Google Chrome 64-bit packages - [CLOSED]

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Google Chrome 64-bit packages - [CLOSED]

#1 Post by Mike Walsh »

How to fix broken CUPS permissions after installing Chrome
via the .deb package...

This is a well-known problem in Puppy. It stems from the fact that .debs (from Debian or Ubuntu) are designed to set-up permissions for a multi-user system. Puppy is not a multi-user system; it is specifically designed to be a single-user system, so the user has unfettered access to their system.

The problem is usually that the .deb package corrupts permissions on the /initrd/pup_rw directory. In normal usage, these should be as follows:-


If your execute permissions are not as in the image, tick/untick the checkboxes until they are. Then 'Refresh'. Finally, 'Close'.

Now re-boot Puppy. Not strictly necessary, but to my way of thinking it merely ensures that the the correct permissions are read at start-up. The problem has been confirmed by rcrsn51, here:- ... 865#728865

Hopefully, this should fix it for you. After re-booting, obviously, check to ensure printing is now working as it should.

Morning, all.

I am, as you're all probably aware by now, a very long-term Chrome user. I couldn't help noticing that there aren't any 64-bit SFS packages available on the Forum, so I've decided to make a couple...

These will work on Tahr64 (and derivatives), and Slacko64 (and derivatives). Like peebee, I'm only going to concentrate on SFS packages for these. The same converter that will work on his Chromium releases to turn them into .pets should work on these, too. ... 205#867205

Here's the link for the 'Google Chrome browser' folder on my Google Drive a/c. Access it, and download the one you want. ... sp=sharing

Enjoy! Any problems, let me know as usual.

Mike. :wink:
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#2 Post by dancytron »


If you are looking for another good platform for Chrome, take a look at Debian Dog 64. Main advantage is that you can install it straight off the Chrome website and it automatically adds the repository so that you can keep it updated via apt-get like any other application. You can then run it as root with a simple script.

I did an explanation of how to do it, I'll add the link as soon as I find it.

edit:here it is ... 326#877326
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#3 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, dancytron.

Thanks for the link.....and the info.

I've found pretty much as OscarTalks has; that the only way to get it to run in most Puppies is to disable pretty much all the sandboxing. I've incorporated this all into the 'google-chrome' wrapper script in /opt/google/chrome.

Curiously enough, I did find out during testing that the current-chrome-stable .deb will install, and run, pretty much 'as is' in Tahrpup64.....but not in any of the others. You do have to add the '--no-sandbox' switch to the exec statement at the end, but pretty much everything else can be left alone.....with the exception of removing one or two stanzas from the wrapper-script that aren't necessary for it to run in Puppy, and which if left, actually confuse the issue.

I might have a look at DebianDog one of these days. This is the one where the Debian LiveCD has been modified to behave like Puppy, isn't it?

I have actually packaged the .pets for it, but decided not to release them, and concentrate on the SFS packages instead (like peebee has), since they're more versatile, and you don't have to leave them loaded all the time if you don't want to. Once you've packaged the pets, you've got the basic ingredients for the SFS package ready in any case, and it's then just a simple case of running the 'mksquashfs' command in the terminal. Folks like you and I don't mind tweaking things to get them to do what you want; the packages are more for the greater majority of Puppy users who simply want to get on and do stuff with their machine that they want to do, rather than spend half their time making them work in the first place..... :lol:

If I was 'mean-spirited', I'd just do what I needed to do on my own hardware, and say 'To hell with everybody else'. But I'm not; I like to share stuff, for the good of all. It's just the way I'm wired-up, I guess!


It looks to me like your desktop script is using the exec statement that normally occupies the tail end of the wrapper script anyway; the difference being that yours calls the 'google-chrome-stable' entry in /usr/bin (which then links, via a 'relative' link to the wrapper-script, which in turn then calls the chrome executable), whereas the exec statement in both Oscar's and my version of the wrapper-script calls the chrome executable directly. This is one of the things that I love about Linux; there's so many different ways of making the same thing happen!

You've achieved the same result, just via a more roundabout route. Still works though, doesn't it? Mind you, if you open up both /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable and /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome with Geany, they both show the same identical script anyway, so.....I wouldn't like to say!

I think why you can run Chrome as root in DebianDog with minimal tweaking is because DebianDog, quite simply, isn't actually a true 'Puppy' at all. I mean, it's using the Synaptic package manager and 'apt-get' for a start.....

Mike. :wink:
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#4 Post by dancytron »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, dancytron.

Thanks for the link.....and the info.

I've found pretty much as OscarTalks has; that the only way to get it to run in most Puppies is to disable pretty much all the sandboxing. I've incorporated this all into the 'google-chrome' wrapper script in /opt/google/chrome.

Curiously enough, I did find out during testing that the current-chrome-stable .deb will install, and run, pretty much 'as is' in Tahrpup64.....but not in any of the others. You do have to add the '--no-sandbox' switch to the exec statement at the end, but pretty much everything else can be left alone.....with the exception of removing one or two stanzas from the wrapper-script that aren't necessary for it to run in Puppy, and which if left, actually confuse the issue.

I might have a look at DebianDog one of these days. This is the one where the Debian LiveCD has been modified to behave like Puppy, isn't it?

I have actually packaged the .pets for it, but decided not to release them, and concentrate on the SFS packages instead (like peebee has), since they're more versatile, and you don't have to leave them loaded all the time if you don't want to.

It looks to me like your desktop script is using the exec statement that normally occupies the tail end of the wrapper script anyway; the difference being that yours calls the 'google-chrome-stable' entry in /usr/bin (which then links, via a 'relative' link to the wrapper-script, which in turn then calls the chrome executable), whereas the exec statement in both Oscar's and my version of the wrapper-script calls the chrome executable directly. This is one of the things that I love about Linux; there's so many different ways of making the same thing happen!

You've achieved the same result, just via a more roundabout route. Still works though, doesn't it? Mind you, if you open up both /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable and /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome with Geany, they both show the same identical script anyway, so.....I wouldn't like to say!

I think why you can run Chrome as root in DebianDog with minimal tweaking is because DebianDog, quite simply, isn't actually a true 'Puppy' at all. I mean, it's using the Synaptic package manager and 'apt-get' for a start.....

Mike. :wink:
Yes, Debian Dog is the Debian Live CD modified to act like puppy. It is more than that, but in one sentence that is a pretty good description.

I didn't want to modify anything that might get overwritten by an upgrade. That's the main reason I used a separate script rather than edit the wrapper script.

Before, when I have put Chrome in Lupu and Precise, I would just edit the exec line in the .desktop file. That works too.

Whenever you want to try Debian Dog, pm me and I'll upload my remastered main sfs file for you to try.
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#5 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi again, dancytron.

Sorry for just now; I was editing my reply while you posted yours..!

Apologies. BTW; you mention about running Chrome in Lupu. Out of curiosity, what's the newest version of Chrome you were able to get running in it? I only ask because I was helping TwoPuppies out the other day, and installed Lupu to do so. I'm glad I did; despite using quite an elderly version of the glibc, it runs like greased's quite an eye-opener. I run, amongst other things, Photoshop CS2 under WINE on it, and, no word of a lie, it actually runs faster than it ever did in Win XP..!

Quite astonishing.....

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#6 Post by dancytron »

The version in Lupu is very old. I don't have it installed anymore. I am on my remastered version of Precise right now. It has Chrome Version 25.0.1364.160. So substantially older than that.

If you really want to know, I could install my Lupu remaster on a USB stick and check, but the answer will be "really old."
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#7 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, dancytron.

TwoPuppies let me have a copy of his Chrome 26; it's the latest that will run under the 2.11 glibc in Lupu. Works really well, too; despite not being able to access the App Store.

You do know you can run Chrome 48 in Precise 5.7.1, don't you? I've been running it for quite a while now, along with the latest Iron browser, which is based on Chromium 50.

I can let you have the links, if you're interested.

Mike. :wink:
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#8 Post by dancytron »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, dancytron.

TwoPuppies let me have a copy of his Chrome 26; it's the latest that will run under the 2.11 glibc in Lupu. Works really well, too; despite not being able to access the App Store.

You do know you can run Chrome 48 in Precise 5.7.1, don't you? I've been running it for quite a while now, along with the latest Iron browser, which is based on Chromium 50.

I can let you have the links, if you're interested.

Mike. :wink:
Sure, give me the link. I won't do anything with it right now, but it might come in handy.

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#9 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Dan.

Okey-doke. Chrome 48.0.2564.97 is in OscarTalks' folder in smokey01's repo:-

It's available as both .pet & SFS. Like I said, I've been using it for quite some time now.....and if you ever get around to installing it, you'll want to bring PepperFlash up to as new as you can get it (which is Adobe's final 32-bit Pepper.....

You can do that with the appropriate PepperFlash .pet from my thread here:-

If you're interested in the Iron browser (looks just like Chrome these days, unlike a few years ago), you can find a link for it in slavvo67's thread about it, here:-

I'm posting this from Chrome 48 in Precise 571 right now. Hope you find them useful..!

Mike. :wink:
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#10 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, all.

Re-worked and re-packaged the SFSs, to fix the small problem of no icon for the Menu entry.

Link still the same as above.

Mike. :wink:
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#11 Post by Mike Walsh »


The current version, 52.0.2743.82 (with Pepper, released yesterday, is now available for download.

Link as above in the first post.


Mike. :)
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#12 Post by Mike Walsh »


The current version, 52.0.2743.116 (with Pepper, released early yesterday, is now available for download.

Link as above in the first post.

Enjoy, as always. Any probs, you know where to find me.

Mike. :)
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#13 Post by Mike Walsh »


The current version, 53.0.2785.92 (with Pepper, released yesterday, is now available for download.

The exec-line switches which have worked for many versions have had to be modified in this release. It seems Google are now playing hard-ball with regard to sandbox policy. There are up to 5 different sandboxes, which have in the past been able to have their permissions modified individually. From now on, it's full sandboxing, or nothing (or so it would appear). And Chrome doesn't like running as root......

Attempting to use the previous set of switches now results in a spontaneous 'abort' of the process.

Edit:- (1:20 am) Experimentation, and a rapid rework of the exec-line 'switches' in the 'google-chrome' wrapper script has restored almost 100 % sandbox functionality, I'm pleased to report..!

Chrome is secure again.

Link as above in the first post.

Enjoy, as always. Any probs, let me know, although I don't anticipate any.

Mike. :)
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#14 Post by drunkjedi »

Hey Mike,
I always make sfs for chrome to use in Fatdog64.
Here is latest made yesterday. ... ficial.sfs

It uses Fatdog's "run as spot" script.

Following Files are added to the .deb downloaded from google after extracting it to a folder...

/usr/bin/google-chrome-spot (This is used to run chrome as user spot, I will give you the script)
/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable (This is just a symlink to /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome)
/usr/lib64 (In this folder all libs from /usr/lib64/seamonkey/ are symlinked)
/usr/share/pixmaps (This contains Google-chrome.png icon)
The .desktop file in /usr/application is edited to point to google-chrome-spot.
All files and folders were applied chmod 0755
And then chrome-sandbox was made chmod 4755

Other than that nothing is changed.

I didn't check your sfs files as I primarily use fatdog only.

And I may not be able to answer your questions about why I chmod sandbox or why I added those files or how the run as spot script works, because I don't know.
I am too noob to understand that.
I just saw fatdog chrome update and install script and replicated what it changes in to the directory where I extracted the .deb.

Anyway please test it if you can.
Or add to your mediafire link if you want, so that all files are at same link.


Edit: here's Fatdog's google-chrome-spot script

Code: Select all

SPOT_HOME=$(awk -F: '$1=="spot" {print $6}' /etc/passwd)
#{ chown spot $SPOT_HOME/Downloads;
#chown spot /aufs/devsave/Downloads; } 2> /dev/null
cd $SPOT_HOME/Downloads
exec /usr/bin/run-as-spot /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --user-data-dir="$SPOT_HOME/.config/chrome" "$@"
Edit 2: Here's /usr/bin/run-as-spot script from fatdog...

Code: Select all

# generic wrapper to run as spot (when currently running as root)
# (C) James Budiono 2012
# License: GPL version 3 or later
SPOT_HOME=$(awk -F: '$1=="spot" {print $6}' /etc/passwd)
APP="$1"; shift
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
	[ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ] && XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority
	[ -e "$XAUTHORITY" ] && cp $XAUTHORITY $SPOT_HOME/.Xauthority &&
	chown spot:spot $SPOT_HOME/.Xauthority && 
	export XAUTHORITY=$SPOT_HOME/.Xauthority  
	export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$SPOT_HOME/.config
	export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$SPOT_HOME/.cache
	export XDG_DATA_HOME=$SPOT_HOME/.local/share
        mkdir -p $XDG_DATA_HOME; chown spot:spot $XDG_DATA_HOME
    export FATDOG_STATE_DIR=$SPOT_HOME/.fatdog
	while [ "$1" ]; do ARGS="$ARGS \"$1\""; shift; done
	exec su spot -s /bin/dash -c "cd \"$CWD\"; \"$APP\" $ARGS"
	exec "$APP" "$@"
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#15 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hiya, drunkjedi.

Yeah, we can do that if you want.....put the link for yours in my Mediafire account. I've been meaning to investigate setting it up as a 'run as spot' version, but, like you, I don't fully understand all the various permissions and stuff as yet!

I do know, from previous threads on the subject I've found over the last couple of years, that if you install the .deb version, straight from Google, it'll install, no problem.....but the permissions on the .deb package tend to 'break' other stuff (like localhost, and access to CUPS.....basic, important stuff like that!)

Interestingly, the modifications I made to the wrapper-script restore almost total sandbox functionality in the 64-bit version.....yet If I try to replicate this in the older, 32-bit versions (all the Pups on my old 32-bit Dell Inspiron (P4 and a gig of RAM) use Chrome 36.0.1985.143, 'cos it's sufficiently lightweight to run well, yet still retains access to the App store for now) it results in a total refusal to run at all. Obviously Google have made some changes in the Chrome binary in these newer versions that allows this different usage of the sandbox 'switches'.

I'll add your link to the Chrome folder in my Mediafire a/c, and indicate it as a 'run-as-spot' probs with that, there's at least 10 GB of free space. It does make sense to keep stuff in the same location as far as is possible; this is one of the frequently heard 'moans' on the Forum, that there's no end of apps available, but they're so spread-out, across God-only-knows how many different accounts, that they're hard to track down. I'll have to try it out in Tahr64 & Slacko64 to see if it'll work with them. Leave it with me, and I'll post with details when it's all set up.

Mike. :wink:
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#16 Post by drunkjedi »

Thanks Mike, I will test too if time permits.
My 3 year old daughter has gotten into habit of coming running from wherever she is the moment I switch on PC. To watch videos of poems and stuff.
I gave her a Android Tab but she like to use PC when I am using it. Just for the fun of it.
Ha ha.

Never Mind. I am having fun overall.
I am now mostly using forum on my phone. More reading and less testing. This is good too.
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#17 Post by Mike Walsh »


If you've been following the thread up until this point, you'll know that drunkjedi has produced a 'Run-as-spot' version of Chrome64, primarily for use in FatDog64. I'm hosting this together with my Chrome64 SFS packages, simply to try and keep these all in one place; makes it easier to track them down.

We'd be glad of anybody who'd care to test this out for us in the 'standard' flagship Pups; Tahr64 and Slacko64. Feedback would be appreciated..!

Link is the same as for the other packages, as below:- ... S_packages

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Re: Chrome SFS packages for 64-bit Pups.....

#18 Post by orrin »

Mike Walsh wrote:Morning, all.

I am, as you're all probably aware by now, a very long-term Chrome user. I couldn't help noticing that there aren't any 64-bit SFS packages available on the Forum, so I've decided to make a couple...

These will work on Tahr64 (and derivatives), and Slacko64 (and derivatives). Like peebee, I'm only going to concentrate on SFS packages for these. The same converter that will work on his Chromium releases to turn them into .pets should work on these, too. ... 205#867205

Here's the link for the 'Chrome SFS packages' folder in my MediaFire account. Access the relevant folder, and download the one you want. ... S_packages
Do you have any idea when a new version of Chrome will appear in the Repository for Slacko 64-6.3.2 ? I did an update of my repository but
only Chrome 46 was there. 46 works OK but a couple of the bank sites are complaining that I need to update my browser!
Last edited by orrin on Wed 07 Sep 2016, 02:02, edited 1 time in total.
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#19 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, orrin.

Mm. Yeah; tell me about it! AFAIK, the repositories are always way behind when it comes to the 'big' browsers....Chrome and FireFox. Mostly because they release new versions so often that the repository maintainers can't keep up with them. The bit that banks and other similar institutions are interested in are the certificates being up-to-date.

This is why I do the SFS packages for the community. I, too, needed to keep things up-to-date for online banking, and I got to thinking, 'Right; I can download the .deb packages for Chrome. It's easy enough to unpack them, re-arrange things in a way that will work with Puppy, and then re-package them again.' Only takes around 10 minutes or so now, since I have my scripts all semi-automated & set-up for maximum ease of use. And if they work correctly for me, then why not publish them and let other folks share the benefits?

For the 'buntu-based Pups, invariably all dependencies are satisfied already. Foe the Slackware-based Pups, the most they need to add are libgconf, and libgnomekeyring. Bob's yr uncle...sorted.

And the beauty of SFS packages is that they're really easy to uninstall and change when you want to upgrade. Just 'unload' the old one, then 'load' the new one. Your config and settings in /root/.cache and /root/.config don't need to be touched, since they'll carry on working from version to version.

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Tue 06 Sep 2016, 23:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by drunkjedi »

Hey orrin,

In Fatdog64 we have a get-google-chrome script.
It downloads latest stable .deb, make necessary changes and make package, and install or update google chrome.

But I think sfs provided by Mike are best bet.
SFS files are easy to use.
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