Quirky Xerus 8.6 (Aug. 16), Beaver 8.7.1 (Sept. 21), 2018

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Re: Printing works

#501 Post by BarryK »

zygo wrote:Barry,

I have used Libre Office Write for the first time in a Quirky and I expected it to kill my live-flash in 2GB of RAM. But it was only very slightly sluggish and it even printed (and without the leading blank line that was guaranteed by Abiword). And when I asked it to do too much the offending applications crashed without crashing X or the OS (unlike other Quirkys since 733)! :D
I have only used it on a laptop with 4GB RAM, and it is quite perky. No crashes, but then I have only given it fairly light duties.
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Quirky Xerus 8.2 for x86_64, released July 19, 2017

#502 Post by Billtoo »

I booted from the live dvd and installed to a 32gb SDHC card:

# inxi -b
System: Host: puppypc936 Kernel: 4.11.11 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: JWM git-976 Distro: Quirky 8.2 xerus64
Machine: System: ACER product: Aspire M5620 v: R01-A4 serial: PTS860X0348050CF642700
Mobo: ACER model: G33T-AM v: 1.0 serial: 00000000 Bios: American Megatrends v: R01-A4 date: 12/19/2007
CPU: Quad core Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (-MCP-) speed/max: 1603/2403 MHz
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GF108 [GeForce GT 430]
Display Server: X.org 1.18.4 driver: nvidia tty size: 133x26 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network: Card: Intel 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e
Drives: HDD Total Size: 32.0GB (22.1% used)
Info: Processes: 155 Uptime: 46 min Memory: 193.4/7991.8MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.2.35

I haven't finished setting up but it's working well so far.

EDIT: I finished installing my must haves with QPM, got sound working
with the TV speakers.
It's working well.
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No Mouse

#503 Post by Gordie »

I have a wireless Microsoft Mouse and it won't work no matter what I try. Touchpad works.
The mouse works on Slacko64 but not Easy or Quirky
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I miss abiword 3.0.1

#504 Post by Reneetje »

Thank you mr. Kauler for the final release of Quirky 8.2
From your hands we get the one and only official and trustfull and stable distro, announced on distrowatch.com .

What works in Quirky 8.2 is
- pwidgets-2.5.6-x86_64.pet
- pmcputemp-0.63-x86_64.pet
- Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

What I miss, is abiword 3.0.1 like Quirky 8.0
Using package manager to install abiword 3.0.1 doesn't work.
Quirky 8.2.png
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Quirky Xerus 8.2 for x86_64, released July 19, 2017

#505 Post by ETP »

Install was to a 16GB USB2 stick using the 8GB image.
Items installed thus far:
  • flashplayer-|Adobe Flash Player browser plugin and Preferences
    startup_sound-mk2|Startup sound with a few choices
    GetLatest64bitChromeVersionWoofQ-MK1|Get Latest Chrome Version
    libguess1_1.2-1.1|high-speed character set detection library
    librubberband2v5_1.8.1|audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
    libsdl2-2.0-0_2.0.4+dfsg1|Simple DirectMedia Layer
    libsndio6.1_1.1.0-2|Small audio and MIDI framework from OpenBSD runtime libraries
    mpv_0.14.0|video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
    google-chrome-stable_current_amd64|Access the Internet
    ListDD-2.0|List dynamic dependencies
    PupClockset-2.5|PupClockset manager
    PupSnap-2.5.1_Scrot-0.8_64Bit|PupSnap screen capture
    PupShutdown-2.3|PupShutdown manager
    PupControl-3.1.1|Control panel
    Target_uuid|Change DLNA Repository
    tree_1.7.0-3|displays an indented directory tree in color
The only issue so far was the poor quality/clarity of the fonts in Urxvt.(Very weak in HTOP with coloured background)
That was resolved by installing additional DejaVuSans fonts & using DejaVu Sans Mono:Bold with the settings and result
as in the following screenshot:
Press F11 to toggle into full screen then click on link below.
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view ... 1lDdmJVMjQ
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Re: Quirky Xerus 8.2 for x86_64, released July 19, 2017

#506 Post by belham2 »

ETP wrote: The only issue so far was the poor quality/clarity of the fonts in Urxvt.(Very weak in HTOP with coloured background)
That was resolved by installing additional DejaVuSans fonts & using DejaVu Sans Mono:Bold with the settings....

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view ... 1lDdmJVMjQ

What? ETP, no offense, but what is heaven's name are you talking about here? You do know that Barry included URXT Terminal Setup Control (it is a Menu entry if one looked, common in all pups) where you have the choice of 16 different fonts and their variations, plus customizing font sizes, shapes, shades, etc. DejaVueSans is/was already installed....why a need was felt (HTOP jumps off my screens in terms of clarity after using URXT Terminal Setup to quickly adjust URXVT's fonts) makes no sense. But, as usual, I guess none of the world makes sense to me....like the previous poster above ETP complaining about missing Abiword 3.0.1 when LibreOffice---as in Libre-Blows-Abiword-off-Earth-Office---Barry already included. Absolutely unreal.

Barry, I will say it again, this 8.1.94-8.2 is by far the best thing you've put out since Precise 5.7. The work you did on it, especially from the other Quirkies (7.0s up thru Werewolf, Xenial & Slaq Quirks) & taking into account many of the comments/tips we made to you, is very noticeable. Thanks again for all your hard work. The 8.2-on is set to become a "classic" imho.
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Quirky Xerus 8.2 for x86_64, released July 19, 2017

#507 Post by ETP »

Hi belham2,

If you have no problem with the existing fonts available in Urxvt Terminal Control then all well and good.

However, assuming that you looked at the screenshot, it troubles me that you failed to observe the Urxvt Terminal Control
window and the fact that the Monospaced font used is not present in 8.2

It may be that you need to take the advice in this video: :)
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#508 Post by linuxcbon »

ETP wrote:@linuxcbon & doggone

Sorry linuxcbon but I do not agree with your shotgun code approach i.e. making
everything in /etc/init.d/ executable.
Yes I know, but don't be so boring :twisted: . It was only a quick and dirty workaround. Barry does the "real" fixing. :)
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Re: I miss abiword 3.0.1

#509 Post by BarryK »

Reneetje wrote:Thank you mr. Kauler for the final release of Quirky 8.2
From your hands we get the one and only official and trustfull and stable distro, announced on distrowatch.com .

What works in Quirky 8.2 is
- pwidgets-2.5.6-x86_64.pet
- pmcputemp-0.63-x86_64.pet
- Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

What I miss, is abiword 3.0.1 like Quirky 8.0
Using package manager to install abiword 3.0.1 doesn't work.
Awww, don't you like LibreOffice Writer? :)

I am using Libreoffice now, for a few reasons, despite its size.

One reason is awhile back I had to download and fill in a form, that was a .docx file. It is a MS Office file, and had fields in it where I had to type in answers.
Anyway, Abiword just displayed a mess. LibreOffice displayed it perfectly and I was able to fill in the form and email it back.

Another reason. I discovered that Libreoffice is a very good WYSIWYG HTML editor, better than Composer in SeaMonkey -- with some caveats. Furthermore, now I'm trying to recall exactly what I did ...wanted to convert BaCon syntax-highlighted code from Geany to HTML, so as to be able to put it into a web page.
...no, can't recall exactly what I did, but did it with Libreoffice, SM wouldn't do it.

Then there's the LibreOffice Draw tool, I have gotten to like that.
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Re: Quirky Xerus 8.2 for x86_64, released July 19, 2017

#510 Post by BarryK »

ETP wrote:Hi belham2,

If you have no problem with the existing fonts available in Urxvt Terminal Control then all well and good.

However, assuming that you looked at the screenshot, it troubles me that you failed to observe the Urxvt Terminal Control
window and the fact that the Monospaced font used is not present in 8.2

It may be that you need to take the advice in this video: :)
Note that for 8.2 I changed from Urxvtset to UrxvtControl.

The only reason I changed is because Urxvtset uses 'yad', and I reckon there are too many of those popup message thingies. Took the opportunity to get rid of one, as from the description Radky's UrxvtControl seems to do the same thing.

Let me know of any issues with UrxvtControl!
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#511 Post by musher0 »

Hi guys.

Please stop arguing about fonts? The attached pic speaks for itself. BarryK
is only offering 4 DejaVu fonts in XerusQuirky whereas there are 22
available in all.

Ref.: https://dejavu-fonts.github.io

Please prove me wrong, but I believe no Puppy ever provided the full set
of DejaVu fonts, even as an add-on pet.

(Understanding why doesn't mean I am in agreement with this policy in
this particular case of fonts, since having a variety of good fonts to write
with is as essential in the computer age as ink was in the paper age.)

If you are interested, I have the whole DejaVu v. 2.37 set available for
download in this directory:

https://augras.eu/documents/ws-default/ ... tch/Fontes

as well as the still very beautiful classic and historical Liberation font
(which pulled Linuxian fonts away from WhineDose control)


some fixed fonts (look for "Fontes-fixes" in French in the list).

Plus a few others, if you are curious. (I find the Universal font absolutely


Note --
Sorry for not giving URLs for each. For practical reasons, my generous
host, forum member augras, decided against it. And it's not any more
trouble to download them this way, is it?
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#512 Post by musher0 »


I just noticed that you have included aemenu-pango and replaceit in your
Quirky-8.2 "Xerus", in addition to vovchik's bcm.

Many thanks. Downloading the final and the devx now.

I will thus be able to refer 64-bit users who wish to use my Most Recently
Used Files (MRUF) history script to Quirky-8.2 "Xerus". (I've been asked
the question of a 64-bit version for MRUF a couple of times.)

As time allows, I might even try to integrate my aewm environment on
Quirky-8.2 "Xerus".

Again thanks. BFN.
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#513 Post by BarryK »

musher0 wrote:@BarryK

I just noticed that you have included aemenu-pango and replaceit in your
Quirky-8.2 "Xerus", in addition to vovchik's bcm.

Many thanks. Downloading the final and the devx now.

I will thus be able to refer 64-bit users who wish to use my Most Recently
Used Files (MRUF) history script to Quirky-8.2 "Xerus". (I've been asked
the question of a 64-bit version for MRUF a couple of times.)
Yes, I have setup Quirky with the binary executables, so all you have to do is put in the script(s)!
I didn't try to do that, thought that you might like to give it a go after 8.2 is released, and sort out any issues better than I can.
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#514 Post by BarryK »

A couple of earlier posts have shown 01micko's pmcputemp tray applet installed.

Yes, it is useful to see the CPU temperature in the tray, so I have compiled it, and it will be in the next release.

See blog announcement:
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#515 Post by BarryK »

Alpha Litebook progress
muggins gave me his Alpha Litebook laptop. It has issues for him, and he decided that he didn't want it. One thing he didn't like is that the UEFI-firmware doesn't have an option to set "legacy boot".

Here is my blog report, where I am posting updates:

I booted Quirky 8.2 and discovered some problems. I fixed the wifi, it needed a realtek 8723bu driver. Touchpad not working still.

I fixed the slow bootup, by changing this kernel config from builtin to a module:
Device Drivers -> SATA ->
<*> Legacy ISA PATA support

...what I am wondering about now, is whether I should make that the default for Quirky kernels, or even remove that option entirely.
That option is described here:

There is one thing that is worrying me a bit. I copied the 8.2 devx pet to the usb stick, booted up on the Litebook, copied the devx pet to the hard drive in the Litebook. Tried to install the devx and got an md5sum error.
It is real good that pets have this md5sum appended, so picked up that the pet was corrupted. But where and when?
I am always careful to sync everything. The flash stick has been around for awhile, so maybe. Or, the Litebook RAM ... I had better do a memtest.

However, copied devx again, this time it installed, and compiled the kernel ok on the Litebook. Maybe it was "cosmic radiation" :)
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corrupted devx pet

#516 Post by tronkel »

I tried downloading the devx 8.2 xerus pet from NLUUG. It is clear that this download server is having major problems - maybe busted by a virus.

The download rate was 3 times that as allowed by my service provider and the pet package was 3 times larger than it should have been.The pet refused to install. I then tried the download again, this time from the slower (but more stable) ibiblio server. The pet then downloaded and installed without issue.

Congrats on another great release Barry
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MPlayer pet please?

#517 Post by zygo »


Xine got me in the end. I started a video and clicked the X icon to close the window. Then repeated that before remembering that Xine can't be killed via the X icon. X was unable to make a new window so time to reboot. Ctrl-alt-backspace (to close X) might have worked but that's disabled.

Please upload your MPlayer pet for 8.2. It was fine for me in werewolf 7.3.3.

I booted 8.2 from the ISO on a flash stick.

JWMDesk (or maybe just the font button) seems to break fonts in urxvt and JWM. They go from smooth to rough permanently, regardless of the state of the 3 checkboxes. Between that and the keyboard config app (window 2 after booting) (which left me with a US config) I rebooted 5 times.

This time I used the separate config apps of old instead and the text rendering in ROX, urxvt and JWM is very clear -- as they were when I booted.

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#518 Post by BarryK »

BarryK wrote:There is one thing that is worrying me a bit. I copied the 8.2 devx pet to the usb stick, booted up on the Litebook, copied the devx pet to the hard drive in the Litebook. Tried to install the devx and got an md5sum error.
It is real good that pets have this md5sum appended, so picked up that the pet was corrupted. But where and when?
I am always careful to sync everything. The flash stick has been around for awhile, so maybe. Or, the Litebook RAM ... I had better do a memtest.

However, copied devx again, this time it installed, and compiled the kernel ok on the Litebook. Maybe it was "cosmic radiation" :)
I downloaded memtest86 7.3 usb stick image from here:

It is running on the Litebook, about 10 minutes, so far zero errors.
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Re: MPlayer pet please?

#519 Post by BarryK »

zygo wrote:JWMDesk (or maybe just the font button) seems to break fonts in urxvt and JWM. They go from smooth to rough permanently, regardless of the state of the 3 checkboxes. Between that and the keyboard config app (window 2 after booting) (which left me with a US config) I rebooted 5 times.
There are some earlier posts about fonts. Maybe JWMDesk is expecting fonts to be there that aren't. We will have to ask radky to investigate this.
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Re: MPlayer pet please?

#520 Post by BarryK »

zygo wrote:Xine got me in the end. I started a video and clicked the X to close the window. Then repeated that before remembering that Xine can't be killed via the X. X was unable to make a new window so time to reboot. Ctrl-alt-backspace (to close X) might have worked but that's disabled.
I forgot about that!
I have been closing Xine via the gui control panel, and it closes ok, also closes ok via the right-click popup menu.

mplayer pet, don't recall what one that was. Will have to recompile it.
Billtoo has compiled it, you could ask him for it:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 759#960759
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