strange problem with SB AWE 64 Gold ***RESOLVED***

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strange problem with SB AWE 64 Gold ***RESOLVED***

#1 Post by arslan »

Hi Puppy people,

here's my problem: I first used Puppy 2.01 and it wouldn't recognize my SB AWE 64 Gold. So I installed alsacore-1.0.10-0124.pup and alsa-oss.pup, the card was immediately recognized and worked flawlessly. Sweet! :)

A week ago I started using 2.13 Seamonkey Fulldrivers. I run it off the CD, as I did with 2.01. I thought I'd have a clean start, so I deleted old pup_save and swap files from the hard disk. Everything went fine, except that the sound card wasn't recognized again. So again I installed the same two alsa .pup files, hoping that it would solve the problem as it previously did. Wrong! AWE 64 Gold is still not recognized.

Any ideas?


P. S. I don't know if this should make any difference regarding the sound card, but with 2.01 I used Xvesa, now I'm using Xorg. That is the only thing different in my setup.


Problem solved, here's how:

I reverted to 2.01 and got the sound card working as described above. Then I found /etc/modprobe.conf and copied the final lines:

# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
# --- ALSACONF version 1.0.10 ---
alias snd-card-0 snd-sbawe
alias sound-slot-0 snd-sbawe
# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---

Booted 2.13 again, added the lines to the end of /etc/modprobe.conf and rebooted.

Happy as I am that my Puppy's barking again, I must say that I find the procedure quite unpuppyish -- unnecessarily awkward and time-consuming.
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