How to show MRU Most Recently Used Documents on Start Menu?

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#61 Post by musher0 »

@Mike W.


I control the font parameter from the outside, like so:

Code: Select all

echo zekton > /var/tmp/Fonte
The font used in the example above is < zekton >. The dir where I store
such parms is /var/tmp. < Fonte > is the text file containing the font parm.

In the script, it's at line 38. But the line does its stuff only if there is no
/var/tmp/Fonte file.

The reason I do it this way is to maintain a "family air" between this script,
my "DefaultMenu" script and my "World Weather" script.

"Originally, the Default Menu script 'shouted out' ;) the controls and the
two other scripts obeyed! After a while of such bashing ;) torture, Lord
DefaultMenu agreed to give his two servants just a a little freedom, in the
form of the one-liner above. A little freedom -- just a little -- was more
convenient in the end."

(How am I doing as a medieval fantasy writer?) :lol:

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#62 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Musher).

Modifications now made.

I've got TrSah Dungeon set as a default font in Tahrpup 6.05 anyway, so it was easy enough to call it up using

Code: Select all

echo > TrSah Dungeon /var/tmp/Fonte
I've changed the colours in /var/tmp/Color to

Code: Select all

and the size in /var/tmp/Size to 14. Which I'm quite happy with. See below...

My eyes aren't as young as they used to be.....and I cannot get the hang of these blasted bi-focals I now wear! :lol:

(Just one query; Does the font-change 'stick', or does the echo statement need to be re-run at each boot?)

Mike. :wink:
Modified appearance...
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#63 Post by musher0 »

Hi Mike Walsh.

That menu looks absolutely great! Congratulations!

As to keeping the parms from one session to the next:
  • -- in theory, /var/tmp is supposed to keep anything in it between
    sessions; as compared to /tmp where everything is erased at shutdown
    or reboot;

    -- in practice, /var/tmp sometimes forgets to do its job... Or is this a
    Puppy "weirdness"...
So... if you want to keep your very own MRUF menu from session to
session, may I suggest that you introduce the values you mention above
in the appropriate parameter lines, which should be around lines 35-40 in
the script.

That way, if the content of /var/tmp is erased for some reason, the script
lines will kick in and re-create the missing parameter files with the
settings you want.

Please be careful when editing the color setting: I used the form "white\nblack"
with an < echo -e > statement. (It doesn't really matter if you write:
or "white\nblack" with an < echo -e > statement. This is only a "heads-
up". And it can be any two colors, too; the above is simply an example.)

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#64 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Musher.

I just have one query for now. Which script are you referring to? You've got scripts all over the place, man (I do apologise, but I extracted the .pet just to get some idea of what you'd done!) :)

I'm still none the wiser. :shock:

So, to recap; which script is the one where I can introduce the parm values to? (If you wouldn't mind enlightening a humble 'scratcher', that is.....) :lol:

Mike. :wink:
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#65 Post by musher0 »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, Musher.

I just have one query for now. Which script are you referring to? You've got scripts all over the place, man (I do apologise, but I extracted the .pet just to get some idea of what you'd done!) :)

I'm still none the wiser. :shock:

So, to recap; which script is the one where I can introduce the parm values to? (If you wouldn't mind enlightening a humble 'scratcher', that is.....) :lol:

Mike. :wink:
Terribly sorry, Mike. Please forgive me.

The script named MRUF-lst-0.*.sh (you're using v. 0.8 or 0.9, I believe) is
the one I was talking about. It's the largest of the bunch.

No apologies necessary! :) IHTH.
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#66 Post by musher0 »

Hello people.

Working on version 0.9.2 at the moment. It's in alpha state. I did expand
the reach of the MRUF script to include the default system history logs
xerrs.log and Xorg.0.log, plus the less history file.

Browser histories:
I discovered that the links2 browser had a bookmarks file.

Also while one needs a sqlite3 app to directly access the history of any
Mozilla-type browser, I discovered that the exported bookmarks from
these browsers have a "modified" date. So we can export, say, the
Firefox bookmarks and sort them by date: we then have a fall-back
position to access at least part of our browsing history without getting
over our head with a database program.

Since adding a Mozilla-type history slows down the process, I added a
refresh item as the last item in the menu. I thought of scripting a timer on
this refresh and make it automatic (say, every 15 or 30 minutes), but I
think it is wiser to let the user decide when to refresh his/her MRUF menu
according to his/her heavy or light use of the Puppy.

What the above means is that the initial construction of the menu takes a
few seconds, but after that the MRUF menu pops up immediately. The
user knows best when to refresh the menu, depending on if (s)he made a
heavy use of the computer on that day or not.

Do you know of any other program used in Puppy commonly enough and
which would have a useful history file? I could consider adding it to the
MRUF script.

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#67 Post by musher0 »

Hello all!

Please find attached version 0.9.2.

This version incorporates the elements mentioned above. Plus other changes:
  • -- a new icon, derived from Puppus' original. The letters "r" and "d" are
    now centered and are quite recognizable. Comes in two variants: on white
    background or on black background. By default the active icon is the one
    on black background. You can change it by editing the icon line in the
    MRUF.desktop file in /usr/share/applications. This alternative icon with
    white background is named mrudicon2-48x.png; it's in directory
    -- the time line will always display the current time, even if you do not
    refresh the menu
    -- this menu refreshes itself when you ask it to, but also when changing
    your locale. (I realize that this will affect perhaps 0.5% of users, those
    who change locales at mid-session, but still, it's a handy feature to have,
    I think. It saves some mouse clicks.)
A technical note which may be of interest to some: to mimic a history
file for MZ browsers starting with an exported < bookmarks.html > file,
I did time calculations based on what's called "the Unix timestamp". So
the script keeps, for display in the menu. only the URLs modified in the
last 30 days. (That includes the "added" ones.)

Of course the best way to process the history file of a Mozilla family
browser is to work it from within the browser itself.
But this way you
can have a general idea of your recent browsing activity.

I think this upgrade of the MRUF / MRUD script for Puppy now covers all
the important bases for what it's supposed to do. I've thoroughly tested
it, but please test on your side and report if I missed something and/or
you find a problem. TIA.

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#68 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I fleshed out the explanations above a little. BFN.
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#69 Post by LazY Puppy »

Open Office 4.1.1, Libre Office 3.3 and GIMP tested.

Programs appear in the list, but won't start/run/execute from the Programs list.

Open Office appears as openoffice.4.1.1 (or openoffice-4.1.1), Libre Office appears as libreoffice.3.3 (or libreoffice-3.3) and GIMP appears as GNU Image Manipulation Program.

For Open Office it has to be soffice, for Libre Office it has to be libreoffice and for GIMP it has to be just gimp.

Probably there are some more programs, that won't run from that Programs list?

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#70 Post by musher0 »

LazY Puppy wrote:Open Office 4.1.1, Libre Office 3.3 and GIMP tested.

Programs appear in the list, but won't start/run/execute from the Programs list.

Open Office appears as openoffice.4.1.1 (or openoffice-4.1.1), Libre Office appears as libreoffice.3.3 (or libreoffice-3.3) and GIMP appears as GNU Image Manipulation Program.

For Open Office it has to be soffice, for Libre Office it has to be libreoffice and for GIMP it has to be just gimp.

Probably there are some more programs, that won't run from that Programs list?
Hi, LazY Puppy.

Many thanks for testing. Glad to "see" you!

In answer to your question:
Yep! I'm not God! I do not know everything!
That's why I'm asking for people's help!

Before we conclude anything, could you please transmit to me - for
diagnosis--, a copy of the /tmp/recents file that was created in your Puppy?
At least the "xbel" part, please.

In the past, I have found that OpenOffice and Libre Office ship *.desktop
files and /usr/bin links referring to or with the wrong executables in them.
So it may be the OO people or the LO people or me! Only diagnosis will tell
the truth -- and the solution. TIA

Slow but sure: the turtle won the race, not the rabbit! :)

Also I did put a note in the Help section saying that sometimes nothing
happens when you click on an entry...

So: next on the list: Open|Libre Office, and Gimp.
(I'm analyzing the Vivaldi browser at the moment.)

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#71 Post by LazY Puppy »

Here is related content from /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.
<bookmark href="file:///mnt/sde1/Dateien/Wallpaper/Eileen/03.jpg" added="2016-09-07T07:09:34Z" modified="2016-09-07T07:09:34Z" visited="2016-09-07T07:09:35Z">
<metadata owner="">
<mime:mime-type type="image/jpeg"/>
<bookmark:application name="GNU Image Manipulation Program" exec="&apos;gimp-2.8 %u&apos;" modified="2016-09-07T07:09:34Z" count="1"/>
<bookmark href="file:///mnt/sde1/Dateien/Office/LazY-Puppy-Anleitung.odt" added="2016-09-09T03:59:57Z" modified="2016-09-09T04:14:29Z" visited="2016-09-09T03:59:57Z">
<metadata owner="">
<mime:mime-type type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"/>
<bookmark:application name="OpenOffice 4.1.1" exec="&apos;soffice %u&apos;" modified="2016-09-09T04:14:29Z" count="3"/>
<bookmark href="file:///mnt/sde1/Dateien/Office/Drums&Percussion.odt" added="2016-09-09T04:09:08Z" modified="2016-09-09T04:09:14Z" visited="2016-09-09T04:09:09Z">
<metadata owner="">
<mime:mime-type type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"/>
<bookmark:application name="LibreOffice 3.3" exec="&apos;soffice %u&apos;" modified="2016-09-09T04:09:14Z" count="3"/>
Note, that OpenOffice and LibreOffice both using soffice binary, though LibreOffice 3.3 has a script libreoffice in /usr/bin (when built into opt),

File recents (from version 9.0) attached - fake .gz!
Glad to "see" you!
:lol: We're in Puppy Linux, right?

No way to have a Pexit. :wink: :lol:


Btw.: I got something similar to MRUF as a Menu Pipe in JWM. To get those programs to run from that Menu Pipe, the code is analyzing the files in the related "recent-used-lst" and then it changes e.g. Gnu Image Manipulation Program just to gimp, before the code is echoed into the Menu Pipe file (xml) which is then included (<include>) into the /root/.jwmrc file.


Regarding the .desktop files: as you know, I do use .sfs only. In general I'm editing all of the .desktop files of such .sfs files when creating them. So, no chance that it could be the libre-open-office-guys doing something wrong on those .sfs files. :wink:


Palemoon Browser seems to appear as Pale Moon - and won't run.
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"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#72 Post by musher0 »

Thanks, Lazy_Puppy.

As you may know, I'm "on strike" against jwm and will be until "joe wing"
produces readable, friendly and non-headache-producing docs with
telling, simple examples. For now, you or anybody else can do whatever
you want with jwm -- or even worse TO jwm :twisted: --, I don't care! :D

To solve the (Open|Libre)Office problem, try this? It's an "enriched"
xdg-open file.

Code: Select all

Initial draft removed.
Please see below.

Now to tackle the gimp and pale moon issues...

Off the top of my head:
  • -- About the gimp: have you defined it as the "defaultimageeditor"?
    If not, please do that and re-test?

    -- About the "pale moon": probably the space between the words is
    creating the problem. Have you tried creating a link from < pale moon >
    to < palemoon >. Also, similar to item above, have you defined it as the
    defaultbrowser? As

    Code: Select all

    exec 'pale moon' "$@"
    perhaps. If not, again, please do that and re-test?
Finally, which version of my MRUF script are you using? I thought I had
solved the "double word" filename problem in version 0.9.

P. S. -- The menu in your screen capture is NOT my MRUF menu. Are you
having issues with THAT menu or with my MRUF menu? It could lead to
confusion. And to me losing my time, which I do not find funny.
Last edited by musher0 on Sat 10 Sep 2016, 05:13, edited 1 time in total.
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#73 Post by musher0 »


Code: Select all

# /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
#this script created by Jemimah. see:
#110115 xdg-open used to be a symlink to defaulthandler.
# "m0" means: Edited by musher0, early Sept.- Sept. 9 2016.
case "$1" in
        "")exit ;;

        *://*)rox -U "$1" ;;

        *.htm?)defaultbrowser "$1" ;; # m0 # May be unnecessary, given the above. To be checked.

        *@*.*)rox -U "mailto:${1}" ;;

        *.jpg|*.jpeg|*.png|*.xpm|*.gif|*.JPG|*.JPEG|*.PNG|*.XPM|*.GIF)defaultimageviewer "$1" ;; # m0

        *.txt|*.sh|*.lst|*.desktop)defaulttextviewer "$1" ;; # m0

        *.odt)soffice "$1" || libreoffice "$1" || openoffice "$1" || abiword "$1" ;; # m0

        *.ods)soffice "$1" || libreoffice "$1" || openoffice "$1" || gnumeric "$1" ;; # m0

        *)if [ "`file -bp --mime-type $1 | grep -o text`" ];then  # m0
			defaulttextviewer "$1" # We play it safe!
			rox "$1"
			if [ $? -gt 0 ];then
				CoLoR="bd AntiqueWhite2 -bg AntiqueWhite4 -fg white"
				[ "${LANG:0:2}" = "fr" ] && TXTMSG3="Ce fichier est d'un type inconnu. Désolé." || TXTMSG3="This file is of an unknown type. Sorry."
			yaf-splash -margin 15 -bw 10 -$CoLoR -placement top -font LiberationSerif -fontsize 11 -timeout 10 -outline 0 -text "$TXTMSG3"
		fi ;;
Perhaps flash an error message if rox cannot do the job
because file has a mime-type unknown to rox.
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#74 Post by LazY Puppy »

P. S. -- The menu in your screen capture is NOT my MRUF menu. Are you
having issues with THAT menu or with my MRUF menu? It could lead to
confusion. And to me losing my time, which I do not find funny.
I'd attached the screenshot just to show an image of what I was writing under my "Edit".

Don't understand how this could lead to confusion as everyone should/can see immediately: it is jwm, not mruf. :wink:

The mentioned issues do appear in both menus: jwm AND mruf.

I solved this locally here the way I described under my "Edit:

And yes: GIMP is the defaultimageeditor and OpenOffice 4.1.1 writer is the defaultwordprocessor.

Since I got the mean parts/functions of what mruf offers already in my jwm menu pipes, I'm not in the need for a full working mruf. Just thought to mention my observations on mruf for the office suites and gimp etc.pp.
File recents (from version 9.0) attached - fake .gz!
Yes, it was tested with version 0.9 (sorry for the reverse typo in version number).

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#75 Post by musher0 »

Ah. Ok.
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#76 Post by LazY Puppy »

<bookmark href="file:///root/Downloads/apps/" added="2016-09-07T12:59:17Z" modified="2016-09-07T12:59:17Z" visited="2016-09-07T12:59:17Z">
<metadata owner="">
<mime:mime-type type="application/pet"/>
<bookmark:application name="Pale Moon" exec="&apos;palemoon %u&apos;" modified="2016-09-07T12:59:17Z" count="2"/>
Just as an additional info:

The script/symbolic link to run Pale Moon Browser is named: palemoon.
And yes: palemoon is the defaultbrowser.

Probably it is smarter not to examine the /name/ (as you do in the your script), but to examine /exec/ and to grab /name/ just for the name shown in MRUF menu entry?

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#77 Post by musher0 »

Many thanks for this advice, LazY Puppy. Code now modified to:

Code: Select all

awk -F";" '$1 ~ /exec/ { print $2 }' recently-used.xbel | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u
With result, for example:
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As used with lxpanel in LxPup

#78 Post by peebee »

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
#peebee 11-feb-2016

export chooser='
    <button tooltip-text="Clear the recently used items list">
      <label>"Clear list"</label>
      <input file icon="process-stop"></input>
      <action>rm /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel</action>
      <action type="exit">Cleared</action>
    <button ok></button>

IFSsave=$IFS; IFS=""
for STATEMENTS in  $(gtkdialog -p chooser --center); do
  eval "$STATEMENTS"
if [ $EXIT == "OK" ]; then
  defaultfilemanager $CHOOSER
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
Main version used daily: LxPupSc; Assembler of UPups, ScPup & ScPup64, LxPup, LxPupSc & LxPupSc64
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Re: As used with lxpanel in LxPup

#79 Post by musher0 »

peebee wrote:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
#peebee 11-feb-2016

export chooser='
    <button tooltip-text="Clear the recently used items list">
      <label>"Clear list"</label>
      <input file icon="process-stop"></input>
      <action>rm /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel</action>
      <action type="exit">Cleared</action>
    <button ok></button>

IFSsave=$IFS; IFS=""
for STATEMENTS in  $(gtkdialog -p chooser --center); do
  eval "$STATEMENTS"
if [ $EXIT == "OK" ]; then
  defaultfilemanager $CHOOSER
Interesting. Thanks for the reference, peebee.
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#80 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Please receive version Lots of refinements in code (one thanks to
Lazy Puppy, above), and some in design.

Aside from fine-tuning some code and reworking the internal script present-
ation in order to make it more readable even for myself (no kidding!) ;),
most noticeable to the average user will be the addition of 16 Color
(Please see attached screen capture.)

I'm certainly no graphic designer; my son is, but not me!!! So go ahead
and criticize my choices of colors all you want! :) The important thing is
that I now know how to implement color schemes. We have a simple way
to do it.

I do invite those who have talent in this area to suggest more pleasant
Color Schemes directly in a post here or in the form of little files (such as
those in /usr/local/share/MRUF). They should be easy to incorporate.

If you need inspiration, here is an excellent site about color combinations:

(This added feature is a late answer to Puppus Dogfellow's concern a
couple of pages back.)

Speaking of /usr/local/share/MRUF, that's where all the data that the script
uses is now stored. /var/tmp is just not constant enough. (That's a late
answer to Mike Walsh's concern a couple of pages back.) So no surprises,
if you choose a color scheme for this MRUF/MRUD utility today, that same
color scheme will be preserved for your session tomorrow.

New feature: access of the Vivaldi browser history. Since Vivaldi is a
Chromium-type browser, perhaps in a coming version access to the
Chromium history could be added using similar code. You're welcome to
contribute info on how to do it.

(Since I'm not a Chromium user and know nothing about it, I didn't want
to code anything silly. I'm just launching the idea. As I mentioned, any
help on how to do it will be welcome.)

An expanded xdg-open script is included, to play it safe in particular with
the bash scripts. If you don't like it, or if you're a risk-taker, at the bottom
of that new xdg-open file, I mention how to get the old one back.

(But now you've been warned! For example: there is indeed a risk involved
in re-running a "remove" script of any kind. So any script is treated as a
text in the context of this utility.)

Before you ask: using this new < xdg-open > does NOT affect any
regular launching of any app or script outside this MRUF utility, from any
WM menu or from any terminal.

To me, it was a matter of approach, of philosophy: in this script, I put my
weight more on memory-jogging and less on the re-running of executables.
I'm sure some devs have approached their MRUF/MRUD utility mainly from
the re-running perspective: let them take responsibility for it. I just didn't
feel comfortable personally with the idea of helping a user re-run an app or
script that could do damage to his work or OS.

Coding may look easy from the outside, but there's always an effort
involved, mental but even physical. And this project in particular demanded
a lot of effort because of the great extension of the subject: to successfully
complete a script tackling program histories, not only do you need to know
the apps, but you need to get handles (plural form intentional) on how
they are launched, how they store data and how to fish out this data.

So I'll be "hanging my coding skates" for a few days to be able to enjoy
the fresh air. You're of course welcome to leave bug reports -- or praises ;)
-- below, but I won't be responding immediately: musher0 will be out
enjoying life :) for a while.

"See" you then!
16 new color schemes for this menu. Do not forget to refresh the menu
after changing the color scheme.
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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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