Google Chrome 64-bit packages - [CLOSED]

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#61 Post by belham2 »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, belham2.

Mm. So from what you're saying, it rather sounds as though Google have every intention of becoming 'The Internet'; period. And I suppose anybody who doesn't use their OS is going to have a very restricted access to the real web.....

That'll be the the biggest monopoly in the history of mankind.

And you're trying to tell me that if Linux as a whole doesn't watch out, it'll be pushed right out of the picture? From what you're saying here, it sounds as though Google have been covertly laying down the biggest infrastructure of all time, on the QT, without anybody else having a clue what they're up to. I'm sorry, but I've got one thing to say to that:-


Man, you've been watching too many 'conspiracy theory movies...' I know Google have got some grandiose ideas, but I don't see everybody else rolling over & laying down without one hell of a fight.....can you, in all honesty? Unless, of course, they've also been making making secret, back-room deals with all the hundreds of other tech companies who are needed for a smoothly-functioning web.

I take the view 'Better the devil you know', but even so; Google ain't that big that they can do everything themselves.....and just put two fingers up to the rest of the planet..!

Nope; your calculations are way out somewhere along the line, old son.

Mike. :wink:


Well, all I can say to that is:

---I remember sitting in a conference room in HongKong, '89, with IBM execs, and the discussion about how Microsoft, having offered DOS to Big Blue, was just ridiculous, and that they thought they would be moving along just fine and dandy as things were. These execs literally said "it's like microsoft thinks in conspiratorial terms. LOL........the same refrain we are hearing nowadays as comings & goings by various entities move to build their own Net 2, Net 3, etc, etc. The rest, uhmmm, as they say, was history.

What's worse, this is not just about Google. This is the push in the next evolution of the Internet.

History is replete with this sort of crap...from any aspects of life. This is not about Linux's demise, that will never happen. What this is about is Linux losing a heavyweight champion behind it, and thus further marginalization occurring for Linux. I can't tell you enough to plz go study what is going on: the words cannot be written any clearer or made more easy to understand: Google's push is not going to be based on Linux. Period. Equally, as of right now, both Facebook and Amazon are saying this sort of move is long over do, and are heading down that road themselves. Christ, even Microsoft is already along their own what is being done, Mike, with the infastructure and server builds Mr. Softie has been doing for the past 24 months.

These ALL are becoming a sort of closed source and walled-off net world, where protocols can be controlled, and where sccurity and safety can be enhanced greatly. Only companies like Apple are still staring like a dear in headlights wondering which way it should turn in this regard. There is no conspiracy...this is straight-up accelerated change and business death to business rebirth---at Internet warp speed.

So, dear friend, for lack of a better apt-phrase: you're missing the forest for the trees. :D As ole' Bob D. would be singing..."gather round folks, come ye yonder, 'cause times they are changin''.....but, hey, in many people's minds they'll still have lots of time to sit back and say "naw, man, this isn't happening and never will, times are just like they always were..........

Peace and love rule all :lol:
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#62 Post by Mike Walsh »

Afternoon, belham2.

Mm. Kinda sounds as though the internet will only be accessible on the big companies terms.....and will no longer be a truly free meeting-place of minds, and exchange of information & ideas like it has been.

Really, it sounds like the Industrial Revolution all over again.....only this time with tech. It also sounds like they've all finally woken up to the fact that the Internet is the biggest thing in existence, and....'Hey, let's figure out a way to monetize this on our terms; why not? This is a bottomless pit of income. Yippee!!'

You want PAY. Through the nose. On our terms.

So much for open-source. Google seems as though they've only backed open-source for as long as they have while creaming off all the best ideas for themselves.....and are now figuring out the next move, i.e., how to best cut everybody else out of the loop. The Monopolies Commission will have a field day with this one.....except for the fact that they'll be as hamstrung as everybody else, with regard to actually disseminating the information!

'Et tu, Brute...'

So what happens next? Does the existing 'net simply fall into disrepair, through dis-use? I don't see that happening overnight, exactly.....

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#63 Post by jake29 »

@Mike Walsh - Thanks very much for these builds. I'm using the Slacko64 build with Fatdog64 beta1. The build seems fine, other than when I have too many tabs open (or maybe it's related to specific websites) and then the entire OS will lockup / freeze. This appears to be a years old problem with Chrome going by google research. Right now I live in fear of lockup.

Previously I've used Palemoon (Firefox) without issue.

I've read that Chrome v55 significantly improves things in terms of RAM usage - is there any chance of a Canary v55 build for an impatient user?
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#64 Post by drunkjedi »

Hi jake,
As far as I know there's no canary release for linux, only stable, beta, and dev channel releases.
Dev is on 56.0.2897.0 version.
Beta is on 55.0.2883.21 version.
Stable is on 54.0.2840.71 version.

Canary is released only for Windows and Android.

I was gonna make latest stable sfs which would place two icons (if not already present) one for chrome and other for google apps, and chrome icon will give options of new window and incognito window when right clicked.
But couldn't do it as lack of time due to work.
If you want I can give you regular sfs of any of that channel but tomorrow.
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#65 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Jake.

I guess I could knock you up a beta release version (which, as DJ says, is on 55 at the moment). How would that do you?

This would be strictly a one-off, though. I'm definitely not doing regular beta releases, as well.

Yes, the 'tab' problem has always been more noticeable in Chrome than it has in FF (and the Mozilla-based browsers.) There, I've heard of many individuals regularly having 200+ tabs open..... My maximum is usually in the order of 8-10, tops.

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#66 Post by jake29 »

drunkjedi wrote:As far as I know there's no canary release for linux, only stable, beta, and dev channel releases.
Dev is on 56.0.2897.0 version.
Beta is on 55.0.2883.21 version.
Stable is on 54.0.2840.71 version.

Canary is released only for Windows and Android.
Thanks for the clarification.
Mike Walsh wrote:I guess I could knock you up a beta release version (which, as DJ says, is on 55 at the moment). How would that do you?

This would be strictly a one-off, though. I'm definitely not doing regular beta releases, as well.
That's all I was hoping for. Just one beta build. Thanks for considering it.
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#67 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Jake.

No worries. I'm halfway through the build at the mo; I'll PM you with a link when I'm done.....sometime in the next half hour. OK?

You've caught me in a good mood tonight..! :lol: I take it you got the hang of how Pepper's now installed?

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#68 Post by jake29 »

Mike Walsh wrote:I take it you got the hang of how Pepper's now installed?
Maybe I am misunderstanding, but I have not needed to install Pepper on any of your builds. Everything works for me OTTB.

Edit: Never-mind, I did need to install components with this build. Could not be easier.
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#69 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Jake.

No, you're not misunderstanding. Up until 54, Chrome's always come with Pepper installed in its own sub-directory within the /opt/google/chrome directory as standard......and has done for a very long time.

This release marks a change of direction for Google, as Pepper now appears to reside within, and run from, the binary itself. Chrome will now update to the newest version of Pepper, simply by going into 'chrome://components', and clicking on 'Check for update'.

Adobe do occasionally update Pepper before the next release of Chrome comes along. This way, you can now stay up-to-date by doing it yourself. Just check at

...which will show you the current version of Pepper, and the one you have installed. After you've updated, go into /root/.config/google-chrome, and you will find a PepperFlash directory has been created at that location. You may, periodically, find a second folder within 'PepperFlash' with the next version of Pepper contained within it..!

Like I've just done.....about 2 minutes ago. According to which, the next version will be So now you know!

Mike. :wink:
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#70 Post by jake29 »

Mike Walsh wrote:Up until 54, Chrome's always come with Pepper installed in its own sub-directory within the /opt/google/chrome directory as standard......and has done for a very long time.

This release marks a change of direction for Google, as Pepper now appears to reside within, and run from, the binary itself. Chrome will now update to the newest version of Pepper, simply by going into 'chrome://components', and clicking on 'Check for update'.

Adobe do occasionally update Pepper before the next release of Chrome comes along. This way, you can now stay up-to-date by doing it yourself. Just check at

...which will show you the current version of Pepper, and the one you have installed. After you've updated, go into /root/.config/google-chrome, and you will find a PepperFlash directory has been created at that location. You may, periodically, find a second folder within 'PepperFlash' with the next version of Pepper contained within it..!

Like I've just done.....about 2 minutes ago. According to which, the next version will be So now you know!
Thanks for that. With your latest 54 build, the PepperFlash upgrade appears to be automatic and happened without my intervention. I see an older version in the 'PepperFlash' folder.
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#71 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi again, Jake.

I believe the 'update' mechanism functions as follows:-

1) At some point, prior to the next release, Adobe makes the new version of Pepper available to Google, who send it down the pipe to your browser.....which installs it to /root/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash.

2) If you look inside those PepperFlash version folders, you'll see 3 items. PepperFlash module itself. Manifest.json....which Chrome references whenever you check in either 'chrome://plugins' or 'chrome://version' for the version of Pepper. And a new one I've not seen before; 'manifest.fingerprint'. If you look in this one with Geany, you'll find an md5 checksum; a long string of letters & numbers. I believe this is its unique 'identifier'.

3) Every time you start Chrome, it runs a quick update with the Google 'mother-ship'. I'm almost 100% certain this update will contain an md5 checksum, telling Chrome to use Pepper from the corresponding folder within /root/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash.

That's what I think happens. Don't take it as gospel; I have been known to be wrong on many occasions..! :lol: But I don't think that's so far off the mark...

If it does automate the process, all well & good; Linux is long overdue for some degree of automation from Google. I shall of course continue to provide the PepperFlash .pets for any Puppy users who are running older versions of the Chromium-based browsers; 32-bit versions can only run up to version 48 as it is.

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#72 Post by orrin »

Mike Walsh wrote:
Adobe do occasionally update Pepper before the next release of Chrome comes along. This way, you can now stay up-to-date by doing it yourself. Just check at

...which will show you the current version of Pepper, and the one you have installed. After you've updated, go into /root/.config/google-chrome, and you will find a PepperFlash directory has been created at that location. You may, periodically, find a second folder within 'PepperFlash' with the next version of Pepper contained within it..!

Like I've just done.....about 2 minutes ago. According to which, the next version will be So now you know!
Hi Mike,

I just checked my copy of Chrome, and Pepper is already at!
It must have updated automatically!
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#73 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, orrin.
orrin wrote:Hi Mike,

I just checked my copy of Chrome, and Pepper is already at!
It must have updated automatically!

Like I said, Linux is long overdue for some degree of automation from Google; all credit to them for this. But in my humble opinion, this really should have been working in this fashion for a long time...

Never mind. Credit where credit's due; it is working now.....and that's the main thing. Now if only everybody could run 64-bit Chrome..... :lol:

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#74 Post by orrin »

Slacko 64-6.3.2

I noticed that old copies of the chome sfs files are stored away in

Do they have to be there or can they be deleted to save space in the
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#75 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, orrin.

Using 64-bit 6.3.0 here; haven't bothered with 6.3.2.

TBH, if they're old versions, I'd just delete 'em. No sense wasting space, and I can't think of any good reason why they should be placed there anyway.....

I do keep old versions around, it's true.....but they're all on an external USB 3.0 hard drive. If you want to keep them for any reason, just store them outside 'Puppy-space'.

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#76 Post by orrin »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, orrin.

Using 64-bit 6.3.0 here; haven't bothered with 6.3.2.

TBH, if they're old versions, I'd just delete 'em. No sense wasting space, and I can't think of any good reason why they should be placed there anyway.....

I do keep old versions around, it's true.....but they're all on an external USB 3.0 hard drive. If you want to keep them for any reason, just store them outside 'Puppy-space'.
Thanks Mike,

I keep the old copies in a folder on my OpenSuse hard drive!
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#77 Post by Mike Walsh »


The current version, 54.0.2840.100, released earlier today, is now available for download from the usual location. ... S_packages


This release has fixed 4 major vulnerabilities. From the Chrome Release blog:-

"This update includes 4 security fixes. Below, we highlight fixes that were contributed by external researchers. Please see the Chrome Security Page for more information.

[643948] High: CVE-2016-5199: Heap corruption in FFmpeg. Credit to Paul Mehta

[658114] High: CVE-2016-5200: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Credit to Choongwoo Han

[660678] Medium: CVE-2016-5201: Info leak in extensions. Credit to Rob Wu

[662843] Low: CVE-2016-5202: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives.

We would also like to thank all security researchers that worked with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel.

As usual, our ongoing internal security work was responsible for a wide range of fixes."


Details for the first-time enabling of the new PepperFlash update system can be found here:- ... 393#928393

After this, the new 'fingerprinted' PepperFlash will download automatically to ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash, and will also be deployed automatically, without you needing to lift a finger.....

Linux is finally getting some long-overdue TLC from Google..... Yay!

Enjoy. Any probs, you know where to find me.

Mike. :wink:
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#78 Post by orrin »


The current version, 54.0.2840.100, released earlier today, is now available for download from the usual location.

Hi Mike,

The new version seems to work OK... Thanks for your efforts!
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#79 Post by Mike Walsh »


Afternoon, all.

The current version, 55.0.2883.75, released earlier today, is now available for download from the usual location. ... S_packages


This should run fine; I've been 'beta' testing' for the last fortnight, with no apparent problems.

This one's fixed something like nearly 40 discovered vulnerabilities. The 'bug bounty' programme's really paying for itself, it would seem...

I'm not listing them here (too many, for one thing), but here's a link if anybody's curious:-

Details for the first-time enabling of the new PepperFlash update system can be found here:- ... 393#928393

After this, the new 'fingerprinted' PepperFlash will download automatically to ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash, and will also be deployed automatically, without you needing to lift a finger.....

Anyway; you know where to find me if you get any probs. As usual.....

Mike. :wink:
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#80 Post by orrin »

Hello Mike,

I downloaded & installed 55.0.2883.75, The SFS load on the fly indicates that
it is installed, however, when I open the chrome browser, it still reports itself
as 54.0.2840.100.

This happens in both the user agent string and the 'About Google Chrome'

What happened??
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