USB card install problems PCMMIA ?

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USB card install problems PCMMIA ?

#1 Post by Puppynewbie »

I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct forum but after looking the forums over I decided this was the best fist. I know I am by far from cutting edge when it comes to my Linux app.

I have Puppy 2.13 installed and it has troubles when running the USBviewer.

It asks me to make sure I have the USB added to my Kernal. I have checked and usb seems to be added but I can not detect the USB devices added to my NEC PCI USB host controller pcmmia card. Further the card itself is not detected.

I get an error "Can not open the file/proc/bus/usb/devices"

I looked in /proc/bus/usb.....however I do not have any devices listed within folder usb.
Deleted, I figured out that it should show the USB devise within the usb folder

Verify that you have USB compiled to your Kernal,have the USB core modules loaded and have the usbdevfs mounted

Another oddity I have is on shutdown "I receive cannot find /dev/mixer if you have it installed chmod it to 666"

I do not have it, not sure why I do not or what it does?

Anyways I am a bit clueless as to what I am missing and how to add it.

I have added red color to what are my main concerns and problem areas.

Thanks for any help.
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#2 Post by Puppynewbie »

No one has any ideas?
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#3 Post by Leo-Ko »

Hola, asegurate de que los puertos Usb esten habilitados en la configuracion de la BIOS, pero eso no es necesario si tu los has usado antes.
Tambien puede ser que exista algun problema de IRQ, tambien se arregla en la BIOS, pero ahi que tener conocimientos para poder arreglarlo.
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#4 Post by Puppynewbie »

No estoy seguro, si tengo USB en bios, antes no lo ví

Manana voy a checkar, Gracias
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