Step by Step mtpaint copy and paste transparent png

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Step by Step mtpaint copy and paste transparent png

#1 Post by kjdixo »

Quick Tip
Only trying to help newbies in a hurry.
This is a useful solution and so I don't mind if nobody replies.

Exact steps to execute an mtpaint copy and paste of a .png image with transparency, via the clipboard > system > clipboard.
Boring for those who already know, invaluable for those who don't.
Many people will already know this, this is for newbies who have not yet worked it out, or gave up trying and abandoned this (excellent) program.
There is the manual, web pages and forum discussions.
Novices in a hurry might appreciate the following.
The procedures listed below are the menu toolbar actions I used to successfully copy and paste in mtpaint.
WINDOW 1 = mtpaint window displaying a small image (icon or badge .png with transparency) that you want to copy and paste onto another (larger) image.

1. Selection
2. Select All (ctrl A)

3. Edit
4. Copy (ctrl C)

5. Edit
6. Export Clipboard to System
WINDOW 2 = mtpaint window displaying a large image that will accept the paste from above.

1. Edit
2. Import Clipboard from System

3. The small image is now floating on the large image.
4. The small image can be dragged into position on the large image.

5. Save the large image (with pasted small image).
6. File
7. Save (ctrl S)

8. Easy Peasy . . . Job done.
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#2 Post by don570 »

Export Clipboard to System
I would avoid the 'Export Clipboard to System '

Instead I prefer saving the clipboard to the hard drive
and loading back when desired.

Dmitri, the developer, advocates using each layer as an independent image.
That would avoid the launching of mtpaint a second time.
The regular clipboard can be used.

However one thing I have noticed is
the default color palette needs to be used for each image and be sure that
the number of colors in the image is the same.

Pasting between RGB and indexed color images causes problems.
If done correctly you should have no problems with transparent regions.


Posts: 153
Joined: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 21:13

#3 Post by kjdixo »

Thanks for the information don570.
I knew there were other ways and that someone would probably post the details.

I whole-heartedly agree that more efficient, safer or developer recommended methods are well worth the extra effort to learn.
I seem to remember there was a thread somewhere talking about using the enter key to 'commit a paste' and at the time a year or two ago, I successfully used that method.
I forgot it yesterday and so did some more thread surfing, eventually arriving at the 'export clipboard to system' feature.
Usually I am in a hurry and just want to get a quick result, so I used that method and wrote about it in my previous post, which I like for its simplicity.

Here is the The mtPaint Handbook for those who are not in a hurry and have time to learn the techniques (layers etc.) ... ap_00.html

Edited with additional background information
I did not want to complicate and obfuscate my original post with too many details so I had left out mentioning the development thread, but now here is my source The mtPaint Development thread where I found the 'export to system clipboard feature' suggested by developer wjaguar in answer to J-Bob specifically asking about "copy between different programs and mtpaint, and between different mtpaint windows.".
wjaguar wrote
J-Bob wrote:
my suggestion would be to be able to copy between different programs and mtpaint, and between different mtpaint windows.
mtPaint 3.29 got released today - you may get it here: ... _id=650430
Among other new features, it has import from / export to system clipboard.
My method simply uses that new feature . . . and yes there are more elegant and advanced methods for when you only want to have one mtpaint window open.
My original post was intended to be a quick 'step by step' for newbies and novices in a hurry.
Copying between mtpaint windows and other instances of mtpaint or other program windows is a 'cool feature' worth knowing about . . . it will be useful somewhere.


#4 Post by Pelo »

bookmarked. for try
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