How I got Wake On LAN (WOL) working between two Puppies

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How I got Wake On LAN (WOL) working between two Puppies

#1 Post by MrToad »

A number of folk have asked recently about this. There is already material on this forum about WOL and I reference some of it in this post, but at the risk of a bit of repetition I thought that my experience of what I did to get WOL going on a couple of Puppies might also be of interest. It was actually very straightforward.

First things first: I came across a puppy package that does the job nicely. It's the puppy wolandarp.tar.gz package and it may be found at

The readme file that is part of that package contains some useful info and I found it very helpful.

Before I discovered that package I found some other useful info at ... me-server/ - it's well worth a look.

Also see: ... a261527110 for a little bit more info.

Here is what I did:

For my Celeron machine with Puppy 4 (Dingo), I "installed" wol and arp (ethtool was already installed) from the Puppy wolandarp.tar.gz package as per the instructions in the readme: I simply copied them to /root/my-applications/bin.

Then in a terminal I ran

ethtool eth0

The two "wake-on" lines told me which wake-on-LAN modes the network interface eth0 supports, and if/which mode is enabled. In my case it wasn't enabled - it was "d", not "g" - so I changed it. It wasn't hard: in a terminal I ran

ethtool -s eth0 wol g

and that enabled WOL - ie it set the "g" option, that sets it to wake up that computer on receiving the Magic Packet.

Next (in a terminal) I ran

ifconfig eth0

which identified its MAC number as 00:06:4F:02:04:64

then I shut the system down and left it turned off.

Next I "installed" wol and arp on a second machine (Sony Vaio/Fluppy 8 ).

Both machines were on my LAN.

On the Sony Vaio I opened a terminal and ran

wol 00:06:4F:02:04:64

which started up the Celeron box!

(Note: I am quite happy for this machine's MAC number to be visible here because I recently scrapped it. But before that the above WOL arrangement worked on it without any problems for six months.)

Just for fun I then set everything up to work the other way round (Celeron/Puppy 4 starting the Sony Vaio.Fluppy 8 ), which it did without any problem.

Finally I wrote a simple script that I could run from an icon on the desktop:



# This sends the "Magic Packet" to my desktop machine.

exec wol 00:06:4F:02:04:64


And that was it.

I hope some of this is useful.

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#2 Post by James186282 »

great except my machine came stock with this crap turned on and every morning the machine I turned off is back on. Puppy doesn't have the classic shutdown scripts (I think?) where I suspect someone has used a script to turn wol on.

Any ideas on how to turn this feature off and keep it from being turned back on everytime I shut down? I think security wise this is an awful idea.

I wonder if there is an easy way to track which machine is issuing magic packets so I can take an Axe to it?
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#3 Post by belham2 »

James186282 wrote:great except my machine came stock with this crap turned on and every morning the machine I turned off is back on. Puppy doesn't have the classic shutdown scripts (I think?) where I suspect someone has used a script to turn wol on.

Any ideas on how to turn this feature off and keep it from being turned back on everytime I shut down? I think security wise this is an awful idea.

I wonder if there is an easy way to track which machine is issuing magic packets so I can take an Axe to it?


Every BIOS in existence (since about a decade ago) comes with the ability to disable WOL. Go into your BIOS, set it this way (it'll be a toggle of "enable" or "disable") and it'll never bother you again.
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