I thought I'd try out tahr-6.0.6 but it hasn't worked out so far - not on my flash drives, though the burnt CD works fine, So, it must be the method of installation although I think I have followed the same procedure I have used in the past. That is, format as FAT with gParted, set boot flag and copy initrd.gz, vmlinuz, puppy _tahr_6.0.6.sfs from the iso to a tahr606 directory in the boot flash drive. (see populated_drive.png)
There are some things in the iso that are new to me and may not have been handled correctly - (a)- where to place (or not place) efi.img (b) vesamenu.32, grub, isolinux whereas I use a syslinux menu (see syslinuxcfg.png).
I can't capture the screen output when it fails, but here are a few lines:
Code: Select all
Waiting for USB storage
Finding puppy main sfs file [color=red]failed[/color]
Dumping lines of /tmp/bootinit.log
lines of text follow
Dumping lines of kernel log
lines of text follow
sda1 /puppy_tahr_6.0.6.sfs not found
I saved zz_initrd_tmp as the text suggested.. (see zz_initrd_tmp.png).
Can anyone suggest what I am doing incorrectly?
I never used isobooter before, but decided to do so now using the iso for tahr-6.0.6 and slacko700_rc3.
That failed too with similar type output.