Xenialpup64 CE 7.5 / 25 Nov 2017

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Sailor Enceladus
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#81 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

@hacker85: Try this kernel (on a fresh install), and just rename the files to vmlinuz and zdrv_xenial_7.0.4.sfs:
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#82 Post by sszindian »

In Xenial64 -7.0.7

We have mtPaint 3.49.12

The default driver in mtPaint (File/Actions/Configure) are set to a kpaint %f driver which is not pre-installed in Xenial64... It is available in the PPM however it's BIG - 130MB (as I recall). I thought I'd give it a try... download was stopped and there were a 'whole-bunch' of dependencies missing.

I notice gtklp IS installed OOTB however changing the 'kprint %f' to 'gtklp %f' still does not get mtPaint to print out graphics.

Is this a problem with the mtPaint 3.49.12 version or am I missing something to get it to print graphics?

Gimp installed from the PPM prints just dandy!

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#83 Post by hacker85 »

@Sailor Enceladus What is the detailed operation steps? thk
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#84 Post by James C »

Just an update, running some every day and no real trouble to speak of.

Code: Select all

root# inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: puppypc1876 Kernel: 4.6.3 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.3.1)
           Desktop: JWM 2.3.5 dm: N/A Distro: xenialpup64 7.0.7
Machine:   Mobo: ASUSTeK model: M5A97 LE R2.0 v: Rev 1.xx serial: 150545593600028
           Bios: American Megatrends v: 2601 date: 03/24/2015
CPU:       Triple core AMD FX-6300 Six-Core (-HT-MCP-) cache: 6144 KB
           flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm) bmips: 21070
           clock speeds: min/max: 1400/3500 MHz 1: 1400 MHz 2: 2000 MHz
           3: 1400 MHz 4: 2000 MHz 5: 1400 MHz 6: 1400 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GT218 [GeForce 210] bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0a65
           Display Server: X.org 1.18.3 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: vesa)
           tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card-1 NVIDIA High Definition Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 01:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:0be3
           Card-2 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:14.2 chip-ID: 1002:4383
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.6.3
Network:   Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
           driver: r8169 v: 2.3LK-NAPI port: d000
           bus-ID: 02:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full
           mac: 1c:87:2c:5a:bb:e2
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 1120.2GB (5.5% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: KINGSTON_SV300S3 size: 120.0GB serial: N/A
           ID-2: /dev/sdb model: WDC_WD10EZEX size: 1000.2GB serial: N/A
Partition: ID-1: swap-1 size: 8.60GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sdb5
RAID:      System: supported: linear raid0 raid1 raid10 raid6 raid5 raid4
           No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 199 Uptime: 28 min Memory: 525.2/15928.4MB
           Init: SysVinit v: N/A runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: N/A
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.421 running in rxvt) inxi: 2.2.35 
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Rox Hidden Files

#85 Post by sszindian »


Left-clicking on the 'eye' in rox... hidden files do not show. (they can be accessed through menu/Filesystem/pFind file finder/.filename-if you know it-/Show location)

Anyone else have this problem and is there a fix?

EDIT: Typing 'Ctrl + h' will turn on/off hidden files but the 'eye' will NOT.

EDIT Oct 04 2016: Xenial self-corrected this problem...'I think?' Upon moving the Xenial main savefile and its components from one HDD to another HDD (on the same system), hidden files now turn on/off by left/click on the 'eye' as they should... talk about a head-twister!!!

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#86 Post by sszindian »

Need an update 'fix' for flashplayer (if possible?) Current one not finding the server!

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#87 Post by sszindian »

EDIT 10/22/16:

The 'getflash-1.6.pet' from rerwin over at- http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=135 appears to have fixed Xenial64's flash-update problem... 'thanks rerwin!'
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#88 Post by artsown »

Be nice to have a inkgui for the 64 bit systems. SFR created a non-gui
version for FATDOG64 but I can't get it installed/working on Xenial64.

Edit: I found that installing the following two debs gives me a non-gui
ink level function. In a terminal type

ink -p usb

I think this is limited to just usb connected printers. An additional lib
is probably required to handle parallel port printers.

The two debs:

These are easy to find and download.

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Lightning Fast!

#89 Post by Can Eye »

Greetings 666philb and 10,000 Thank You's! :lol:

707 iso unetbootin to 16gb 2.0 usb, network wizard flawless connect, bugfix, savefolder hdd, reboot, update palemoon, install chrome-stable, firefox, & opera (the new chromium one), all four browsers customized and Rippin' Fast!
Thank You again 666philb for all your amazing work! Looking forward to beta and beyond, Salute!

Intel Celeron Dual 1.8, 8gb ram
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:lol: Puppy got a hold on me! :lol: Can I Get A Witness! :lol:
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Just curious?

#90 Post by sszindian »

Is this pup ever going to come out of 'alpha' or should one put it on the shelf and forget further testing... there has been no response to some questions in this thread, kind of makes it hard to go forward with it... I might add, it's the best 64 bit to come along since Tahr64 (which was a very good pup) but in my testing thus far I do believe Xenialpup64 has (or had?) greater potential!

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Re: Just curious?

#91 Post by belham2 »

sszindian wrote:Is this pup ever going to come out of 'alpha' or should one put it on the shelf and forget further testing... there has been no response to some questions in this thread, kind of makes it hard to go forward with it... I might add, it's the best 64 bit to come along since Tahr64 (which was a very good pup) but in my testing thus far I do believe Xenialpup64 has (or had?) greater potential!

szindian +1

Your post is exactly like another placed recently referring to Xenial-based pups:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=345

It appears the Xenial ones are just being abandoned for whatever reasons (I think Robin hit the nail on the head in the above link---going from Tahr to Xenial is just too much work & phil/micko/peebee/etc only have so many hours to go around). Most of them seem to be focusing on the Slackware end, and indeed those threads are alive & kicking (getting things up to Slackware 14.2).

You have the alternative of the DebianDogs (Fred's incredibly excellent pups). Give his DD64 Jessie a spin, I think you might be more than pleasantly surprised. I believe the DebianDogs are the top pup/pup-derivative distro on Murga. To have continual upgrades always available without jumping through hoops like we do with every other pup-based distro---while still having choices for persistence or just running in ram or etc/etc....the DebianDeogs cannot be beat. There's also Fatdog64 (710 Final just came out) , an uber-close second, and Fatdog basically beats the pants off of any Xenial-based pup.

There's a reason many on Murga are still in the Ubuntu world and run Tahr stuff. Those pups are stable, Tahr works with a large range of things, and there's no massive jump in headaches like there is when going from Tahr to Xenial (I understand the kernel hassle alone is a major b!tch). These developers have lives, families, etc, trying to keep both Slacko and Xenial pups going has got to be a pain, especially when Slacko's path is easy and Tahr-to-Xenail's is not.

Good luck!!
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#92 Post by LateAdopter »

I'm just grateful Phil got as far as he did with the hard work it takes to get anything useable from Woof. Xenialpup64 does everything I need.

I can get all of the applications from Ubuntu or Launchpad and they work properly on Xenialpup64. Ubuntu don't update application versions after release, and Launchpad packagers tend to abandon one LTS when the next one is released. So Xenialpup64 came just at the right time.

Thank you.
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Maybe 666philb should just change the thread's title

#93 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

I agree entirely with LateAdopter. I haven't found anything substantially wrong with Xenialpup64.

Well, maybe a couple of rough edges. I had to add the netmon_wce.desktop file to /root/.config/autostart to have a tray icon. And while Simple Network Setup works, Frisbee doesn't. But an Alpha designation suggests "substantial problems": encourages testers, but deters newbies from giving it a try.

Perhaps 666philb has been too self-critical, comparing his first published effort of Xenialpup64 with his superb Tahrpup64. Or anticipated the discovery of flaws which have failed to materialize. It seem obvious to me that his experience woofing Tahrpups and Xenialpup(32) has paid-off big time, providing us "passengers" with another solid vehicle to ride.

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#94 Post by bigpup »

666philb is reporting he has computer problems, so it is slowing his progress.

Xenialpup64 is a (ALPHA) release.
Alpha will be buggy. Only testing, everything, will tell you how much and what needs fixing.

Alpha releases are not for Puppy new users, unless they want to help test.

Some good testing and reporting problems is what is needed, for now.

Good testing, is finding a problem and being as specific and detailed as you can, as to what it is.
Some simple questions need to be answered.
Computer specs?
What Puppy version?
Installed how?
Very, very important
You do what?
You see what?

Those last two need to be detailed information.

I am going to use this as an example:
You do what?
Simple Network Setup works, Frisbee doesn't.
You see what??????????????????
Frisbeee does not run?
Frisbee does not see network devices?
If yes.
What devices does it not see?
What step in running Frisbee does not work?

If you find a problem and also find a solution, GREAT.
However, try to be very detailed and specific on what the problem is and how you fixed it.

Also, the latest alpha release of Puppy is also testing Woof-CE.
Really do not know how good Woof-CE is, until you make a Puppy with it.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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frisbee doesn't record WEP password

#95 Post by mikeslr »

Hi bigpup,

Of course you're right. I'm just saying that Xenialpup64 doesn't feel like an Alpha. Of course, I didn't test all its applications. Only the ones I frequently use. And of those, I only ran into two snags. The netmon one I mentioned. And the fix was simple. I compared the working application in Tahrpup64 with the non-working one in Xenialpup64, discovered that the desktop file -- a mere text file-- in the former wasn't in the latter, and copied it over. This was, probably at worst as scribner's error, not requiring an immediate rebuilding of Xenialpup64 from scratch. What I did, as I decided to deploy Xenialpup64 to another computer --or may later want to delete my SaveFolder and rebuilt it-- was to create a pet. But simply copying Tahrpup's netmon desktop-file to storage would probably have sufficed.

The problem with frisbee is more complicated. Frisbee sees my network, allows me to select it and input my WEP password, but then reports that it failed to "record it".

I've grown use to not having all three network configuration tools working even on "Final" Puppies. Sometimes SNS doesn't work. Sometime Frisbee doesn't work. Depends on one's equipment. Which, I suspect, is why Puppies are built with three rather than one which always is expected to work. [Note, early on, I did report a complete failure of networking software, with details. But that computer has since 'bit the dust'].

Currently, I have two "main" computers; An Optiplex 790 desktop in my "office", and a Dell Latitude 6400 laptop in the den. Their specs are sufficiently different that when an application doesn't work on either of them I suspect the application itself rather than a failure of the application under a specific system.

However, you're right. In reporting a possible bug, it is important to provide details regarding the system on which it appeared. But I wasn't reporting a bug: just commenting on what I believe is a misleading designation of Xenialpup64's status.

Xenialpup64 has been out 6 months. Within two weeks of its publication there were several reports of problems and several reports of it working fine OOTB. Ignoring the reports of problems with specific "user" applications --I reported elsewhere how well PPM worked in downloading applications from Ubuntu's repos-- that left very few complaints regarding operating system "bugs", and those appear to have work-arounds.

Almost everyone using a computer expects it to handle websites well, and website designers and web-browser publishers make it almost imperative that your operating system be 64-bit. If you have a 64-bit operating system to run 64-bit browsers, you might as well have other 64-bit applications. While there are few Puppy Devs building operating systems, there are even fewer building applications to run under them. If Puppy Linux is not to become a mere plaything for a few eccentrics, if it is to attract --using Pelo's apt description-- passengers, it must provide a functional 64-bit operating system with the capability of running current versions of applications.

Barry K may well have anticipated that situation when he created Woof. At any rate, Woof encourages the reliance on "alien" repositories for applications.

As far as I can see, only Kirk and jamesbond possess the knowledge and stamina to create Puppies from scratch. And, sorry 01micko, while Slackware provides a solid base for woofing an operating system, its conservative policy doesn't lend itself to the creation of current versions of software.

As a practical matter, for the purpose of woofing Puppies, only Ubuntu and debian provide a base from which current versions of applications can be obtained. Although backports can be expected in the near future, Ubuntu Trusty Tahr has reached "End of Life". Xenial is now its Long-Term Support project through 2021. Similarly, Jessie, on which Xenial is based, is debian's Long-Term Support project. Like Lupu, solid puppies can continue to be made based on older kernels and provide functional systems for older computers. But not functional systems having access to the latest applications.

Thanks to the pioneering efforts and brilliance of saintless, the dedication of fredx181, and the curiosity of rufwoof, newbies finding themselves on our forum may discover the debiandogs. But while the debiandogs are "puppy-like", they aren't Puppies. They are, rather, remastered debianlivecds. No one seems to be interested in woofing a Jessie64-bit Puppy. Which leaves Xenialpup64 to carry Puppy into the future.

I'm sorry philb666 hasn't had time to work on and publish an updated ISO. By this time anyone likely to test an Alpha will have done so. The few operating system problems which have appeared are what you might expect in a Beta. And a Beta designation, as I understand its use, indicates "generally working well but precede with caution and please report any difficulty" would encourage less experienced users to explore it.

But bigpup has inspired me to test those of Xenialpup64's builtin applications I haven't tried and would rarely use. I'm not setup to print anything (other than as a pdf). But I'll report back regarding other user applications.

Last thought. I still run some 32-bit applications, in particular wine-portable, and --websites permitting-- still find opera 12.16 to be the best browser. philb666 explained how to use the 32-bit-compatibility sfs built for Tahrpup64 under Xenialpup64: load the sfs, edit /etc/ld.so.conf, reboot, open a terminal and type "ldconfig" -- without the quotes. To simplify matters and avoid typing errors, I packaged the above edit as a pet which I've attached. Just install it after loading the SFS and before rebooting. Remember to SAVE.

Install after loading 32-bit compatibility SFS
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Possible solution for Non-working PaDS

#96 Post by mikeslr »

If you've built applications by using debs available from Ubuntu repositories, you are probably familiar with Lazy Puppy's PaDS pet to combine debs into an SFS. My experience was that it didn't work under 64-bit Puppies.

I may have solved that problem: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 515#938515

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Can't open PDF

#97 Post by Reneetje »

Hello puppy users,
I use Xenial Xerus because it's 64 bits and I use it to watch livestreams.
I can't open PDF in Xenial Xerus (xenialpup64-7.0.7) so I have to change to Xenialpup (xenial-7.0.4). That's some times tedious, but I love my pup and teddy.
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mtpaint printing - finally!

#98 Post by sszindian »

Installing the latest gtklp (1.3.1-0.1) from-

https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/c ... base/gtklp

gets mtpaint printing again... once at mtpaint, don't forget to go into 'File, scroll down to Configure and change the setting for print... (OOTB is kprint %f) to "gtklp %f"

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Re: Can't open PDF >FoxitReader

#99 Post by mikeslr »

Reneetje wrote:Hello puppy users,
I can't open PDF in Xenial Xerus (xenialpup64-7.0.7) .
I didn't even try whatever xenialpup64 has as a builtin pdf reader as I need something which has more bells & whistles, like bookmarking and annotating.

So,FoxitReader http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 553#936553

Edit: If you read this post before I included this edit, I've edited the post on the above link to deal with Default Application Chooser's failure to provide FoxitReader as a choice.

Have fun,

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#100 Post by Puppyt »

Day 2 with XenialPup64 - thanks heaps 666phil :)
My test bed desktop has a i7-2600 cpu with 16GB ram.
Some quick observations -
1) my BCM4360 802.11ac wifi card is functioning well with the wl.ko and instructions posted by ozsouth here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 526#937526
2) mikeslr's observations above match my own regarding a missing default pdf reader. Qpdf and qpdfview is found In built-in packages directory, also appears correctly "installed" in PPM when checked, but is not in menus and can't call it up from terminal. Perhaps these are here to help PeasyPDF to function - I haven't tested that yet. Trying another pdf reader option from PPM now. update: Evince seems to be functioning, downloaded from PPM but there are two missing dependencies I have to track down yet.
3) Hmmm Xenial64's defaultapplication chooser doesn't seem to be working - I don't know if that was reported earlier in this thread
4) Downloaded Inkscape 0.91 with dependencies via PPM last night, needing something larger than the built-in Inkscape lite. Its working really well.
5) Running DOSBox Game Launcher (DBGL:http://members.quicknet.nl/blankendaalr/dbgl/, working after I installed JRE 1.8 and DOSBox 0.74 from the updated PPM.
Thanks Again!
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