Game Dotpups

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Game Dotpups

#1 Post by puppian »

Puppys like games :D

Barrage - A violent ''point-and-click'' shooting game with nice effects.
more info screenshot

Download: ... ost&id=253
Or, ... arrage.pup
(819K with SDL and SDL_mixer libraries included, which are also required by many other games)
This dotpup installs to /root/my-applications/mygames. An icon is created in my-roxapps.

This dotpup is created from G2's dotpup template. Thanks!
Last edited by puppian on Mon 16 Jan 2006, 20:52, edited 9 times in total.
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thank you

#2 Post by klhrevolutionist »

another good game is atanks old school but the linux world put a lot of great features into their version!!!!! thanks puppian!!!!
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#3 Post by puppian »

I found that game addictive too :)
Here is another great game from Lgames (probably the best Tetris Clone in Linux!)

"LTris is a very polished Tetris clone and highly configurable due to it's menu.
It offers you the well-known gametype Classic, a funny gametype Figures (new figure each level, suddenly appearing tiles and lines) and Multiplayer with up to three players..." screenshot

This game needs SDL and SDL_mixer. You already have them if you have Barrage installed.
Download SDL 1.2 dotpup
Download SDL_mixer 1.2 dotpup
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#4 Post by puppian »

Lbreakout2 - breakout clone with pretty graphics great sound
"Lbreakout2 is a game written in the style of the games Breakout and xboing.
The goal is to eliminate a series of screens of bricks by repeatedly striking them with bouncing balls."
- screenshot
- more info

Download dotpup of lbreakout2:

This game needs SDL and SDL_mixer. You already have them if you have Barrage installed.
Download SDL 1.2 dotpup
Download SDL_mixer 1.2 dotpup

Last edited by puppian on Mon 16 Jan 2006, 12:31, edited 2 times in total.
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#5 Post by puppian »

If you have upgraded to a new version of puppy and any of the above 3 games doesn't work anymore, a symlink inside /usr may have been deleted.

To solve it, simply type the following in the shell (e.g., rxvt or aterm):

ln -sf "/root/my-applications/mygames/share/games" /usr/share/games

to create the link 'usr/share/games' again.

You may also want to add the line to the 'AppRun' file inside the games' folder (in /root/my-roxapps). If you do this the symlink will be created whenever you click on the icon in my-roxapps and so it doesn't matter if it is deleted when upgrading.

Alternatively the link can be created using rox (drag '/root/my-applications/mygames/share/games' to '/usr/share' using middle mouse button).
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#6 Post by puppian »



ZSNES is a very good emulator for SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System).

Requires SDL (, and libraries.

If you have installed Mplayer, you already have them. and

To uninstall, right-click the icon in /root/my-roxapps and choose 'Uninstall Zsnes'

Have fun!!
Last edited by puppian on Mon 16 Jan 2006, 12:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Muze -- one of the cooler "games" you'll ever see

#7 Post by wolfhound »

If you like both art and music, you've really got to try out Muze You'll quickly become addicted :-)

It's a beta version, so you may find a bug or two, but I understand the final free release is imminent.

It advertises itself as "a new kind of art," and, after trying it, I have to admit that description is not very far off the mark.

It's sort of a hybrid between a drawing program and a music authoring system. Basically, you draw in different colors and there are these little animated "trackers" that move over the screen. When they hit different colors, they play different notes. You can make your own trackers paths that play using different instruments, at different volumes, etc.

The results are very, very cool!

If you've got Tclkit ... 86.upx.bin all you'll need is the Starkit file, which you can download at It's about 500K

Otherwise you can get a ready to run single-file binary (with a windows-like soundfont pre-installed) at This one is pretty big, due to the large pre-installed soundfont (about 4.5MB)

The reason for the windows-like soundfont is that the instrument names seem to correspond to that soundfont, so if you want your "muzart" to sound the same on all platforms, you can use that soundfont to make it happen. You can get the sondfont separately at

If you're using the .kit version, then, you would invoke Muze with the command "tclkit muze-1b9.kit winlike.sf2" and this would load Muze with that soundfont.

This is really one of the more imaginitive games/entertainment programs that I've ever seen. What's even more amazing is that the Starkit file runs without change on Linux, OSX, and even that evil os from Redmond. ;-)

You can get more info on Starkits at

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#8 Post by puppian »

lincity 1.12.1

LinCity is a city/country simulation game for X and Linux SVGALib.
You are required to build and maintain a city.
You must feed, house, provide jobs and goods for your residents.
This game is similar to the commercial simulation game with a similar name.

Click the icon in my-roxapps to run lincity
Right click for help or to uninstall
Installs in /root/my-applications/mygames

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LInks Dead

#9 Post by NinerSevenTango »

Can't find SDL 1.2, SDL Mixer, or Barrage. I wanted to try the Ltris game, to get my girlfriend addicted to the operating system.

But it appears you need SDL 1.2 and SDL Mixer, which come with Barrage. All the links here and in the DotPup part of the Wiki are dead.

Anyone have a clue to lend?


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#10 Post by MU »

most games moved here:

I have repackaged some of this thread due to library conflicts.
LibSDL now is an extra-dotpup.

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#11 Post by Fossil »


Try here for the SDL 1.2.9 pet:
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#12 Post by NinerSevenTango »


I'll need to bookmark that!


Edit: There are four of them! :(
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#13 Post by MU »

you need: ... orDoom.pup

this is only if you want midi-instruments (only few games like Doom support that): ... orDoom.pup

The others you can ignore.
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#14 Post by NinerSevenTango »

Thanks, MU!

Now, I installed Ltris, but no menu item showed up. Hmmm....

Found it! Doh!

Thanks again,

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#15 Post by NinerSevenTango »

Now, to get the menu link to actually do something, should I try to apply the fix mentioned above, or is that for a previous version?

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#16 Post by MU »

which entry?
for ltris?
If it does not work, type in a consolewindow:

This would show any problem, maybe it reports another missing file?
Best will be to install the ltris dotpup fom, as I repackaged it.

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#17 Post by NinerSevenTango »

OK, I finally got it to work, thanks, MU!

The procedure to get the game to work is:

Install the SDL 1.2.9 pet FIRST.

Otherwise the game won't work, the executable exits silently.

I also installed the LibSDL1.2-forDoom.pup.

Thanks again,


Edit: this one ought to get her addicted!
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#18 Post by Béèm »

In Ltris the keyboard keys respond in such a sluggish way, that sometimes there is no time enoough to position the falling block.
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