Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog

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#21 Post by rcrsn51 »

saintless wrote:
fredx181 wrote:t...his line should be removed (or commented out:

Code: Select all

 rm -rf tmpa/etc/rc.d
Now that peasywifi is in the dog repositories, I guess I'll have to update all remaster script packages that have similar as this line (not sure yet, maybe easier to consult rcrsn51 about a small change in peasywifi) sigh...
Removing /etc/rc.d, /etc/DISTRO_SPECS, and /initrd in remasterdog and remastercow scripts is sometning I insisted to include to prepare DebianDog for puppy-boot option (using initrd.gz from puppy with debian kernel).
Better remove the lines above from the scripts to make easier puppy developers to keep the same structure for packages like peasywifi (inside /etc/rc.d for puppy and dog based system). Porteus-boot and live boot will not create /initrd or /etc.rc.d (both are puppy specific for important configuration files).

I am sending you PWF v4.5 which moves into /etc/pwf. This should solve your problem.

The service script in /etc/init.d just needs to point to the new location.
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#22 Post by wiak »

I note fred that you say this script can be run from any Debian-based OS. I can't help but wonder, if it is 'possible' it could be made to run from a Puppy (?) - in particular, does 'debootstrap' program need a debian-based system or can a different Linux be used for that chroot installed debian environment (followed by rest of script?).
debootstrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into a subdirectory of another, already installed system. It doesn't require an installation CD, just access to a Debian repository. It can also be installed and run from another operating system, so, for instance, you can use debootstrap to install Debian onto an unused partition from a running Gentoo system.
Just thought it would be great if a Puppy user could use this to immediately build a DebianDog to a usb stick or something (or maybe a mod of this script could do that?).



Seems that one advantage of debootstrap over multistrap is that debootstrap doesn't itself need dpkg/apt. Seems to me that once the new debootstrap debian system is built in a chroot then that could be used to complete the build(?) - i.e. maybe arranged thus could then indeed use even a non-debian-type Puppy system (or any Linux system) for the build?

Its main limitation compared to debootstrap is that it uses apt and dpkg directly so can only work on a debian system - debootstrap depends on nothing but shell, wget, binutils and thus can run pretty-much anywhere.

The main advantage with multistrap is the flexibility to mix packages from different repositories and different suites and manage customised variants with configuration files.
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#23 Post by rcrsn51 »

wiak wrote:Just thought it would be great if a Puppy user could use this to immediately build a DebianDog to a usb stick or something (or maybe a mod of this script could do that?).wiak
Run from a Debian based system 32-bit or 64-bit (will create i686 (32-bit) or x86_64 (64-bit) live system accordingly to the architecture of the OS you are running from)
The script needs apt-get.
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#24 Post by wiak »

Yes, I know the current mklive build script needs apt-get, but I have pointed out that debootstrap itself doesn't. I wondered if the debootstrap-created debian system (in a chroot) could as a secondary stage then be used to complete the build process (since that could use apt-get whereas the underlying system could be say a Puppy which itself couldn't use apt-get)? If you see what I mean.

Main thing I was thinking was that the script 'debootstrap' could itself be run under Puppy linux (or other Linux if desired) - creating a Debian system in a chroot (jail/container), and the rest of the mklive script run from that chroot (jail/container) thereafter...

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#25 Post by mikeslr »

Hi wiak,

Eight months ago I posed the challenge of adding adrive builder, apt or synaptic to Puppies (in general), mentioning those which already included apt and synaptic.

To date, only Pelo has suggested this apt/synaptic solution. ... 960#961960. Neither Pelo nor I claim to have any expertise in programming. And I haven't had the time to explore the validity of his response.

You're welcome to 'give it a go.'

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#26 Post by wiak »

mikeslr wrote: Eight months ago I posed the challenge of adding adrive builder, apt or synaptic to Puppies (in general), mentioning those which already included apt and synaptic.
That's not what I'm suggesting or have in mind mikeslr. Rather, I'm suggesting it should be reasonably easily possible to modify the fred-provided mklive-stretch build system in the first thread of this post such that it can be run from a standard Puppy (or other Linux system) - the result will still be a debian-live debiandog type system rather than an otherwise standard Puppy with apt/dpkg capability.

I do have a technical background but it is in project management and not myself programming per se. As a project manager I look for general purpose methodologies rather than a specific implementation (such as, in this case, a mklive-stretch build system that needs to be run from a Debian apt/dpkg capable system - via chroot second stage, I doubt that limitation is necessary, and via modularisation I do not see that 'stretch' needs to be a specified limitation either, so if modularised appropriately I believe it shouldn't be later necessary to rewrite an almost identical mklive build script to build non-stretch system). Making a good project great is often about implementing a specific idea in a more general purpose manner (indeed traditional Unix philosophy works in that direction).

EDIT: If you go too far down the path on a design that is very specific it becomes much harder later to universalise/generalise the method - hence the importance to modularise and generalise as close as possible to the germination of the project idea. To put it another way, at the beginning, things are reasonably simple; that's the best time to invest in looking for most general purpose/flexible solutions.


EDIT2: I have total faith, by the way, that Fred himself is perfectly capable of relatively easily making this script work the way I suggest. All changes require some extra work (and tests of course) but now would be the time... But of course he might not like the suggested approach or want to implement it, which is fine.
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#27 Post by fredx181 »

Hi wiak,

I think I see what you mean, something like: once the chroot is created by debootstrap, Debian management will 'take over' so it could maybe work from a non-Debian OS, right?
Well, I had a quick look at the dependencies for debootstrap in DEBIAN/control file, only mentioned is "wget", so that looks good.
But further I looked inside the debootstrap script and noticed some "dpkg" command lines, so the host OS probably needs dpkg installed to make debootsrap work. :?:
On line 109 of the mklive-stretch script (first stage, still outside chroot):

Code: Select all

apt-get install debootstrap wget xorriso isolinux xz-utils squashfs-tools -y --force-yes
debootstrap is no more than a script and the other dependencies can be installed on a Puppy I guess (xorriso and isolinux are just to create ISO, but can be done in other ways also, using genisoimage, and squashfs-tools (for mksquashfs) is included in any puppy)
Then line 115 runs debootstrap

Code: Select all

debootstrap --arch=$ARCH --variant=minbase stretch chroot
I attached the debootstrap script, to test in puppy, just extract it somewhere in PATH, e.g. /usr/bin/
So maybe, just maybe, if a Puppy has dpkg, things might work.

To be honest, at this point of time, I don't feel like trying to make this work in puppy, prefer to focus now on other things.
But if you or anyone want to go the road to make it work on Puppy, I can help in some way maybe.
I think the best is to try first if debootsrap works OK, by for example for 32-bit:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p stretch/chroot && cd stretch
debootstrap --arch=i386 --variant=minbase stretch chroot

debootstrap (script only)
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#28 Post by fredx181 »

rcrsn51 wrote:I am sending you PWF v4.5 which moves into /etc/pwf. This should solve your problem.
Probably the best is to modify the remaster scripts and others (so that it doesn't remove /etc/rc.d) and build new packages because there are more programs that include /etc/rc.d, e.g. your peasy firewall monitor (and maybe more I can't think of now)
But thanks anyway !

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#29 Post by wiak »

fredx181 wrote: But further I looked inside the debootstrap script and noticed some "dpkg" command lines, so the host OS probably needs dpkg installed to make debootsrap work. :?:
Thanks Fred,

I quickly looked inside debootstrap, and it seems to me that you just need to give the arch and for such case dpkg being installed isn't a requirement. Here are the lines from debootstrap usage I noticed (particularly note the last line):

Code: Select all

	echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION]... <suite> <target> [<mirror> [<script>]]"
	echo "Bootstrap a Debian base system into a target directory."
	cat <<EOF
      --help                 display this help and exit
      --version              display version information and exit
      --verbose              don't turn off the output of wget

      --download-only        download packages, but don't perform installation
      --print-debs           print the packages to be installed, and exit

      --arch=A               set the architecture to install (use if no dpkg)
                               [ --arch=powerpc ]
Probably needs someone more skilled in progamming than me though, and not essential anyway I realise! The idea can be kept in mind maybe though as things get developed.

EDIT: Having said that, I maybe will do my best to try and check debootstrap working in a Puppy since I think I understand maybe enough for that testing stage. First I have to install a Puppy though since I don't have one on here just now! :-) I'll try on a Slacko, just for proof of concept...

Last edited by wiak on Thu 03 Aug 2017, 08:54, edited 1 time in total.
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#30 Post by fredx181 »

wiak wrote:I quickly looked inside debootstrap, and it seems to me that you just need to give the arch and for such case dpkg being installed isn't a requirement. Here are the lines from debootstrap usage I noticed (particularly note the last line):
Ok, just a matter of trying it out then, if the debootstrap process works properly, then simply do (chroot binary required):

Code: Select all

chroot chroot # if chroot is the name of directory already created
And then see if "apt-get install <somepackage>" works.

EDIT: sorry there's more required to test that, see here: ... -in-chroot

I think an improvement might be to allow specifying additional repositories as a variable in the script. Of course, I'm thinking of Chrome, but there are lots of other "independent" Debian/Ubuntu repositories out there that people might want to use.
Yes, good idea, probably that's rather easy to implement.
You think of also your special setup for running chrome as normal user ?
Btw, as it is now there's only root account, no multiuser support I tested yet.

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#31 Post by wiak »

Sorry Fred,

I've downloaded Puppy Slacko but probably won't have time to try debootstrap out with it until tomorrow (hope I can find chroot program for Slacko - otherwise I'll try XenialPup or similar). I am pretty confident it should work anyway and it seems I could even run the DebianDog at same time as the Pup!!! since that's what chroot with all these mount commands of /proc and so on should allow. I have actually since come across "James B" detailing how to run Slacko at same time as FatDog via chroot mechanisms here (not that this has anything to do with debootstrap idea...): ... koInFatdog

It is all very exciting stuff anyway. I can't help wondering what the future of Puppy itself is though since debootstrap can create such a small Debian, but I guess there is room for all and maybe a Puppy with a chroot Debian (or thus created debiandog) running alongside is also a useful possibility (or as with the FatDog example, but instead running Puppy inside a DebianDog via a chroot).

Main thing for me for now though is trying to get a mklive debiandog working via your script but using Puppy system as the host build system.

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#32 Post by rcrsn51 »

@Fred: Here is my test:

I booted Stretchdog32 off an ISObooter flash drive. I plugged in another flash drive with a big ext4 partition and ran the mklive script from there. It chugged away and eventually made the ISO. I copied it back to the ISObooter drive and rebooted. It worked!

But you quickly realize how many extra little things you need to make a practical OS.

BTW, in the middle of the process, a "Done" message appears with a pause. An impatient person would close the terminal window, assuming that they were done.
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#33 Post by fredx181 »

Hello rcrsn51

Thanks for testing and good to know it works with isobooter!
Indeed it's very minimal, so lots of work to be done to make it a more complete OS.
I'll have a look at the 'Done' message

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#34 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Fred and All,

Still trying to get my head around this. As I understand it, the ISO is created in a chroot environment run from another OS. But which actually has to have access to the internet?

My two main computers are a desktop which can only access the internet via wifi, and a laptop, which being portable, can be ported sufficiently close to my router that I can use an ethernet cable.

I'd rather do my exploring of, to me, uncharted territory from my desktop. Is that possible?


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#35 Post by dancytron »

Built another one. I attempted to add all the DD specific programs and test a few.

This is the application list I used.

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export INSTALL="live-boot wget net-tools ifupdown wireless-tools sysvinit-core xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg psmisc fuse x11-utils x11-xserver-utils dbus-x11 busybox sudo mawk xinit xterm openbox obconf menu leafpad pcmanfm lxpanel pciutils usbutils gparted file rsync dosfstools parted nano pv synaptic volumeicon-alsa alsa-utils firefox-esr pup-volume-monitor pm-utils apt2sfs debdoginstallscripts debdogmountscripts desktop-drive-icons desktop-editor dogradio edit-sfs-pcmanfm filemnt-pcmanfm fixdepinstall gsu isotools makedebpackage mount-wizard mpv pavrecord pburn pfind portablesfs-loadsfs-fuse quick-remaster remaster-scripts sfsload upgrade-kernel youtube-get youtube-viewer"
I installed Chrome with deb install program. Runs fine with --no-sandbox. Tested apt2sfs, load sfs, gtk youtube, dog radio and edit-sfs and they all worked.

Of course, there is no right click integration and there weren't any filetypes. I had to pick edit sfs and load sfs from the "open with" menu.

It seems when I use save2flash that it doesn't flush the memory like the newer version does. In other words, after I installed Chrome, it seemed like each time I used save2flash it was saving that whole huge amount rather than just what I'd added since the last time I used save2flash. Or I might just be imagining it?

Haven't tried a remaster yet. Maybe later.

edit: Just did a quick remaster. Seems successful. The "double mount" bug has returned though, i.e. when the script pauses to manually cleanout files, there are no files if you go directly to drive by clicking sda2, but there are files if you go by way of /mnt/sda2.
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#36 Post by fredx181 »

dancytron wrote:This is the application list I used.
Ok, that's good test if all the dog applications have correct dependencies.
I think I will work (probably in the weekend) on a similar setup as it is now, but with the most DD scripts included (and right-click options, file associations pre-configured) but NOT with big programs + dependencies e.g. mpv, youtube-viewer etc.. Prefer to keep it under 200 MB for now.

Also later I will look at save2flash and the double mount bug.

My two main computers are a desktop which can only access the internet via wifi, and a laptop, which being portable, can be ported sufficiently close to my router that I can use an ethernet cable.

If I understand you well, you wonder if it works with no cable connection, just wifi only, right?
Well I was curious and tested that (cable plugged out, wifi activated ) and to my surprise it just works!
Apparently, in the chroot, the already existing connection from outside chroot is sort of "taken over", don't know exactly how to be honest.

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#37 Post by mikeslr »

Thanks Fred,

I think. :roll:

My equivocation is because, for me, exploring the possibilities of Puppies and Dogs seems to be addictive. There are other projects I keep putting off. I've said it before: :)

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#38 Post by rcrsn51 »

fredx181 wrote:in the chroot, the already existing connection from outside chroot is sort of "taken over", don't know exactly how to be honest.
I'm guessing that the networking information, like the routing table, is in kernel-space.

So programs like apt-get running in the chroot can still access it.

So as long as your WiFI connection doesn't hiccup, you should be OK.
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#39 Post by dancytron »

fredx181 wrote:
dancytron wrote:This is the application list I used.
Ok, that's good test if all the dog applications have correct dependencies.
I think I will work (probably in the weekend) on a similar setup as it is now, but with the most DD scripts included (and right-click options, file associations pre-configured) but NOT with big programs + dependencies e.g. mpv, youtube-viewer etc.. Prefer to keep it under 200 MB for now.

Also later I will look at save2flash and the double mount bug.


I think that is good. If you do that, then people will have the basic "starter kit" that they can expand with user applications, create and use sfs files, install deb files they get off the internet, and then remaster themselves.
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#40 Post by wiak »

fredx181 wrote: I attached the debootstrap script, to test in puppy, just extract it somewhere in PATH, e.g. /usr/bin/
Need to get a bit more than that since debootstrap sources from a set of functions called 'functions' that it needs to operate.

I'll work on getting the whole thing onto my Puppy Slacko though since I'm confident that will work.

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