Install Puppy USB drive /tmp, UMSDOS

Booting, installing, newbie
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Joined: Sun 14 Aug 2005, 12:52

Install Puppy USB drive /tmp, UMSDOS

#1 Post by cncuser »

hi there,

i noticed that the /tmp permissions are set so that syslinux
doesnt really install. (chmod 1777 /tmp fixes that) now that
my USB stick boots, i see it has troubles with UMSDOS

cp cannot bla /root/... bla -> waiting 60 seconds -> login

i had no password so i was not able to login

but i remember from the install, that its no umsdos thing at
all, it should not. instead an image should be created with
ext2 filesystem, the installer told me so at least.

i am using the "puppy-1.0.4-mozilla.iso".

any hints would be nice, i keep playing withz it :)

Posts: 10
Joined: Sun 14 Aug 2005, 12:52

- umsdos problem solved, was itting in front of the computer

#2 Post by cncuser »

now i am running out of space on my 64 mb usbstick.

i try to remove some stuff i dont need.

thanks for that great distro :)

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon 25 Jul 2005, 19:53

#3 Post by spark »


The "chmod" operation that you described for the "/tmp" directory has fixed a problem I first reported on July 28th. Loading Puppy to a CF card was not a problem for me in versions prior to 1.0.4, but the problem showed up in this latest version.

Thanks for your post....
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