gtkpod 2.0.2 April 2015

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#41 Post by tempestuous »

Don't get a Nano 7gen !
It won't work with gtkpod !!

I only learned this in the last week, after buying a second hand Nano 7gen, myself.
Since then I have been searching the web looking for answers, and it appears that the underlying library, libgpod, stopped development after September 2013.
In the next week or so I will post details about how this affects model compatibility.

The highest Nano model which works with gtkpod is 6gen, as confirmed by forum member taca0.
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#42 Post by tempestuous »

Regarding how to reset the Nano 1gen - I was completely wrong about doing it from iTunes ... I should have Googled the solution (or the person who needed this should have Googled it).
Anyway, the correct process is described here - ... -Model.htm
and here -

You will see that it involves a sequence of button presses.
No connection to computer is involved ... however, once the device is reset its contents and configuration are erased, so THEN you will need to connect to iTunes to initialise it.
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gtkpod and 7th generation ipod

#43 Post by sindi »

gtkpod is not usable with my 1st generation ipod except briefly in Slacko.
After I played a file it would not play others until I exited and reloaded it.
I still get lots of error messages even on our newest laptop (2008).

Did it work for you with Precise or Tahr?

The touchpad (center area) on the 1st gen rarely works.

It does work with OS 10.4.11.
Is the 'reset' you describe the same as a 'restore' (reformat and repartition)? for XP?

The 7th gen would require a newer Mac (OS 10.5, iTunes 10) but with luck might let me initialize with FAT32 and use with MicroXP.

I need to bring the boxed iPod to a FedEx pickup location.
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#44 Post by tempestuous »

sindi wrote:Did it work for you with Precise or Tahr?
With the additional installed, I can confirm that gtkpod launches without error under Puppy Precise 5.7.1 and Tahrpup 6.0.1. The media player function works fine, while accessing music files on my local hard drive. I have no experience with connecting an iPod to gtkpod in this environment since, as I mentioned, I acquired my first iPod device only recently (Nano 7gen).
sindi wrote:Is the 'reset' you describe the same as a 'restore' (reformat and repartition)? for XP?
Roughly speaking, yes. But more accurately, it's a total erase-and-restore of the factory operating system. Since you have the "luxury" of not caring about preserving the Nano's existing contents, this is the ideal procedure for you - get the device back to factory state.

sindi wrote:The 7th gen would require a newer Mac (OS 10.5, iTunes 10) but with luck might let me initialize with FAT32 and use with MicroXP.
Not sure what you mean here. If you aim to use an iPod with gtkpod, then the Nano 7gen is a complete no-go.
If you're contemplating connecting your iPod (regardless of model) to a Mac computer, this is a bad idea - the Nano will be initialised with the HFS+ filesystem instead of FAT32, and it then makes compatibility between your iPod and gtkpod just that much more difficult.
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giving up on gtkpod for ipod 1st gen

#45 Post by sindi »

gtkpod launches for me but does not work with the ipod 1st gen in Precise or Tahr.
Or work very well in Slacko (plays one song then needs to be reloaded to play another
from the iPod). With gstreamer installed, it did play music from the hard drive.

I will it try with the neighbor kid's iPod classic.

I was unable to do a 'restore' with XP - cannot contact the update server (or apple store).
With Mac OS 10.4.11 I was unable to contact apple store with iTunes 9.2.1 (so I did not
even try to do a restore) but the iPod worked. So I think the problem lies with gtkpod
not the iPod.

The iPod 1st gen is not usable with gtkpod, or XP (because I cannot change to FAT32).
I did not figure out how to add music with the OS 10.4.11 Mac and iTunes 9.2.1.

It also has a worn out center area (touchpad) which rarely responds, so I boxed it up
and will take it to FedEx (they don't want you leaving it in a FedEx box). Their
shipping box came with foam padding and special tape. I wonder why they do not simply
replace the battery and return it.

I am hoping the 7th gen replacement will come unformatted and work with XP on my
dual-boot laptop (MicroXP and linuxes). It requires iTunes 10 or later (which
in turn requires OS 10.5 or later which would slow our G4 Mac to a crawl).
I don't need another FM radio or pedometer. Maybe they will send a 6th gen.
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ipod touch does not work with gtkpod

#46 Post by sindi »

The neighbor's ipod touch is not recognized by gtkpod. He will borrow his father's Classic to try eventually.
Apple emailed me that the replacement ipod 'MODEL NANO' will be here in about two business days.
Has anyone reading this actually used an ipod with gtkpod?
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#47 Post by tempestuous »

sindi wrote:Has anyone reading this actually used an ipod with gtkpod?
Forum member taca0 has the Nano 6gen working with gtkpod, as he wrote earlier in this thread - ... 923#809923
Other forum members have reported success with other models of iPod in my earlier gtkpod releases in 2009 and 2011.
sindi wrote:The neighbor's ipod touch is not recognized by gtkpod.
The Touch requires special pre-configuration steps with gtkpod, in the same manner that iPhones and iPads need to be pre-configured.
See the 4th post in this thread, titled "INSTRUCTIONS for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch."
See also the 5th post, titled "Special requirements for recent iPhone, iPad, Touch, and Nano models."

No one has actually told me of success with the Nano 1gen, but from all of the feedback I've received about other models I'm 99% confident the Nano 1gen will work fine with gtkpod. Why? It's an older model with no special communication methods required, and no hash code verification issues. This, of course, assumes several conditions: the device is not faulty, and is initialised under a proper installation of Windows, using a proper installation of iTunes. Those conditions don't seem to be met in sindi's case.

I would be happy to test the Nano 1gen, myself, but I see these models are ridiculously expensive on the second hand market. If anyone wants to send me one for testing, I will be happy to do so, then return it.
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#48 Post by Packetteer »

HI tempestuous
Thank You Thank You Thank You,
Thanks to your pets and perfectly wonderful instructions I now have one
less reason to start up Windows.
I can now manage my First gen Ipod Touch thanks to your hard work.

Ipod touch first generation version 3.1.3 an oldie but a goodie.

Best Regards
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#49 Post by tempestuous »

I only recently became aware that gtkpod's device compatibility is limited by the underlying libgpod library, which unfortunately stalled development in 2011.
So gtkpod device support goes up to:

- iPhone4 (but not 4S)
- iPod Touch 4th gen
- iPad 1st gen (both WiFi and 3G models)
- Nano 6th gen

- iPod Classic / Mini / Shuffle should be supported across their entire range of releases.

I have just updated this information in the first post.
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first gen ipod touch

#50 Post by mike001 »

Hope its alright to resurrect old threads like this. I found my old first gen ipod and it still works, it has version 1.1.5 (4B1) on it and it still works but only with older versions of itunes. (thanks Apple)
I was hoping to get it running in precise puppy using gtkpod, I got gtkpod downloaded and running but when it comes to the ipod I've had some trouble.
following directions in this thread I got it mounted but when I run [ipod-read-sysinfo-extended YOUR_UUID /mnt/ipod] it tells me ipod-read-sysinfo-extended is a command not found.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Im running Precise puppy 5.7.1 live on usb.
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#51 Post by tempestuous »

mike001 wrote:when I run [ipod-read-sysinfo-extended YOUR_UUID /mnt/ipod] it tells me ipod-read-sysinfo-extended is a command not found.
Well the gtkpod dotpet ( definitely contains that utility, so if your Precise installation cannot find it, then the dotpet is not installed properly.
How did you install gtkpod?
The correct method is to download it to your filesystem, then use Puppy's file browser (labelled "file" on the desktop) to locate it, then single-click to install it.
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#52 Post by mike001 »

I messed around with it yesterday, I had originally installed gtkpod using PPM, I went back and reinstalled it using the way you mentioned. Now I just can't get it to find my device. It shows up when I look under the hardware info option in the menu but when I run the 'ifuse /mnt/ipod' it says it cant find the device and asks if I am sure I have permission to access raw usb devices. It also says to try disconnecting and reattaching the device.
from what I understand I should be able to access usb devices just fine as long as I am not using puppy under spot or fido, correct?
I am still quite new to this so I will keep doing reading about it and perhaps I will figure something out.
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#53 Post by tempestuous »

mike001 wrote:when I run the 'ifuse /mnt/ipod' it says it cant find the device
Whoa, you shouldn't be using the "ifuse" command for a conventional iPod - you're following the wrong section of instructions.
For iPods, the relevant posts are:

post 2. preparation
post 3. INSTRUCTIONS for "conventional" iPod models
post 6. gtkpod configuration

The critical part of post 3 is to run this command -

Code: Select all

ipod-read-sysinfo-extended <device node> <mountpoint>
Once you have run this command, and no error messages appear, you can move on to post 6, final configuration.
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#54 Post by tempestuous »

Oops, I just realised you might not understand <device node> <mountpoint>
When you plug your iPod into a USB port, an icon should appear on the Puppy desktop indicating its mountpoint. Sometimes there might be more than one, if so, the last mountpoint is usually the one that contains the music files. Let's assume yours is "sdb3". The command to run is then -

Code: Select all

ipod-read-sysinfo-extended /dev/sdb3 /mnt/sdb3
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#55 Post by mike001 »

Sorry I wasnt specific, I am using a first generation ipod touch.
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#56 Post by mike001 »

I have don the first two steps with the ipod touch including making sure it has been initialized on a mac computer with itunes.
So when I hook up my ipod touch and go to the process manager what I find is '/usr/sbin/usbmuxd --user root --udev'.
If I leave it like this and open /var/log/messages in Geany I find this.

May 2 11:36:28 puppypc1513 user.err usbmuxd[24351]: [1] preflight_worker_handle_device_add: ERROR: Could not get ProductVersion from device 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112, lockdown error -256

if I kill "/usr/sbin/usbmuxd --user root --udev" and then run "/usr/sbin/usbmuxd -u -U root -v -v"

then /var/log/messages reads;
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[506]: [3] usbmuxd v1.1.0 starting up
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Creating socket
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Not dropping privileges to root
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Initializing USB
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Found new device with v/p 05ac:1291 at 2-7
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Found interface 1 with swapped endpoints 04/85 for device 2-7
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Using wMaxPacketSize=512 for device 2-7
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[508]: [3] Connecting to new device on location 0x20007 as ID 1
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] 1 device detected
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[508]: [3] Initialization complete
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[508]: [3] Automatic device discovery on hotplug disabled.
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[508]: [3] Enabled exit on SIGUSR1 if no devices are attached. Start a new instance with "--exit" to trigger.
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.notice usbmuxd[508]: [3] Connected to v1.0 device 1 on location 0x20007 with serial number 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] preflight_worker_handle_device_add: Starting preflight on device 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112...
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] New client on fd 11
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] preflight_worker_handle_device_add: Device 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112 is not paired with this host.
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 user.err usbmuxd[508]: [1] preflight_worker_handle_device_add: ERROR: Could not get ProductVersion from device 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112, lockdown error -256
May 2 11:45:01 puppypc1513 usbmuxd[508]: [4] Disconnecting client fd 11

At this point if I try to run ifuse /mnt/ipod I get the error;
"No device found, is it connected?
If it is make sure that your user has permissions to access the raw usb device.
If you're still having issues try unplugging the device and reconnecting it"

Also when I initially hook up my ipod it does not show up on the desktop like other usb devices, nor does it show up if I open the "mount" icon on the desktop, when I tried a generic mp3 player in the same port that showed up and mounted just fine.
Also if I run lsusb in the console it shows up as
"Bus 002 Device 007: ID 05ac:1291 Apple, Inc. iPod Touch 1.Gen"
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#57 Post by tempestuous »

Yes, a "first gen ipod" is a whole different animal to an iPod Touch 1st gen.
mike001 wrote:when I initially hook up my ipod it does not show up on the desktop like other usb devices, nor does it show up if I open the "mount" icon on the desktop
That's the correct behaviour for an iPhone, iPad, and Touch.

Despite the error messages generated by usbmuxd, it actually looks OK - usbmuxd has auto-launched with the correct parameters, and the 40 character UUID can clearly be seen.

Potential solution 1: if your Touch has a Passcode, this may interfere with USB permissions, so turn it off -
Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > Turn Passcode Off
It's then probably good to fully power down the device, then turn on again.

Potential solution 2: Google tells me this problem may relate to the way newer versions (or particular versions) of iOS interact with ifuse. Suggested fix -
i) install the attached dotpet - - this is just a configuration file found at /etc/fuse.conf
ii) reboot Puppy.
iii) plug in your iPod Touch, wait a few seconds, then run (as before) -

Code: Select all

ifuse /mnt/ipod
if you still get the "no device found" message, try this -

Code: Select all

ifuse -o allow_other /mnt/ipod
and if still no success try this -

Code: Select all

ifuse -o allow_root /mnt/ipod
(388 Bytes) Downloaded 208 times
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#58 Post by mike001 »

I am having trouble with the attached pet.
I downloaded it and attempted install and it get me an error telling me it was unable to install.
I ran

Code: Select all

petget /root/Downloads/
and got this error

Code: Select all

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Google did not help me much, is there a way to change fomats? or should I be using different commands for install from command line?
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#59 Post by tempestuous »

Mmm, I just did a clean boot to the TahrPupu 6.0.5 CD, then downloaded, and it installed just fine.
It makes me wonder about the health of your Puppy installation ...
I don't suppose you're running as user "spot" by chance??
Or maybe you're downloading under Windows or Mac??

In the meantime, there's a quick and easy workaround;
- create a new document in Geany, containing just this single line of text-

Code: Select all

Save it under /etc with the filename "fuse.conf". That's it.
Reboot, and continue testing with the ifuse commands.
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#60 Post by mike001 »

Alright, so I downloaded a fresh version of precise puppy 5.7.1 and did a fresh install to usb. I followed the directions at the beginning of this thread and this time it is having trouble at ifuse /mnt/ipod and telling me that the location is invalid.
So I downloaded a tahrpup 6.0 to try out, I installed the frugal version onto usb and am running it live, so fresh install with the only extras being the 3 pets mentioned at the beginning of this thread and then the one in your last post.
When I run lsusb in the console the ipod shows up in the readout so I know it is connected.
When initially hooked up and I go to process manager I find "/user/sbin/usbmuxd --user root --udev" Is this correct or should I be killing this process and using something else?
Below is what /var/log/messages is telling me.
"May 5 20:13:48 puppypc5544 user.err usbmuxd[7244]: [1] preflight_worker_handle_device_add: ERROR: Could not get ProductVersion from device 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112, lockdown error -256
May 5 20:13:57 puppypc5544 user.err gpod: No device found with uuid 94d0a177081d97f1939a21273965fc0892db0112, is it plugged in?"

I appreciate the help with it thus far, perhaps I will have to just have to keep using my wifes old mac with the ipod, I was just hoping I could get it set up with puppy.
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