XFCE 4.12 for XenialPup 64bit

Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.
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#61 Post by Marv »

battleshooter wrote:We could always try the 4.14 kernel, should be coming out about now and is supposed to be LTS. Seems like more big changes, particularly dropping in tree firmware
I had another brush with 4.13, 4.13.5 in particular over in LxPupSc-land. Lots of back-and-forth going on wrt smb and cifs in the 4.13 series right now. I'm going to stick with 4.12.10 on this XFCE-Xenialpup64 install for now, at least til the dust settles. YASSM mount just works, and the file transfer times are good all around.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#62 Post by belham2 »

Hi Battleshooter/rg66/Marv,

Was wondering if any of you could help with an XFCE question. On Peebee's newly released ZestyPup-17.10-32bit-PAE, I installed XFCE. All went pretty good, of course had to fix some .desktop files again (rg66's menu.attachment in this thread helped greatly). But my main question revolves around this, best shown in a pic below. I hunted through /etc/xdg/menus & /etc/xdg/xfce4 and also in /usr/share/xfce4&xfwm4. Where in heck are those category icons generated, thus so I can fix this (I can't even find the "browser" currently showing, or the "Recently Used" and "All"). Thank you for any hints/help/pointers.
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#63 Post by rg66 »

belham2 wrote:Hi Battleshooter/rg66/Marv,

Was wondering if any of you could help with an XFCE question. On Peebee's newly released ZestyPup-17.10-32bit-PAE, I installed XFCE. All went pretty good, of course had to fix some .desktop files again (rg66's menu.attachment in this thread helped greatly). But my main question revolves around this, best shown in a pic below. I hunted through /etc/xdg/menus & /etc/xdg/xfce4 and also in /usr/share/xfce4&xfwm4. Where in heck are those category icons generated, thus so I can fix this (I can't even find the "browser" currently showing, or the "Recently Used" and "All"). Thank you for any hints/help/pointers.
Go to /usr/local/share and remove pixmaps folder, make a symlink called pixmaps to /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps.
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#64 Post by belham2 »

rg66 wrote:
belham2 wrote:Hi Battleshooter/rg66/Marv,

Was wondering if any of you could help with an XFCE question. On Peebee's newly released ZestyPup-17.10-32bit-PAE, I installed XFCE. All went pretty good, of course had to fix some .desktop files again (rg66's menu.attachment in this thread helped greatly). But my main question revolves around this, best shown in a pic below. I hunted through /etc/xdg/menus & /etc/xdg/xfce4 and also in /usr/share/xfce4&xfwm4. Where in heck are those category icons generated, thus so I can fix this (I can't even find the "browser" currently showing, or the "Recently Used" and "All"). Thank you for any hints/help/pointers.
Go to /usr/local/share and remove pixmaps folder, make a symlink called pixmaps to /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps.

Haha, rg66! :lol: You corrected it. I figured out what you meant after thinking about it for a second, knew we couldn't delete a folder and in the same directory create a new one symlinked to itself. So, thought you must have meant /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps. Worked like a charm. Thanks :wink:
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#65 Post by rg66 »

Ya, I copied and pasted the same path, lol, glad you figured it out. For theme icons to show in thunar you need whatevericon24.png/svg so use the attached icon_switcher script and put in /usr/sbin (remove fake .gz).

Also, for the icons to show in the right click app menu you need to remove icon extension from /user/share/desktop-directories/Puppy-whatever.directory. Example: Puppy-System.directory, change Icon=pc48.png to Icon=pc48
Remove fake .gz
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#66 Post by belham2 »

rg66 wrote:Ya, I copied and pasted the same path, lol, glad you figured it out. For theme icons to show in thunar you need whatevericon24.png/svg so use the attached icon_switcher script and put in /usr/sbin (remove fake .gz).

Also, for the icons to show in the right click app menu you need to remove icon extension from /user/share/desktop-directories/Puppy-whatever.directory. Example: Puppy-System.directory, change Icon=pc48.png to Icon=pc48

Thanks! Am a little confused on the 'icon_switcher' script. I downloaded it, removed the gz, chmod +x so its executable, stuck it in /usr/sbin, then opened Thunar and went to a folder (shown below) where it's not showing icons for something (there's quit a few I am finding, for all different sorts of file extensions, dang I must've goofed something up, lol). Here's the pic, what the heck do I do with that script so I can get Thunar to show the .sfs icon and others it currently isn't showing (the sfs icon is in the OS, but how to get Thunar to see it?). Also, isn't that script global when it's run? I ran it and tried a few choices from the script (Puppy StandardSVG and also Bluemoon) but Thunar still won't show icons for some stuff---like sfs, among others (using your X-Slacko-4.4 frugal folder directory as an example):
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#67 Post by rg66 »

belham2 wrote:Thanks! Am a little confused on the 'icon_switcher' script. I downloaded it, removed the gz, chmod +x so its executable, stuck it in /usr/sbin, then opened Thunar and went to a folder (shown below) where it's not showing icons for something (there's quit a few I am finding, for all different sorts of file extensions, dang I must've goofed something up, lol). Here's the pic, what the heck do I do with that script so I can get Thunar to show the .sfs icon and others it currently isn't showing (the sfs icon is in the OS, but how to get Thunar to see it?). Also, isn't that script global when it's run? I ran it and tried a few choices from the script (Puppy StandardSVG and also Bluemoon) but Thunar still won't show icons for some stuff---like sfs, among others (using your X-Slacko-4.4 frugal folder directory as an example):
Was it like that before? The icon switcher only affects icons in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps. Copy entire X-slacko /usr/share/icons/hicolor and over write yours and the icons will show. Puppy has a minimal hicolor icon set.

Edit: You can also use xfce-appearance-settings to choose Puppy Flat or Puppy standard. Choosing gnome will also show missing icons.
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#68 Post by belham2 »

rg66 wrote:
Was it like that before? The icon switcher only affects icons in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps. Copy entire X-slacko /usr/share/icons/hicolor and over write yours and the icons will show. Puppy has a minimal hicolor icon set.

Well, I definitely screwed something up earlier...I can't think of any other way to explain it. Look at the pic below: It's the "Appearance" function in XFCE. Under the "Icons" tab, I have three choices, two of them have yellow-exclamation warning signs next them saying in a pop-up box:

Code: Select all

Warning: this icon theme has no chace file.  You can create this by running [i]gtk-update-icon-cache /root/.icons/ROX/ in a terminal[/i] 
I tried that, it won't fix either of the ones with yellow-exclamation points. But, good news is, I tried the 2nd one, StandardSVG, again, and logged out & back in, and checked the test "X-Xlacko-4-4" folder to see if the sfs icons were showing, and success :D So, to heck with the other two, StandardSVG it is!! Thanks for all your help, rg!!
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#69 Post by rg66 »

In your case, Puppy standard is the only full icon theme (which I personally don't like) so is the only one with mime icons. X-series and Carolina use the Saluki hicolor full icon set which is basically the gnome theme.
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#70 Post by Marv »

I wanted to get Thunar based gvfs samba connections working here. What is needed is the gvfs-backends for smb. They show up as unavailable using the PPM but I downloaded this xenial deb and it worked: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/16.04/ubuntu-ma ... 4.deb.html. It duplicated some of the current install though it also added support for volume management of cameras etc. and is too large to upload directly. I culled only the smb related stuff and it is in the pet below. Installed, rebooted (it has libs), and now a smb address can be entered, connected, and bookmarked in Thunar. The location address form is the standard smb://
Culled from gvfs-backends_1.28.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
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Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#71 Post by battleshooter »

Kind of got runned over this week with stuff. I played with Whiskers some last week and tried getting rid of those pts sys proc icons but it didn't go anywhere ugh. If I could just get the actual drives to be recognized as such and not under "other" where pts proc and sys are that would be a leap forward. My latest suspicion is that they are marked incorrectly due to modern Puppies using udisks2.

Thanks for that Samba gvfs update Marv! I'll make an update of it just to make sure I keep moving.
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#72 Post by Terry H »

Thanks for the work you have been doing with this pet and puppy derivative.
I have been using the xfce4.12-r5.pet in a xenial64 frugal install for a couple of days and all has been working smoothly.

I am currently trying your xfcexenial-R3.iso, to run the later kernel, Had to copy the wifi firmware for my Intel 7260 card, working OK now. The one issue that I am currently having, is that the time is showing with the wrong AM/PM indicator.

I selected to use Internet time server on setup, and selected my time zone. The time is showing as 5:38 AM instead of PM. I have run:

Code: Select all

 ntpdate pool.ntp.org
to resync the time but it still shows AM. This only happens running the R3.iso version. When I use the other xenial installation with the xfce4.12-r5.pet the time is displayed correctly.
I know I could change it to not show the AM/PM, but thought I'd report it.

Edit: changed the time format to display 24 Hours from %I to %H. The time is displayed correctly as 17:50.

Edit2: changed it back to %I and it now displays the correct PM indicator. Strange
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#73 Post by Terry H »

So I copied palemoon.default file form another installation and all was working great. Then I decided to finish it off I'd see if the xfce weather plugin would work in this installation. Bad move! I found it in PPM and just clicked "Do It!". As I'd installed it via PPM previously wasn't expecting any issues. It installed a bunch of dependencies, including an older version of xfce4-panel version 4.12.0 and I assume other older program versions to what were already installed. So my Applications menu was changed, no Utilities or Shutdown. So I am going to start over again. Tomorrow.

At least I found that the xfce weather plugin still has issues.
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#74 Post by battleshooter »

Yeahhhh, I need a way to disable the PPM's xfce dependencies, or get it to recognize mine so it won't install it's own, I think Geoff told me how to do it a long time ago, I'll see if I can find it.

In the mean time, change ppm from "auto install" to "download packages" so you can by pass the troublesome foreign xfce packages.

If you don't want to start over completely, installing the pet over should fix the menus, but you might miss a few customizations you've set up.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#75 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Terry H,

Always nice to be told to remember to close the barn door after the bull has gotten loose. :)

I never allow PPM to auto-install, unless I forget to change it. :oops: The following is for those who may not know safe install/test procedure as it is likely you, like me, just clicked PPM's "Do it" during a fit of absent-mindedness.

My standard procedure is to create a folder to download pets/debs/etc into and use download "debs & dependencies" after configuring PPM options to:
install to tmpsf; always re-download; and do not delete.

Puppies are run with AutoSave Removed. See, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 326#662326. For Puppies created in the last couple years, start at the end of the thread and read it backwards if necessary. With AutoSave Removed, you would have been able to unscramble the mess by rebooting without Saving.

Usually I'll build an sfs or pet of the downloaded pets/deps/etc. for testing. But with whisker-menu plugins, once whisker-menu is already installed that's not necessary. I'll just install the deb only --ignoring downloaded dependencies at first. Restart-x. Start whisker-menu, load the plugin and see if it works. If not, install the most likely missing dependency and try again. Once it's working, reboot without Saving and install only what's necessary. [Obviously, if it never works, reboot without Saving].

When a Save is performed, everything in RAM --other than what's in /tmp-- is written to storage. Doing installs immediately on bootup avoids adding anything you don't want to your system, including things you might not know are present.

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#76 Post by belham2 »

Terry H wrote:So I copied palemoon.default file form another installation and all was working great. Then I decided to finish it off I'd see if the xfce weather plugin would work in this installation. Bad move! I found it in PPM and just clicked "Do It!". As I'd installed it via PPM previously wasn't expecting any issues. It installed a bunch of dependencies, including an older version of xfce4-panel version 4.12.0 and I assume other older program versions to what were already installed. So my Applications menu was changed, no Utilities or Shutdown. So I am going to start over again. Tomorrow.

At least I found that the xfce weather plugin still has issues.


I tried, on Page 1, to warn (I guess not successfully :cry: ) to AVOID PPM with anything xfce panel-related. It sure opened my eyes, lol, and since then (where XFCE is concerned) I only download stuff and never let it install. Most other pups, PPM is fine, even in Barry's new creations. Not for anything XFCE-related, though.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 403#967403
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#77 Post by Terry H »

belham2 wrote:
Terry H wrote:So I copied palemoon.default file form another installation and all was working great. Then I decided to finish it off I'd see if the xfce weather plugin would work in this installation. Bad move! I found it in PPM and just clicked "Do It!". As I'd installed it via PPM previously wasn't expecting any issues. It installed a bunch of dependencies, including an older version of xfce4-panel version 4.12.0 and I assume other older program versions to what were already installed. So my Applications menu was changed, no Utilities or Shutdown. So I am going to start over again. Tomorrow.

At least I found that the xfce weather plugin still has issues.


I tried, on Page 1, to warn (I guess not successfully :cry: ) to AVOID PPM with anything xfce panel-related. It sure opened my eyes, lol, and since then (where XFCE is concerned) I only download stuff and never let it install. Most other pups, PPM is fine, even in Barry's new creations. Not for anything XFCE-related, though.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 403#967403
Thanks belham, you just reminded me that I did read that when the thread was started. As it took me a while to get around the trying this derivative battleshooter created, I forgot about that. It's no big deal to delete a savefile and start again, I had only made very minor changes, so a couple of reboots and 15 minutes later I'm back to where I messed up.

I re-downloaded the weather plugin and it works, sort of. The search for location doesn't work, but the default setting which is a town 8 miles from here is OK. I changed the Latitude & Longitude, but not sure that does anything.

Thinking out loud, maybe I'll change the co-ordinates to somewhere where there is different weather forecast and see if it changes the forecast.

Edit: I just changed the co-ordinates to Darwin in the Properties and the forecast changed to Darwin's forecast. So it is not necessary to use the search function. Just change the Location Name and latitude and longitude without doing a search and the weather information will be changed accordingly.
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#78 Post by belham2 »

Hi everyone,

Ok, I am in battleshooter's R3 ISO 'frugally' installed, and everything's generally been great. Tonight I downloaded from PPM both the systemloadmonitor-plugin and the whiskermenu-plugin (along with their dependencies) and installed them manually. They work great. But after installing the last (the whiskermenu-plugin) I have run into a problem with one of my own installed .pets that was functioning perfectly normally before tonight. It is 'redshiftgui', and I sort of can't live without this program. My eyes strain hard, to the point of hurting, without it. The problem I ran into is best described in the pic below; this is my first-ever (virgin, lol) experience with one of these 'segmentation' thingamagiggies. :(

Anyone have an idea how I go about solving this? When I launch redshiftgui, from either the whiskermenu entry, or from /usr/bin or from terminal, this pic below is what I see. Thanks a lot for any help and/or advice.
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#79 Post by battleshooter »

That's curious hmm. I opened up the Whisker's menu deb and there doesn't seem to be anything in there that would cause a segfault. Did you compile Redshift yourself Belham or is it a converted deb?

Could you send me a link? I'll try reproduce the issue.

Glad though that you've had less issues from your first test run :)
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#80 Post by belham2 »

battleshooter wrote:That's curious hmm. I opened up the Whisker's menu deb and there doesn't seem to be anything in there that would cause a segfault. Did you compile Redshift yourself Belham or is it a converted deb?

Could you send me a link? I'll try reproduce the issue.

Glad though that you've had less issues from your first test run :)
Hi Battleshooter,

I tried my redshiftgui compiles, and also what a few others have done...the same thing kept happening. Had even rebooted a few times last night. No luck. Then, well, this morning, no other way to describe it except something weird happened: I went into /usr/bin/ again, just to click the redshiftgui executable one last time to double check it wasn't a simple problem, and sure enough up popped the seg-fault notice. and I thought: crap, it really isn't going to work. Then, in that moment, out of frustration, I started rapidly left-clicking that executable...and after redshiftgui trying to wink on & start & spit up the seg-fault warnings like it always does.....at like the 6th-7th click......redshiftgui magically started. :shock: Now the crazy thing launches and starts no problems, like I am hallucinating and it never existed before. :roll:

I swear I am never going to, lol, understand code and/or the deep inner workings of it in linux or anywhere else. I am starting to think some of the scientists are right, we---humans, Earth, space, the universe---are all existing in one big running simulation & higher powers who created it are having a blast confounding us each & every day. :lol:

Thanks for looking at it and responding. Hopefullly, it never appears again. 8)
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