Fatdog64-710 Final [4 Dec 2016]

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#501 Post by Yoliano »

I have read all the pages of posts in 01micko's thread on the development of Pmcputemp, but have found nothing that relates to this bug. I suspect that thread is "cold" now, as the last post was in June 2016. So have decided to post the problem here.

I am a fan of Fd64 and think it is the greatest! I have been running Fd64-710 for about 3 months now. Previously, 702, 630, 600, etc. My sincere thanks and congratulations to Jamesbond, Kirk, et al. Initially, Pmcputemp behaved perfectly, present in the tray at boot and remaining there until shutdown. But about three weeks ago, it started disappearing from the tray. It always appears at boot, but now it disappears from the tray at irregular intervals. Sometimes a couple of minutes after boot, other times after half an hour, or more. I can get it back by going to: >usr>bin> and clicking on pmcputemp. It then reappears in the tray, but soon disappears again. I have used Gslapt to uninstall, then reinstall the app., but no change, the problem persists.

I updated the google-chrome browser recently and if my memory serves me correctly, this problem emerged soon after. So that event could possibly have something to do with this change of behaviour.

I realize that this is a minor issue, but if anyone has experienced this same problem, or can otherwise give advice, I will welcome their kind assistance.
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#502 Post by smokey01 »

@Yoliano I also had trouble running the pmcputemp.sh script in /etc/xdg/Startup.
Try placing a symlink in /etc/xdg/Startup pointing at the /usr/bin/pmcputemp binary. It works here without problems on Fatdog64-710.
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#503 Post by Yoliano »

Hi "Smokey", thanks for your quick response. Haven't had time yet to test your suggestion. As soon as I have done so, I will post the results for you.

Hasta pronto!
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#504 Post by prehistoric »


Tried your temperature app hack, and got it to come up and display a temperature. The number even changed, but afterward the monitor disappeared. No idea what is going on.
BTW: I hid the pmcputemp shell script in a subdirectory, in case that was causing the crash, and just used the link to the binary. Nope.
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#505 Post by smokey01 »

prehistoric wrote:@smokey01

Tried your temperature app hack, and got it to come up and display a temperature. The number even changed, but afterward the monitor disappeared. No idea what is going on.
BTW: I hid the pmcputemp shell script in a subdirectory, in case that was causing the crash, and just used the link to the binary. Nope.
How very odd. I know at least one other person that's symlinking to the binary and it's working. It is working on my other machine as well. The other machine is Intel and this one is AMD.
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Problem with compile packages

#506 Post by borzeh »

I'am using fatdog as my every day distro about a year.
but recently , (as I learn more about Linux) I'm facing with problems with compile and MAKE packages.

for example , to install vim plugins, sometimes need compile them , but always I have some dependency missings in process of make.
also to install Emacs , same thing occurred . (and many other packages that is not in fatdog Repositories)
I have tried to get missing dependencies from anywhere (even slackware 14.2 Repositories) . but at the end, near always some conflicts or other problems occurred.

{ I am try use debian , its repositories have all dependencies , seems everything work, but I don't like migration to another distro because of some problems . until today, fatdog is far more than everything I need in pc and I don't like to loose it)

is I do something wrong?
is fatdog core is limit and not for compiling?
or even all because of slackware core?

thank you :wink:
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#507 Post by WillM »

Hi borzeh,
There are plugin managers for Vim. Pathogen and Vundle are probably the two most widely used. What plugin do you need?
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#508 Post by borzeh »

WillM wrote:Hi borzeh,
There are plugin managers for Vim. Pathogen and Vundle are probably the two most widely used. What plugin do you need?
Hi and thank you very much for your reply

some plugins like (vimproc)
i see many plugins need compile just like vimproc.

To install vimproc

Code: Select all

vimproc uses a pathogen compatible structure, so it can be managed with pathogen, however you must remember to compile after cloning the repo.

git clone https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim


also my problem not exactly for editors and their plugins, but, trying to compile or install every package that is not in fatdog repositories.

Is it true that minimal distros like fatdog isnt good options to Compile packages?
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#509 Post by WillM »

vimproc installed for me. Do you have the fd64-devx-710.sfs loaded? That is if you are using Fatdog64-710, if you are using an older version of Fatdog load the devx.sfs for that version. It has all the files for compiling.
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#510 Post by borzeh »

WillM wrote:vimproc installed for me. Do you have the fd64-devx-710.sfs loaded? That is if you are using Fatdog64-710, if you are using an older version of Fatdog load the devx.sfs for that version. It has all the files for compiling.
Thank you very much WillM.

// and sorry for off topic

now i'm trying make all packages i need them and have totally successful
with "checkinstall" which gives txz file at last
is there any location to upload them (permanent) and let others use them?

thanks WillM i am very happy :D
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#511 Post by Yoliano »


Following your suggestion, I made a Relative Symlink in /etc/xdg/Startup pointing to /usr/bin/pmcputemp, (the binary file with gearwheel icon). Then I made various tests, as follows:

1 - Rebooted 710. Temp. Icon present in tray. Completed 2 Hr. working session on PC. Temp. Icon remained present until shutdown. All OK.

2 - Made 2 more tests, as in 1. But Temp Icon disappeared from tray before end of session, in each case. Failure.

3 - Downloaded new ISO Image file of 710, from Ibiblio. Installed it on a new, unused USB3.1 16 GB Kingston Memory Stick, (genuine, bought from K. official online store). All in accordance with Jamesbond's instructiojns. Booted it Without Savefile option. 710 OS came up all good. Made minimal configuration, installing Pmcputemp from Gslapt. Went to /aufs/devsave/ and changed name of original Savefile. Closed session and made new Savedirectory. Rebooted 710 from same memstick. All good. Temp. Icon present in tray. Made 1.5 Hr. work session, including emailing and other tasks. But the Temp Icon disappeared from tray somewhere in the middle of the session! Failure. Note: Google-Chrome Browser NOT installed yet.

4 - Made relative symlink in /etc/xdg/Startup, as described above. Rebooted again and all good, with Temp. Icon in tray. Left PC running, without making operations, for 1 Hr. But Temp. Icon disappeared during that time. Failure.

So, it looks like there is some corruption going on somewhere. Maybe it originates in my hardware. It is difficult to understand how the Temp. Icon can survive for a while and then disappear. It is very weird behaviour. Also, I note that I cannot now restore the Icon to the tray by clicking on the binary file, as I could before. Things seem to be getting worse.

My ability to analise the intestines of my PC are minimal. So if you, or anyone else have some useful thoughts on this subject, I shall be very pleased to receive them. Many thanks for your interest and help.
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#512 Post by smokey01 »

@Yoliano try deleting the /root/.config/pmcputemp directory. It should regenerate a new directory on the fly.

The contents of my /root/.config/pmcputemp/pmcputemprc are:

Do you have something similar?

It's a bit of a mystery as it works for some but not others.
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#513 Post by step »

borzeh wrote: is there any location to upload them (permanent) and let others use them?
If you follow the link "+packages' in my signature you'll find the thread for user-user-contributed Fatdog packages, and you could share yours there.
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#514 Post by Terry H »

2 days ago I did some updates via gslapt, which i hadn't done for quite a while. When I log in now using openbox I no longer have the lxqt-panels being displayed. When I attempt to execute lxqt-panel from a termnal I get an error:
"error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib64/libglapi.so.0: file too short."

Checking /usr/lib64, there is no libglapi.so.0. So it appears that something that I updated stopped the panels I had from running.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Edit: fixed typo.
Last edited by Terry H on Thu 10 Aug 2017, 22:17, edited 2 times in total.
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#515 Post by don570 »

Checking /usr/lib64, there is no libglapi.so/0
Did you make spelling error?


I would boot up , putting 'savefile=none' in menu.lst file
and copy over an undamaged file

http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... efile.html

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#516 Post by Terry H »

don570 wrote:
Checking /usr/lib64, there is no libglapi.so/0
Did you make spelling error?


I would boot up , putting 'savefile=none' in menu.lst file
and copy over an undamaged file

http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... efile.html

Yes, fixed typo. Thanks I'll give that a try. Going out now so will do it tomorrow.
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#517 Post by Terry H »

I booted with savefile=none and checked for libglapi.so.0. There isn't one in the base fatdog-710 either.

On checking the updates that were installed the other day, mesa was updated to 17.0.3. It seems to me that this update is possibly causing my issue of the 2 lxqt-panels I have not being displayed.
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#518 Post by SFR »

Terry H wrote:I booted with savefile=none and checked for libglapi.so.0. There isn't one in the base fatdog-710 either.
This lib is a part of Mesa, so it is in the base.
I'd suggest you to reinstall Mesa and see if it helps.
Alternatively, since /usr/lib64/libglapi.so.0 is merely a symlink to /usr/lib64/libglapi.so.0.0.0, check if the latter exists and if so, just create a symlink to it.

Btw, I've upgraded it to 17.0.3 some time ago and no probs...

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#519 Post by Terry H »

SFR wrote:
Terry H wrote:I booted with savefile=none and checked for libglapi.so.0. There isn't one in the base fatdog-710 either.
This lib is a part of Mesa, so it is in the base.
I'd suggest you to reinstall Mesa and see if it helps.
Alternatively, since /usr/lib64/libglapi.so.0 is merely a symlink to /usr/lib64/libglapi.so.0.0.0, check if the latter exists and if so, just create a symlink to it.

Btw, I've upgraded it to 17.0.3 some time ago and no probs...

Thanks for your assistance. I reinstalled mesa, restarted X and also rebooted, still the same, no panels. Checked /usr/lib64 again, nothing starting libgl....
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#520 Post by SFR »

Strange... Ok, what's the output of:

Code: Select all

ls /usr/lib64/libglapi*

Code: Select all

ls /aufs/pup_save/usr/lib64/libglapi*

If still nothing, what if you just unpack the Mesa package and copy all the files manually to their destinations?

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