SlimJet 64-bit SFS packages

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#181 Post by sheldonisaac »

Mike Walsh (in part) wrote:.. Google have been slowly but steadily pushing for everyone to go 64-bit for a while.....and I'm pretty sure it started when they became their own certificate authority last year. They've carefully allowed the certification for 32-bit to lapse
Anything Google-related (including YouTube, and tons of websites that use their version of web blogs), are now completely inacessible.
Hi, I'm just an ordinary user. In recent months, using 32-bit tahr and Iron browser.
What must I do?

Thank you,
Sheldon Isaac
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#182 Post by mikeslr »

@ sheldonisaac,

firefox, seamonkey and palemoon (32-bit, while they last :evil: ) are not "google-related". I just ran a youtube video under a 32-bit seamonkey. So enjoy those browsers while you can. But, I guess it's best to prepare to go "64-bit OS" which I see you can do, i.e., running Tahrpup64 when you've had to.

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#183 Post by Mike Walsh »

*** NEW Version now available***

Morning, boys & girls.

The current stable release,, is now available for download. These can be found at the usual location in post #2. This includes the newest version of Pepper;


New stuff in this release:-

NetFlix still working fine....... enjoy! :D


The previously-mentioned 'silent-launch' feature has been added to /root/Startup; if you look in /root/Startup, you'll find a new script, entitled 'silent_launch_slimjet'. What this effectively does is to launch SlimJet at boot, without 'opening' it; rather along the same lines as how modern Windoze works with hibernation and Fast Startup; it essentially holds it in 'standby-mode' until you launch from either desktop launcher or Menu entry. Upon doing so, it starts almost instantly. :)

I've also taken a leaf out of Oscar's book, and begun running '/slimjet' and '/slimjet-sandbox' through Phil's 'bbe' script. A few people have mentioned having problems recently (and Marv found it worked for him the other day), so.....


Any probs, I'm not usually far away. Enjoy.

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#184 Post by orrin »

Mike Walsh wrote:*** NEW Version now available***
This works for me in Slacko 64-6.3.2
As long as SlimJet is based on Chrome 59, it seems to be OK!

Thanks Mike!
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#185 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, orrin.

I think we'll be okay for a while, so long as the next series is based on Chromium 60. 61 is where all the NSS-related stuff (and other 'problems') have surfaced.

However, was based on Chromium 57. was based on Chromium 59. Flashpeak jumped a release. I've got a nasty feeling they may decide to jump to 61 with the release of, but, there again, they may decide not to..... They seem to prefer working with releases that have been around long enough to get at least most of the bugs ironed out, before they start to modify them. And they always release SlimJet with what I consider to be out-of-date versions of PepperFlash....which is why I replace it with a newer version prior to packaging. Who knows?

Time will tell. Meanwhile, I'll continue with them as long as I can; SlimJet, I'm happy to say, is one of the easiest of all the Chromium 'clones' to re-package (and, in my humble opinion, one of the best to use, too!)

Mike. :wink:
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#186 Post by Mike Walsh »

Well, I had a weird feeling that this is what would happen.....and I've been proved right.

Flashpeak have jumped over Chromium 60, and gone straight to 61. So, expect problems.....'cos this is where all the NSS-related 'nasties' rear their ugly little heads.

I'll try the 'beta' out, but I'm not expecting too much. And neither should you, because I may be knocking development on the head for all the 64-bit Chromium-related browsers I package for Puppy. They're just getting too problematic, and hard to get running in Puppy.

Watch this space.

Mike. :(
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#187 Post by Mike Walsh »

*** NEW Version now available***
***Also 'Beta' available for evaluation***

Evening, all.

This is going to be a 'double-bill' for y'all tonight!

Here is the final release in the,, the last SlimJet based on Chromium 59. PepperFlash is included, as are the WideVine decryption modules as usual. Find it in the usual location.


Here, too, is the 'Beta' release of the forthcoming, for which (as stated above), Flashpeak have jumped over Chromium 60 straight to 61, and dived head-first into the horrendous current-day mess of the up-to-date Chromium Project.

Again, Pepper is included, as is WideVine. As it stands, near full sandboxing is implemented, browsing is A-OK, streaming video & audio are 100%. Uploading/downloading does, however, crash the browser instantly.

I make no bones about this; I'm going to swallow my pride and ask peebee how he's 'fixed this' (I know he has.) I can see the required files in his current Chromium 62, and there's a relevant line in the wrapper script.....but I'm not sure exactly where it should go in Slimmie's wrapper script, or how it should be implemented. I'm no 'coder', and never will be..! :roll: :oops:

You can find this in the 'Beta-' sub-directories.


I can only apologise for the horrendous size these Chromium-based browsers are ballooning into. This is in large part due to the need for keeping updated libs'n'stuff 'self-contained' within the browser itself, so as not to interfere with pre-existing system dependencies for installed software that is working OK.

I have a nasty feeling this is only the start of a period of upheaval until Google get their 'new vision' of how they think the internet should be, out of their system.....

Time will, as always, tell. This stuff is of course a Puppy-specific problem ('running-as-root' & no regular system updates notwithstanding), which simply has to be 'tackled' as & when it becomes necessary.

Have fun.....and feedback as usual, please, boys & girls. Thanks.

Mike. :wink:
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#188 Post by orrin »

Hi Mike,

Version seems to run OK in Slacko 64-6.3.2.

Everything I have tried based on Chrome greater than 59 has resulted
in the same error, i.e.,

undefined symbol: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor

Maybe someone can look into it and maybe resolve the issue!
I have the version of GTK 3 that is in the respository. (gtk+3-3.8.2)
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#189 Post by reliant_turbo »

Mike Walsh wrote: Uploading/downloading does, however, crash the browser instantly
do earlier versions do this as well?

i tried latest of Chrome and SlimJet and was like "do i have something set up wrong?"

turns out no :)

im not a total noob. ive played with various linux distros over the past 15 years or so but just off and on. mostly windows and android tinkering with a little mac os thrown in. i do like puppy though and i periodically check in here and there and load up a usb drive or a disc (back in the day) and play with it.

right now its my "use my work laptop without big brother peeking in" solution. :)


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#190 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, Brian. And 'Welcome' to the kennels.

No, you haven't done anything wrong, mate. This is all down to big brother Google playing silly buggers with the Chromium code-base (which Slimmie, Chrome et al are all based on).

In recent months, Google have gone overboard with the safety & security stuff, and have finally decided that we all need protecting from ourselves.....whether you agree with that assessment or not!

Rest assured, previous packages of 64-bit SlimJet (which I produce), and 32-bit SlimJet (which OscarTalks' produces) did not have this problem. It all kicked in from 61 onwards, when Google decided we all needed the very newest libnss, and various other things. Until very recently, Pup, with its 'root-only' model, was able to make use of various 'switches' in the launcher wrapper-script, which permitted running as root. Big brother has now decided that's not safe.....and current versions will no longer permit running as root under any circumstances whatsoever.

Which has prompted the already fertile minds of the Puppy Forum 'coders' to get even more creative....and why we're now having to run as user 'Spot' instead. The 'crashing on download' stuff is all down to certain things known as 'schemas'; there is a way to set this to behave itself, but since I'm no expert with all this stuff, I haven't yet quite figured out the necessary modifications..!

I assume you're running a 64-bit Pup, otherwise you wouldn't be posting in this particular thread. should serve you well; it's the one I intend to stick with for the forseeable future. Bang up to date browsers have never been a particular concern for me; this post is coming to you from Chromium 36.....which is over 3 years old. (It's one of my favourite versions of Chromium.....although when it boils down to it, I'm really a Chrome man, through and through).

Mike. :wink:
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#191 Post by reliant_turbo »

Google is getting this way in Android too.

I've had to change the way I do things root-wise to keep certain apps working.... Luckily with Android there are millions of guys working on thwarting Google/Samsung/LG/Verizon/etc. lol so it's easy to find an app or a flashable zip to "fix" a "problem" especially cause I'm not a code guy. I'm a "somehow figure out how to get it to work with a lot of google-fu" guy. :)

So chrome prior to 61 should be ok for downloading then too?

Time to update my USB puppy setup. :).

And yes I'm on 64 bit tahr.


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#192 Post by Mike Walsh »

*** NEW Version now available***

Evening, all.

Sorry for the delay with the new versions. I've had a lot on my plate this last couple of weeks, with Mama having her pacemaker fitted, and all the attendant complications with that. Here is SlimJet PepperFlash is included, as are the WideVine decryption modules as usual. Find it in the usual location.


Once again, I have to apologise for the horrendous size these Chromium-based browsers are ballooning into. This is in large part due to the need for keeping updated libs'n'stuff 'self-contained' within the browser itself, so as not to interfere with pre-existing system dependencies for installed software that is working OK.

Still haven't had time to figure out the 'download/upload' problem yet... :oops: Everything else, however, works as it should.

Enjoy.....and feedback as usual, please, boys & girls. Thanks.

Mike. :wink:
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SlimJet 64-bit SFS packages

#193 Post by PeteAir »

Thanks Mike for your hard work ,Version Works great.
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SlimJet 64-bit SFS packages

#194 Post by PeteAir »

Well I spoke to soon on Version It now crashes on import bookmarks and export bookmarks. I have since gone back to Version as it works fine.
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#195 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, Pete.

Mm. Sorry to hear it's doing that. TBH, until a general 'fix-all' is in the pipeline for Chromium-based browsers in Puppy, I'm sticking with the 15-series SlimJets myself. At least everything works.....and it's not so out of date. Not yet....

TBH, since the 16-series moved to a Chromium 61 base, it's been nowt but a complete PITA. It's Big Brother Google, stating loud & clear, 'We know what's best for you, so don't even think of trying summat different..!'

We used to get round the running-as-root thing by using the same workaround Google themselves had put in place for developers. Now that Google have re-coded it all so that developers no longer need to run-as-root, that 'loophole' has been we have no option but to run as a 'normal' user!

(And that opens up a whole 'nother 'can of worms', 'cos Pup just isn't built to run that way.....)

I detest being told what I can and can't do with my own hardware, don't you? :roll: :evil:

Mike. :wink:
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SlimJet 64-bit SFS packages

#196 Post by PeteAir »

Yep. Mike I had read your other posts about chrome ver61 being pita. Ver 15 will last awhile. Thanks again for your work on this.
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