JL64-704 Slackware-14.2

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
Dry Falls
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#181 Post by Dry Falls »

reuploaded 4_kde, 5_JL64 and xscreensaver (standalone, also in 5_JL64) sfs files to reflect changes. New JL64-702 delta patch (7+M) includes all changes current (not cumulative; apply to base sfs on iso).

Stemsee, how do you (personally) start wifi-connect? /etc/init.d start-stop? /root/.config/autostart desktop file? Link to script in Startup folder? Which would you suggest, wifi-connect or wifi-connect2? What's the difference other than dependency checking?


#182 Post by stemsee »

Hi Dry falls

I have a gtk icon panel (orig. by ETP) 4x4 icon grid with scanner wifi-connect and wifi-profiles there. One click starts them. I also start from menu. Wifi-Connect is my default connector, scanner and Wifi-Profiles equally second. Scanner is fascinating for me. Wifi-Eduroam at University. Although all oher scripts also handle eduraom AP.

Wifi-Connect scans using wlan0. But wlan1 (2nd card) can be selected to connect to selected AP. Checking the ethernet check-box and pressing ok connects eth0, not wifi, and restarts gui for wifi connection selector. When joining an AP for the first time user must check the save profile box (not necessary using scanner). Checking default-start adds script to ~Startup with selected AP and auto-connects when X starts.

Wifi-Connect-2 only uses wlan1-9 or whatever label is assigned to wifi card 2. When started it scans with card 2 thus not interfering with wifi card 1 connection if established.

Scanner scans with card 1. The good thing about scanner is its tray menu starts first and gives access to most wifi-connect functions e.g. start mobile phone tether, or eth0 or eth1 connection, and or start any other script from the suite wifi-profiles, eduroam etc
scanner also continuously updates AP availablitiy and displays passkey on-off, mac address of ap, quality-level of signal etc. (cli - scanner admin - mode allows editing info, copy paste etc)

Funny thing happened just now.....usb wifi dongle assigned label wlan123 ....

#183 Post by stemsee »

BTW the undeb link solution doesnt work! Did you test it thoroughly! If possible replace or update all dpkg undeb deb install stuff. I tried everything nothing actually working as is. Yes, appears to work , but doesnt ... on my system anyways.
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#184 Post by Dry Falls »

stemsee wrote:BTW the undeb link solution doesnt work! Did you test it thoroughly! If possible replace or update all dpkg undeb deb install stuff. I tried everything nothing actually working as is. Yes, appears to work , but doesnt ... on my system anyways.
here is a gzipped replacement to try (click and drop into /usr/bin)
The full package compiled for JL64 from Fedora source is here:

With the full package installed, I successfully extracted individual debs with undeb and Extract-Debian from terminal ( the latter writes a var log entry). /usr/local/LHPdev/extract-debian-directory script (place in working deb folder) extracted all debs in a directory. I'll try it next with just the dpkg-deb binary

edit2: just the binary is sufficient. matched all tests.
added debian_rt-click.tar.gz for updated right-click menu and mime-icon
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#185 Post by stemsee »

How can I change the language to chinese or portuguese. I have been trying unsuccessfully using fatdog packages from icake. He supports older lighthouse but not latest. Any help appreciated! Need to get this done rather quickly or look foolish to a lot of people!!!
Dry Falls
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#186 Post by Dry Falls »

Did you load DOC_JL64-2.sfs? That has the full /usr/share/locale directory for internationalisation, If the original lighthouse works, then I'll take a look at the NLS_base sfs to see if I've missed something. Back later.


ps. while gettext is on the base file, gettext-tools- is on Devx.
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#187 Post by Dry Falls »

For the moment, JL64 appears to be an English-only system. While keyboard, country and timezone changes seem to function correctly (correct changes are made to /etc/profile & xorg.conf &et), language always seems to default back to English. Something's definitely broken.

Any help for where to start looking would be appreciated

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#188 Post by Dry Falls »

  • Uploaded a new delta file for the base (same instructions & link as before) now 36M.
    uploaded a heftier 'DOC_JL64-3.sfs' (152M) which provides i18n & localisation tools (NLS) as well as full documentation and gtk-docs.
    Updated man_tools-14.2.sfs.
    kcompile has updated initrd.xz in kernel package (still k4.8.14)
Chooselocale/countrywizard (firstrun) settings now persist. However, there are no language pets (icake has pets for some previous JL64 versions which have some functionality in JL64-702, but might be seen to create more problems than they solve).

What is not included in the uploads is an updated rc.country (runs prior to profile, so isn't likely to affect localisation in X. Here it is:
click to open and drop into /etc/rc.d
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#189 Post by Dry Falls »

Broke up DOC_JL64-3.sfs into
  • DOC_JL64-702-4.sfs
recompiled k4.1.11 and uploaded sources and kernel package.
fixed kcompile. now v17;
added tor browser. v6.0.4. will offer to update to v.6.0.8 first run. this puts the working directory in the spot directory, after which you may wish to symlink outside the save file (/mnt/home) or to keep the new configuration between boots when running in ram.

todo (next release): put pmusic back in base since a minimal fmplay and dependency library files are back in;
update Lighthouse help files.
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#190 Post by Dry Falls »

functions_x from slacko64 (called by rc.country):

also, fix for version, includes replaced wcpufreqdriver, an artifact from remaster which should be a blank text in the base):
click to unzip and drop into /etc/rc.d
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all in /etc
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#191 Post by Dry Falls »

Uploaded 702-B3delta.tar.gz (see opening post) delta file to upgrade Mariner iso from 702B2 to 702B3.
Also some new sfs addons (check sfs-update)

edit: Radky's JWMDesk-2.2.1.pet works ootb for jwm desktop management. I include it here.
Known issue with or without pet installation: jwm themes only has darkgrey and stardust dark and light working properly until I finish translating the other themes into xml.
Here's Radky's pet:
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#192 Post by Dry Falls »

some old libraries I think can be safely removed (about 4M worth)
remove fake '.gz' extension:
fake 'gz'
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#193 Post by Dry Falls »

Issue with loading both python-2 and python3 under openbox DE: Unfortunately, python3 sfs loads first (alphanumeric order). I've symlinked python3 to python for building py3 programs, but openbox needs python to direct to python-2 to enable openbox-autostart (load ~/.config/autostart). Two possible fixes:
1. rename python-2...sfs to Python-2...sfs (caps load first) or
2. add to .xinitrc (somewhere near the top)

Code: Select all


if [ "`grep 'python3' $BOOT`" ]; then
 if [ "`grep 'python-2' $BOOT`" ]; then
  if [ "`grep 'openbox' $WMRC`" ]; then
   ln -snf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python
addendum: remove libs attachment above, libvpx.so.0, libvpx.so.0.9 and libvpx.so.0.9.6 are dependencies of kino (unmaintained since 2009) so properly belong to mediacenter addon. kino will be replaced by openshot which is maintained by salix. Openshot sfs with all dependencies (35M) will soon be uploaded and I think I'll drop kino.
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new iso

#194 Post by Dry Falls »

uploaded Just-Lighthouse64-702B4.iso (minimal @ 341M). Please see opening post or check sfs-update if running JL64.

Dry Falls
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#195 Post by Dry Falls »

Just-Lighthouse64-702rc delta file applies to Just-Lighthouse64-702B4.iso. 52M
Please see opening post or check sfs-update if running JL64.

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#196 Post by Dry Falls »

trimmed .xinitrc a bit. fixed lx-appearance compatibility - gtk changes made via lx-appearance will persist between DE changes.

edit: sorry, error. reupload.

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#197 Post by corvus »

eztuxer wrote:Posting from JLH 64.
I made a .txt file with the email...
More precisely, the support of the "alt gr" key & the up down left right arrows is dead.
Will try to swap /etc/keymap config file with that from FD
The same here with Italian keyboard layout, anyway a wonderful Puppy derivative. Thanks Dry Falls for the huge work.
[b]We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.[/b]
Dry Falls
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#198 Post by Dry Falls »

Hi Corvus, and thanks. As to the keyboard layout, I made a new Italiano pupsave setting country and keyboard from the firstrun dialog. Everything worked fine. For some reason, if you do it later (from menu | personalize settings or setup) it fails to write to xorg.conf. In that case, copy the following to /etc/xorg.conf (which should be blank as xorg server no longer uses it but WILL read from it):

Code: Select all

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"
    Option         "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option         "XkbModel" "pc102"
    Option         "XkbLayout" "it" #xkeymap0
(change "XkbModel" to whatever is appropriate)

for a language pack, there are many available from slackware with gslapt (if you're running kde), in your case, kde-l10n-it-4.14.3-noarch-1.txz.

Unfortunately, the puppy language pack available through PPM is limited in its usefulness, and then fixmenus wrecks it. Something I need to work on.

Unfortunately as well, /usr/local/apps/XkbConfigurationManager is the same as in woof-CE and depends on keyboard written to xorg.conf. I'm in the process of rewriting ~/root/xinitrc. Hopefully this will be fixed for the next release.

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keyboard layout issue

#199 Post by corvus »

Hi Dry Falls, I'm posting from JL64 right now. I followed your suggestions but no success, it is not only "alt gr" key issue but the problem afflicts many of the keys located on the right side of the keyboard:
- "alt gr" acts as "enter";
- "stamp r sist" acts as "canc";
- "canc" does not work;
- "pagup" acts as "/";
- "up" "down" "left" and "right" keys doesn't works, and other keys work in the wrong way.
I tried differents keyboard layout and differents keyboard settings via Countrywizard but nothing to do.
The problem is not hardware related because I use also Fatdog710, Slacko64 6.3.2, Tahr64 6.0.6 and other distrò and haven't issues, not with keyboard. :lol:
I'll continue to experiment but I believe that the solution is beyond my knowledge.

Best regards :)
[b]We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.[/b]
Dry Falls
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#200 Post by Dry Falls »

I believe I've found the problem. Keymaps (in /lib as well as in initrd.xz) are still from 2011, from lh64-602. here are keymaps from fatdog 710 (extract and drop into /lib, replacing old files):

Worth testing anyway...
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