FatdogArm Beta1/2/3/4- 16 April 2016

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#481 Post by InRong »

Not had much time, however....

I have managed to get somewhere.... Just not a full solution...

I have used the debian bluez-5 package, and made sure it is fully patched. This allows me to connect the bluetooth, however it is not loading the firmware

root:~# hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx-3wire 921600 noflow -
Set Controller UART speed to 921600 bit/s
Flash firmware /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM43430A1.hcd
Initialization timed out.
root:~# hciconfig
root:~# hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx-3wire 921600 noflow -
Patch not found, continue anyway
Set Controller UART speed to 921600 bit/s
Device setup complete
root:~# hciconfig
hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART
BD Address: E0:76:D0:DE:EE:2B ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
RX bytes:978 acl:0 sco:0 events:41 errors:0
TX bytes:1541 acl:0 sco:0 commands:41 errors:0

The second hciattach connects it, but it is not healthy. It will then connect through the default soundcard settings, and produces sounds in a stuttering fashion before stopping

Is this a case if nothing else supporting bluez5 properly? I suspect not at this point, and will keep trying to get the firmware upload working
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#482 Post by TeX Dog »

did you try and copy other distros overlay directory the are semi independent of kernel version OpenElec appears to me to be most compatible ( grapping non X relayed software )
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#483 Post by InRong »

I seem to have messed it all up somewhere, and now it totally fails on every attempt....

I will have to save off the useful bits and delete my save file. Am I correct in thinking that that will take me back mostly to a fresh install in effect?

That will also limit any confusion over what I did and didn't do..
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Re: arm64

#484 Post by Olle »

Olle wrote:Maybe useful to have devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta2_arm64_raspi3 as a benchmark for the eventual future FatDogArm64?
Hi guys,
Found this https://github.com/bamarni/pi64/releases
Tried the first and second release but got no sound.

Happy linuxing! Olle
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#485 Post by TeX Dog »

They seem to be making some good headway, The Official builders working with ARM have stated they only wish to maintain 32bit builds, but with the results of some effort in the communities around 64bitness and some very logical arguments, and now tested real world on the board results (30% increase raw speed), those same official guys unofficially cheering on the communities effort.
Looks like the real reason was 32bit internal GPU DMA-pipeline issues, that looked real ugly to those with advanced internal builder knowledge. But others have made good and not too drastic work-rounds and methods based on the hard 4G memory boundary. turned a hardware limitation into a bit fix solution that looks like a solid solution with very little code overhead/changes.
The 4G memory bounds is the end of 32bit space, all 64bit memory related pointers will naturally be only 32bit ignoring the top RAM address bit.
Can't follow exactly but best I can tell the top bit-set/cleared is used as a flag that the pointers are from 64bit space kernel, that any 32-64bit conversion needs to be done.

New thinking is with the Pi3 and newer v Pi2B based on the same chip move to 64bit , it would make a 32bit step backward to PiZero-Pi+ as one 32 bit kernel and PiB2v2, pi3 and future as 64bit kernel. It would press old first gen. PiB2+ back to lowest common 32bit kernel.
That seems like a real solution and keeps only two kernel versions supported which is already currently just two based on different ARM versions.
Next two to be based on 32/64 versions, if no other issues come as they are actively and with now some interest from the official group providing feedback, making forward looking patches to kernel to make GPU work seemlessly regardless of kernel bit size.

Take a look at popcornmixs' flurry of related posts and he has caught the 64bit bandwagon and GPU related 'fixes' needed to make it happen.
bogan down under

#486 Post by bogan down under »

On my new odroid ux4
It will not boot, no bluelight to show boot is hapening.

After mucking around I got 'DD' to DDdo something but it didnt work

dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mnt/sdb1 bs=1024 seek=8
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/mnt/sdb1’: No such file or directory

then changed to the SD slot in my laptop

dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mnt/mmcblk0p1 bs=1024 seek=8
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/mnt/mmcblk0p1’: No such file or directory

then i removed /dev

# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mnt/mmcblk0p1 seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/mnt/mmcblk0p1’: Is a directory

Then I the penny droped that I need to call the SDcard '0'

# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mnt/mmcblk0p0 seek=1
1262+0 records in
1262+0 records out
646144 bytes (646 kB) copied, 0.0620188 s, 10.4 MB/s

But wont boot, no blue light to show boot is doing its bit.
In the read me in the kernel package

from the readme in the kernel package

dd if=u2-uboot.bin of=sdcard seek=1
NB: First partition must be at least 1.5MB from sector 0 (sector 3072).

In the INSTALL file in release notes is this'

dd if=uboot-xxx.bin of=/dev/your_sdcard_device bs=1024 seek=8

Can someone who has fatdog arm working give me a 'DD' that works.

I need more help with the first sector bit also.
In GParted when opened the box with 'free space preceeding MiB' is at '1'
first of all what is MiB so i understand what it means.

Make a new partition on your SD Card, type FAT32, starting on sector 2048 (or 1MB boundary)

sectors arent mentioned in gparted.

when gparted is opened, MiB is on '1' already, is it then on the 1mb boundary already? or do i need to put 2 in the box to be on the 1 mb boundary?

android installed with 'etcher' works on it but no thanks, a smart phone OS on roller skates, opps. with keyboard and mouse for the teenagers and facebook.
Fatdog and Quirky from BK is all I want, fatdog first choice thanks.
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#487 Post by don570 »

Sorry , I know nothing about dd and gparted, however have
you looked at at simpler install of fatdog arm using some berryboot files
and then load the fatdog arm kernel.


and download the zip file and read James Bond's instructions about changing a kernel.

http://lightofdawn.org/wiki/wiki.cgi/-w ... -WikiIndex
These days, in addition to the Mele, FatdogArm is known to run on:

Allwinner A20 / Cubieboard
Odroid-U2, Odroid-U3, Odroid-XU3, Odroid-XU4
OLPC XO-1.75
OLPC XO-4 Touch
Cubox-i i2 and i4pro
Google Nexus 7 (2012 edition)
Raspberry Pi 2
bogan down under

#488 Post by bogan down under »

hello don570
I think I am using the berriboot files but with JB's kernel It is
'odroid xu3 kernel'
Correction I have your 6 pages saved and your fd-arm.sfs is 198 mb, JB,s is 236 mb.
JB has a ux4 that works, I just cant do the Disk Destroying bit.
I have both yours and JB's opened up if I take out all your berriboot and copy in xu3- kernel will I still have to DD.
I will give your 198 gb a try if you tell me what to take out of your berri boot and what to put in from xu3- kernel, would it work?
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#489 Post by don570 »

SFS packages

An SFS package is a file that contains a compressed filesystem (squashfs). Upon "installation" the contents of this filesystem will be merged with the rest of your filesystem but it is never copied or expanded; the content will be de-compressed on-demand when you use the applications contained in the package.

To use it, download the package from here and move it to the same location as your save file, then go to the System tab in the Control Panel and click on System SFS Loader. Then choose which SFS file to load. You can also use SFS Manager (also in the Control Panel).

An SFS package usually contains a large application (e.g. libreoffice) or contains multiple applications or libraries.

James bond's SFS is bigger because he put in applications for touchscreens
ie a cellphone. He supplied various SFS on his repository for the various
machines and they vary in size.

If you are using odroid maybe this one will work??


However I think this one will support all the machines.
http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/arm/im ... fd-arm.sfs

Feel free to open it up and make changes. :lol:
then last step is make a zip file and go thru the installation procedure that I described on my thread.


You should read Barry k explanation for how Easy works...


since fatdog arm boots up much the same when it uses berryboot. (I think ???)

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#490 Post by Mercedes350se »

@bogan down under


Have a read of this page - scroll down to the U2 comments ( I know you are using a XU4) and "General Problems".

If you do zero the drive then you will need to use gparted to set the partition boundary again.


1. You need the /dev/ part of dd because the drive is not mounted, and
2. The drive part of dd should be sda or whatever but not sda1 or whatever

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#491 Post by don570 »

Instructions were posted here as well
http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/arm/im ... a1/INSTALL

I wonder if my method of putting everything on one fat32 partition is possible with Odroid?? James would know.

For Odroid-U2

1. SD Card (at least 512MB) - all data on this SD Card will be erased.
2. The SFS package (fd-arm.sfs).
3. The kernel package (odroid-u2-kernel.tar.gz)

1. Erase all partition on the SD Card using your favorite partition manager.
2. Make a new partition on your SD Card, type FAT32, starting on sector 10240
(or 5MB boundary); the size can vary but no less than 300MB (512MB is
3. Copy fd-arm.sfs to this new partition.
4. Extract the kernel package and copy all the files to the new partition too.
5. "dd" the uboot-xxx.bin to the SD card, like this:
dd if=uboot-xxx.bin of=/dev/your_sdcard_device seek=1
6. You can then delete the uboot-xxx.bin from you SD card.

Note: If you are sure that your SD Card partitioning already meets step 1 and 2
(that is, because you have done this before or because you have installed
earlier alphas of FatdogArm), you can skip 1 and 2.
bogan down under

#492 Post by bogan down under »

Much fun 'n games
Penny finally droped that my new USB3 card reader with micro SDcard in SD adaptor dont like disk destroyer.

# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mnt/sdb1 seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/mnt/sdb1’: No such file or directory
# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mnt/sdb1 seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/mnt/sdb1’: Is a directory
# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mnt/sdb seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/mnt/sdb’: No such file or directory
# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mnt/sdb1 seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/mnt/sdb1’: Is a directory
# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mnt/sdb seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/mnt/sdb’: Is a directory
# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mnt/sdb seek=1
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/mnt/sdb’: No such file or directory

Put the micro in adaptor in laptop

# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/mmcblk0p1 seek=1
1262+0 records in
1262+0 records out
646144 bytes (646 kB) copied, 0.0596949 s, 10.8 MB/s

A result but this is the one that dont boot.
So zero the card like sugested by JB, more fun 'n games

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/mmcblk0p1 bs=4M
dd: error writing ‘/mnt/mmcblk0p1’: No space left on device
91+0 records in
90+0 records out
381173760 bytes (381 MB) copied, 13.3485 s, 28.6 MB/s

This fills up the Savefile, red warning, delete some files, ect.
This builds a file in /mnt that cant be deleted.
So savefile is deleted, never mind, I keep a pristene save file in 2 SD backup cards.

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mmcblk0p1 bs=4M
dd: error writing ‘/mmcblk0p1’: No space left on device
47+0 records in
46+0 records out
196767744 bytes (197 MB) copied, 6.77734 s, 29.0 MB/s

Same thing, delete savefile, reload pristene savefile.
Then after reading from Benz

You need the /dev/ part of dd because the drive is not mounted

I tried this and DD worked

# dd if=/dev/zero of=?dev/mmcblk0p1 bs=4M

Another penny droped, the magic is /dev/mmcblk0p1
So I tried this, opening urxvt from with in /dev/mnt/mmcblk0p1

# dd if=xu4-uboot.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 seek=1
1262+0 records in
1262+0 records out
646144 bytes (646 kB) copied, 0.0736823 s, 8.8 MB/s
The trick is I have to leave out the /mnt bit.

BINGO we have Fatdog Arm
Last edited by bogan down under on Mon 11 Sep 2017, 07:43, edited 1 time in total.
bogan down under

#493 Post by bogan down under »

From Don 570

However I think this one will support all the machines.
http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/arm/im ... fd-arm.sfs

I went there first because I wanted the latest and greatest but only has Pi kernel so left it for a week and went to odroid forum and tried their multiboot but that didnt work for me and the guy that made multiboot has lost interest so I came back to Fatdog.
All along I was following the INSTALL from JB which is the same as you refered to.
Next is Quirky on ux4
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#494 Post by don570 »

A good way to find how the filesystem is named is to type 'df'
in terminal.

see image. The right hand column has the mount path.

debian linux uses /mnt/mmcblk0p1
puppy linux uses /mnt/sda1
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Changing resolution

#495 Post by TwoPuppyPolicy »

After reading this

# Uncomment only ONE line! Leave all commented for automatic selection.
# Uncomment only the setenv line!

I want to use this resolution

1024x768 without monitor data using generic information

So I uncomment this line

setenv videoconfig "drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/1024x768.bin"
and change
in uEnv.txt
Nothing happens resolution stays the same.
Resolution stays at 720p 1280x1024.
When loading 1024x768 pops up in yellow bar at buttom of screen but that dont stick, 1280x1024 is loaded and shown in Hardinfo.
1024x768.bin is in /lib/firmware/edid
What else do I have to change in ubuntu-boot.ini

I have bought the battery to keep the time but cant change the time, in control panel set date and time can change the date but changing time the part for the digits is broken, no digits, cant input digits and then the new date dont stick when closing.

Stupid question, I dont know so I am going to ask. I know this is 32 bit, when something dont work can I swipe it from Fatdog 64. I would prefer to have FD64 CPU meter, would it work in Arm.

Uncommenting savefile=none didnt work.
renameing the savefile to increase its size did the trick. Other wise its just like Fatdog!
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#496 Post by don570 »

Does Odroid use a config.txt file??
I guess not. I'm reading...

This is how raspberry pi sets monitor resolution.
The standard method is to change a couple of key lines in the config.txt file.
You change to this before booting .


https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... t/video.md
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#497 Post by don570 »

Fatdog linux does allow changing of video resolution during bootup
http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... tions.html
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#498 Post by TwoPuppyPolicy »

Here are FD arm configurable files from kernel package. Any thoughts will be tried.
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#499 Post by 8Geee »

O_o this is slightly generic. hdmi is using standard rez's in fatdog_arm. A good friend of mine is looking at the XU-4 (k3.10) along with a vg/exc rated 10" 1920x1200 hdmi/vga monitor. As don570 notes the XU-4 can support the rez in hdmi but FDA would have to uncomment the "forced" resolution and retype the rez to 1920x1200... 60hz is OK. That means commenting out the 1024x768 default setting further down the list.

The question I have is has anyone fiddled with these controls?, and am I on the right path?

edit: monitor pricing and specs can be found here.

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#500 Post by TwoPuppyPolicy »

Is this project dead
I bought one of these odroid boards as my three and a half year old laptop is ailing. First the tab key stayed depressed wont pop up. Decided to have a backup system as I have read a long time ago that laptops are only made to last 3 years just like washing machines and everything else are made to last 3 years. Two weeks after the odroid arrived the laptop stopped seeing the hard drive, lucky linus boots from USB.
I have a no china policy also, just because the south china sea is called the south china sea doesent mean that china owns it, not buying another laptop, there all made in china. Odroid is out of S Korera.
Have a no windows policy also. had no choice but to pay gates once for his OS pre installed on the laptop, no more.
It was BK who suggested that every body using Puppy should read the article about microsoft with Silly Dog in the title to see what microsoft really is.
I want this FD to work, besides I'm addicted to the big screen, I lashed out on a 26 inch TV and a wireless touch pad keyboard, who needs a piddley 15 inch laptop, this odroid seems just as fast.
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