Better command line tools, and pkg manager suggestions

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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Re: PPM Puppy Packages Manager is a nice tool,

#41 Post by wiak »

Pelo wrote: wiak do you really need PPM, or it was only to underline that DebianDog system works fine ? Debian computers cannot be unchained. Laptops are serviceable indoor only.

Would you try to draw some Puppy passengers ? I use both OS (XenialDog and 360 Puppies, in my jukebox). Puppy users compile pets for the communauty, when Dogs will ask their passengers (Wireless) if they are any, to do it themselves.
We shall see when your live CD released if newbies happy with Debian Package management. Most newbies come from Windows, and never compute before, and don't want to begin. But i recognize that Dogs are really easy to use. Happy, Wiak ? :roll:
Sorry, Pelo, I have really no idea what you are talking about, except, yes, I think sc0ttman's described new commandline-capable package manager would be very useful for Puppy systems. I have no plans to release any live CD (?) and doesn't bother me what the 'passengers' you describe do or don't do. Why should I? Anyway, I don't. Just use what you like (it is free afterall) and don't use what you don't like. You sound like you don't want developments - without it you will have nothing unless you buy Apple machine or Microsoft (or just use your android). Main thing is, have you nothing better to do than come on and complain about not getting things the way you want? Does complaining make you feel more important on Puppy community? It seems you are not alone. That's fine, but best if you don't do so on threads concerned with developing new things - the developers need space to focus on their work not listen to the ranters of whom there are too many (and growing in number for some reason it seems). People used to say how nice this forum was. I've been on it a long time, but truth is it is becoming quite painful doing developments on here - so maybe all developers should listen to you and just tell you how to get your wireless working (if possible) and not try to build better wireless tools so people have no such problems in the first case?

DebianDogs work well (and Debian helps a lot with that I think). As a developer, I think Fred is enjoying himself again (which is a good thing). I think he was beginning to not enjoy development work for a while before that, and not surprising. Me too, I left the forum altogether because so fed up of it, but had some unfinished work that interested me so came back with old group login ID. Toni became fed up too it seems, but I'm not sure if he is even developing anything new or not now. 01micko? - I don't know what his plans are - most developers seem to have vanished to a large extent into quietness (leaving the forum to the customer rants and argumentative trolls - who believe in conspiracies by opportunist 'alpha dogs' and malicious developer 'propaganda' - so ridiculous it's not funny). Indeed, I think a lot of people who used to develop are pulling back on doing so much development work and maybe will become an extinct species eventually. Then the forum will maybe work the way you want it, and people can help each other out all the time with what is left to play with. "Puppy customer forum". Ten years from now you can then enjoy using your ancient Puppy (and DebianDogs) of 2017! But not have developers to complain about (so what will you do to enjoy yourself then?).

Anyway, best to ignore all rants. I will stop ranting now cos I am only interested in improving Puppy because its survival as a creative OS distribution is of importance to me (for the moment anyway, but I get tired of the crap surrounding working on here). I don't agree that there is such a thing as a customer here or a passenger for that matter; there are just forum members enjoying using Puppy (and Dogs) for whatever reason they want to.

By the way, in case you don't know, I am developing 'makepup', which is 'just' a frontend of mine for using woof-CE to help build new Puppy distributions (dependent on what other developers add to woof-CE). Perhaps you think that has something to do with producing a DebianDog - No - it's Puppy-only. Maybe you confuse it with mklive-stretch by Fred - that's DebianDog in scripted form. Don't waste you time comparing - the systems have different good and bad points. If you want to discuss that maybe find a suitable topic area and start a thread for your nattering. If you are totally lost for an idea of something useful/productive today, why not take up the job of maintaining the Wiki - give it the LTS you demand - write it in French - really I don't mind - good to involve the international community more in my opinion. Someone would end up making a Polish, or German, or even English translation eventually I'm sure. Good Luck with that or the nattering...

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#42 Post by foxpup »

You should read some posts of the first page of this thread to understand a little better what sc0ttman, wiak and other devs are trying to do here. They are essentially trying to make the building/processes of puppy better and to provide the tools for that.
I agree that PPM is working well in general. But it is strange that it is not command line and not at the base of building. Now it is just an app added to puppy. At least, that is how I understand it.

Pelo, please stop trolling, especially the devs that are working hard and with enthousiasm.
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#43 Post by sc0ttman »

I probably won't be trying to put anything in C... it's totally beyond me..
Despite the obvious benefits you mention wiak...

For better or worse(!) I will try to keep Pkg shell only..
Hopefully Pkg will live in the 'noarch' repo, with the same PET working on
x86, x64 and ARM... I hope!

Iguleder wrote a pkg manager for Puppy in C .. called packdude/packman/pack**someting** .. it's on his github page ..

You might wanna test that out before mine!
(Almost certainly faster and more reliable but limited features)

And yeah, it will live on GitHub, and hopefully some people will do pull requests (PRs) to add any fixes, updates etc
that they need to make it work on their puppy/OS ...

I have to get back another machine and get my github details and fix a few
things in the account first tho, so I can use it on any machine..

NOTE: Interesting approach to keeping it 'noarch' but still using bins:

src2pkg compiles some binary stuff that it needs when you run `src2pkg --setup` ..
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#44 Post by sc0ttman »

Just a note on this...

I felt sorry for the 14 people who have already downloaded Pkg ...
I've fixed sooooo many bugs I can only imagine how badly 0.9.0 is running lol
I probably scared them away forever from using Pkg..

But progress is decent.. Am fixing and fixing, not adding any new features yet...
I will upload what I have at the mo, just so ppl can try that one instead (if they like)..

I've cleaned up the code a lot, with lots of comments in it, although you will still find (lots of) bugs..

Still mostly tested against Slacko and slackware repos/pkgs...
Users of Deb/Ubuntu pups might still find Pkg "not working"...

So I'm keeping in 'Suggestions' for now, as it'll likely be buggy enough that users only
get a 'suggestion' of what Pkg is meant to be ..

So, if ur feeling brave, u can install the PET and then do something like this:

Code: Select all

pkg  # get a first run menu

pkg --update-sources # setup your lit of avail repos

pkg --repo-list # list all available repos

pkg --repo REPONAME # switch to chosen repo

pkg -n PKGNAME # search pkg names in current repo for PKGNAME (can also use `pkg --names` )

pkg -na PKGNAME # search pkg names in ALL repos for pkgname (can also use `pkg --names-all`)

pkg -s SEARCH # search all fields of repo

pkg -sa SEARCH # search all fields of all repos

pkg -ps PKGNAME # get pkg info (can also use `pkg --pkg-status`)

pkg -PS PKGNAME # get extra info (which deps are installed/missing)

pkg -g vlc # get (download+install) vlc and its deps (--get)

pkg -d vlc # download vlc only (--download)

pkg -i vlc-2.3.3-i586_s700  # install the vlc you downloaded (--install)

pkg -e vlc  # get (download and install) only the deps of vlc (not vlc itself) (--deps)

pkg -li # list user installed pkgs (--list-installed)

pkg -ld # list downloaded pkgs (pkgs in $WORKDIR, which is ~/pkg/ by default)  (--list-downloaded)

pkg -u PKGNAME # uninstall pkg  (--uninstall)

pkg -c PKGNAME # list contents of PKGNAME (--contents) .. must be installed/downloaded/builtin to get contents

pkg -w comm # find out which pkg the 'comm' cmd comes from (--which)

pkg -w /path/to/file # find out which pkf that file comes from (--which)

pkg -wr gimp-2 # find out which repo has gimp-2.*  (--which-repo)

# .. and with devx installed

pkg -pbl # list all available package build scripts (can also use --pkg-build-list)

pkg -pb PKGNAME # compile and package up a PET of PKGNAME (can also use --pkg-build)

and many more..

Or just type pkgdialog and get a nice menu that can do the above..


I haven't yet downloaded lots of Pups to add all their repos to Pkgs repo db...

So, to add more repos, open ~/.pkg/sources-all.

Look at the existing repo entries, then copy, paste & edit the existing entries as needed.

Then do `pkg --update-sources`

EXAMPLE REPO ENTRY in ~/.pkg/sources-all:

Code: Select all

puppy-tahr|pet|Packages-puppy-tahr-official|||||noarch common trusty-main trusty-universe akita wary51x quirky 
The format is


The url1 field is required, other URL fields are optional mirrors..

('fallbacks' is the list of repo names (field 1) of other repos to fall back to, they can be installed on ur system, or not)
Updated, still very ALPHA .. maybe don't use with your save file (boot with pfix=ram)
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#45 Post by Keef »

Installed it to Slacko and just tried a few of the examples above. No harm was done to man or beast. Got no suggestions so far, but the important thing is it working pretty well.
I've been contemplating doing some petbuild scripts, but have done nothing about this yet.

Start from what is already available..

#46 Post by Pelo »

foxpup , scottman is starting from zero something that yet exists...
but i would not stop you. I will keep away and just look.
The idea to load missing dependencies better than to list them is my goal too.
# gramps
/usr/bin/gramps: line 28: /usr/bin/python: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/gramps: line 28: exec: /usr/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory
Gslapt is another tool , Josejp2424 comes back to it with Shiba Inu (32 and 64 bits) based on Slackware. But still missing libs to load manually.

┌─[root][01:42 AM][~]
└─[Shiba_Inu][$] gramps
Gdk, Gtk or Pango typelib not installed.
Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.3.2 or later.
Install then instrospection data for Gdk, Gtk and Pango
using gslapt
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That is to be improved
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Re: Start from what is already available..

#47 Post by sc0ttman »

Pelo wrote:scottman is starting from zero something that yet exists...
No I'm not.. You don't understand this thread.
Pelo wrote:but i would not stop you.
Pelo wrote: I will keep away.
Yes please.
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#48 Post by sc0ttman »

Keef wrote:Installed it to Slacko and just tried a few of the examples above. No harm was done to man or beast. Got no suggestions so far, but the important thing is it working pretty well.
I've been contemplating doing some petbuild scripts, but have done nothing about this yet.
Thanks for testing mate..

The dep checking and getting routines - the find_deps() and get_deps() funcs - could (should?) be replaced
with something faster and more efficient (Pkg is a bit slower than PetGet to resolve deps)..

Luckily, changing the dependency handling in Pkg means basically replacing those two funcs :)

EDIT: While I'm here, the list_deps() func is also involved... And it needs to be fixed to exclude builtins
from the list of deps it returns (currently, builtins are listed as deps, then skipped by other funcs...
but they should be excluded by list_deps() to begin with.. unless -F option was given)..

This is one of the first changes I plan to do.. Should make dep resolution faster and more reliable.
(and will pave the way for the added feature of optionally adding/removing builtins too, if -F was given)..

And about build scripts ... Well, you are one of the more experienced and advanced compilers
on this forum (you helped me many times with compiling and with kernel stuff) .. So, maybe just one or two that can
act as examples of how to build particular pkgs (PETs that need a source patch, for example, or whatever takes ur fancy) ...

.. to show people how's it's done..

Just a thought, obvs...
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Pkg 1.9.3

#49 Post by sc0ttman »

As above, fixes in dependency resolution..

Changelog for 1.9.3

Code: Select all

- fixed default settings in rc file:
	# fix prevent correct dep search in first run
	# updated, DEPSEARCH='list_all_pkg_names' by default
- fixes in dep resolution:
	# much faster, less looping, checks fewer deps, more reliable:
	# now filtering out installed pkgs all in one go, in find_deps() and list_deps()
	# so `pkg --list-deps PKGNAME` now lists missing deps, not all deps.
	# the same for `pkg --pkg-status PKGNAME` .. only lists missing deps
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#50 Post by sc0ttman »

Changelog for 1.9.4

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- clean up in find_deps() and get_deps():
	# replaced some code in find_deps() with a call to list_deps()
	# cleaned up dep name validation, simpler, faster, less code in find_deps()
	# small cleanup in get_deps()
	# small cleanup in list_deps()
- fixes in /etc/bash_completion.d/pkg
	# fixed context sensitive TAB auto-complete results for
		--names-all(-na), --search-all(-sa), --names-exact-all(-nea)
	# fixed: added missing entry for txz2* cmds
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#51 Post by sc0ttman »

Changelog for 1.9.5

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- fixes for installing/uninstalling local pkgs outside $WORKDIR:
	# see install_pkg(), uninstall_pkg(), list_dependants(), is_pkg_installed()
- fixes in is_installed_pkg() checks
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Pkg 1.9.6

#52 Post by sc0ttman »

Changelog for 1.9.6

Code: Select all

- updated Gpkgdialog to 0.2
	# fixed: updated to work with latest Pkg:
		- fixed pkg listings (available, installed, build scripts)
		- added support for petbuild as well as buildpet
		- fixes and updates for most functions
		- cleaned up code, added comments
- updated Pkgdialog to 0.5
	# fixed: skip first run Pkg message
- Cleanup: remove function testing stuff /usr/sbin/pkg
This mostly fixes the frontends:

- Pkgdialog (ncurses menu, works with or without X)
- Gpkgdialog (gtkdialog GUI, requires X, gtkdialog, Xdialog)


Note, these frontends are not meant to be the 'main' way of using Pkg - the command line is still the best way to use Pkg.

I removed some function testing stuff from Pkg, as those funcs won't change much, and I kept the tests if I need them..

I will keep testing it on Slacko for a bit, until I am sure it's pretty solid, then I can more easily make it work with other Pups..
This should, by then, be mostly a matter of adding new repo entries to ~/.pkg/sources-all, plus some small fixes..

Once Pkg is pretty reliable in a variety of recent Pups, I will get onto adding some of the more useful features I have planned.
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Pkg 1.9.7

#53 Post by sc0ttman »


Code: Select all

- fixes in dir2pet(): 		  make better use of existing pet.specs when creating PETs
- fixes in install_pkg(): 	include pkg size and deps in ~/.packages/user-installed-packages
- fixes in pkg_status(): 	show size and deps for alien and downloaded pkgs (if poss)
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Pkg 1.9.8

#54 Post by sc0ttman »

Changelog for 1.9.8

Code: Select all

- fixes for update_pkg() and install_pkg()
	# fixes search all repos for newer version of PKGNAME, and installing it
- fix pkg_repack(), add build number to created PET
	# get build number from pkgs repo entry, increment it, add to end of pkg name
- fixes in get_pkg_name()
	# make sure to search user installed pkgs first
	# this fixes finding names of pkgs that were installed over builtins
	# example: --pkg-update may install geany-1.28 (salix repo) over the builtin geany-1.27
- fixes for pkg_status()
	# fixed getting info of user installed pkgs which overwrite builtin pkgs
- fixes in menu_entry_msg()
	# nicer output, faster
- fixes in which_repo()
	# better at finding the repo for pkgs with build numbers like '-1gv'
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#55 Post by battleshooter »

Oh this is looking pretty cool Scott, watching with interest
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#56 Post by sc0ttman »

Thanks :)

I *think* it's getting fairly close to stable on my Slacko 6.9.x ...
Prob not at all on anything else yet..

I will test on Stretch, Xenial and Zesty pups soon .. I keep saying that, but I will ..
My Windows HD (with all my "important" stuff) died on me (again) so I'm sorting that first..

BTW.. If anyone cares,

I had a really good think about contrib repos, and decided that Git LFS is probably the
best way to go.. It allows storing large binary files in GitHub :)

Also, here's the main goals at this point:

- bug fixes until all funcs work as expected on Slacko (pretty much there I think)
- same as above on Ubuntu and Debian pups
- make compatible with Woofy (and update Woofy to 0.92 in the process)
- make compatible with Woof build process (so you can use pkg to easily add/remove pkgs during a woof build)
- add some super useful/cool features as listed below:

-F option .. will force (re)install/uninstall/etc, including builtins

pkg --rootfs /path/to/dir # choose a new root filesystem to install pkgs into (or something!)

pkg --repo2git /path/to/dir # create a contrib repo from a dir full of PETs

pkg --install my-app.sfs # register loaded SFS files with package manager like normal pkgs

pkg --extract PKGNAME # unpack a pkg, but do nowt else .. EDIT: Done, see next post

pkg --blacklist PKGNAME # exclude pkg from searches, dep list etc

pkg --rdep PKGNAME # list pkgs that depend on PKGNAME

pkg --cpan PKG # wrapper for CPAN (adds CPAN modules as installed pkgs to PetGet/Pkg)

pkg --pip PKG # wrapper for PIP (adds Python modules as installed pkgs to PetGet/Pkg)

and others ...


EDIT: Any commands anyone can dream up that you'd like, let me know while this is
still in the suggestions thread ;)
Last edited by sc0ttman on Sun 08 Oct 2017, 17:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Pkg 1.9.10

#57 Post by sc0ttman »

Changelog for 1.9.8 to 1.9.10

Code: Select all

- removed outdated changelog from top of /usr/sbin/pkg
- fixes various:		     list/return user installed pkgs before builtins and devx pkgs in various places
- fixed which_pkg(): 	 dont falsely list 'busybox' as the pkg from which FILE came
- fixed get_pkg_ext():   added sfs, tbz, tar.bz2, tlz, tar.lzma extensions
- fixed install_pkg(): 	added support for extracting tbz/tar.bz2 and tlz/tar.lzma
- fixed install_pkg(): 	call /usr/sbin/sfs_loader as a CLI tool (no gui)
- fixed unpack_pkg():   dont exit, only return; now works when called in install_pkg()
- fixed unpack_pkg(): 	extract SFS files to current dir
- fixed pkg_contents(): fixed a typo that would prevent skipping the loop
- fixes in sources-all:  added many more repos, using fastest mirrors first, better/safer fallback lists

- fixed:    capitalise the N in the (y/N) tag .. so users know that N is default (any key)
- fixes:    handling .tar.bz2 and .tbz packages.. in get_pkg_ext(), install_pkg()
- fixes:    in ~/.pkg/sources-all for some puppy repos (puppy4,puppy5, etc)
- added:  pkg --extract FILE  (unpack pkg file into ./PKGNAME)
- added:  updated help info (--help|-h) and TAB auto-completion
- added:  /usr/sbin/exploderpm added to the PET package
- added:  more repos to list of available repos  in ~/.pkg/sources-all
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#58 Post by Keef »


I was using the latest Lupu when I downloaded 1.9.10, so thought I'd try in on that.
Altered pkgrc like so:

Code: Select all

then ran pkg --update-sources

sources file:

Code: Select all

lucid|pet|Packages-puppy-lucid-official|||||lucid-main lucid-universe lucid-multiverse noarch common dpup quirky wary53x wary51x akita puppy5 puppy4 puppy3 puppy2 
wary53x|pet|Packages-puppy-wary5-official|||||common noarch quirky wary51x akita dpup puppy4 lucid puppy3 puppy2 slacko slacko14
puppy5|pet|Packages-puppy-5-official|||||puppy4 puppy3 puppy2 noarch common wary51x akita quirky wary53x dpup slacko lucid slacko14 
puppy4|pet|Packages-puppy-4-official|||||puppy3 puppy2 noarch common wary51x akita quirky wary53x dpup slacko lucid slacko14 
puppy3|pet|Packages-puppy-3-official|||||puppy4 puppy2 noarch common wary51x akita quirky wary53x dpup slacko lucid slacko14 
puppy2|pet|Packages-puppy-2-official|||||puppy3 puppy4 noarch common wary51x akita quirky wary53x dpup slacko lucid slacko14 
lucid-main|deb|Packages-ubuntu-lucid-main|||||noarch common upup lucid-multiverse lucid-universe lucid dpup wary53x quirky wary51x akita puppy5 puppy4 puppy3 puppy2
lucid-multiverse|deb|Packages-ubuntu-lucid-multiverse|||||noarch common upup lucid-main lucid-universe lucid dpup quirky wary53x wary51x akita puppy5 puppy4 puppy3 puppy2
lucid-universe|deb|Packages-ubuntu-lucid-universe|||||noarch common upup lucid-main lucid-multiverse lucid dpup quirky wary53x wary51x akita puppy5 puppy4 puppy3 puppy2

Looks to be ok, but tried to install some packages. Here is what happened:

Code: Select all

# pkg -g fbterm
Download from lucid-universe repo: fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb:  
Checking 'lucid-universe' repo mirrors...
Downloading fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb. Please wait:     
Success: Downloaded /root/pkg/fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb.
Install package fbterm_1.6-1_i386:  
cp: cannot create regular file `{CURDIR}/fbterm_1.6-1_i386/fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
dpkg-deb: error: failed to read archive `fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `fbterm_1.6-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
Error: fbterm_1.6-1_i386 may not have installed correctly.
Resolving dependencies
No missing dependencies.

# pkg -g nano
Download from lucid-main repo: nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb:  
Checking 'lucid-main' repo mirrors...
Downloading nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb. Please wait:     
Success: Downloaded /root/pkg/nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb.
Install package nano_2.2.2-1_i386:  
cp: cannot create regular file `{CURDIR}/nano_2.2.2-1_i386/nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
dpkg-deb: error: failed to read archive `nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `nano_2.2.2-1_i386.deb': No such file or directory
Error: nano_2.2.2-1_i386 may not have installed correctly.
Resolving dependencies
Dependencies to get: firefox
Download from lucid repo:  
Checking 'lucid' repo mirrors...
Downloading Please wait:     
Success: Downloaded /root/pkg/
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
Package 'Firefox-24-Lucid' not yet downloaded.
You could install one of the following packages with `pkg -i PKGNAME`:

# pkg -g beaver
Download from lucid repo:  
Checking 'lucid' repo mirrors...
Downloading Please wait:     
Success: Downloaded /root/pkg/
Install package beaver-0.4.1-i386:  
Error: Unsupported compression type, or corrupted package.

# pkg -u nano
find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it).  Please specify options before other arguments.

Uninstall the package nano_2.2.2-1_i386:  
Success: nano_2.2.2-1_i386 uninstalled.
I think most of the ubuntu links are down now but the pet URLs are not working - there is an extra bit inserted eg:


There are just empty text files getting downloaded, but are being registered as proper packages (try to install again, and it says they are already installed).

The output above is quite verbose as originally I had left the slacko stuff in REPOFALLBACKS. When I took that out, the output was very minimal (but obviously less useful for testing purposes).
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#59 Post by sc0ttman »

Hi Keef, thanks for testing ... Pkg must be frustratingly crap at the mo, I'm sure...

Problem 1 is a typo :oops:

Line 2703 is missing a $ sign, and needs to be changed from:

Code: Select all

cp "${CURDIR}/${PKGNAME}.deb" "{CURDIR}/${PKGNAME}/${PKGNAME}.deb"

Code: Select all

cp "${CURDIR}/${PKGNAME}.deb" "${CURDIR}/${PKGNAME}/${PKGNAME}.deb"
I will fix it so that if line 2703 fails (stuff not copied) Pkg will exit with error at that point.

Problem 2: I just learned the Packages-puppy-lucid-official repo file contains subdirs (field 7) ..
So, you can remove the "pet_packages-lucid/" bit from the Lucid URLs in ~/.pkg/sources-all .. Something like:

Code: Select all

lucid|pet|Packages-puppy-lucid-official|||||lucid-main lucid-universe lucid-multiverse noarch common dpup quirky wary53x wary51x akita puppy5 puppy4 puppy3 puppy2
I also found the cause of "/pet-packages-lcuid" ... it's a typo in the repo file itself.. Beaver is literally the only package with that typo,, Good find!

Problem 3: You *shouldn't* need to manually change pkgrc .. just run

Code: Select all

pkg --update-sources
pkg --repo lucid
Then you should be good to go...

If the fixes above still don't work, the problem may be incorrect/outdated URLs or repo file names in sources-all (I added them blind)..
but if the debs download to /root/pkg, they should be fine..

Problem 4: I've no idea why Firefox would be a dep of nano .. Can't be right!! :roll:
Stranger still, the Lucid-main repo file (Packages-ubuntu-lucid-main) I just downloaded doesn't even have nano in it...

What a mess, eh?? ... better boot Lucid (or Lupu??? what's the difference?) and see!

Also I will update it so it checks archive integrity after download - so Pkg won't attempt an install if not a valid pkg/archive file..
[b][url=]Pkg[/url], [url=]mdsh[/url], [url=]Woofy[/url], [url=]Akita[/url], [url=]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=]Search[/url][/b]
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#60 Post by Keef »

No it's not a mess. Works very well in Slacko, and I imagine most of the lucid repos have been archived off somewhere.
That Firefox dependency for Beaver was interesting though.
Problem 3: You *shouldn't* need to manually change pkgrc .. just run
Yes, I just dived in without reading properly.
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