Vote: Do you use Linux EXCLUSIVELY?

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Do you use Linux EXCLUSIVELY?

Yes, I exclusively use Puppy Linux
Yes, I exclusively use Puppy and other Linux(es)
No, I mainly use Linux but keep Windows around
No, I use Linux but also use Windows a lot
Total votes: 91

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#81 Post by mcewanw »

Burn_IT wrote:Well i have also been a Puppy user since it was first built, but you lot are certainly turning me off the current forum users.
I have noticed that threads, or at least large personal comments, that once would only have appeared in off-topic area are recently appearing all over the forum. I suppose 'Puppy Power' area is a bit of a temptation for that kind of rubbish. But personal monologues certainly seem to have become rampant over this last year or less. I have also been thinking of pulling out of here but its difficult after being around here for many years. I don't myself use Windows any more at all, though I do keep the old original supplied on most of my machines - I do however think that Windows (especially Win7) works very well overall - pity it is such a target for hackers/viruses, but that is the penalty of being commercially so successful I believe. If I didn't have a technical education I'd most likely prefer windows nevertheless - however, I love mucking around on Linux and Windows bores me.
github mcewanw

#82 Post by learnhow2code »

TyroBGinner wrote:It seems I ruffled a few feathers...or tugged on a few tails.
i would really love to comment on this, but for now im going to try resist replying point for point to your other post-- id really, really like to. i think i can take 100% of the mystery out of how you might be "ruffling feathers," and why its not for the reason you might assume.
In fact, for a long while now, I have thought about starting a topic entitled "Windows is better than Puppy Linux", but I figured that would cause people to physically track me down and *actually* decapitate me rather than only innocuously propose such an act here in this forum.
this linux community no longer does this-- it was never very popular anyway, although people were initially excited about the prospect. that was typical war-hawk naivete, the moment real blood was spilled pretty much everyone agreed it wasnt worth destroying familiies over.

in ireland at least, there are still a few people calling themselves "the REAL linux sysadmins," but everyone agrees theyre basically a bunch of far-right w*nkers. we have peace now and we PREFER it-- the "linux troubles" are over and not a moment too soon! but hopefully someday we will also agree on everything.

one of the things that really caused physical violence over the "one true operating system" to fall out of vogue was the tension in the middle east, and im sure youre not comparing fellow puppy fans to islamic extremists or anything. good, that sort of conflation might ruffle some more feathers.
My motivation for such a provocative title is to have a frank discussion about the merits of the various OSes. The view here is pretty one-sided, and I was hoping to give voice to other perspectives.
you probably just picked the wrong subforum. i hate topic nazis myself, but this subforum was created pretty exclusively for talking about the merits of puppy and how to promote it. i do wonder what the process was for selecting this subforum over all the others for the purpose of promoting windows-- but hey its easily fixed and no real harm done.
For me, at least, Windows really does best Puppy Linux in a number of ways - a fact that is almost never expressed here.
again its kind of unconducive to the purpose of this subforum. but it might fit in off-topic, or even misc. instead you kind of chose the worst-possible-subforum for this topic. it happens.
I am often surprised when people say that their old computer has "new life" when running a Linux distro. Maybe that really does happen, and my case is unusual. It would be intresting to look at several of these cases to find an explanation.
yeah, ive personally rejuvenated countless machines for people that had grown tired of windows dragging their machines down, who knows what reg fixes and cleaning mightve done-- i got a windows 95 installation down to 12000k one time. its not impossible to streamline windows.

but for example, at a homeless shelter i took the computer everyone was using, offered to install the nefarious bloatware known as "debian" on it instead of windows (dualbooting was an option but that has its own complications for the user, and i wanted to keep the solution relatively simple.)

the first thing the uninitiated debian user said was not "how do i get online" or "what is this ugly piece of crap" but "its so much faster!"

they probably dreamt it. that or theyd simply swallowed too many linux commericals on tv and in print, without the usual critical thought that is given every day to advertising.
I was simply challenging the extreme view that Windows is all evil and Puppy Linux is superior in every regard.
well of course you were. let me help you-- THEYRE WRONG.

windows is only MORE THAN HALF evil. notepad is pretty much the greatest program ever written, and its just not the same in wine.

if you want to experience notepad at its finest-- the way it was really intended by the authors, then you NEED windows for that. theres simply no other way.
Last edited by learnhow2code on Sun 14 Aug 2016, 05:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#83 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

learnhow2code wrote:windows is only MORE THAN HALF evil. notepad is pretty much the greatest program ever written, and its just not the same in wine.

if you want to experience notepad at its finest-- the way it was really intended by the authors, then you NEED windows for that. theres simply no other way.
Which version of Notepad couldn't open files over 64K? I remember I had to use something called Write instead half the time.

#84 Post by learnhow2code »

Sailor Enceladus wrote:Which version of Notepad couldn't open files over 64K? I remember I had to use something called Write instead half the time.
in what version of windows, 3.1? i ended up replacing notepad with some ridiculous thing called "notepad++" (pretty sure theres only a windows version) but it opened bigger files i guess. windows users themselves were pretty excited about "notepad vista," the first windows plaintext editor that came with a really cool composited theme for the title bar. but we should really move the "awesome windows feature" topic to misc or something. (imo.)
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Re: Vote: Do you use Linux EXCLUSIVELY?

#85 Post by Moose On The Loose »

benali72 wrote:Please vote on whether you use: Puppy only, Puppy plus other Linux distro(s), mainly Linux with some Windows, or both Linux and Windows.

If you keep Windows around to run a specific application or for a particular reason, please explain.

I have to use Windows at work by corporate mandate. At home, I only use Puppy-528 on my main machine. I have an android phone and a router that runs Linux and some DVR devices that run linux so I can't say I only use Puppy.
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#86 Post by nic007 »

Now that I got rid of windows 10 and re-installed XP Professional, I'm back using the latter as my primary system. Installing the necessary drivers took a while but it's running like a greyhound. The thing with Windows is that everything just works. From my printer (which doesn't have a linux driver) to Seamonkey (my default browser) which actually support the latest flashplayer. I have replaced the ugly default theme (which includes the ugly green start button) with the beautiful embedded theme. It really looks smart. And of course access to all the wonderful and beautifully made windows applications and games (that run with DirectX). BTW - I've tried both Seamonkey and Palemoon and Seamonkey comes out tops as far as speed is concerned. So for now Puppy will take a back seat but I'll still use it every now and then.
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#87 Post by mcewanw »

Well, there is no doubt IMO that Windows XP was a great OS (and not surprisingly considering the amount of paid labour that went into its creation). However, like all MS products it is subject to virus/malware problems/attack and more importantly it will grow old and useless so its time is limited. Yes, Windows has some great apps created for it - especially audio/video multimedia apps, but Linux is getting better and better in that respect and nice to support it. Better I feel, therefore, to find a good Linux OS (and there are so many varieties to chose from) and find apps that work consistently well (and they do exist). But each to their own!

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#88 Post by nic007 »

I've used XP for 10 years without virus protection. Don't use IE (well, the older versions as that is the root of most problems) and download your stuff from safe sites. Windows XP Pro SP3 is STILL a great system. Windows XP Pro is a Rolls Royce, Puppy is a Ford...but I like Puppy too and it's a must have in my book.
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#89 Post by Reziac »

Another XP/XP64 user here, protected by a router and good sense, but no antivirus. Know how malware gets developed? By reverse-engineering the patches. Old Windows gets no new patches, thus no new malware. Besides, newer Windows make me want to stick forks in my eyes.

I've tried many linux distros, found few I liked, and only two well enough to keep: one was PCLinuxOS "full monty" edition; the other was Wary Puppy 5.x. Talk about opposites!

I had Wary on my old laptop for a while but got tired of the wireless not working (it worked once, then never again. Laptop now has TinyXP.) But Wary has become my first-choice boot disk for busted systems, and I always put a copy on my USB boot stick; Wary is fast, easy, does the job, and never crashes.
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#90 Post by Robert123 »

Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated [url][/url]
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#91 Post by Burn_IT »

Don't worry Linux will have similar holes, they just haven't been reported yet.
I spent many years doing research on bugs and coding errors and it can be shown that there will ALWAYS be a predictble number of bugs in ANY large piece of software, no matter what language and what OS.
The statistics also predict how many will be left after each stage of testing and how many new ones will be introduced.
"Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush" - T Pratchett
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#92 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

Burn_IT wrote:Don't worry
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#93 Post by rufwoof »

Ransomware strives to get in and encrypt data to demand a financial transfer in order to be able to restore the data. But what about a pure damage based attack where all they were interested in doing was causing disruption. I'm thinking along the lines of cyber-war here.

How can you protect firmware from perhaps a virus that might simply issue burn new firmware commands, where trash is installed in place of the prior working firmware? That could be applied to routers, PC BIOS, network cards, hubs ...etc.

System software loss ... a mild issue - time spent downloading/replacing that.
Personal data loss ... more of a issue (much less so if you make good backups etc.)
Hardware trashed (router, hub, PC BIOS) !!!
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#94 Post by Sylvander »

Hospitals In UK Hit By Ransomware Attack.
First reported May 12th 2017.
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#95 Post by ndujoe1 »

Yes I use PuppyLinux exclusively.
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#96 Post by Reziac »

Burn_IT wrote:Don't worry Linux will have similar holes, they just haven't been reported yet.
I spent many years doing research on bugs and coding errors and it can be shown that there will ALWAYS be a predictble number of bugs in ANY large piece of software, no matter what language and what OS.
The statistics also predict how many will be left after each stage of testing and how many new ones will be introduced.
For a good scare, read Hacking Linux Exposed. Of course by now all that info is outdated and the old holes have been replaced by new ones... as you say, it's just the reality of complex software, and it's not realistic to expect everyone to be OpenBSD.

BTW there was a site that had a searchable, sortable list of all the hundreds (thousands?) of Puppies, which made it easy to find a Puppy of a given breed, but now I can't find it. Anyone...??
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#97 Post by ally »

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#98 Post by Reziac »

Mondo, thanks, good list to paw through :)

Wasn't the one I was thinking of, tho -- was a dedicated Puppy archive with search categories like "XP-like" and desktop options and so on.
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#99 Post by ally »

under topics and searches click more or use search box

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#100 Post by nic007 »

Windows is superior at very important aspects of computing in my view and experience (mainly because of the availibility of better drivers for specific hardware it seems). I hate the newer Windows systems for their bulkiness though, ie. Vista and later. Puppy is compact and fun to use nevertheless.
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