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Slackware updates

#101 Post by 8Geee »

Recently there has been two updates in the slaacware 14.0 repository
The First is to curl as version 7.50.3. This is buffer-overrun protection.

The Last is gnutls as 3.3.34. THis is general patch and update (nothing special mentioned)
The documentation can be removed in usr/doc.

***EDIT*** One symlink patch needed;
/urs/lib/ is removed, and a symlink is made using by replacing the 16 with 9 (make sure relative box is checked)

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Security update openssl

#102 Post by 8Geee »

As of today Sept.22,2016 there is an important security update needed to
openssl 1.0.2.h ---> i version. In these Puppy Slacko5.7 spins
(5.7-2017, eee-2017, mini-eee, and EONS-2017) the end-user must go to and proceed as follows;

Click on seurity advisory
Click on 2016
near top of list find and click openssl update
At the bottom of listings, find current_version
a.) highlight and copy (CTRL+C) the "solibs"
b.) in the address bar of browser highlight and SHIFT+INS
When asked "open with pupzip", then click YES
puppy package manager will install
Repeat the a.) and b) steps for openssl 1.0.2i package, open with pupzip,
and it will install the 1.0.2i package.
The DOC files in /usr/docs can be deleted (saves a lot of space)
Close browser, disconnect from internet, and shutdown.
Wait about 1 minute and restart.

Last edited by 8Geee on Mon 03 Oct 2016, 01:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Openssl update to "J"

#103 Post by 8Geee »

There is another critical update to openssl 1.0.2, this time from I to J.
All of the slacko5.7-2017 spins need this patch, as the threat level is high.

The instructions above will guide to a proper patch.

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#104 Post by difka »


I'm one of Puppy Linux Slacko 5.7 users as of quite some time now, but just occasional forum lurker.

Recently I've been looking into upgrading some packages a bit (I'm usually fond of motto: don't touch if it ain't broke - meaning I've been running 'vanilla' live for quiteeee some time because it works VERY well) and naturally, in my quest, stumbled upon this project.

Now, I may end using your image, or I may, as tinkerer at heart try to update packages on my own from 5.7 vanilla. Still looking into pros/cons.

Anyway, lets go to the core points/questions of this post:

1. Is it feasable, possible to compile new kernel for this slacko? And when I say new I DON'T mean the latest versions (4.8, 4.9 atm) but I would specifically stay on the same kernel line, which is just fine for my (and many other non-bleeding edge) hardware.
Meaning I'd just like to update: 3.4.82 --> 3.4.113 (as of now). As I assume there are important security and other patches in between these minor versions. Now, I've never compiled anything huge as a kernel but I can read and follow instructions very well if someone could point me to. Maybe there is some config file(s) which can be reused from 3.4.82? Like modules enable/disabled?
And after I compile kernel, I install it how? What do I do next: save my live session, remaster ISO, install ?

2. LibreSSL! There is just never ending stream of critical holes/pathes coming from OpenSSL so I think its REALLLLLY time for it to be ditched out, like many security-minded distos already did! Would it work just to: compile LibreSSL, remove OpenSSL, install LIbre. Or thats too naive? Maybe some symlinking glue? :D

So thats it. Hopefully 8Geee likes those proposals and will include in his next -2017 release.

In the meantime I'd like to try to address my 2 points myself, but Puppy being somewhat specific linux distribution I'd love to hear advices from more experienced puppy users, tinkerers, devs on how-to procedure.
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X11 updates from Slackware

#105 Post by 8Geee »

I have finally resolved a bug while D/L the X11 series (10 files!) of updates recomended by Slackware through the Puppy Update Manager (Slackware updates in menu).

As preamble, make sure Puppy Package Manager is freshly updated. Then upon selecting the Updates from Slackware, such list is new. Since this update is buggy, make copies of personal data, and Firefox configuration with storage elsewhere, not in the drive affected by this update. If you haven't remastered in a while, now is a good time to do so... if the update does fail, the new remaster can be loaded. Else you might find yourself having to do a series of updates BEFORE attempting this one again. :shock:

There are two distinct things I noticed upon a successful attempt;

1.) DO NOT USE THE BROWSER... use the update program only.
2.) DO NOT load the X11 file until last... in short update from the BOTTOM of the list to the top, this ensures that the X11 update is LAST.

Make sure while performing these updates that all messages clear before proceeding to the next update. When finished, disconnect from the internet, and shutdown.

After the restart, You may clear /usr/doc files, and move /root/.packages files into the builtin folder.

Hopefully, this will work for all in need.

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#106 Post by 8Geee »

1.) According to 01Micko, the original creator of Slacko5.7, updating or exchanging kernels is not within the scope of the distro... therefore it has to be re-engineered from ground up. This CAN be accomplished with the newer Slacko6.3 version, but then, only to those kernel packages provided.

2.) This one is sorely needed in all modern Puppies, not just this one. And, this too is a very big job. There is an outside chance that Slackware might migrate to LibreSSL, but at the cost of also using OpenBSD. This will inflate Puppies quite a bit.

Basically, I maintain Slacko5..7 by providing updates to it, not re-coding any files or operations. Sorry about that... what 01Micko originally supplied is either updated or removed, depending upon end-use (primarily, these are for EEEpc and clones, but I do update the original, and provide a better version of FireFox-27)

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#107 Post by difka »

Regarding X11 update bug you are mentioning in post before, I encountered it too while trying to update whole vanilla 5.7 via "Updates Manager -latest from Slackware". I got it right on 2nd try. Basically, its about install order. Maybe I had some luck, maybe my logic works. Idead is to first update libs but in case of X11 make sure libX11 is installed LAST. Otherwise GUI apps will complain of missing symbols (which are contained in other dependent X11 libs) and since Update Manage is GUI we are stuck... btw. tedious 1by1 updating makes me really appreciate god among package managers: Archlinux's pacman, eh eh.

So hmm you basically say I'm out of luck with 1) updating kernel and 2) moving to LibreSSL. Well thats unfortunate. Except these two things Slacko 5.7 is pure perfection for me.

2.) This one is sorely needed in all modern Puppies, not just this one. And, this too is a very big job. There is an outside chance that Slackware might migrate to LibreSSL, but at the cost of also using OpenBSD. This will inflate Puppies quite a bit.
Its very big job
I suppose it means recompiling all packages currently linked against OpenSSL? Yea it would be super nice if upstream Slackware did that but if they don't want maybe we could. How many packages are involved? 20, 50?
but at the cost of also using OpenBSD
This does not compute. Only connection between LibreSSL and OpenBSD is that OpenBSD developers forked OpenSSL and renamed it to LibreSSL. And they actively maintain it. Also they are known to write quality code so I presume this:
This will inflate Puppies quite a bit.
may as well be opposite of it. As openBSD developers rewrite, trim down, squash bugs at worst size will be same. My understanding at least.
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CURL 7.51 update

#108 Post by 8Geee »

Right after posting about the X11 updates, yet another reminder that CURL has also been updated from 7.50.3 to 7.51.0. This update involves cookies, so it should be done if using curl.

This update does not need any symlink patches, and the /usr/doc file file may be deleted.

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#109 Post by difka »

Hey I have one tiny problem with this slacko (and vanchutr's too interestingly).

It shut downs pc if I leave it unattended for 20-30 min.
Can someone point me which setting would control such thing?

Why is that even set up? Just strange...

I run puppys live and set up my environment every boot manually.

Original Slacko 5.7 has no such problems.
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#110 Post by 8Geee »

In MENU --> System --> Puppy Event Manager click on the right-most tab "Power".

There is a small box at bottom to enter some number as a "Shutdown after no mouse activity" The default Slacko5.7 by 01Micko had this set to zero (do not shutdown). By typical usage, I set this to 30 (minutes). IIRC the range is 0 to 999.

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#111 Post by difka »

8Geee, my man, love you. :D

Was getting pretty desperate with this. Somewhere in back of my mind I remember seeing this somewhere on forum but searching for it is hell (keywords: shut downs, poweroff, ehh, toooooo broad search terms).

And Puppy IRC is sad quiet place.

I still feel a bit clumsy clicking around on GUIs, really not used to them yet coming from XFCE environment mostly. If Puppy has something - its most extensively gui driven linux - once you get to know all guis.

Anyway, I'm still enjoying nicely this Slacko5.7-2017, it is my main driver for now since other Slacko 5.7 I could find (from vanchutr) has several bigger issues.

As I said I'm mostly LIVE user, but I have one 2GB save archived which I created from vanilla slacko 5.7 after I updated it to my satisfaction. Most importantly I've got recent version of mplayer working. It was a bit time consuming finding all missing libs. But now I can for example play x265 encoded video in it, which is quite nice upgrade, I'd say. So maybe you could think about updating it too. Or I may create ISO from that save, once I'm fully happy with it.
I'd still like to try kernel upgrade, but its big thing to tackle and 01micko is not answering my PM :(
I also never created ISO yet, but I guess its natural progression for long time puppy user, heh.

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firefox SVG image warning

#112 Post by 8Geee »

There is a rather nasty bug found in firefox, about how it handles an SVG type image. AFAIK this is not related to the OS, just the browser. The topic is addressed in the security forum.

A partial remedy/simple patch can work using this method. The only caveat is the new step #8 that involves copy/paste of the header. That requires opening Geany first, do the copy/paste there, and then close browser, disconnect, and proceed.

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expat 2.2.0

#113 Post by 8Geee »

There is a new bugfix for expat, whiich is an XML handler/parser.
All of the Slacko 5.7 spins need this update as there are concerns about XML
handling of at least svg images.

This update needs a symlink patch in /usr/lib... the old 1.5.2 version is
deleted, and the symlink from 1.6.2 replaces it. The /usr/doc files may be removed.

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#114 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, 8Geee.

Got a query for you.

Bearing in mind the mods you've made to this, what are the odds of a save-file from vanilla Slacko 5.7.0-PAE working with your 'take' on it? I'm only asking, because amongst all my other Pups, with the exception (perhaps) of Tahrpup, I've always found 570 to be one of my favourites in terms of outright stability.

And modernisation can only improve things..... :D

Mike. :wink:
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gnutls update

#115 Post by 8Geee »

A reminder that there is an update needed for gnutls to version 3.3.26

This update needs a symlink patch by removing
and creating the symlink to the new version 28.43.0 from the removed version.

All usr/doc and usr/info files may be removed.

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#116 Post by musher0 »

Hi, 8Geee.

Congratulations for your work on Slacko-5.7.

I notice on the GnuTLS site that there was a version 3.5.8 published
at the same time as v. 3.3.26.

Is there any particular reason you're recommending v. 3.3.26? (Since
versions with higher numbers are theoretically more advanced?)

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#117 Post by 8Geee »

The 3.3 version is stock Slacko5.7.

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Mike W.

#118 Post by 8Geee »

Never done such a thing as a transplant. I'm kinda busy with elderly parent and 4 spins that need regular attention, and oh, a cat of 20 years age. Actually these arch-slacko5.7's are fairly stable also. They just work, as I suppose the PAE version does also.

ION: the libpng 1.4.20 update is available from slackware, but this one is a doozy. IT reinstalled older stuff, and it has to be removed and symlinked, plus the last 1.4.19 also needs a symlink, and the dot a and dot la files need symlinks. Its PITA time again. One will have to navigate usr/bin and usr/lib... :roll:

I got my personal EONS edition, and the mini-eee done, just 2 more (eee and 5.7) left.

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UPDATE coming soon

#119 Post by 8Geee »

Slacko5.7-2017A is being readied, there are some last-minute updates that need to be addressed before release. Page 1 Post 1 will be updated with new link when ready.


*** PS to Mike W. et al *** there are some snags with PAE version as outlined earlier. IIRC it may be that there are structural changes. It appears that some eeePC things are either dropped or modified.(Keyboard layout)
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#120 Post by ttuuxxx »

Semme wrote:Home icon? >> /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/home48.png

FF should be installed @ /usr/lib. On this spin? Possibly /opt.
Firefox can also be installed to /lib I've been installing it to /lib for 10yrs or so, Since Seamonkey usually goes in /usr/lib and sometimes you have to system link the libs out of the folder and they cross paths.
Hence the reason I use /lib you also could use usr/local/lib but that doesn't always work like you said /opt also is another location that could be used.
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