Why bother with any other Linux?

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#21 Post by amish »

hi maleas, nice to see you branching out into another os or two. i can appreciate your situation, however i recommend trying wine... but i admit it might not do the trick. then again, i haven't tried the new wine .pup, i use the old one.

you'll have to resize your save file of course, to fit the installation. as for greek, the puppy philosophy on other languages so far has been that sometimes a dedicated individual will create a version of puppy made for say, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, french- none of these were created by barry. ("nyu" did two of them, actually.) with these distros comes the keyboard tools needed, so hypothetically, a greek version would be the same. mazeltov with your puppy-related and professional endeavors.
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#22 Post by dodge727 »

The more I use Puppy, the more I am impressed. It fixes the issues I had with Linux until now - like the problem with setting inital video resoltuion and getting online easily. And it actually is fast and compact.

I reminds me of using Mac Classic in the old days, except puppy doesn't crash.

Excellent work Barry, you really thought this out.

#23 Post by jonyo »

I have no clue :lol:
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Why do I use any other version of Linux?

#24 Post by Colonel Panic »

Just some history if anyone's interested.

I started off my Linux "career" three years ago with a Pentium 100 with 32MB of RAM and no CD ROM; I wouldn't have been able to use Puppy on that one.

Instead I used Steven Darnold's BasicLinux, a cutdown version of Slackware 7.1 which boots off two floppies and can be installed on a hard drive (and expanded from there). A remarkable piece of work.

The next and latest computer I acquired is much more powerful and can run Puppy, but since my local Linux retailer didn't have Puppy in stock and I was used to the Slackware way of doing things, I ordered a copy of Vector Linux 5.1. It worked happily until one day I couldn't get online with it. By that time however I'd downloaded a copy of Puppy 2.00 from the local library, so I was able to get online with that.

I decided not to give up on Vector however and now alternate between its latest version, 5.8, and my copy of Puppy. I'm thinking about a "mega Puppy" next.

Thanks Barry!
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Re: Why do I use any other version of Linux?

#25 Post by WhoDo »

Colonel Panic wrote:I decided not to give up on Vector however and now alternate between its latest version, 5.8, and my copy of Puppy. I'm thinking about a "mega Puppy" next.
Sounds like the words of someone with ideas to contribute to the new PLCF Community Edition project. I've asked John Murga for a separate Forum section for the project, so watch that space for more info.
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#26 Post by Colonel Panic »

I'll be glad to help if I can, but Puppy's pretty complete as it is in my opinion.

However, I don't know if anyone's done a Puppy based on XFce and its various applications (like the calendar, Orage); if not that might be something for the future.
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#27 Post by Pizzasgood »

Simplepup had XFCE. There may have been others too, I don't remember.
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#28 Post by never_stop_learning »

While researching which distro to use for our Computers for Kids project, I think I tried just about every live CD on DistroWatch. IMO, Puppy is, by far, the easiest and most complete distro I've tried that works on an extremely wide variety of old and new PCs, has excellent hardware detection, support and easy software installation plus superb community support.

I also like Ubuntu and Mepis and have one of these fine distros installed on all of my business machines. And while I consider Ubuntu and Mepis to be more usable as "business ready" distros, I also have some version of Puppy available for use as either a live CD or as a Frugal or HD install booting via Grub.

BTW, I am typing this on an IBM ThinkPad 390E (PII 333mhz 128mb ram) with Puppy 2.12, PizzaPup Beta2 and EduPup (all full HD install w/Grub). This is my "demo" machine that I use to show schools and other non-profits the power of surplus computers running intelligently designed open-source software.
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Puppy Pet Store

#29 Post by Reggie »

Yesterday I spent 2 hours in a major electronics store that had proudly rolled out MS Vista Dual Core laptops for the masses.

I had 3 employees and two customers enthralled with all the fun I was having on the laptops - with Puppy Linux, from my USB 1GB Flash Drive install.

I showed them GIMP, Audacity, Videos, Music, and the whole range of desktop applications.

One person asked what could Puppy Linux do that Vista couldn't?
I shutdown the laptop, put the USB flash drive in a different laptop, and started back up right where I left off.
'How'd you do that!' he was very impressed.

The sales guys were amazed at Puppy Linux running so well, and leaving Vista untouched.
Another employee said 'you'll need to uninstall anything you load up'. He couldn't believe all the programs were running in RAM and from the USB stick until he saw it from himself.
He was stunned.

Puppy Linux runs fast on my 2 year old, 32-bit AMD laptop -
Puppy was flying high on the new off the shelf AMD 64 2.0 GHz laptops, Intel Core 2 Duo laptops, etc.

MS Vista? Vista looked like a fat greasy slug in comparison. SLOW.

Just as we have an Open Office Chubby Puppy,
I wonder if we could make a 'Multimedia Puppy' with the
latest XGL - Beryl 3D desktops, GIMP, Audacity - all still fitting in a Live CD / 1 GB USB Flash Drive?

Any other suggestions for eye candy, audio, video, and photo editing software?

Apple Macintosh has succeeded partly because it's unrelenting focus on high quality multimedia experiences. HP is emulating Apple with their media center PCs.

I had three people ask me for the web site for Puppy Linux downloads.
The word is spreading...

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Re: Puppy Pet Store

#30 Post by WhoDo »

Reggie wrote:Yesterday I spent 2 hours in a major electronics store that had proudly rolled out MS Vista Dual Core laptops for the masses.

I had 3 employees and two customers enthralled with all the fun I was having on the laptops - with Puppy Linux, from my USB 1GB Flash Drive install.
Way to go, Reggie! :P

I've done the same thing - not in a computer store - with my Puppy 2.02CE on a 256Mb USB stick. They can't believe that I get a windows operating system + an entire office suite (MS-compatible) + games + a miriad of other software on such a small device and still look better & run faster than they've ever seen anything run, including Windows 98! 8)

Keep up the good work!
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School Students to Get Linux on a Stick

#31 Post by Reggie »

It seems a School in France figured out it sure is a lot cheaper to give students Linux USB Flash Drives than run out and buy VISTA Laptops for all of them (Think $20 a student vs. $1200 per student - a savings of $1180 per child).

http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/02/ ... rce_1.html

The French guys are smart, any Puppy Linux developers - Experts want to contact this school and clue them in to the savings of %100 open source, USB Drive optimized Puppy Linux?

They are starting with a generous 130,000 students,
expanding to an amazing 476,000 students' flash drives !
The project is worth €2.6 million (US$3.4 million)
( Laptops would have cost roughly $200,600,000!)

This is a job for Puppy Linux!!!
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#32 Post by mpc855t »

One more delighted user ! I'd already been impressed with Knoppix and DamnSmallLinux... then I saw the raves and said let me try this ! Awesome !

I have Puppy 2.13 installed in a small partition on my 'big' machine (P4 2.66 GHz 1 GB RAM) and I squeezed it onto my 'little' machine (Celeron 600MHz laptop, 64MB RAM). I was thrilled to find I could use GParted in graphics mode on a 64 MB machine. No graphics headaches at all, and it's great having the Restart-X option. Also relieved to find the easy controls for mount/dismount of drives.

Way to go !! :D

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Other OS's & Puppy

#33 Post by Retry »

In an effort to get complety out of windoze I tried Knoppix 3.07 and found the world of Linux. It was amazing but due to my limitations (old, slow, clumsy and primative skills) I couldn't make it work, especially connecting to the net and so followed Ubuntu, Kanotix, early Puppy and DSL. Tried DSL for most of 18 mos, always having to fall back on Win 98 for printing and email and some websites. Got Puppy 2.0 and it was like a breakthru for me; now able to do it all except printing for which I still have to use XP. Puppy will not work for any of my 3 printers, Compac, Apple, NEC but that is a small bother compared to the freedom from MS.

Puppy is the big dog as far as I am concerned but I keep checking the other Distros just to keep up with the world as much as possible.

Barry and the Krewe are really remarkable. I try to help by buying the new CD's from Barry.

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#34 Post by shankargopal »

I was trying to get "into" LInux for years - from about 1995, starting with Slackware, through Suse, Red Hat, Debian, etc. - but never could seem to do it. Either the distribution was too slow, too complex, too difficult to install... I even forced myself to use Suse for a few months as a full time system, but I couldn't deal with all the tweaks required and the difficulty in interfacing with Windows systems (for printing etc.). The fact was that, though I liked LInux and the principle of it, I couldn't convince myself of any advantage big enough to outweigh what seemed like the pain of it.

Until I found Puppy.

And I've never loooked back. One and a half years now, USB-based Puppy (from 1.0.6 all through 2.14) is my daily working system, I keep all my files on it and run it about ten hours a day all week long; perfectly solid, blazingly fast, easy to use, easy to customise, and I can plug it in anywhere on almost any machine and have enlightenment zipping along, blowing the hell out of any Windoze user who happens to take a look. I recently ran Puppy during a conference on an LCD projector with E16 running... and we had to break the conference for an hour because everyone wanted to know about Puppy and how they could get such a great system!

No more questions for me. The furthest I've ever gone since is to experiment with Grafpup.
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Sky Pilot

#35 Post by Lobster »

There is no stopping our Pups . . . some are taking to the skies . . .
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#36 Post by MGFox »

There is no stopping our Pups . . . some are taking to the skies . . .
. . . even time travelling (Tmxxine),
. . . making designs (Grafpup) or books (NaNoWriMo),
. . . having pizza (Pizzapup) with the teens (Teenpup) and women (eXpand),
. . . talking Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese,
. . . being simple or mega,
. . . going to school (EduPup),
. . . or to church (Churchpup) -- followed by Moslempup, Nirvanapup?,
. . . multi media version? (with drum machine, webTV, etc),
. . . and maybe version for adults (men only) and gays?


Maybe its better if this community just make one base version and lots of software (dotpups) to add. Just make the installation process simple and working nicely.
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#37 Post by raffy »

Lovely wallpapers - any chance those can be downloaded?
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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mega / multimedia puppy

#38 Post by garlane »

Puppy has conquered the minimalist RAM side of an operating system. But it is too concentrated on RAM use / frugal install.

I, too, would like to use a mega puppy or a multimedia puppy -dedicated to hdd install and not RAM use. Gentoo has Sabayon as a multimedia version, Debian has ArtistX, Knoppix has Musix, and Ubuntu has Ubuntu Studio - so how about Puppy Studio? I know there is a Grafpup, which is a start. I just think that Puppy - with its bootup speed and usability could challenge other, fuller distributions if there was development into the hdd install side of the distro.
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Re: lovely

#39 Post by Colonel Panic »

raffy wrote:Lovely wallpapers - any chance those can be downloaded?
Agreed, also where did you get the themes from (I'm assuming that's IceWM)?
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Re: lovely

#40 Post by WhoDo »

Colonel Panic wrote:Agreed, also where did you get the themes from (I'm assuming that's IceWM)?
Themes are IceWM and are respectively (top to bottom) WinXP-Olive, Velvet-Azul and Velvet-Wine. All are standard in 2.15CE.

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