LanPuppy How To?

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#21 Post by m1r0 »

hi m8 :)

What are you doing with PXE?
----if u saw pic on MU's FTP u will see my network scheme, none of the terminals dont have cd or floppy

PC's that're about 2ghz & faster usually will PXE boot, most all newer ones will.
---- on my network pic all 10 pc's have PXE boot option in bios
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#22 Post by m1r0 »

curent setup of my network, 4 top pc's plus one for server are available for testing.


mreza hotel opatija pup test.jpg
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#23 Post by sunburnt »

Flash; md5 is a darn good idea, & the DB's tables could be separate files (I think).
Otherwise the DB could be split into a number of smaller DBs of a given size,
& more added as the DB grows & as the last DB file reaches the target size.

I'll run this by my DB programming friend & see just what he thinks about it...

m1r0; The pix shows the server is connected to the wired LAN by Wireless?
I might be wrong about that, but if not, the server REALLY needs be on
the ether LAN, as the server sees most of the LanPuppy client's traffic.
A few LanPuppies on a WAN will work, but even my daughter's PC on the
WAN is rather slow when compared to the rest of the ether connected PCs.

I'm wrestling with finding out where Xfce's REAL startup code is for Login.
I thought I knew where it started, but further testing showed me wrong.
I PMed Dougal who has a good working knowledge of Xfce for help...
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#24 Post by m1r0 »

evening m8,
i just checked post,

i dont know if this is what u ask , but on ubuntu (xfce) we edited in /usr/share/gdm/themes to change login screen.

wlan server on picture is for curent windows system. for puppy testing it will be all on lan.

did your friend solved that domain problem ?


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#25 Post by sunburnt »

Thanks m1r0; I had another suggestion that I thought was the fix,
sadly it wasn't to be, there's just too many differences between Xfce installs.
The fix given in another post was for a Puppy with a Xfce package installed,
the one I'm working with is SimplePup that has Xfce as it's main WM already.
I looked where you said & there is no /usr/share/gdm dir. at all.
So it would appear that the fix will be specifically for this Puppy version only.

No I haven't seen him, & apparently he isn't too concerned about it (Weard).
As I said above, I'll accept MU's kindly offer to host LanPuppy,
as space at his site is now 275GB, large programs aren't a problem.
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#26 Post by Flash »

Sunburnt, our conversation about a DVD-based server seemed a bit off-topic so I separated it and put it in its own thread here.
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#27 Post by sunburnt »

m1r0; I've got LanPuppy working well, I'll test tomorrow & alpha package it.
I browsed the web without any network setup on the client & posted here.
I played the BeachBoys song Kokomo from the server, sounds great.
I've previously watched movies from the server & it worked pretty good.

There's sooo much to test that I'll try everything out & then fix from feedback.
Programmers know it working on my PC doesn't mean it'll work other PCs.
So with that in mind... the REAL test is if it works for you guys, that's the ticket!
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#28 Post by m1r0 »

hi sunburnt,guys

great news m8 :) sry but i been workin two days so had little time for online.

i have next week free at our centre, no field work :) so i be ready to start testing.
tty tomorow

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#29 Post by m1r0 »

hi sunburnt, guys

i still didnt manage to get pxe boot up since i upgraded to feisty which made my pc go down , still fixing it. any news on lanpuppy package ?i check ftp daily :)

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#30 Post by sunburnt »

It's working good, I decided to test & fill in some of the extra undone stuff,
being as you said you were busy for a little bit...

I'm going to test it a bit more for a day or two & then make 2 packages:
PupServer & LanPuppy_Xfce to post at MU's site.

Then more polishing of both packages to move them closer to beta release.

The sfsManager is mostly ready, I have to make an actual adv. SFS file though.

And I'm looking for a Puppy-1 IceWM "XP clone" to make into a LanPuppy client.
Both Xfce & an XP clone will cover most average user's choices for popular WMs.
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#31 Post by m1r0 »

hi sunburnt :)

nice to hear all is working well m8 :) i have several things in backup i want show u after tests. does lanpuppy have some kind of caffe managment system ? i am free from tomorow morning to start testing whole week. i will need some help in setup so it would be easyer if u can contact me via msn or skype for little support if posible :) .tnx m8


i b cheking l8r on this evening in about 1h or so.
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#32 Post by sunburnt »

Hey m1r0; LanPuppy currently is just the bare essentials to make it work.
LanPuppy Admin. GUI has tab panels for: Users, Hosts, Options, & other stuff.
This allows adding & removing: Users & PCs, & the Options are on going work.

When this base package is tested & proven I'll make an accounting add-on.
This'll keep track of the User's hours & billing, & eventually much more.

I prayed that the usual thing of code that works wouldn't suddenly stop working.
But in the typical fashion, it did... It's minor, but best I deal with it now.
Like the uncritical problem the other day, there's no reason for you to deal with it.
I posted for help in the "Users" forum here, take a look if you want to...

It looks like from MU's post that his site is temporarily off-line, I'll PM him.
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#33 Post by sunburnt »

m1r0; I've PMed MU & it looks like his site may be down for a little while.
I'm waiting for his reply, we'll see how it goes...

I've packaged LanPuppy & PupServer for downloading when MU's ready.

I don't have an IM account, nor do I have a cell phone for the same reason,
why would I want to be bothered by having myself be easily accessable?
The wife & kids all have M$ IM accounts, if needed we can do that.

It's pretty simple, just GunZip the file & then unTar it in / of the partition.
I use FAT32 partitions so setting up booting is really easy, I use DOS to boot.
There's an autoexec.bat file to run PupServer directly, or a pupserv.bat
file to be run by typing it in at the DOS prompt, this allows multi. booting.

If you want to put it on another type of partition, then you'll have to set it up.
SysLinux is my choice for a boot loader, but Grub is good also & popular.

PupServer "should" adapt itself to whatever network that it's dropped in to.
This is one of the MOST crucial tests for it, as it is a network server.

PupServer download size = 63MB ....... expanded size = 301MB (with 256MB SAVE file)
LanPuppy download size = 85MB ....... expanded size = 116MB

The PupServer package is a little larger than it should be because I haven't
remastered it yet, once it's well developed I'll take the trouble to do that.

There's 2 user's (UserName: us ,PassWord: US) (UserName: me ,PassWord: ME).
You can remove them & add others with the LanPuppyAdmin. utility.

There's many many parts to these 2 packages, I've tried everything out
but I'm sure there's stuff that'll fail on you, but hey... that's why it's "alpha".
As I said... your trying out is it's real test, & so far your the only tester.

This gives you an idea of what the setup will be like, if there's something
that's different with your setup, post it & we'll work that out.

I'll PM you when I get MU's info & it's uploaded... Terry
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#34 Post by sunburnt »

MU's site: has been suspended for reaching it's bandwidth limit already!

If it's a month to month type thing, then it'll be a week until we can access it.
I uploaded PupServer & LanPuppy, & before MU could move it, the site's gone.

I'll work with my friend at trying to bring his site up so your week isn't lost.
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#35 Post by m1r0 »

hey sunburnt,guys

u can use this ftp temporary until MU's back up
great job m8, i cant wait to start testing :D

user: mr13
pass: wazbac13

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#36 Post by sunburnt »

m1r0; Your instructions don't fit into gFtp, it only accepts:

Host, Port (not needed), User, & Pass.

I went to the url & it's there, so I used the url for the Host, but it won't connect.

So I need a genuine "Host" to fill in gFtp, I assume the User & Pass are correct.
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#37 Post by m1r0 »

hhi sunburnt, guys

i conected to that ftp with np, but i use windows on this machine to transfer to ftp over total comander, so should be working as i am conected nowbut i cant accses over ftp:// in browser.

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#38 Post by godog »

I managed to snag a copy off of mu upload server late last night and am giving it a spin. Pupserver comes up but w/o Samba and tftp. Should they have been part of the install or do I need to install manually?

Thanks in advance. First try looks good. Can't wait to get both ends going.
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#39 Post by sunburnt »

No... gFtp in Puppy works just fine, Firefox goes to the url,

but gFtp won't connect using the "url" for the "Host".

I tried adding: "ftp://" & "http://" to it & it just gives different errors.
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#40 Post by m1r0 »

hey sunburnt,

can u contact me on msn ?
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