Wifi-beta dot pup released for testing

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#21 Post by moritzes »

Is that release dotpup or pupget -able? Or is it built into your 1.04 CD?
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#22 Post by peppyy »

I don't know yet if it's 1.0.4 yet or just the wifi but i can't get it to to startx on my 770z. Since I have 1.0.3 as the main os on the hd I an a bit apprehensive about doing too much testing on this machine. I have another laptop on the way, 600e and a bunch of different cards to test.

I am sure I could get it going but this has turned into my main computer now till I get my video fixed on my big box..

1.0.4.wifi won't load on my 600e. I did get to a username and password prompt this time but that was it. I have 1.0.4 running off the cd but hd install is a no go so at the moment I am using my orinoco classic gold card.
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#23 Post by Guest »

which 1.0.4 version are you using ?
Peppyy not logged in

#24 Post by Peppyy not logged in »

I am currently running the standard 1.0.4 moz but the one I can't get to load is the one listed in the forum here http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... sc&start=0

I have been reading all over the web and I am beginning to think that this 600e may be a real chore to configure without the 2.6 kernel. Have tried every sound config I can find with no luck. The video config is really iffy and only runs at one resouloution. Forget the dvd with the vesa drivers I am tempted to try 1.0.3 on another partition and see if that helps. I see there is a new 1.0.5 wifi just listed, I will have to check that out too.

I run 1.0.3 on my 770z and it is very happy with a few dotpups added.

Time to burn some more images.

thinkpad 600e

#25 Post by guest5 »

lots of discussion (and solutions) for sound configuration with 600e in the DSL forum
peppyy not logged in

#26 Post by peppyy not logged in »

Booted to 1.0.3 moz and even with the 2.6 kernel sound is still a nogo. Tried all the variables I could find, keep a couple text files handy.

Re-burned the cd-puppy.iso for wifi and still can't get past a username and password prompt on the 600e and can't start x on the 770z. Going to try a few more things and see what else I might be able to come up with.

It dosn't make any sense for me to bother with the wifi if I can't get the sound to work since my client definately wants sound. Might have to buy a dvd drine for the 770 and part with that one.

#27 Post by Guest »

That one was for 1.0.3 only...the directory structure on the server has changed....With 1.0.4 you need this
http://www.edgarbrits.net/puppy/dotpups ... beta-2.pup

And please read the help file that pops up in the Dilo window..pleaaase

Quick run down

Install the dotpup

read instructions


Code: Select all

. /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless
to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

then add the commands after to bring the interface up via dhcp or via ifconfig

edit /etc/rc.d/wireless.conf to suit your site
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#28 Post by peppyy »

No wonder ir didn't work the first time.
I am online with a Proxim a/b on wlan0. Whooooooooo Hooooooooo.
I have a feeling that I may still have to give up my Orinoco Classic Gold card since it automatically connects to any available network on boot and I am sure my client wouldn't have any idea how to do what I did. 2 years with a computer and still asks how to copy and paste.

I have my router set to hand out the addresses so is there a way to have it auto dhcp instead of setting an address?

I Haven't tested to see if everything "sticks" yet so I will report back.

Loads the drivers and connects but the router dosn't want to assign it an address unless I run dhcpcd wlan0.

added the line
/sbin/dhcpd wlan0
but that didn't seem to do it.

Now that I know this is possible I may just have to try some of the other wireless cards I have and see if they will work too.
Last edited by peppyy on Mon 15 Aug 2005, 04:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#29 Post by BlackAdder »

#dhcpcd wlan0
There may be old process id files in /etc/dhcpc that have to be removed, if so precede that command with :
rm /etc/dhcpc/*.pid
Hope that helps.
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#30 Post by peppyy »

sorry edited the above post at the same time you were posting :oops:

Got it! I just had to read the directions after walking away from them. 3rd time is the charm.

Thank you Thank you! I just tried my $5 linksys card and it reports 100 for signal.

Code: Select all

wlan0     IEEE 802.11b  ESSID:"home"  Nickname:"puppylaptop"
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.447GHz  Access Point: 00:E0:98:DE:D3:33  
          Bit Rate=11Mb/s   Tx-Power:20 dBm   Sensitivity=0/3  
          RTS thr=2432 B   Fragment thr=2432 B   
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality:100/100  Signal level:-48 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

Can't wait to see where this one works
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#31 Post by keenerd »

Peppyy, You say you've had trouble with your 600e? I haven't had too much trouble, and I've been keeping notes of my installation. (I will have to do it all over again at some point.) Sound works, but the audio crackles during USB transfers. Video works, most of the time.

Bladehunter, I had a thought about option 2 upgrading. Wouldn't we have to step the version number of Puppy back a notch? Barry had us do that once, to upgrade from 1.0.2 beta (?) to 1.0.2. The existing install was renamed 1.0.1, or somehing like that.
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#32 Post by peppyy »

Peppyy, You say you've had trouble with your 600e? I haven't had too much trouble, and I've been keeping notes of my installation. (I will have to do it all over again at some point.) Sound works, but the audio crackles during USB transfers. Video works, most of the time.
Mostly sound problems I may have an answer to the video but I still need to do a few more tests. I would be really interested in what you have done to make yours all happy.

I am still having a problem with wifi that I don't quite understand. If I am within range of my neighbors router the computer wont continue to boot after it detects his, possibly because it is encripted. I am going to try changing a few of the settings and see what happens.

What would happen if I left the essid and channel blank? My orinoco gold card automatically detects these on boot and connects as long as the encription is off.
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#33 Post by Guest »

Are you trying to get your IP via dhcp ?
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#34 Post by peppyy »

Yes, well sort of. Here is what I have.

My gateway automatacally hands out network addresses as machines come and go so I need to use auto dhcp. My essid is "Home" and the default channel is "8", not worring about encription fot the moment.

Lets say I walk next door with my laptop and want to connect to that wireless network. The essid is "linksys" and the default channel is "5".

Not only do I need to change my wireless config but I also need to dhcp again for a new address. If I have a set address, the router will ignore the connection since it is set to hand the addresses out.

Is there an easy way to say, probe for the essid and channel and then ask for an address with dhcpcd wlan0 ? I may be way off base here but this is what my orinoco seems to do when it is eth0 and I run iwconfig. Although I still have to ask for an address, (DHCP) it finds network id's and channels automatically.
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#35 Post by keenerd »

This is self promotional, but....

Have you tried complimenting Wifi-Beta with Wireless Access Gadget? If you card supports scanning, it will scan for networks and give each one its own button. Click to connect to anything that isn't password protected.

http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... 0027#10027
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download trouble

#36 Post by John Doe »


Gives me http authentication dialog.

#37 Post by Guest »

Yep it will for the time being......I got a message the other day saying that I'd reached my limit of 20GB for the month....should be up again ok in the next day or so
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#38 Post by John Doe »

bladehunter wrote:Yep it will for the time being......I got a message the other day saying that I'd reached my limit of 20GB for the month....should be up again ok in the next day or so
Ok. I'm going at it from scratch right now anyway. Figuring it all out from the bottom up will make me a more valuable asset to the group anyway.
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#39 Post by John Doe »

John Doe wrote:Ok. I'm going at it from scratch right now anyway...
Like it matters, lol. I got f'ed by the Broadcom BCM4301 card. I have 5 matches in the list. The best two don't work and I'm depressed about the other three because of what I read all over the internet:

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#40 Post by Noobler »

Any other links to get the wifi-beta file, it's still asking for credetials. I am a total linux newbie and I am trying to get my internal wireless card in my dell 700m (intel pro 2200). I am using puppy 1.0.5 and I ran the hardware prob and it looks like it found it, but doesn't have the driver for it. Thanks in advance. Any help would be appreciated.
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