tempicon -a tray icon to monitor CPU temp

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#61 Post by 01micko »

Yeah he did so that they render true, except it's broken for svg. Rectangles used to get transformed to squares and that worked ok, but now it just bugs out. I made a report to Joe on github anyway.
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#62 Post by trefux »


I installed the tempicon tray but missing this:

# sensors
sensors: error while loading shared libraries: libsensors.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Installed packages:
lm-sensor 3.3.4
init-system-helper 1.14
libsensor4 3.3.4

Somebody help?

Use tahrpup 6.0.5, and Jwm.

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lib for lm-sensors

#63 Post by davids45 »

G'day trefux,

I have attached in a zip a version of your missing library file but it's slightly older than the string of numbers you quoted.

Before trying this, have you checked your /usr/lib/ directory to see if there is a libsensors.so.4.x.y.z file there, but not the simpler 'libsensors.so.4' (without extra dots and digits)? All you may need is a symlink to tell your computer to use this x.y.z-numbered file as if is was the one it's after.

If not, then the attached zip has the libsensors file from my older version of lm-sensors (3.1.2) plus two symlinks which enable its use as libsensors.so and libsensors.so.4. Unzip the zip and then copy or drag the three unzipped files to your /usr/lib/ directory and see if it works.

If you have no luck with this version of libsensors, delete the three files you've just copied to /usr/lib/ and wait for better help.

Good luck.

David S.
sensor lib (older version) with links for libsensors.so.4
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#64 Post by trefux »

# find / -name *libsensors*

I saved your package too. Thanks!

copy to usr/lib

try "sensors"

# sensors
No sensors found!
Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need.
Try sensors-detect to find out which these are.

Then run "sensors-detect" again, then run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/lm-sensors" but and nothing happened.

Something do wrong?
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Sensors needs modules to read

#65 Post by davids45 »

G'day trefux,

Looking at your posted information, I think you have the sensors package loaded :D .
But now you need to load any modules that will monitor parts of your hardware. It is these modules that "sensors" reads.
# sensors
No sensors found!
Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need.
Try sensors-detect to find out which these are.

Then run "sensors-detect" again, then run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/lm-sensors" but and nothing happened.
So open a terminal and enter 'sensors-detect'. Scan through all the options as there may be several modules to find.

If you are unlucky, your hardware may have no sensor modules that work. Very old computers often have no modules that are readable by 'sensors' :( . In this case, tempicon will not work on your computer.

Most computers do have at least one module that works but there are many many modules to check through.

Make an exact note of any modules that sensors-detect reports.

You then need to load these modules when your computer starts with Boot Manager (System menu) which has a tab-section to load modules.

Good luck hunting down any modules.

David S.
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#66 Post by trefux »

Hi David,

here is the "sensors-detect" summary:

"Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
Just press ENTER to continue:

Driver `coretemp':
* Chip `Intel digital thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

To load everything that is needed, add this to /etc/modules:
#----cut here----
# Chip drivers
#----cut here----
If you have some drivers built into your kernel, the list above will
contain too many modules. Skip the appropriate ones!

Do you want to add these lines automatically to /etc/modules? (yes/NO)

Unloading i2c-dev... OK
Unloading cpuid... OK

So, I need say "yes" the last question?
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Coretemp module

#67 Post by davids45 »

G'day trefux,

Your check with sensors-detect listed coretemp as a module that would suit your computer.

I would load this module by using Puppy's Boot Manager.

Open Boot Manager (in the 'System' menu - usually top of the list)

Click on the 'Modules' tab ( - older Pups may have an icon to load extra modules so click on that if your Pup has that dialog box)

Click on 'Add new module'.

Puppy then loads the list of all available modules (takes a few seconds)

Scroll down the left panel and highlight 'coretemp'

'Add' it to the right panel and it should then appear in the right panel.

Click 'OK' and again for the next little window that appears.

Re-boot your computer so that coretemp will be loaded and each time you start-up from now on.

Run 'sensors' in a terminal to see if you get any CPU data from the module.

See if tempicon now displays any values. Or any other temperature package does.

David S.
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#68 Post by trefux »

Hi David,

# sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +44.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1: +47.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

It's working! No tempicon on the tray.
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If not one of the Task Bar monitors

#69 Post by davids45 »

G'day trefux,

There are a few small programs to display a temperature on the bar. You could try searching the forum and see if any other works for your computer.

To watch my computer's temperatures, I switched to using the Temp-CPU widget in pwidgets - once I worked out how to get it to read and display the various temperatures sensors could detect. The original Temp-CPU widget was written just for the eee mini-computer so this widget did not function on a 'normal' desktop or laptop.

I had to load the module smsc47b397 for my desktop to have readable temperatures (see attached screenshot). Coretemp does not work on this old HP computer.

If pwidgets runs on your Pup+hardware, and you'd accept a on-desktop display rather than on-Task-Bar, we maybe could re-write the TempCPU config file to display the temperatures your module reads. I'd like to call this a 'Plan B' with finding a simple temperature Task Bar display as 'Plan A' :D .

David S.
Modified pwidget that includes machine temperatures
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#70 Post by trefux »

Hi David!

It's too difficult way for me to do this. I thought that just install *.pets and see the "temp".

Thanks your help.
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#71 Post by Mike Walsh »

Trefux, if you're still looking for a CPU temperature indicator for the 'tray', give 'pmcputemp' a look:-


'Coretemp' definitely works with this. See how you get on with it, and let us know, please..?

Mike. :wink:

Slacko 5.3.3, it works

#72 Post by Mayou »

Slacko 5.3.3, it works. Tempico appeared rh bottom . Thks. 64° just now. temperature climbs fast !
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