get iplayer 2.8.3 UPDATE 10

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#101 Post by Semme »

PS -- If you have any trouble with copy and paste, install Sakura.
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#102 Post by a_salty_dogg »

It creates a getiplayer folder in root, as it should, but when I try to run the program it gives me

Code: Select all

# ./get_iplayer
Can't locate HTTP/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.1/i486-t2-linux-gnu /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/i486-t2-linux-gnu /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.1/i486-t2-linux-gnu /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at ./get_iplayer line 62.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./get_iplayer line 62.
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#103 Post by a_salty_dogg »

LOL my only problem with copy/pasting from terminal is that my mouse middle button is tired and past its sell-by date :oops:
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#104 Post by Semme »

Like I said, Sakura makes a good terminal.

As for the message, run this and see if it will complete without error..

Code: Select all

cpan App::cpanminus
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#105 Post by a_salty_dogg »

Edit, resolved
Last edited by a_salty_dogg on Tue 25 Oct 2016, 01:43, edited 2 times in total.
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#106 Post by a_salty_dogg »

Thanks very much for all your help yesterday, However as you will see below if you're still monitoring this thread, 666philb has come up trumps and re-upped the original files for me, so my problem is now resolved.
Btw, took your kind advice and installed Sakura terminal, much better experience.
Last edited by a_salty_dogg on Tue 25 Oct 2016, 01:38, edited 1 time in total.
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#107 Post by 666philb »

a_salty_dogg wrote:The filehost,, seems to be no more, confirmed at the site...
Copy was discontinued on May 1, 2016
Although I realise this topic is now very old, is anyone able to re-up the files in OP's post, and update the links here, please?
(Specifically seeking the .pet file for installation in wary 5.5)

Thanks in advance if you can help.
hi salty_dogg,

i've re-uploaded the pets here ... sp=sharing
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#108 Post by a_salty_dogg »


MANY thanks for that, just what I wanted. :D

I'll keep them all somewhere safe on an external drive now, in case I may need any again in the future. which of course is what I should have done years ago,

On a slightly aside note, do you happen to have any idea if get_iplayer will still work in the New Year, after they bring in this compulsory BBC iPlayer site log-in regime?

Thanks again for all your work here.
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#109 Post by number698 »

WARNING: Failed to download programme schedule

just me or is this no longer a working pet ?
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#110 Post by keniv »

I have noticed a change from about five days back. I use it mainly to download radio programmes. I can get the index feeds but when I try to download a programme this is what I get. I don't normally see the last line. I don't even know what "pid metadata" is. I have uninstalled and re-installed the pet but still get the same result. I wonder if the BBC have change something. Can it be repaired or is there a work around. I'll realy miss it if I can't get it working again.


(36.57 KiB) Downloaded 364 times
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#111 Post by number698 »

this may not be relavent but, using this url snipped from the getiplayer log, ... t_week.xml

gives this webpage message -

Maintenance mode

From April 18, 2017, the BBC is no longer able to offer XML, RDF and iCalendar (.ics) views of programme metadata from this location.

Work is underway in some areas of the BBC with a view to providing a durable successor to the decommissioned data views, and when the shape of this work is known, suitable communications will be put in place to direct the wider technology community towards that successor.

Until that time, it is possible to offer JSON views of many metadata aggregations from '', but these views cannot, unfortunately, include those of TV channel and radio station schedules, or A-Z or genre and format listings for a channel or station.

The remaining JSON feeds will remain in operation until May 1, 2018.

To expend new development effort on maintaining the decommissioned views would significantly threaten the future existence of the BBC's responsive web offering for programme websites. This includes the responsive web views of schedules for all of the BBC’s broadcast services (listed at, which continue to be available.

Additionally - and this won't concern all users of data views, but may need some clarity - we would like to point out that no provision of metadata feeds from the BBC constitutes an implicit or explicit licence to download rights-controlled digital media content for indefinite retention by the downloader.

The Charter under which the BBC operates has, for many years, required it to commission a proportion of its content from commercial suppliers. Additionally, it engages independent performers and other contributors to certain programmes (including those produced by the BBC itself), according to commercial terms. All of the resulting agreements set limitations on the availability of the programmes online. It is not possible for the BBC to selectively ignore or to abrogate these obligations.
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#112 Post by keniv »

The date certainly seems to fit with the time I started to have trouble with downloads. Does this mean it would not be easy to get a fix or a work around for this problem?


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#113 Post by a_salty_dogg »

Looks like, to work again, the program has to be updated to version 3.0, issued yesterday.
Trying to update from within get_iplayer only results in confirming that's it's already up-to-date with latest version 2.94!

Code: Select all

# ./get_iplayer --update
get_iplayer v2.94, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: Current version is 2.94
INFO: Checking for latest version from
INFO: No update is necessary (latest version = 2.94)
All I can find anywhere are command-line-style instructions to update in "regular" linux distros, e.g. like ubuntu or debian, not even a normal type tar.gz available to be able to download to extract and try copying/overwriting the files into the existing get_iplayer folder, which I know from experience has worked before with new Firefox builds.

Can anyone help me with directions how to install/ update this in Puppy please?
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#114 Post by Barkingmad »


I've the same problem.

I've found this page which has a link to an unofficial Ubuntu repo with *.deb packages. They might be worth trying depending which Puppy you use.

I will probably try in a new save file at some point.

suppose one of us could try PM to Phil in case he's no longer watching this thread.

Bye for now
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#115 Post by number698 »

OK, no update yet - So hope this helps.

here's what i did to get the standard 'get_iplayer' debian install working in 'tahr' (I understand very little of what I did - so hopefully someone who knows more can tidy up/trim this install/procedure).

I uninstalled the puppy 'get iplayer'
and then followed this page,

so basically, in the console -

curl -kLO ... et_iplayer

install -m 755 ./get_iplayer /usr/local/bin

curl -kLO ... player.cgi

install -m 755 ./get_iplayer.cgi /usr/local/bin

Then from the puppy package manager installed -



start iplayer with -

get_iplayer.cgi --listen --port 1935

to stop - Ctrl-C

browse the Web PVR Manager -

PS : I skipped the whole 'ffmpeg to convert' stuff cause I don't use it.
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