A Christian version of Puppy?

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#41 Post by Auda »

There are some more fundamentalist religious people that may have a problem with certain select parts of Puppy
Personally I would like all said fundamentalists to dissapear up their respective fundaments, they cause most of the problems in the world.
Also, fun - yep thats good, da - noise made by person with low brain power thinking, mental - slow abmormal person, ist - suffix denoting religion, So a fundamentalist is a slow abnormal person thinking about religion who is to be made fun of.
Pulling words apart to find "hidden" meaning is a dangerious pastime, leave words like daemon alone.


P.S. If you are offended thats your problem for taking offence, not mine for speaking freely. Offence can not be give to one who wont accept it.
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#42 Post by can8v »

Auda wrote: P.S. If you are offended thats your problem for taking offence, not mine for speaking freely. Offence can not be give to one who wont accept it.
Offending others may or may not cause you grief in the short term. Offending God will certainly cause you grief for eternity. To all those still offending God I suggest taking the post from cb88 quite seriously, though I would add that repentance is also necessary. Repentance is not merely recognizing sin or asking for forgiveness of sin, but also turning away from it and turning toward God.
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#43 Post by basslord1124 »

I must say Linux has truly been the only OS I have seen that has religious versions. I find it amazing Windows didn't think of that.
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#44 Post by Auda »

Offending God will certainly cause you grief for eternity.
What I find amazing is that you actually expect people to believe you.
I hope that the fanacitcs don't ruin something good and claim it as their own, christmas and easter both rebranded pagan festivals, spring to mind.
I must say Linux has truly been the only OS I have seen that has religious versions. I find it amazing Windows didn't think of that.
Bill Gates might be a funament, but hes not stupid.

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#45 Post by Pizzasgood »

Just a reminder:

This topic isn't about religion, it's about somebody who wants to make a custom Puppy to fit his and other's needs/desires.

We don't need any religion bashing here. If you disagree with it, fine, but take it elsewhere. The only BASHing that belongs here is the kind that was Bourne Again (sorry, couldn't resist :oops: ).
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#46 Post by muggins »

i agree with Pizzasgood, that this is not the appropriate place for religious bashing. i would also add that i don't reckon it's the place for giving out sermons.
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#47 Post by Auda »

This topic isn't about religion
True, ears blocked, mouth closed, eyes still open.
The only BASHing that belongs here is the kind that was Bourne Again
very true
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#48 Post by amish »

Offending God will certainly cause you grief for eternity.
any god that uptight about words doesn't get my vote. i'll take hell over eternity with someone that impossible to deal with- hell with all the reasonable people in it, sure. this is your belief, you're entitled. what you do with it is between you and your god... not mine.

to warn me/anyone of offending god carries the implication that you are more qualified to tell what god wants than i/anyone else is. sorry, THAT'S just your arrogance.

but you've been very patient and charitable, and sometimes i'm arrogant too, i'll just forget about it- but i'm happy to burn forever knowing i did the thing that was reasonable- i don't think god will burn me for that, but i will never regret the decision. i *assume* your god respects that kind of integrity, and f*** him if he doesn't.

no offense- no harm, no disrespect to you (or god) meant- tho i'm exiting this thread before it gets dumb and people start burning live dogs in the street because puppy is rated "bigger than jesus" on distrowatch.
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#49 Post by muggins »

auda mentioned:
Pulling words apart to find "hidden" meaning is a dangerious pastime, leave words like daemon alone.
i find it quite interesting, & enjoyable, looking up the derivations of words. i love words that are thrown at people with seeming negative connotations that, after looking at their etymons, i see as positives. e.g. :

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?sea ... hmode=none

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?sea ... hmode=none

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?sea ... hmode=none

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?sea ... hmode=none

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?sea ... hmode=none
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#50 Post by can8v »

I don't think I could have put that better myself.
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#51 Post by HdE »

Can we please get back on-topic? I'm a bit late weighing-in here, but it took a while to read all the posts, trying to find the "Christian version of Puppy".
Pizzasgood wrote:Just a reminder:

This topic isn't about religion, it's about somebody who wants to make a custom Puppy to fit his and other's needs/desires.
Frankly, I'd love to see a good "Christian version" of Puppy. I've looked at Ubuntu CE, but I would really prefer to be able to take my favorite (or the latest available) version of Puppy and add GnomeSword and the"fully integrated web content parental controls powered by Dansguardian" to it.

I don't know if it's feasible - or even possible - to do that with a couple of DotPup or PET packages, but that way anyone could build their own customized "Christian" version and burn their own iso file.

Of course a "Christian version" of Puppy with a basic set of applications could be used as a starting point. Then the user could add whatever packages he/she wanted to that.

Either way would work for me. If I had the time, I'd have already tried it myself. LOF, if you have the time - go for it!

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#52 Post by muggins »


you did say:
Can we please get back on-topic?
in the off-topic section!!
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#53 Post by HdE »

What was I thinking?? I guess I forgot where I was.
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#54 Post by LOF »

*LOF casually walks in to check on how his idea is being embraced...LOF wades through endless messages about deeply philosophical opinions on Christianity and the World...LOF decides not to enter debate by asking more philosophical questions*

Wow, you guys can really take up on a subject!

Just your update. I'm not even running Puppy yet. Anyone got a good solution for getting Puppy on SATA DVD drives and external USB drives?

Maybe this idea will happen.. but not until I get Puppy (which is getting more and more unlikely).

Good luck to you guys, I reckon this argument has another 60 posts minimum.

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#55 Post by HdE »


If you were serious about "A Christian Version of Puppy", perhaps you should post in "Taking the Puppy out for a walk » Suggestions", or somewhere else it might get some real interest.

You might even get some help with "getting Puppy on SATA DVD drives and external USB drives". There are lots of smart people here - I suspect someone has already figured out how.

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#56 Post by bobwrit »

i like the idea of a christian puppy(concidering that i'm a christian) but you would have to put a moslum and jewish version(puppy can be concedered atheist already)
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#57 Post by gary101 »

A christian puppy??

Puppy = young dog.

Anyone noticed that 'God' is 'Dog' backwards?


Would it be 'Plug and Pray'?
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#58 Post by Pizzasgood »

The splash-screen I made for Puppy 1.0.2:
http://www.browserloadofcoolness.com/ar ... l_dith.png

Though Puppy isn't quite good enough for me to worship him (yet).
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#59 Post by amish »

i like the idea of a christian puppy...
(concidering that i'm a christian)...
but you would have to put a moslum and jewish version...
(puppy can be concedered atheist already)
the original idea behind this thread wasn't too stupid
(and i still support it) but the idea that anything that
isn't religiously themed is "atheist" really strains my

i mean jesus didn't wear air-jesus (water-jesus? for what
they walk on?) sandles, the bible doesn't have to have
his picture on the cover to be the bible, (although
sometimes maybe it has his picture on it anyway, that
isn't any more holy than any other copy) and if he spent
a moment talking about the weather without saying "god" a
few times for good measure, it wouldn't make the
conversation "atheist." furthermore, the cross they put
him on didn't already have a carved statue of him on it,
it was a plain old cross.

i see nothing wrong with making a version of puppy that
has some extra bible software for use in a church (that's
what the idea was) or that takes out pictures of dogs
because decorating something with drawings of ANYTHING
interferes with orthodox islamic teachings... hey, i don't
see anything wrong with making an AMISH version of puppy
that installs on an abacus, either.

but if you took all the different puppies for every
religion and mixed them all together, you know what you'd
end up with? something almost exactly like puppy anyway.
i mean, most of it is perfectly ecumenical- for everybody
regardless of beliefs. i admit it's not exactly perfect,
after all, orthodox jews actually aren't going to be able
to using puppy during shabbot prayer services, (using
electricity is too much like making fire) but atheism has
nothing to do with it.
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#60 Post by John Doe »

If you want Christ in it, go for it.

No one here has a spear long enough to stop you.

...and if they did, I doubt they would anyway.

There's pizza, teen, lan, coffee, graf, mean, a couple CE editions, pico, and some other ones...

Go for it.

Personally, It'd also love to see a Jewish and Muslim version.

Perhaps cataloging various texts (in pdf or other form) for inclusion would be cool. I'd love to just download three cd's to get a religious research library.
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