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Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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#21 Post by puppytahruser »

I use both puppy(tahr 605) and debiandog. debiandog has a advantage of using synaptic where I can find any package I need. Puppy package are not that much rich with packages. I also agree that debiandog should have a section in this forum so that debiabdog user can ask question if they face any problem, as debiandog has no separate forum.
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#22 Post by backi »

It is not a question if the Deb Dogs should be on Murga Linux Forum or not.
They are here ,they will stay here ......and this is good so .
Puppy Linux is "The Place " to encounter a a lot of intelligent,innovative and helpful people from all over the world.
It is some kind of Meccca or Stoned Henge .....some kind of a place of worship
....but not for the Past but for the Future .Some kind of Meeting of the Spirits.
Like a permanent "Burning Man " Festival.
There are a lot of synergistic Effects from Puppy Linux and "The Dogs" being on the same Forum .
Cooperation not Competition is the Key.
Banishing the Dogs from the Forum would be desastrous.

O.K. long story short ....
It should be seriously considered to give the Dogs a separate Section here on the Forum .But a lot cleaner and more organized.
But how to accomplish ?

We should keep this Topic cooking .

Regards from Germany !
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#23 Post by jd7654 »

Puppy currently suffers from a lack of leadership and direction.

With BarryK retired, the departure of Upup developer PhilB, and the (apparent) pulling back of lead Spup developer and Puppy caretaker Micko, anarchy begins to take hold.

Into this leadership vacuum, a new alpha dog rises up and tries to assume the mantle of lead Puppy handler. Propaganda peddling starts with false labeling of people as Dog-trolls or Puppy haters/enemies, separating people into tribes. A simple innocent post like this descends into partisan bickering, and calls to banish people from the island. :cry:

Look, as a user, I just use what's useful. I find value in both Puppy and Dog, but I have no allegiance to either side. And this whole idea of "my distro rules, your distro sucks" thing is just so childish and distasteful. Can't people just get along and be tolerant of other views, opinions and ideas?

Seems a bit like Lord of the Flies.

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#24 Post by rufwoof »

backi wrote:It is not a question if the Deb Dogs should be on Murga Linux Forum or not.
They are here ,they will stay here ......and this is good so .
Puppy Linux is "The Place " to encounter a a lot of intelligent,innovative and helpful people from all over the world.
It is some kind of Meccca or Stoned Henge .....some kind of a place of worship
....but not for the Past but for the Future .Some kind of Meeting of the Spirits.
Like a permanent "Burning Man " Festival.
I see more of a relic in the making. Puppy Linux is in the bottom quartile for trending over the last month, 6 months and 1 year. The board is seeing net outflows either to more Puppy specific alternatives, or to different choices. The structure is such that new users are too easily confused/misdirected and whilst previously Puppy was innovative and a leader, its now a laggard with more solid alternatives elsewhere. Without leadership and innovation grasping at taking on board other distro variations (tiny core, debian live ..etc.) will see the board decline to being just one of many broad Linux fora.
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#25 Post by wiak »

Yes, a separate section would probably be the ideal because in many ways Dogs and Pups do benefit each other. Would be good to have sub-sections available in the separate section though since Dogs need room for user questions, suggestions, announcements and so on too.

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#26 Post by backi »

Hi wiak !

These are some good suggestions to start with and to work on.
Hope Saintless,Fred and others will also give their Opinion on this .
So let us keep pushing this idea .

Regards !
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#27 Post by fredx181 »

backi wrote:Hi wiak !

These are some good suggestions to start with and to work on.
Hope Saintless,Fred and others will also give their Opinion on this .
So let us keep pushing this idea .

Regards !
I already gave my opinion, I agree with what dancytron and earlier (similar) robert123 wrote:
A new forum section entitled "Other Linux Distributions," with subtopics like Debian Dog, Fatdog, Tiny Core, and Other would make things a lot cleaner and more organized.
That "Other Linux Distributions" section indeed would be the most ideal IMO, but then e.g. Fatdog developers and others need to agree with that also....
Mentioning it here doesn't do much, I think, so.. how to accomplish is probably best to send request to John Murga, I guess.

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