwp/gij"
cmd "geany, slimjet" "/nwp/gj"
cmd "geany, netsurf" "/nwp/gn"
cmd "geany new instance, netsurf" "/nwp/gin"
cmd "leafpad, netsurf" "/nwp/lns"
cmd "leafpad, slimjet" "/nwp/lj"
cmd "Templates, Two Versions:" "templates: two versions"
cmd "1. Rebuild/Spit Template Code/Convert to NWP (html):" "rebuild/spit template code"
cmd " sans serif template" "/nwp/san1"
cmd " serif template" "/nwp/serf1"
cmd " mono template" "/nwp/mono1"
cmd "spit out serif 700 template" "/nwp/serf700"
cmd "spit out sans 700 template" "/nwp/sans700"
cmd "spit out mono 700 template" "/nwp/mono700"
cmd "2. Rename And Use:" "rename and use:"
cmd " mono  opened in geany" "/nwp/mono"
cmd " mono opened in leafpad" "/nwp/monol"
cmd " sans opened in geany" "/nwp/sans"
cmd " sans opened in leafpad" "/nwp/sansl"
cmd " serif opened in geany" "/nwp/serf"
cmd " serif opened in leafpad" "/nwp/serfl"
cmd "serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport" "/nwp/serl7"
cmd "serif opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/serg7"
cmd "sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport" "/nwp/sanl7"
cmd "sans opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/sang7"
cmd "mono opened in leafpad, 700px" "/nwp/monol7"
cmd "mono opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/monog7"
has the updated templates and doesn't need any permissions set. just save as /nwp/tempa2, overwriting your original.
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reprogramming aftermarket keyboards 1: ms natural ergo 4000

#193 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m90/ ... wb0s0t.jpg, an image too big to considerately post, so the text bit:

keys marked with an asterisk (home, envelope, mute toggle, volume up, volume down) are premapped by the keyboard, the machine, or possibly your windows manager. in most cases, pressing a modifier key will reveal what key code is being used--most dedicated function keys seem to be modifiers plus regular keyboard keys. you can either start your modifications with those keys modified or you can remap the originals if possible--xev can't see them when they're pressed on their own, but most reveal the base key when a modifier is added. keys that don't work in this model are the light switch looking thing, the key marked "spell," and the key that toggles the function keys. home, mute, volume up and down are part of jwm's built ins (i intend to demote the original
functions to 4 modifiers. being labeled, they'll be easy to identify, and four is an easy enough number to remember.

Code: Select all

<Key keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf14</Key>

for modified keys:
<Key mask="A" keycode="245">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
upcoming sample remap leaves a number of the global (but not in linux though many of the call codes are the same) labels active by calling their equivalent in nwp/keys/k, which is the location of the virtual keypad--cn (for control+n for the new key, co for open and the most of the rest of that row in manner called by that nwp subfolder and/or the k launcher) and similar is also a way to transfer your own oft-used keycuts to keyboard buttons. acsw=alt+control+shift+windows key. ACS4 is the jwm version of the same--seems most programs allow up to at least four modifiers...

the illustration bit:
(48.76 KiB) Downloaded 431 times
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stock jwm config file has two keyboard shortcuts for default

#194 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Code: Select all

<!--replace the mixer lines (or comment them out) and add 
this file saved as /nwp/root3/msnatkb with 
<Include>/nwp/root3/msnatkb<Include> in their place
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="160">exec:amixer sset Master toggle</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="176">exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="174">exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1-</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="178">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="176">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key keycode="160">exec:amixer sset Master toggle</Key>
<Key keycode="176">exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+</Key>
<Key keycode="174">exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1-</Key>
<Key keycode="178">exec:/nwp/duals</Key>
<Key keycode="236">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key keycode="111">exec:defaultscreenshot</Key>

<Key keycode="178">exec:window</Key>
<Key keycode="229">exec:recoll</Key>
<Key keycode="236">exec:tem</Key>

<Key keycode="183">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key keycode="184">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key keycode="93">exec:/nwp/n2</Key>
<Key keycode="131">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key keycode="247">exec:/nwp/baek</Key>

<Key keycode="160">exec:1</Key>
<Key keycode="174">exec:2</Key>
<Key keycode="176">exec:0</Key>
<!--^(single, double, and supplemental windows menus) -->

<Key keycode="162">exec:/nwp/aef</Key>
<Key keycode="161">exec:galculator</Key>
<!--<Key mask="A" keycode="162">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="161">window</Key>
^silver rung starting with 1--mag glass is now window button-->

<Key keycode="230">exec:/nwp/v</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/ch</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/gl</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="AC" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/ll</Key>
<Key mask="AS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/rl</Key>
<Key mask="A4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/pwns</Key>
<Key mask="CS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/2k</Key>
<Key mask="C4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kch</Key>
<Key mask="S4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kg</Key>
<Key mask="ACS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kir</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kl</Key>
<Key mask="CS4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kgi</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/vtg5</Key>

<Key keycode="234">prev</Key>
<Key keycode="233">next</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="234">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="233">next</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="234">prevstacked</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="233">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="234">sendl</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="233">sendr</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="234">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="233">rdesktop</Key>
<!--function rung:-->

<Key keycode="245">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key keycode="135">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cz</Key>
<Key keycode="138">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cy</Key>
<Key keycode="137">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cn</Key>
<Key keycode="191">exec:/nwp/keys/k/co</Key>
<Key keycode="175">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cw</Key>
<Key keycode="228">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf16</Key>
<Key keycode="142">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf18</Key>
<Key keycode="218">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf17</Key>
<!--^set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor-->
<Key keycode="213">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cs</Key>
<Key keycode="185">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cp</Key>
<Key keycode="78">exec:/nwp/lpx</Key>
<Key keycode="110">exec:/nwp/v</Key>

<Key keycode="157">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf15</Key>
<Key keycode="246">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf13</Key>
<Key keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf14</Key>

<!--^move last, last used, move first-->

<Key mask="A" keycode="245">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="135">exec:/nwp/chab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="138">exec:/nwp/chad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="137">exec:/nwp/gab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="191">exec:/nwp/gad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="175">exec:/nwp/lab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="228">exec:/nwp/lad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="142">exec:/nwp/rab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="218">exec:/nwp/rad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="213">exec:/nwp/tem</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="185">exec:tas</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="78">exec:geany -i</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="110">exec:vtg5</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="157">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf16</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="246">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf18</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf17</Key>

<!--^set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor-->
<Key mask="C" keycode="245">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="135">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="138">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="137">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="191">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="175">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="228">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="142">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="218">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="213">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="185">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="78">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="110">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="157">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="246">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="251">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="245">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="135">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="138">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="137">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="191">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="175">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="228">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="142">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="218">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="213">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="185">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="78">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="110">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="157">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="246">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="251">exec:</Key>


wasn't able to post either the comment wondering how to post beneath one's attachment or anything below the attachment, but above is a very nwp/pwn anubis heavy jwm keyboard insert file that will get back and multiply the functionality of some aftermarket keyboards (this is set to the ms ergo keyboard above--i'll eventually do remaps for some logitech products i have--an ergo wireless keyboard, a new version that's slim and has a trackpad but had no middle click function, --i figure one set to highlight the word processor/utilities pack and another to just maximize customizability and functionality--just rows of blank templates like i did with the function keys (the physical ones, not those in /nwp/keys/k).

as the comment says,
<!--replace the mixer lines (or comment them out) and add
this file saved as /nwp/root3/msnatkb with
<Include>/nwp/root3/msnatkb<Include> in their place
this will get rid of your dublicate browser shortcuts, match up some (i didn't look into send or forward because i don't do that much--those have been remapped to set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor) of the labels with reality, and make the nwp pretty easy to use. launcher code cheat sheet should explain program codes that otherwise seem cryptic.(many keys now launch aemenus).

keycuts for keycode 230 (the star button top middle) show how you can expand down on a key just about as easily or conveniently as across--just depends on what you can manage to arrange in a way that will make sense to you.
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if you want to remap your keys, here's a gui for xmodmap

#195 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »



second 32 bit pet is over four times the size because it contains dependencies that weren't needed in precise, and quite possibly weren't needed in xenial, but i made and briefly tested the smaller package in the former and the larger with the latter. the 64 bit version has no added dependencies (nor dependencies of dependencies) and works fine in xenial64 (...which is giving me minor touchpad grief...still looks like tahr 64 will be the first 64 bit Anubis Pup...Anubis Pup and the Approximatics---). anyway, this will give you even more control over your keys. templates include relatively rare models like the kinesis line, but most layouts seem to be accounted for, or at least most of your layout will end up being remappable in ways that would not have otherwise presented themselves. i'll likely include the utilites in the next releases. it appears the same can be done command line with xmod map, but this may be easier for most people, the small limitations of the gui's presets notwithstanding. anyway, i see something potentially useful in it.

two smaller are under a meg, the large 32 bit package is over 4 meg because it contains dependencies and dependencies of dependencies. smaller 32 bit package is a sixth the size of the 64 bit (145kb vs 900kb) and works in precise. try the smaller of the 32 bit versions first whether you're installing on one of these spins or not--the larger one is named differently and will overwrite itself and install the dependencies should you need them.

packages made from archlinux packages and with the help of radky's parchive (turn the downloads into the guts of the pet), the blank keys desktop template the last nwp update installed (made a usr/share/applications folder, copied in the template and modified a few lines), and don570's right click utility (made a pet from the folder).
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~572.64.1/6t4.1: a 64 bit version based on tahrpup64_6.0.5

#196 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


md5 for 6t4.iso: 60738262018cb49a7c3e43bf0403f343



first off, thanks to 666philb for the tahrpup base, and of course Barry Kauler and all responsible for helping out phil. i think i personally owe MochiMoppel and musher0 a bit of an extra thanks for helping put together the bits and pieces i think make my spins unique enough to release to the public, and i'd like to thank OscarTalks for the tons of audio and browser packages he's been providing the community. others i'll thank and will thank again (shinobar (still battling the new windows machine with grub4dos--gonna chuck that stuff in the end, i think), mavrothal, 01micko (new 64 bit libreoffice packages below built with his utility, converted to pet with TheAsterisk!'s), step and SFR, radky...)

it's got what i consider to be the base setup for the precise spin, which is the more developed of the two prior tines (precise-based 572.14 and unicorn-based p6), which is to say an updated anubis/anwpuus (a newbie's word processor and ulitmatesque utilities suite) replete with vtg and geany tweaks and plugins, and it's got recall. rather than slimjet and a big browser, it's got palemoon and a little tweak of ETP's get-chrome utility (make the UUord Processor live more up to it's Utilities side...emblem that forces this double ewe convention has kind of fallen out of disuse though it can still be found on the main launcher in red and white (icons available throughout nwp folder for swapping (nwp's the one that looks a bit like anubis))).

normally the woofy remaster after a main remaster (via the built in program) results in noticeable size differences (because i manually resquash the sfs and zdrive smaller than either does by default, at least on the 32bit pups i've used), but this time there wasn't any real difference (zdrive smaller by 1 megabyte, the main file apparently by less than that). since the 6t4 version has the md5 sum (radky's recompression utility (parchive) automatically generates it), i guess use that one. other one's running well on two machines, though.

will get some screen shots up in a bit. here are the 64bit libre office updates:



my precise machine wouldn't access the 521 32 bit releases for some reason, so that's on hold along with the main 32 bit update (the name for the first go round of the 64 bit version will probably stick at the tahr64-acknowledging 6t4, losing the .1 along the time the 32 bit versions grow from two to three and become 5p, 6u, and 7x. anyway, in the meantime, here are the main upgrades to the nwp, which is more or less what makes the spin a spin:



post is long enough but in short, the main feature of the upgrade is the ability to set run actions for your word processing files (or any other, though it was put together in part to a geany-vtg type start center). from the comments on a picture in a folder in my repo:
another use for the mcc (make concurrent copies) function is assigning text files to pairs of programs (browser-text editor) by having the copies carry an extension that will set them apart from everything else. right click in rox to set both a run action (pick something from the duals folder, to continue on the word processing bent, though that's not strictly necessary) and icon. screen shot shows...
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screenshot shows two of the pinboard choices s

#197 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


the six choices (pp1-6 in the launcher) are really the same 2 three times each. one's more minimal and the other's got some tools useful for getting you first set up, though it's hard for me to say which i'd choose to mod--easier to drag to one or delete from the other...

shown are some of the suggested icons for the word processor (or libre--i actually prefer that odt icon to the regular one as it sets it apart from the docx files better). speaking of which, i included a dep that wasn't really a dep when i was putting together recoll (got it from quantal in the ubuntu repos because the ppm's version overwrites itself (python recoll over recoll or vice versa) and you therefore can't use gnewpet to grab it. anyway, i wanted to ensure it'd be there and working. seems to be the case (odd luck with woofy all around this time around. it left out middle characters on sfs names (things wouldn't boot so i had to go in and manually rename them), it gave me one spin that was only modded in ram mode--hooking into a save folder (which should've heaped even more mods onto it) reverted it to a pristine tahr64. :? anyway, the non dep dep would allow you to read docx files in something like leafpad and geany (don570's got something like this in the works for his right click utility, which is another thing i feel the need to express thanks for).

here's the 64 bit recoll on its own:


recoll 117-64- full (debs):
docx2txt_1.4-0.1_all.deb *not really a dep)


fwiw, the debs didn't work in woofy. usually they do, or i don't remember their having been a problem before.
2pins, rec'd wp icons, ...(1).jpg
boot screen
(33.89 KiB) Downloaded 2181 times
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updated launcher shortcuts

#198 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

The ever-evolving list of launcher shortcuts (nwp installation sets the shortcut for the launcher itself as spacebar plus shift, but if you don't have jwm, you'll have to do it manually through whatever method you find convenient. The shortcut is used heavily if at all, i guess, and so my recommendation tries to make it fluid, simple, and quick). An almost complete (as of June 2016) list of shortcuts (interrupted by a list of fixes in the upcoming [edit: nwp32/64.3 onward autoinstall geanytweak, my1 (keycentric configs), and rox tweaks--can be reversed piecemeal through mae menu or scripts in nwp/c.] 1.9.1: geany and geany new instance were backwards on the root one menu; the mae aemenu (installation, port-store-backup, menumaker, shutdown+, and jwm config options submenus, etc) was never added to the nwp folder itself--the mae shortcut won't work until it's copied over (though you can activate it from the installation/download folder); trayfix old and new have been given more prominent placement on mae and its jwm equivalent; megasync's a builtin; ocr thanks to rcrsn51; …[one of the two upgrades in the works is in lieu of two isos. it upgrades p6.0 to what would have been p6.1 and makes ~572.15 out of -.14; other upgrade has no add-in pets. set for old syntax this time. fresh installs are generally quicker than upgrades so rename your old nwp if you're upgrading. once the folder turns to anubis (about 15 seconds on my slower machine) you can call from nwp rather than the install folder and/or complete the installation. pets run fixmenus and jwm -restart automatically so the update pack is just a click and a bunch of okaying (alt plus o or more clicking).....]):

bb -- spit out bold tags
[[bb2 -- span tags for bold fonts or other, non default font choices (bold tags don't appear to work though the nwp's underlining and italics tags show the expected results). default is for monospace, same as po1, po2, po4 (the latter two are templates, po1 is an xdotool "spit this code" script/a backup of the main (monospace) template).--this appears to only be necessary in dillo 3.0.4 and earlier. can't recall another browser at the moment that didn't take the bb as it takes the ii...still may be needed to swap fonts within the document.]]
book -- older version of one of the tocs/tics--customize if you like
bpo -- open the default template files in a browser so you can see the line spacing, highlighting, etc. use gpo to edit what the command calls and what browser gets opened
bq -- block quote tags
f - findnrun
gpo -- open the browser, leafpad, and geany configuration files for the nwp word processor plus the default default templates in geany.# geany /nwp/po1 /nwp/po2 /nwp/po3 /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/gpo /nwp/lpo /nwp/bpo /nwp/bb2
h1-h6 -- print out tags for headings 1-6
her -- open the hr template in geany
herl -- open the hr template in leafpad
hero -- open the hr template in geany
hr -- print out hr tags
hr0 -- open the hr template in geany
hr0l -- open the hr template in leafpad
hr1 -- spit out hr doc template
hrl -- <hr> tag, 35%, grey left side
hrr -- <hr> tag, 10%, grey right side
hrt -- template for autopage breaks with hr tag. called by other scripts.
ii -- italics tags
link -- external form of the toc tags
lp -- launch leafpad
lpo -- leafpad /nwp/po2| leafpad /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5| leafpad /nwp/po6| leafpad /nwp/lpo (open the wp template files in leafpad; open the file that determines what leafpad opens
mono -- open monospace template with geany
mono1 -- spit out monospace doc template
monol -- open monospace template with leafpad
monot -- monospace template

quick codes to better templates (added 8/24):

serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template
serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier/elsewhere more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.


np02 -- pu(/)up launcher (configured to begin with a highlighted /nwp/)
p -- pu(/)up launcher configured to start at the end of /nwp/
pb -- <par style="page-break-after: always"></par>
pba -- <par style="page-break-before: always"></par> (a=above)
po -- open po2
po1 -- print out an improved version of the preotry template
po2 -- (template--po1 without the mini-wait--use Clone (under Documents menu) or SaveAs to preserve the file)
po3 -- geany /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/po2
po4 -- template as 14 pt monospace
po5 -- template as 14 pt sans
po6 -- template as 14 pt serif
pr -- print out paragraph tags
prc -- print out paragraph centered tags
prj -- print out paragraph justified tags
prl -- print out paragraph left tags
prr -- print out paragraph right tags
q -- cite tags
san1 -- spit out sans serif doc template
sans -- open sans template with geany
sansl -- open sans template with leafpad
sanst -- sans serif doc template
ser1 -- spit out serif doc template
serf -- open serf template with geany
serfl -- open serf template with leafpad
sert -- serif doc template
sub -- subscript tags
sup -- superscript tags
t -- launch terminal of your choice (delete/comment sakura and uncomment or add your choice)
toc and tic paste bookmark/hyperlink codes. good for tables of contents, master documents, etc. on the editing side, you can make bookmarks in geany with ctrl+m, which will also toggle it off. ctrl plus comma is previous bookmark, control plus period is next bookmark. the plugin for numbered bookmarks makes a list on the side panel (unless that's default and i can't just can't figure out how to work/access the plug in version):
tic -- tic same page template and anchor --new tab
tic1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- same tab
tic2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- same tab
toc -- toc same page template and anchor, same tab (general bookmarks). look up your text editor's method for bookmarking for the edit text (also non formatted) view.
toc1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- new tab
toc2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- new tab
to open files in geany at specific location, append :line#:column# to the file, i.e. geany /nwp/docs/file1:50:14
ul -- underline
v -- activate vtg
xp -- launch xpad/new xpad
terminal nwp/pwn/pax shortcuts:
s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu (this and rr may need to be adjusted depending on how your rox filer is set up)
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run (same as f--fnr is it's traditional short.)
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work in nwp launcher or terminal)
x#-- move to # on x-axis (increments of 5)
y# --move to # on y-axis (increments of 5)
h# --height (increments of 5)
w# --width (increments of 5)
rs --resize
t --terminal (set for my-applications/bin, so launchable from terminal or np/nwp/pxc launcher)
f --findandrun (also set for my-apps/bin)
np --nwpus launcher2 (no sweep right--prehighlighted entry)
sd --speeddials
sdr --speed dials recent list only
gnysys --open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ww -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
galc -- galculator
nc-- notecase
gd -- goldendict
jv -- make java sfs and take you there (thanks, uten. (still there but superseded by rerwin's packages (two installed if you use the -ur version of the nwp))).
##5c -- now the command to make 5 copies of a file by command line.
5ce -- generate drag and drop file in your current working directory and another set to make editing it easier (set for 5 copies with the bulk-renameable extension X(followed by the number of copies). this is an improvement, i think, but you may prefer
mcc -- Make_Concurrent_Copies, which open a directory set for sets of three and five for a fairly wide variety of file types
##5cd -- [obs.]
7c -- print out the command for changing permissions of a script to executable (kind of lazy--chmod 755 isn't that involved...).(sorta made obsolete by the ch launchers (still arguably useful for vtg use)).
1 -- single monitor menu
2 -- double monitor menu
g -- grid menu
x -- x axis menu
y -- y axis menu
w -- width menu
h -- height menu
mv -- move
wn -- windows menu
mn -- minimize
mx -- maximize window
o -- old windows manipulation menu
s -- new version of supplemental menus
n -- the original nwpus menu
n1 -- the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from n3
n2 -- just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section
n3 -- the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.
slac -- search all databases
sloc -- search selected database with option to print results #sometimes problematic
sluc --update all slocate databases/create databases (thanks to musher0 for the slocate wrapper and the three scripts i've renamed here)
ww - winswitcher
sv -- make a folder a server. open a terminal and sv in the pax launcher (nwp launcher, etc) will print out "python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload"--open a browser in the client computer and input the ipnet address (run ifconfig in a terminal) with :8000 appended to it (i.e. this will allow you to upload and download files to the directory you ran the sv command (i.e. shift+spacebar (which pops up the modified pexec launcher showing /nwp/ in the entry box) then sv then enter) in.
by rcrsn51. thread here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 132#415132 (unnecessary now that it has a gui)
fw -- toggle firewall on off (actually give a pop up that provides the function. requires the pet by tronkel you can find at
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 9ea478cf1f). rcrsn51's SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload won't run with the firewall in place and this is a convenient way to temporarily disable it.
-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7
b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.
1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9
a# series is quadrants...
sk - sakura (also t in nwp/pwn/pax or any terminal for most of them (some may be set to urxvt or rxvt--they all have sakura though)
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
#wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)--[Obs.]
some changes to the templates...
a much better way to launch and batch launch files (you'll get a dual view without having to to click the file more than once. for print preview of the pdf form of this essentially txt/html word processing document (though you can embed and link what you like , it seems), you'll need to access to your choice of browser/htmlviewer's print preview button. to change the headers and footers, you'll need to use your browser's print > options menu.
dual launchers (text editor and browser) for the Nooby Word Processor/nwp:
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey
more shortcuts now available to the Nooby Uber Utility Pack
sda[1-6]-sdd[1-6] -- open those partitions
the following will open in rox if entered in the pw,n launcher: mnt, home, mdoc (opens root/my-documents), apps (opens usr/share/applications), jwm (/root/.jwm), bin, jxdg(etc/xdg/templates), conf (/root/.configure), mybin (/root/my-applications/bin), etc, tmp, and pack (/nwp).
at, at[1-10] are autotext scripts. atx is the template, ate will open the 11 in geany for you to edit/rename. single monitor setups now have similar nwp shortcuts as doubles:
q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9
some deps, recs, and links:
pcp requires puppy control panel:http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=61961
tas requires take a shot: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=84528
f requires find and run: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 5582835582
xpc and xpb require xpad
[tas and find and run are now built ins--for original tas icon install the pet. some alternate icons in nwp/icons, nwp/keys, and nwp/root3/icons]
some other included shortcuts:
xpc -- xpad clear
xpb -- xpad back up
[these have been neglected because i mostly use "lpx" in place of xpad and sync the notes folder to my dropbox account--been meaning to switch copy out for rsync (but i still haven't read up on rsync beyond tales of its superiority]
cnt -- spit out the code in those echo sections from the script above that allows you to create files with predetermined content (cnt--content)
c- -- a comment line that looks like this: #------------------
tas -- SFR's take a shot
pcp -- radky's puppy control panel
ww -- MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher
v -- vtg
(another batch from recent update:)
roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
another batch from recent update:
rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany
cursor at right versions of launcher
p -- main nwp launcher
ch - permissions launcher
gl - geany launcher (also -g)
ll - leafpad launcher (also -l)
rl - rox launcher (also -r)
highlighted entry versions:
r- rox launcher
g- geany launcher
ch- change permissions launcher
l- leafpad launcher
f1-f36 --type/press those function keys
(one of my machines is without) (:() (though 1600 virtual key keypad(s) make up for it--not every program will accept all it has to offer, but you can try F36 plus up to four modifiers (k launcher, acswf36 (alt, control, shift, windows key--that's the pattern. from one to four modifiers in alphabetical order for alphanumeric characters and function keys to F36--rename the call codes whatever you like. single digit codes all unused though i've been finding sometimes too cryptic's not much of a help (but the k2 launcher gives you 600 by number--iirc, just the function and numbers starting with the former with four modifiers? (i prefer the other version, but the easiest way to set keycuts for programs may be through a menu you generate for the purpose))))).
elp - help opened up in leafpad (mostly paste and paste cheats until you modify them)
tem - ae templates menu
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1
(new one, "elp," pops up a leafpad document with what's between the asterisk trains. modify to taste)

new additions:

gg and the key launchers [documentation pending]

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 274#895274
main key launcher -- k
key launcher for 669 version -- k2 (as separate launcher)
key launcher without sweep right-- k-
key launcher, change permissions of mini script (key, key sequence, etc)-- kch
open key folder -- kir
key launcher, mod keys in geany -- kg
key launcher, mod keys in geany, new instance -- kgi
key launcher, mod keys (rename, save as, repeat, etc) in leafpad -- kl
key launcher, return to main launcher -- p
gg -- aemenu popup for custom geany items (vtg, keys, menu entries--use as a template to put other programs' shortcuts in easier reach and/or a custom arrangement.
pwns -- aemenu of all the launchers
aef -- all the aemenus as an aemenu popup


vtg5 opens up an expanded version of "elp" in geany.


mae -- configuration menu (ae menu also containing port, store, install scripts for use with NWPDE i.e. the insta-configure setup in /nwp/c)
ams1-3 -- toggle in the three alternate menu sets (for new installs, as of version 1.9 you needn't use any of the my series quickswitches to use this or the other toggle functions (with the exception of the six keyboard configuration switches (kb1on-kb6on---also on the ae and jwm menus in less cryptic form (jwm version of the mae menu you find starting in 1.9 is on the root four and five (up and down, alt+four and +five) menus and the shutdown+ menu on the left click (root1, alt+1) menu.)
my1-4 -- keyboard centric configuration toggle
my1r-my42 -- reverse those configurations. pattern is the same for the my30-my49 quickswitches.
avtray and dvtray 1 and the rest of the menu and tray swapping commands were originally for the menus and so may not be worded/shortened for nwp launcher use, but looking at the rest of that menu making menu (what mae originally was, although first called maekr (still there as a copy you can mod) and aei (also still there--you can mod that for your five custom jobbies in nwp/root3. they in turn can be your default swap-ins when and if you decide you take your current/future-current setup with you.
when i make 1.9 official (it's in the repo but i haven't announced in a murga-linux thread) i'll likely first clean away all from the following that isn't a launch code, but you can always check out what code launches a menu item using the same method as for editing. unfortunately for ae menus, it's usually a two step ll since the first one will only show you the name of the file it's reading--this second one is the one you need to actually look at. for menu making items, tray items, etc, for now see here (or ll > maek in the launcher, maek being the file mae reads): http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 121#905121

ilkon -- open up desktop template, leafpad
igkon -- open up desktop template, geany

from the notes file in the recs section:

Kind of related to the following idea of nwp as remaster-tool, you could use it as a sort of bootleg zero-install method. For example, i have a number of programs and scripts (01micko's get_libre office utility, MochiMoppel's SpeedDials and Winswitcher (ww), SFR and Step's FindnRun(f), etc) that aren't installed, but get called as if they are through the launcher that pretends the nwp is part of the executables' path/PATH. You can do it with scripts by renaming them and moving them into the nwp (get_libreoffice becomes getlibre in the launcher, speed dials is sd or sdr, if you just want the recents to pop up), and many pets are amenable to the same with one or two extra steps (uncompress the folder, find the script that the pet is a wrapper for, then move it and/or rename it). Of course, some things are just easier left as pets (but you may know how to make a jwm theme but not know how to make a pet of it--easier just to copy it over to its correct location perhaps).

bonus on the bootleg0: the which command will give you the location of the scripts powering most pets you and other developers have installed (it doesn't distinguish between builtins and addins). you could then just up arrow that in the terminal, prepend with "geany" or "leafpad" and a space, hit enter, then save the thing that pops up as a nwp/pwn shortcut (i.e. give it a short, easy to remember (and associate with its intended function) name and save it in the /nwp folder so the shift plus spacebar launcher can launch it. rename the keys in a similar (though easier) way: kl (or kg) in the main launcher followed by the keycode/key call--then rename the script or a copy of it).

here's that menu with a little substitution so it more resembles the rest of the list on these pages (less codey and saves you a click):

menu "menu maker
aemenu launcher template -- ael
aemenu--given program -- aeae
aemenu--given title -- aeae2
aemenu template -- aeaem
jwm --given program -- jwmkr
jwm --given label -- jwmmkr
jwm menu template -- jwmm
jwm includes template -- jwmi
[these follow the same pattern as the highlight and click to apply formatting codes in the n,n1, and n2 ae menus]
grab exec commands --leafpad -- e4ml
grab exec commands --geany -- e4m

menu "Select Custom Keyboard Configuration
keycentric configs:" "
keyboard-1 (my1) -- my1
keyboard-2 (my2) -- my2
keyboard-3 (my3) -- my3
keyboard-4 (my4) -- my4

reverse keycentric configs:" "
reverse my1 (my1) -- my1r
reverse my2 (my2r) -- my2r
reverse my3 (my3r) -- my3r
reverse my4 (my4r) -- my4r
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

these could be made into two separate scripts for launcher (rather than menu/launcher-to-menu) activation:

menu "edit the 6 key configs:
edit keys: geany" "geany /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1
edit keys: geany -i" "geany -i /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1

[geany -i means a new instance (window)--it's easier to copy and paste between menu sets that way. another, somewhat related tip: if you drag file contents to a tab it will open--together with select to copy and middle click to paste, menu making is more like finger painting than coding (not that i really know how to do the latter). three sets of nine seemed like too many slots for individual leafpad entries (just use rl > root3 and open the files individual if that's what you want), and scrolling from the first to (a version of?) the thirtieth seemed like a stretch without the new window, but you could also open the lot in the same/current geany.]

Choose Alternate Key Configuration (my1-4 series only):"
(the 4 can swap 6)" "
KB1 -- kb1on
KB2 -- kb2on
KB3 -- kb3on
(these are the swap on keyboard configs mentioned earlier)
KB4 -- kb4on
KB5 -- kb5on
KB6 -- kb6on

menu "Swap Menu Sets
edit menu set 1 -- ems1
edit menu set 2 -- ems2
edit menu set 3 -- ems3
activate menu set 1 -- ams1
activate menu set 2 -- ams2
activate menu set 3 -- ams3
edit menu set 1i -- ems1i
edit menu set 2i -- ems2i
edit menu set 3i -- ems3i
(edit items from this menu is what i had in mind with the earlier comment regarding geany and the keyboard configs)

menu "edit configs and helpers
edit/open configuration files --jwm -- gea3i
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit quickswitches (30 series) -- edit3i
edit main jwm configs -- joopi
edit main jwm system configs -- jpe
edit panels incoming -- edpanc
edit panels current -- edpan
edit pinboards incoming -- edpinc
edit panels current -- edpin
edit panels incoming--new instance -- edpanic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpani
edit pinboards incoming--new instance -- edpinic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpini
edit word processing templates -- geak
edit rox shortcuts -- roks
edit autotext shortcuts -- ate
edit this menu--geany" "geany jwmim
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
swap to tray syntax for older jwm setups -- jio
swap to tray syntax for newer jwm setups -- jin
edit this menu--leafpad" "leafpad /nwp/jwmim
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit my30 series config switches -- edit3i

menu "tray toggles

move over the stock tray a pixel (better mouse menu access) -- xover1
undo the pixel move -- undoxover1
toggle off stock tray -- puptrayoff
toggle on stock tray -- puptrayon
SEND" "fixmenus; jwm -restart ---this one exists as "fixu"

menu "deactivate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
deactivate vertical tray12 -- dvtray12
deactivate vertical tray11 -- dvtray11
deactivate vertical tray10 -- dvtray10
deactivate vertical tray9 -- dvtray9
deactivate vertical tray8 -- dvtray8
deactivate vertical tray7 -- dvtray7
deactivate vertical tray6 -- dvtray6
deactivate vertical tray5 -- dvtray5
deactivate vertical tray4 -- dvtray4
deactivate vertical tray3 -- dvtray3
deactivate vertical tray2 -- dvtray2
deactivate vertical tray1 -- dvtray1

menu "deactivate top and bottom trays
deactivate top tray6 -- dtop6
deactivate top tray5 -- dtop5
deactivate top tray4 -- dtop4
deactivate top tray3 -- dtop3
deactivate top tray2 -- dtop2
deactivate top tray1 -- dtop1
deactivate bottom tray6 -- dbot6
deactivate bottom tray5 -- dbot5
deactivate bottom tray4 -- dbot4
deactivate bottom tray3 -- dbot3
deactivate bottom tray2 -- dbot2
deactivate bottom tray1 -- dbot1

menu "activate top and bottom trays
activate top tray6 -- atop6
activate top tray5 -- atop5
activate top tray4 -- atop4
activate top tray3 -- atop3
activate top tray2 -- atop2
activate top tray1 -- atop1
activate bottom tray6 -- abot6
activate bottom tray5 -- abot5
activate bottom tray4 -- abot4
activate bottom tray3 -- abot3
activate bottom tray2 -- abot2
activate bottom tray1 -- abot1

menu "activate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
activate vertical tray12 -- avtray12
activate vertical tray11 -- avtray11
activate vertical tray10 -- avtray10
activate vertical tray9 -- avtray9
activate vertical tray8 -- avtray8
activate vertical tray7 -- avtray7
activate vertical tray6 -- avtray6
activate vertical tray5 -- avtray5
activate vertical tray4 -- avtray4
activate vertical tray3 -- avtray3
activate vertical tray2 -- avtray2
activate vertical tray1 -- avtray1

Install/configure/store/port (entries with > need two commands):
edit the jwm version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > jwmim
edit the ae version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > aeim
edit 30 series -- edit3i
edit 40 series -- edit4i
back up current/original configuration files -- bk
restore original/previous configuration files -- rbk
port configuration files from /nwp/c -- port
store configuration files in /nwp/c -- store
edit recs, port, store -- editport

[my30-49, my30r-my49r were here]

edit quickswitches (30 series and KB) -- edit3i
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

menu "shutdown2
menu "window button issue
no buttons (possible bugfix) -- nobut
standard -- standbut
line buttons -- linebut
square buttons -- sqbut

winswitcher -- ww
recents -- sdr
rox recents -- rr


wiz -- run the wizard wizard
pcp -- (same as wiz but with pupcontrol commented out. ll > pcp > switch position of pound sign if you've installed pup control (panel? popup? not sure where i got that last p from. name change with version 2.8?) and want a separate launcher cut for it)

lpx -- ae menu that uses (mostly) leafpad as a notetaker

t2x -- print out text2xpm code template
t2x2 -- same as above plus template for a .desktop file (presumably to match up a program with the icon you just made)
jin -- trayfix-new
jio -- trayfix-old
aekill (or killae)--solve an issue reported by musher0 (who introduced me to aemenu and how to use its syntax--thanks, musher). apparently too many launched in succession can cause it to hang or not close menus it otherwise should have--this will allow it to continue as normal (once i remember seeing lxtask showing some hanging menus, but the few didn't affect much. this was on a random check of what was going on with the system (i get a kick out of htop and lxtask). another time it did, or i think it did--there were quite a few and i think i noticed some sluggishness and checked for an actual reason. or at least that's the reason there's now an aekill/killae.

cadi -- close all instances of active window's program
ccdi -- close just program's windows on current desktop
caw -- MochiMoppel's CloseAllWindows script (like cadi and ccdi but with more options and a popup)
view -- page width control for phones, convenience, and pdf printout (autotexts tags set at a width of 700px. place in <head></head> section)
dil -- dillo (a superfast and light and somewhat limited browser) reference popup (set for google, dictionary.com, murga-linux/puppy, and etymology.com--edit (add or remove web addresses to the list) with ll > dil in the main launcher (or use the leafpad launcher from its keyboard shortcut (which i can never remember))).
[jp in the launcher opens up jwmrc-personal which reveals the shortcut key to be alt+l--thought i changed it to something else...seems sort of legacy. if you use the my1-4 series, you should check out the heaps of banks of shortcut keys/potential shortcut keys before proceeding. use the mae ae menu (mae in the launcher) or the config submenus on the root 4 and 5 menus (scroll up and down, alt 4 and 5) to access and edit the files.]


new for 1.9.2:

backup Geany configs -- backg
store Geany configs -- storeg
port Geany configs -- portg
restore original/previous Geany configs -- restg

geanytweak -- backg
-- portg

store LibreOffice configs -- storel
restore original/previous LibreOffice configs -- restl
backup LibreOffice configs -- backl
port LibreOffice configs -- portl

portil -- backl
-- portl

equivalent of back/portg and back/portl now removed from installation (2)step2 and each made into scripts/buttons (wrong picture covering them but that's essentially what they are--i may just copy the syntax from the wizard wizard and make this stuff a panel at some point--could use tx2 (text2xpm code printout) to make label-buttons and skip the text field part...). "portil" backs up the current lo configs if any and ports in your custom choice. "geanytweak" backs up the original geany configurations (keyboard, toolbar, main) and ports in a set ready made with the vtg tweak in place, a history set at roughly 50 configuration files (including all those from the three folders (9,10, 9menusblanks) in root3 that feed JWM the info for the menus, trays, and keys), the necessary keycuts for the custom geany menus (set for alt9, alt0, alt2 (also middle click) at the moment) to work, and enables spell check. jag and jagvk should be on the new recent documents list, which should help you in your menu making endeavors. swap the non vk version (it shows you the code the other has in the scripts--follow its pattern to add more keys and set them after the menu is made by keys>edit>[clicking your menu]) out (relabel, expand, copy) for use with other programs or to add additional menus. look at root4menu, root5menu, root2menu, root9menu, root0menu for that "<Includes>" line--change to match other menus you'd like to add by pointing to the new files (no reason for that menu to repeat five times, the space efficiency of pipe menus notwithstanding. control+shift o (or right click>open selected file) take the inconvenience out of files reading from other files--it's a cool feature another reason i recommend editing the JWM stuff in geany over leafpad).

fixes to joop, joopi, jp, and jpe
(typo on "jwmrc-tray," defunct files removed; joop and joopi open all the keys, menus, and trays in the main three in root3; joopi does it in a new instance of geany. jp opens just jwmrc-personal and /etc/.../_root_.jwmrc. jpe opens the tray in addition to these two. you could just open joop in geany (gl launcher) and access the files individually with the right click as described above). dopey name for joop/i is mnemonic for root plus jwm--both will open over forty files at once. vtg5 gave another five files to add to the recents list…


[should have 192 up by tomorrow morning or earlier]

edit: four and five contain the installation, configuration switches, menumaking, and port-store-restore submenus--i never put the custom program menus on those (but you're free to if you like--just add an includes line wherever you want it to go, sandwich it between <Menu></Menu> tags to compress a submenu to a line on the main if your menus get too long (copy the other menu templates to see how to label it--well, the second one's fine as is. for the top of the sandwich just add a label="" tag:

<Menu label="your title here">
[menu entries or an <Includes></Includes> line]



for 192, you can skip the second step of the install sequence (the one labeled "2," not the actual second step, which is labeled 00--install the deps and move the nwp folder to /, then proceed to 1step1, which will back up your jwm configs and move some useful files to /root/my-applications/bin--the nwp launcher calls on these for some functions and to reset itself should you get finger-tied or typo it past convenience) and transfer over the configuration files for the vtg and custom menus/menu templates. the recs from 1.9 are gone and replaced by just geany 125 and the plugin pack for it (both made by Corvus). i added two 1.27 plugins (overview and multiterm) that are working well for me in Xenialpup--haven't tried them in anything else yet (and so they're commented out). you could skip the recs and still have the vtg, but the extend select and some of the other functions shown on the menus won't work without the plugins.

"dil" requires dillo--available in the browser section of the repo and thanks to OscarTalks. the two largest of the latest five or so nwps have it as part of the recs or approximatic/uncompressed remaster folder in /nwp/c.


added 08/08/2016:

conf2p -- make pets of your geany configurations (toolbar, keyboard shortcuts, general configuration); your rox settings (bookmarks, your menu2 file (which controls the shortcuts for bookmarks, make-new-file-from-template, and right click functions; it also sets the icons for the filer windows), your templates, and your groups (speed dial to a folder by number--set with control plus the chosen number from within the chosen folder)); your jwm settings (you can uncomment some of it below and add your jwm and gtk themes); and your libreoffice configuration/settings. the launcher will dump the pets in a configpets subfolder in /root since it's apparently set to that...at least in xenial. through the terminal (and generally speaking) it should make the pets in whatever file window's open when you call the code (which are all clickable scripts and available in root/my-applications/bin and /nwp/pets (as well as the nwp folder proper).
l2p -- just the libreoffice configurations ported to pet
r2p -- the rox stuff
j2p -- the jwm configurations
g2p --your geany settings
see http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 106#917106
for more


added 8/24:

serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template
serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.


new for nwp32/64.4:

33: move mouse to 333 33 (x and y axis respectively)
66: (over a bit more:) 500 400 (that ll launcher comes in handy--easy to find contents of/modify nwp scripts (what the call codes really are running) with it.
(sometimes the default positioning for popup boxes or menus is inconvenient, usually because it's in the way of something to the left, i find. the two little launcher codes above just pop the mouse over--sometimes it determines position of menus and messages, etc)
file definitions/mime types:
this is also new for the latest (9/12/16) nwp, but it's not really a launch code:

post is long enough but in short, the main feature of the upgrade is the ability to set run actions for your word processing files (or any other, though it was put together in part to a geany-vtg type start center). from the comments on a picture in a folder in my repo:

another use for the mcc (make concurrent copies) function is assigning text files to pairs of programs (browser-text editor) by having the copies carry an extension that will set them apart from everything else. right click in rox to set both a run action (pick something from the duals folder, to continue on the word processing bent, though that's not strictly necessary) and icon. screen shot shows...

from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 025#923025

post below has some screenshots of suggested word processor icons:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 029#923029

since at 14 megs the thing's grown beyond ministrosity to merely being kinda big (it does a lot and it's its own self-contained and portable file system...keeping your (word processing) files safe and pet-able…(also just portable--shortcuts on some menus back stuff up into the nwp folder for later porting--the scripts have short names in general, but they're not here as launcher codes)...is an important job for a word processor.

anyway, to make up for the lack of it being simple and tiny, i'm going to make a template only version and a paste and paste only version (former would have no dependencies, the latter would need xdotool and aemenu, but both would be under 100k, i think. the micro version will likely be in two versions--i'm no programmer, but the little lame and rec'd against html code i cobbled together gets a formatted document your browser can download as pdf. geany and leafpad are quick and reliable--i think geany's especially cool, but the lpx thing i made makes leafpad almost as cool (yes, i feel a bit ridiculous with this).

(still working on the two main mini templates. the other thing will just be n3 and support scripts cut from the nwp folder).
from the nwp/vtg support folder in the repo
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Puppus Dogfellow
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here's the other long list of shortcuts, keys.

#199 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 759#908759
(approximately series of precise spins thread)


built in keyboard shortcuts (default version. many call nwp/pwn scripts or aemenus. see the pwn launcher shortcut list above or forthcoming keycentric version (better comments) to decode. a, b, and q are positionals/window-resizers, and alt+# no longer takes you to a specific desktop (d# does, the function keys (keycentric only) do, but all 24 are accessible from each of the ten menus (desktops slot)...another help file built from a menu by substituting in geany...(pardon its being a bit backwards).

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=z -- xdotool key alt+1 Return (or /nwp/v--it's the vtg and not all are set up the same).
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=g -- /nwp/vtg5 (scrap, vtg and general help, 5 document popup in geany)
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=g -- /nwp/g (grids menu)
key=Up -- up
key=Down -- down
key=Right -- right
key=Left -- left
key=h -- left
key=j -- down
key=k -- up
key=l -- right
key=Return -- select
key=Escape -- escape
key=F12 -- root:3

modifier(s)=Control KEY=Tab -- prev
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Tab -- next
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F4 -- close

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F1 -- root:3
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F2 -- window
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=F3 -- exec/nwp/n

modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F2 -- /nwp/ww
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F1 -- /nwp/v
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F3 -- /nwp/g

modifier(s)=Shift KEY=F4 -- /nwp/sd
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F12 -- /nwp/n2</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F11 -- /nwp/n1
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F10 -- /nwp/q10
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F9 -- /nwp/q9</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F8 -- /nwp/q8
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F7 -- /nwp/q7
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F6 -- /nwp/q6</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F5 -- /nwp/q5
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F4 -- /nwp/q4
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F3 -- /nwp/q3</Key
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F2 -- /nwp/q2
modifier(s)=Control KEY=F1 -- /nwp/q1

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Escape -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Control KEY=Escape -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=Escape -- window
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Escape -- move
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Escape -- minimize
modifier(s)=ControlS KEY=Escape -- maximize
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Escape -- resize

keycode=160 -- amixer sset Master toggle
keycode=176 -- amixer sset Master 1+,1+
keycode=174 -- amixer sset Master 1-,1-
keycode=178 -- defaultbrowser
keycode=236 -- defaultbrowser
keycode=111 -- defaultscreenshot

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Up -- /nwp/supup
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Down -- /nwp/supdown
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Right -- /nwp/supright
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=Left -- /nwp/supleft

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Up -- maximize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Down -- minimize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Right -- resize
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=Left -- move

modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Up -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Down -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Right -- next
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=Left -- prev

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Up -- /nwp/2
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Down -- /nwp/n
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Right -- /nwp/g
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=Left -- /nwp/s

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=1 -- root:1
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=2 -- root:2
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=3 -- root:3
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=4 -- root:4
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=5 -- root:5
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=6 -- root:6
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=7 -- root:7
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=8 -- root:8
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=9 -- root:9
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=0 -- root:0

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=1 -- /nwp/a1
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=2 -- /nwp/a2
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=3 -- /nwp/a3
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=4 -- /nwp/a4
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=5 -- /nwp/a5
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=6 -- /nwp/a6
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=7 -- /nwp/a7
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=8 -- /nwp/a8
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=9 -- /nwp/a9
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=0 -- /nwp/a10

modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=1 -- /nwp/b1
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=2 -- /nwp/b2
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=3 -- /nwp/b3
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=4 -- /nwp/b4
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=5 -- /nwp/b5
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=6 -- /nwp/b6
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=7 -- /nwp/b7
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=8 -- /nwp/b8
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=9 -- /nwp/b9
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=0 -- /nwp/b10

<!-- modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=2 -- vgt -->

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=1 -- /nwp/winswitcher

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=2 -- xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7

modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=3 -- /nwp/3but
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=4 -- window
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=5 -- move
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=6 -- resize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=7 -- minimize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=8 -- maximize
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=9 -- prev
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=0 -- next

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=1 -- ldesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=2 -- rdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=3 -- udesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=4 -- ddesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=5 -- prevstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=6 -- nextstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=7 -- shade
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=8 -- showdesktop
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=9 -- fullscreen
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=0 -- /nwp/k

key=h -- left
key=j -- down
key=k -- up
key=l -- right

modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=h -- /nwp/rungn
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=j -- /nwp/rungo
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=k -- /nwp/rungt
modifier(s)=Alt+Control KEY=l -- /nwp/lpx

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=h -- /nwp/k
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=j -- /nwp/rl
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=k -- /nwp/gl
modifier(s)=Alt KEY=l -- /nwp/ll

(these are the virtual keypad, rox, geany, and leafpad launchers)

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=h -- ccdi
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=j -- close
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=k -- kill
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt KEY=l -- cadi

<!-- mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. shift plus control below are layer and stickiness.-->

modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=h -- move
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=j -- resize
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=k -- prevstacked
modifier(s)=Shift+Alt+Control KEY=l -- nextstacked
<!-- also on the arrow keys-->
<!-- layer above, middle, below:-->
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=h -- laa
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=j -- lma
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=k -- lba
modifier(s)=Shift+Control KEY=l -- wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky

modifier(s)=Alt KEY=space -- rox
modifier(s)=Control KEY=space -- /nwp/winswitcher
modifier(s)=Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/p
(^main launcher^)

modifier(s)=Control+Alt KEY=space -- /nwp/rr
(^rox recents--will likely need adjusting depending on the spin/your menu2 file^)
modifier(s)=Control+Space KEY=space -- /nwp/cr
modifier(s)=Alt+Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/n
modifier(s)=Control+Alt+Shift KEY=space -- /nwp/(blank)


(taken from a murga-linux.com/puppy post):

Puppus Dogfellow

Joined: 07 Jan 2013
Posts: 1289
Location: nyc

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2016, 23:17 Post subject: the keycentric keyboard shortcuts (my1-my4 series--each has
Subject description: six to swap in and out. all are copies of what's below (though in actual jwm keycut syntax))  
hopefully this is a little more readable a reference than the file from which it's taken:

keyboard shortcuts --keycentric version:

<!-- Key bindings -->

<!-- alt z is the vtg, alt g is the help files for the vtg and nwp, alt shift g is the grids pop up (aemenu set up to divide the screen into 100 pixel placement points)-->
Alt+ KEY=z -- exec:xdotool key alt+1 Down Return
Alt+ KEY=g -- exec:geany /nwp/vtg5
Alt+Shift+ KEY=g -- exec:/nwp/g

<!-- alt shift g is grid menu (move windows around the screen by 100 pixel increments), alt g opens vtg help files in geany, alt plus z is the vtg-->

KEY=Up -- up
KEY=Down -- down
KEY=Right -- right
KEY=Left -- left
KEY=h -- left
KEY=j -- down
KEY=k -- up
KEY=l -- right
KEY=Return -- select
KEY=Escape -- escape

Ctrl+ KEY=Tab -- prev
Alt+ KEY=Tab -- next

<!-- a, b, q do the following:

q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9

-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7

b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.

1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9

a# series is quadrants...

one of the most up to date versions of the cheat sheet available (to cross reference codes)

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 701#860701


Ctrl+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/n1
Ctrl+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/n
Ctrl+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/q10
Ctrl+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/q9</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/q8
Ctrl+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/q7
Ctrl+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/q6</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/q5
Ctrl+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/q4
Ctrl+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/q3</Key
Ctrl+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/q2
Ctrl+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/q1

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/n2</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/n3
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/a10
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/a9</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/a8
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/a7
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/a6</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/a5
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/a4
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/a3</Key
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/a2
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/a1

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/tem</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/b10
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/b9</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/b8
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/b7
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/b6</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/b5
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/b4
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/b3</Key
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/b2
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/b1

Shift+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/g
Shift+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/wm
Shift+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/o
Shift+ KEY=F4 -- window
Shift+ KEY=F5 -- move
Shift+ KEY=F6 -- resize
Shift+ KEY=F7 -- minimize
Shift+ KEY=F8 -- maximize
Shift+ KEY=F9 -- prev
Shift+ KEY=F10 -- next
Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/ww
Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/w1

Alt+Shift+ KEY=F1 -- ldesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F2 -- rdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F3 -- udesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F4 -- ddesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F5 -- prevstacked
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F6 -- nextstacked
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F7 -- shade
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F8 -- showdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F9 -- fullscreen
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/pxc
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/gxc
Alt+Shift+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/p

<!-- alt plus f1 and f4 are built-ins. -->

Alt+ KEY=F1 -- root:3
Alt+ KEY=F2 -- window
Alt+ KEY=F3 -- /nwp/rr
Alt+ KEY=F4 -- close
Alt+ KEY=F5 -- /nwp/sd
Alt+ KEY=F6 -- /nwp/sdr
Alt+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/w
Alt+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/h
Alt+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/x
Alt+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/y
Alt+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/1
Alt+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/2
in dual monitor setups, the q series could be replaced or modified to give ten additional preset position/dimension commands to active windows or replaced with select select versions of a(1-10) and b(1-10) (called by as(1-10) and bs(1-10)). single monitor setups can get 20 additional custom positionals by editing the a and b series below* (enter ll in the main launcher, then enter the launch code to edit in leafpad. use gl to do the same in geany. the function keys below are for the 24 desktops. windows key sends you to the first 12 desktops, alt+windows key the next 12, control instead of alt for the send to version for 1-12, shift and windows key for desktops 13-24. personally, i think it's easier to use d# and s# in the launcher, but it's here for you to use or modify/reassign. there's no included select version for the quadrants and halves for single monitor setups, but
geany q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10
will open them up for editing. swap the :ACTIVE: for :SELECT: and rename to qs# if you want them. (next version will likely include them and a few other tweaks to the jwmrc-personal file.

*the a and b series have now also been moved to the function keys (they're easier to edit (q5 aside as it's the same syntax) than the q series--you'll just be filling out four fields, x,y,w,h) and can be found above. (i'll merely comment out their former location--you could pick which set up you like better).


Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/d12
Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/d11
Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/d10
Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/d9
Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/d8
Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/d7
Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/d6
Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/d5
Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/d4
Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/d3
Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/d2
Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/d1

Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/d24
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/d23
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/d22
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/d21
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/d20
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/d19
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/d18
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/d17
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/d16
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/d15
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/d14
Winkey+Alt+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/d13
<!-- go to desktops 1-24-->

Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/s12
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s11
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/s10
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/s9
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/s8
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/s7
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/s6
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/s5
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/s4
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/s3
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/s2
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/s1

Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:/nwp/s24</Key
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:/nwp/s23
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:/nwp/s22
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:/nwp/s21
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:/nwp/s20
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:/nwp/s19
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:/nwp/s18
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:/nwp/s17
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:/nwp/s16
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:/nwp/s15
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:/nwp/s14
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:/nwp/s13

<!-- send to desktops 1-24-->

<!-- F12 is a built in. -->

KEY=F12 -- root:3

Alt+ KEY=Escape -- fullscreen
Ctrl+ KEY=Escape -- showdesktop
Shift+ KEY=Escape -- window
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Escape -- move
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- minimize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- maximize
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Escape -- resize

<!-- editing the escape series necessitates editing other things. which reminds me, don't use the showdesktop entry on the menu--it doesn't work. use the keys or the buttons. press escape and hold if you hit the showdesktop on the menus (it needs to be removed)-->

Alt+ KEY=space -- exec:rox
Ctrl+ KEY=space -- exec:winswitcher
Shiftt+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/p
Ctrl+Alt+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/rr
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/cr
Alt+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/t
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=space -- exec:/nwp/rup

MochiMoppel's excellent winswitcher allows you to navigate windows better than than the tray does (more options, more keyboard friendly--it's ww in the launcher. rr is rox recents, cr is close all rox, rup is three up from the bottom on the rox bookmarks tab (ctrl plus b in a rox window), rox is activated by alt plus spacebar (ll launcher plus rr will allow you to set what folder is being opened when the recents is being called. you could do the same for rup and rb (rox bookmarks)).

KEY=h -- left
KEY=j -- down
KEY=k -- up
KEY=l -- right

Alt+ KEY=h -- move
Alt+ KEY=j -- resize
Alt+ KEY=k -- prev
Alt+ KEY=l -- next

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=h -- /nwp/rungn
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=j -- /nwp/rungo
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=k -- /nwp/rungt
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=l -- /nwp/lpx

<Key mask="SA" KEY=h -- exec:ccdi
<Key mask="SA" KEY=j -- close
<Key mask="SA" KEY=k -- exec:kill
<Key mask="SA" KEY=l -- exec:cadi

<!-- mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. alt plus shift plus. the alt controls above it are layer and stickiness.-->

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- move
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- resize
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- prevstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- nextstacked

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:laa
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:lma
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:lba
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:/nwp/x0
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:/nwp/x1200
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:/nwp/x2000
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:/nwp/x2500

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=h -- exec:/nwp/y0
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=j -- exec:/nwp/y200
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=k -- exec:/nwp/y400
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=l -- exec:/nwp/y800

these are fairly lame--random spots on the x and y axes -->

<!-- supleft et al scripts (grab and quickly move a window with the arrows) don't work in 64 bit slacko, 64 bit quirky april, or 64 bit werewolf, so there seems to be a problem with the 64 bit versions of xdotool and wmctrl. here's a blank version for you to fill in with whatever you choose (move the comment arrows to the above in 64 bit). note--no "exec:"--add if you're not using windows function.

Alt+ KEY=Up --
Alt+ KEY=Down --
Alt+ KEY=Right --
Alt+ KEY=Left --


Alt+ KEY=Up -- exec:/nwp/supup
Alt+ KEY=Down -- exec:/nwp/supdown
Alt+ KEY=Right -- exec:/nwp/supright
Alt+ KEY=Left -- exec:/nwp/supleft

Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Up -- maximize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Down -- minimize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Right -- resize
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=Left -- move

Alt+Shift+ KEY=Up -- fullscreen
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Down -- showdesktop
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Right -- next
Alt+Shift+ KEY=Left -- prev

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Up -- exec:/nwp/2
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Down -- exec:/nwp/n
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Right -- exec:/nwp/g
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=Left -- exec:/nwp/s

<!-- nearly everything is now duplicated on the function keys so you could generally pick one or the other/modify either. don't mess with escape or alt plus number though.-->

Alt+ KEY=1 -- root:1
Alt+ KEY=2 -- root:2
Alt+ KEY=3 -- root:3
Alt+ KEY=4 -- root:4
Alt+ KEY=5 -- root:5
Alt+ KEY=6 -- root:6
Alt+ KEY=7 -- root:7
Alt+ KEY=8 -- root:8
Alt+ KEY=9 -- root:9
Alt+ KEY=0 -- root:0

Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/n1
Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/n2
Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/n3
Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/n
Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/tem
Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/uh
Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/ii
Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/pbw
Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/paw
Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/elp

the above repeat below as commented out blanks. delete these (or move the arrow on line 14 to line 2) if you'd prefer to use your own. 4 is the windows key. held together with the number specified they execute the following functions (exec code (minus the /nwp/ part) is what gets entered into the launcher, which itself is most conveniently called with the built in spacebar plus shift shortcut):
win+1=main nwp menu
win+2=only the highlight and click to apply word processing codes (thanks again to miriam).
win+3=only the paste and place word processor codes
win+4=main nuup menu: nwp menu as 1 plus the uber utilities packs' functions.
win+5=ae tem menu--access template files or make word processing files out of text files. access a folder for drag and drop launching of batches of files (something that could also be done through the vtg or with launcher if the identical code is sent as a script (i.e. it has #!/bin/sh at the top and has been given the proper permission (e.g. with ch in the launcher followed by its name in the following launcher that pops up)) to the /nwp/ folder.)
win+6=underline -- highlight and activate (through code, key, or menu)
win+7=italics -- paste and paste version
win+8=page break in white, below
win+9=page break in white, above
win+0=help file pop up in leafpad

1 and 5 can be seen as start centers, though the vtg and the remaining blanks can likewise initiate the dual launchers (or any other program, for that matter)

blank templates for an additional 132 shortcut keys. they all rely on the ten number keys. surround path and file name with <Include></Include> and place in /root/.jwmrc-personal. i.e.

then jwm -restart/then restart jwm.

uncomment a section below and fill in the program choices of a section to use it.

4 is the windows key; S, A, and C are shift, alt, and control. windows commands generally don't need the "exec:" and things off the PATH need their full paths after it.

the nwp menus (both ae and jwm) allow access to just about (there may've been a few oversights) every word processing command, but it's still menu access instead of button-immediacy, so to get that regular word processor feel back, you may want to have, for example, bold or underline only a key combo away.
copying the commented out group below and inserting the following (from the vtg cheat sheet that pops up when you hit alt plus g)

bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
tem - open templates/duals menu

these are all in nwp, so they need the path (/nwp/) prepended to them so machine can find them. or you could just pick (and possibly copy to overwrite the versions without the "/nwp/"--just substitute out (through find and replace) the modifiers. substitute the keys to make similar levels of any other keys. well, here they are again, but with the proper path added to the call:

/nwp/bh # adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/uh # adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/sth # add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/ih # add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/bb # print out bold tags
/nwp/cmt # print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
/nwp/ii # print out italics tags
/nwp/st # print out strikethrough tags
/nwp/ul # print out underline tags
/nwp/tem # open templates/duals menu

(i made them so they'd work in a fake pexec or gexec history pulldown as a launchable cheat sheet, but we just need the /path/file bit for the keys. if you don't have a template with the "exec:" bits already in place, do another substitution, /nwp replaced with exec:/nwp or something similar. then just pick the keys you've got your bold, italics, and whatever else you want (including batch launching and things normally deemed apart from word processing). so that's the basic idea behind the big batch of potential keyboard shortcuts.


Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:

<!--a couple of samples for the previous two key banks: -->

<!-- Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:vgt -->

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/winswitcher

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7

Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/3but
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- window
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- move
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- resize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- minimize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- maximize
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- prev
Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- next

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=1 -- ldesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=2 -- rdesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=3 -- udesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=4 -- ddesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=5 -- prevstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=6 -- nextstacked
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=7 -- shade
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=8 -- showdesktop
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=9 -- fullscreen
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/k

<!--a couple of samples for the previous two key bank (part of main jwmrc personal in other nwp configs (through quickswitch or otherwise)>


Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Ctrl+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=1 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=2 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=3 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=4 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=5 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=6 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=7 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=8 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=9 -- exec:/nwp/
Winkey+Alt+Ctrl+ KEY=0 -- exec:/nwp/
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=1 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=0 -- exec:

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F12 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F11 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F10 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F9 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F8 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F7 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F6 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F5 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F4 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F3 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F2 -- exec:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+ KEY=F1 -- exec:

(another set of function key blanks for you to customize)

[remove the lead and trailing arrows (<!-- -->), (fill out with programs, scripts, files of your choice and save file), and restart jwm to activate an otherwise dormant bank (nearly all of which are set as blanks in the actual file you'd need to edit (on alt+4 menu or mae in the main launcher. r0-r9 in the launcher will also give you access to the ten jwm menus.)]
(main file i look to update is the keyboard shortcuts file in the same folder as above. generally post them together. should get the precise quicklinks together (two pages back or so), but i should also get some sleep (four a.m. here) and maybe find out how many of those music programs have an equivalent or can themselves be run on the tahr64 spin...)

enjoy/report bugs.

first one off hand--forget to switch winswitcher for ww or vice versa internally. ww in the leafpad launcher and switch the position of the pound sign if it doesn't work for you (as i said, woofy gave me problems and i kind of lost track of what was done where and overconfidence meant i had 6 "final releases" all named 6t4.) :P :?
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

quicklinks are mainly for precise, but the 32 bit libre,

#200 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

here are the updated and condensed quicklinks:

from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 031#915031
Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2016, 21:12 Post subject: updated quick links page
Subject description: x7 (pet) and p6 (iso) are newer, but less thoroughly tested and provided for.
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:last release plus quicklinks and updates:

p6.0.iso md5: cfec3c91a98f07301a5c901c7a8103ce  184 mb
~572.14.iso md5: cb47d7829f1fd43328df1c5f4ff12056  244 mb


devx for p6.0:
(same as the original unicorn pup devx)

upgrade p6 to u6/6p:
u6 sfs
u6 pet
upgrade ~572.14 to p5:
p5 sfs
p5 pet
(sfs was mostly used to make the pet--it won't overwrite/update on an existing install in either the precise or the unicorn spin (or most any other existing installation of the jaewmie).
documentation updates:

launcher shortcuts
nwp keyboard shortcuts (jwm)

approximatic for most 32 bit pups:

x7 sfs
x7 pet

palemoon 26.3. sfs and pet
slimjet-11.0.1 sfs and pet. (use the tahr version pet/sfs for the unicorn spin).

upgrade pet plus browser upgrade (unicorn spin gets palemoon, the precise spin gets slimjet) updates the isos. adding the focuswriter pet/sfs to an x7 installation brings that equal with p6 and the precise spin in terms of features added. (only x7 needs m1 or m30 for the jwm tweaks to be activated. see http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 183#910183 for more.

updated collection of quicklinks (cut and paste from earlier posts for your convenience):
lyrics, notes, and tubby lou's sick device
I recently began playing around with Audacity in a couple of derivatives and found it was eating up my save folders, one of which was on an otherwise shrinking 12gb partition. turns out all the processing starts a mini music library in /var/tmp. I was working with some rather large mp3s, and in one case on an admittedly small partition, but should you ever run into the problem, the fix is to move the audacity-root folder from /var/tmp/audacity-root to a place that's convenient and has room enough to spare, then symlink the folder back to /var/tmp.
in somewhat related news, i recently broke vlc on my p6 installation and the only audio player i could get to work well after that was this portable deadbeef.

uninstalling before updating either palemoon or slimjet may be entirely unnecessary; both updated well on top of various older versions (spanning precise, unicorn, and xenial. precise spin updated a 9-series slimjet to the 11, most of the palemoons were no more than two updates behind). palemoon is up to 26.3 and slimjet's up to 11.0.1. thanks again to OscarTalks for both these and for the following multimedia updates:

this smplayer works well in precise/the precise spin and is my audio-video player recommendation for the unicorn spin.

the following two pets (again by Oscar) update the default media player in the precise spin:
mplayer-37844-precise.pet plus the interface tweak, gnome-mplayer-1.0.9-precise.pet
here's iron50: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
(again by Oscar)

the wine packages are made from the work of version2013, argolance, peebee, and technosaurus. to get VLC, you can either download it and the qt package from quickpet, or you could use the following:





these are the other packages that were optional on the smaller versions but included in the larger ones (to varying degrees):















(i believe all but the cinerella (thanks for the find or package, don570) can be downloaded from quickpet (also by 666philb).

latest java packages (8u92)
wine198 by version 2013

words processing and related:
here's Calibre-2.5p.pet by gjuhasz and an sfs made from it.





(i include both as upgrades though the newer one seems to no longer need java to run writer (which was the original reason for linking the older (but still maintained/updated) series here)).
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 232#916232:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:some quicklinks i've left out from here:
vivaldi (sfs and pet, both thanks yet again to OscarTalks) is another viable browser choice for either spin.

here's a link to spideroakone_6.1_i386.deb.


if you want something a little lighter than libre office, you can use this wps-office_10.1.0.5444-a20_i386.sfs WPS package from perdido. it's what's become of the kingsoft office suite. no odt ability, but many appear to like it. if you want it as a pet, right-click convert it with the built in utility.

also a little more into the wine or ms compatibility side of things, i've found this virtual dj software appears to work well in both spins:

http://www.toplinuxapps.com/2015/05/por ... ested.html

i used it fairly often when i still had windows--one of the things i wasn't happy about giving up when i chucked it all. nice to see it back--not sure if it will work on 64 bit, but it's fine in limited testing in both these 32 bit spins. (the precise spin has more built in music programs--pretty sure this more than makes up for the difference).
the wps packages have been updated (pet now available) thanks to perdido:

wps-office_10.1.0.5672-a21_i386.pet wps-office_10.1.0.5672-a21_i386.sfs


spideroak debs seem to install fine directly from spideroak so i'm no longer mirroring those.

same post gave me the code for xeyes (pic is from the unicorn spin; more a page back, though now that i'm working on porting the customizations that define these spins to 64bit, there may be more forthcoming. for now, scroll back towards page one for some of the more minimal setups--pets and sfs versions of the approximatic (p5, u6, x7) require activation through the terminal (/nwp/my1 or /nwp/my30) on new installs, though rox /nwp/c will take you to the installation folder, which opens up some preconfiguration options (none of which will take the menu, tray, or key swapping features--you'll need to swap in from the my series for those). i will soon post an updated version of the 64 bit nwp--been playing around with it a bit in tahr64 (finally got it to boot on a worthy (6gb ram) machine).


here's that dj software mirrored:

Portable Virtual DJ 7.4 for Linux by TopLinuxApps.com


firefox from mozilla continues to work as described a few pages back. haven't tested peebee's chromium in a few updates, but no reason to think that's still not another viable browser option.

a litter later, the folling updates rolled in:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:jre-8u102-32+64-pet+sfs

the utility by rerwin i used to make them (and which was included in the last release if not the first update) has also been updated:

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:www.jwz.org/xkeycaps


second 32 bit pet is over four times the size because it contains dependencies that weren't needed in precise, and quite possibly weren't needed in xenial, but i made and briefly tested the smaller package in the former and the larger with the latter. the 64 bit version has no added dependencies (nor dependencies of dependencies) and works fine in xenial64 (...which is giving me minor touchpad grief...still looks like tahr 64 will be the first 64 bit Anubis Pup...Anubis Pup and the Approximatics---). anyway, this will give you even more control over your keys. templates include relatively rare models like the kinesis line, but most layouts seem to be accounted for, or at least most of your layout will end up being remappable in ways that would not have otherwise presented themselves. i'll likely include the utilites in the next releases. it appears the same can be done command line with xmod map, but this may be easier for most people, the small limitations of the gui's presets notwithstanding. anyway, i see something potentially useful in it.

two smaller are under a meg, the large 32 bit package is over 4 meg because it contains dependencies and dependencies of dependencies. smaller 32 bit package is a sixth the size of the 64 bit (145kb vs 900kb) and works in precise. try the smaller of the 32 bit versions first whether you're installing on one of these spins or not--the larger one is named differently and will overwrite itself and install the dependencies should you need them.

packages made from archlinux packages and with the help of radky's parchive (turn the downloads into the guts of the pet), the blank keys desktop template the last nwp update installed (made a usr/share/applications folder, copied in the template and modified a few lines), and don570's right click utility (made a pet from the folder).
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:version2013's wine thread
pet and sfs include

peebee and argolance made the menu utilities and you can find more info at the above link. i just took the most recent stripped and modern packages, used sc0ttman's easypackage utility to combine them with the scripts and menu stuff, and hosted the results (pet had to be made manually (two clicks) from a folder that the utility set up--sfs was automatic)

wine1916-32.pet and wine1916.sfs

made a bit differently than previous packages but should work the same apart from the pet no longer being an extractable folder of smaller pets.
iron, palemoon, slimjet, wine, libre, and java get updated in their folders, so if you've got a link, you'll have access to a fairly recent copy (haven't checked up on version2013's or OscarTalk's work lately, but the java (32 and 64) and libre (64--32's a minor update behind) are both up to date as of a couple of days ago.

iron's up to 52 (thanks again Oscar), and through the last nwp update and something i snagged from 666philb's xenialpup, both u6/p6 and (~)~572.32 have the ability to download and/or autoupdate palemoon. one last browser to track down and that's all the recent quick links, i think...

got it:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:i was going to make firefox the default browser next time around, but decided to make it a pet instead: firefox48.ooo.pet
this one will install in a slot on the right click original menu plus overwrite the entry for a firefox on sda1 on the root one menu. if you've followed the upgrades since the release of ~572.14 and p6, you won't need the libgtk dependency posted earlier: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 433#901433

(ignore the pet if you've followed the earlier advice and unpacked a mozilla firefox folder in sda1 or linked one there. the last nwp had a firefox desktop file that assumed that location. the one in this pet will overwrite it so it points to /opt--the ooo is opt over (sd)one. :?


i like iron on this xenial installation and still may end up using it to replace slimjet there. the last nwp update gave everything palemoon updaters and installers, so firefox's autoupdating ability is less of a factor in the decision. i'll probably keep palemoon in xenial and the 64bit spins, but include a get chrome utility. some sort of chrome-like browser in precise, maybe just keep dillo and netsurf in the unicorn, allow the users to load it up further in that regard...

so, other than the updaters and get browser utilities (64 bit chrome version is by ETP except for the possibly epileptic fit causing animation--use at your own risk?)...only thing i think i haven't as yet covered was the five new variations on the dark gray jwm theme, which itself i think is a takeoff of a main ubuntu theme...

here are OscarTalks' newest Iron packages:

iron 52
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