Puppy 2.02 Opera CD won't boot

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Puppy 2.02 Opera CD won't boot

#1 Post by buck »

I have a pent1 with 128 meg ram running98 and want to look at puppy with intensions of installing to a thumb later...the box boot cd but not usb so I will need to create a wake pup floppy or something for that.
...BUT I downloaded puppy 2.02opera.iso and burned it to cdrw and it will run to boot prompt but continues to the point of reading the cd and has dma error..why? must I burn only to cd-r? I may have to put this puppy down...dang it looked so interesting...any help would be appreciated.
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#2 Post by GuestToo »

yes, it is possible that your hardware does not like to boot from a cdrw disc ... it might boot from a cdr, or not

you could try booting with the nodma kernel boot option

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#3 Post by Flash »

If the CD drive is as old as the processor I'm not surprised that it would have trouble booting from a rewritable CD. :)

On the other hand, it did get as far as the boot prompt, which suggests that the disk might not be the problem. Who knows? Probably only trying different things will find the answer.

If you have a newer (or at least a different) CD drive that you can swap, give it a try.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=69321][color=blue]Puppy Help 101 - an interactive tutorial for Lupu 5.25[/color][/url]
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#4 Post by buck »

Ok well I was playing with the boot options and found that if I do puppy ide=nodma it will boot and if I choose us for keyboard and 800x600@16 I can get to the desktop..
.it is painfully slow...98 was running on 32 meg ram and had opera and utorrent and a few utilities...it opened opera in 15 seconds..
i beefed up the ram to 128 meg for puppy and it took 41 seconds to open opera..I attempted a dial up connection but it frozeup...my fault as I forgot which modem was in it...abiword has no spell checker..but I am familiar with it and beaver so like the programs they are just slow...I like the icon for mounts and it did see the thumb I used on 98 for programs..but when I clicked on an mp3, xine opened played a second and vanished..looks interesting but must need a pent3 or 4 and more ram to function..not sure it is worth attempting the thumb install but may be I am just to unfamiliar. will try on the vista tank or the xp box and see what happens...will likely speed along but then the current project is this old pent 1 and some linux that will run on it.guess I am out of luck...no complaints just disappointed a little..thanks

Re: Puppy 2.02 Opera CD won't boot

#5 Post by jonyo »

I'd try pup live cd 2.12 or 3. Boots up so far on everything i've tried (~6 computers). Might work for you too. My understanding is that these are the ones recommended for startin out.

I only tried one other earlier ver of pup (forget which one). it was very different :shock: & didn't persue it.

Sticking with what's working for me, for now.
buck wrote:I have a pent1 with 128 meg ram running98 and want to look at puppy with intensions of installing to a thumb later...the box boot cd but not usb so I will need to create a wake pup floppy or something for that.
...BUT I downloaded puppy 2.02opera.iso and burned it to cdrw and it will run to boot prompt but continues to the point of reading the cd and has dma error..why? must I burn only to cd-r? I may have to put this puppy down...dang it looked so interesting...any help would be appreciated.
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#6 Post by buck »

Thanks for some response...I guess 2.13 is the current puppy and must be accepted as such...the reason I chose the opera one is that firefox on other machines requires a lot of resourses, so thought it may be more functional to use opera on this old box...

I think xmms would be more useful on this box for mp3 as it is unlikely to play a movie,
I would like the GQview also and it requires an editor added to resize pics.
I also like dia for sketcking floor plans etc.
and would like to have an offline dictionary and spell checker..

it is possible that these are available and easy to install I am just not sure where to look or how to add them to the cd..if I install this may be easier.

.I like the drives icon for mounting big plus for a newbie

but do not understand why there is a start or menu button when a click on desk top gives menu..guess I need better understanding and should read up a bit.

IS it possible to fix my box so DMA is on..maby that will make xine play an mp3..it must be off at boot to boot up

will download 2.13 and see what I think of that..thanks..any pointers on packages to make it more functional for my old box?

LOL..getting a puppy is always a big responsibility

#7 Post by jonyo »

Can't say much about 2.02..pretty much clueless about it myself :oops:

Can say that Opera has dowloaded very well for me (from pupget) on all 2.12 & 3 stuff that I've tried.

I've been able also to download 'open office' with pupget & use it as a spellchecker.
live cd 2.12 & 3..'pup save file' on hardrive
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#8 Post by CatmanDru »

One reason Puppy may be running slower than Windows on your machine is thaat Windows was set up (in your machine) to use a swap file to 'fake' extra memory. Puppy on your machine doesnt have that advantage, yet. But you can set up swap (file or partition). It will then perform better (but maybe not with your upgrade to 128Ram). If your cd rom is as old as the processor, then it would definitely slow down your system. What speed is the Cdrom? If its 2x, 12x or anything less than 52x, then that is one bottleneck. It would probably run faster on a hard drive install.
For your more limited machine you may get better performance with a smaller 'subversion' of Puppy like John Murga's Mean Puppy 2.02 with Opera. (or its 2.00). its 52mb instead of puppy's usual 70mb.
BTW, puppy doesnt need a P3 or P4. This machine is a P2 233/160Ram. Its a full hard drive install of version 2.02. The Cdrom is a 12 x speed(so i figure the HD is MUCH faster).
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#9 Post by buck »

OK..downloaded what I think is the latest official release...puppy-2.13 seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso will have a look at that..thanks

I am a little confused..one says I should have the latest 2.13 and the other, the one I have, 2.02 opera...my cdrom is 52x and I have the suggested 128 meg ram for it to run in..I can create a swap file if it would help..seemed strange I had to turm off dma to boot..is this common..wonder if that is why xine will not work. is there a way to turn it on after I am up? should be able to play mp3...could not even play a commercial cd. then again 233 is a long way from 100. maby I should get another computer to play with this puppy. will go burn the 2.13
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