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#41 Post by rcrsn51 »

Just out of curiosity, what happens if you have two squash modules that both have init scripts.

Will they fight with each other?
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#42 Post by fredx181 »

rcrsn51 wrote:Just out of curiosity, what happens if you have two squash modules that both have init scripts.

Will they fight with each other?
Probably it can be that the initscript configuration from .squashfs module higher in alphanumerical order will overwrite and possibly disable initscript from the lower one.
But I don't really know from tests, if I use extra modules, I mostly load "on the fly"

New pfind is nice! Added to repos and also your mtpaint-64bit, so can be installed with Synaptic or apt-get, thanks again!

Added deadbeef (music player) to the repos, install:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install deadbeef-static
Made list for TODO's:
Changes and Fixes list

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#43 Post by trister »

rcrsn51 wrote:Just out of curiosity, what happens if you have two squash modules that both have init scripts.

Will they fight with each other?
I hope I understand your question. I've been working entirely with squashfs (custom or/and apt2sfs) so I have some experience in squashfs loading. (the PC I'm typing loads during startup 94 squashfs files -programs & settings).

From my experience all the squashfs load & "overlap" in alphabetical order and they create your filesystem. When all are loaded the latest init files are executed.

When I want to be sure that the script of my squashfs file will certantly run , I rename my squashfs like this : z_slim_manager_replace_init_script.squashfs

If you have the files:

that they all contain a different version of file etc/profile

At the end StretchDog and all other puppies will see and execute the one that is in c.squashfs . So , without fighting the last squashfs wins :)

Especially for /etc/profile when I want something to be certain to run I do this :
a.squashfs contains /etc/profile.d/
b.squashfs contains /etc/profile.d/
c.squashfs contains /etc/profile.d/
You can add the same way files inside folder /root/Startup or /home/puppy/Startup

Another important note : If you make squashfs BE VERY carefull with the owner rights of your folders. What I mean is that if you make a squashfs which contain the folder structure /home/puppy/Startup and you set in this Squashfs (that is loaded last in order) the owner of the folders as root then you will have all the path /home/puppy owned by root!!!.

Another note. Unlike .deb files in squashfs there are no scripts that are run during the *specific* squashfs loading.
At start all the squashfs are merged/fused together (in the order I said above) and THEN linux start (loads init , profiles ,rc etc). That means that you be very careful to where you put your init scripts.
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#44 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thanks. Have you made any conclusion about why PeasyWifi did not auto-start? Does Fred have the correct explanation?
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#45 Post by trister »

rcrsn51 wrote:Thanks. Have you made any conclusion about why PeasyWifi did not auto-start? Does Fred have the correct explanation?
I haven't checked this in the 17-10-10 Stretch but this is probable the case*(It's been a while since I boot the new SD).
I copied several of my older StretchDog64 files to the new StretchDog and I see one of them loaded frisbee.
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mtpaint open jp2 j2k

#46 Post by don570 »

I found a way to make mtpaint open jp2 and j2k file format.
In my previous configure I was using 'nojp2' option in configure command. ... 483#971483

Here is the new method I used...

I use fatdog linux 710 and upgrade it with giflib_5.1.2.orig.tar.bz2
(as previously mentioned) and also


This installed libopenjp2-7 package in fatdog linux.

Next I compiled mtpaint without 'nojp2' option.

Something like

Code: Select all

./configure intl  GIF tiff jpeg  --prefix=/usr
and it found the libopenjp2-7 package .

I then took the binary file and tested on stretch dog linux and then put
together debian package of mtpaint. It will now open more file types jp2 and j2k for example.

Available :
Size 487k
mtpaint_3.49.12_amd64.deb ... nlfLVRpLTQ

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Some sample jp2 files

#47 Post by don570 »

Some sample jp2 files to test ... jpeg2k.htm
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Re: mtpaint open jp2 j2k

#48 Post by wjaguar »

don570 wrote:openjpeg-2.1.1.tar.gz
BTW: anyone who intends to work with JPEG2000 for real, is advised to switch to the recent OpenJPEG 2.3.0. It is easily 2x the performance of previous versions, and of the JasPer library which was just as slow.
The library should be compiled with the "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" option, to enable full optimizations (25% faster than without it).
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#49 Post by fredx181 »

don570 wrote:Available :
Size 487k
mtpaint_3.49.12_amd64.deb ... nlfLVRpLTQ
OK, thanks again, replaced in 64bit repo with your new package, btw, edited 'control' file by adding required dependencies on "Depends:" line.

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#50 Post by don570 »

I wanted to be compatible to openjpeg2-7 package that Debian offers

Now that I read this page it lists openjpeg2_2.1.2.orig.tar.gz as its source package.
I used older source but it works fine. It's the package that is used by stretch dog that is the important one
since that is the one the final user uses to open a file

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#51 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Don, FYI, I added now libopenjp2-7 to Depends: line in 'control' (previously didn't) ... _amd64.deb

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#52 Post by backi »

By the way .....
Maybe Off-Topic .........but who really cares .

...........does anybody know where mcewanw is hiding ?

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#53 Post by fredx181 »

Included youtube-get2 in StretchDog needed some fixes, see: Changes and Fixes list (4)

And added to custom repositories: emelfm2 file manager for X/gtk (taken from Ubuntu Trusty PPA, works fine in Stretch from what I tested), to install:

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apt-get update
apt-get install emelfm2
Or install from Synaptic

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#54 Post by belham2 »

fredx181 wrote:Included youtube-get2 in StretchDog needed some fixes, see: Changes and Fixes list (4)

And added to custom repositories: emelfm2 file manager for X/gtk (taken from Ubuntu Trusty PPA, works fine in Stretch from what I tested), to install:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install emelfm2
Or install from Synaptic

Thank you, Fred! :wink: The darn thing is kinda nice as a backup filemanager, one I can leave in dual-pane mode set to handle only copying between the two designated partitions I am always usually fooling with. Just hope it doesn't start acting up (copying large files) like SpaceFM did. Thanks again for emelfm2!! :)
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#55 Post by don570 »

StretchDog needed some fixes, see: Changes and Fixes list (4)
...says that you're making default apps..

I noticed in the Stretch dog iso that I downloaded that there was a 'defaultmediaplayer' but it was a bad link ???

Shouldn't it be linked to executable?
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#56 Post by fredx181 »

don570 wrote:
StretchDog needed some fixes, see: Changes and Fixes list (4)
...says that you're making default apps..

I noticed in the Stretch dog iso that I downloaded that there was a 'defaultmediaplayer' but it was a bad link ???

Shouldn't it be linked to executable?
Yes, in next ISO release these default application symlinks should be fixed, indeed some are broken symlinks.
(completely forgot to pay attention to it when I made StretchDog 2017-10-10 ISO)

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#57 Post by don570 »

Here's an observation...

When I installed stretchdog from the ISO
I read the Readme file inside and
I dragged live folder to a hard drive partition
and made simple menu.lst addition

Code: Select all

title stretch (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ changes=EXIT:/live/
initrd (hd0,0)/live/initrd1.xz

and it worked.

However I tried dragging the live folder to another folder porteus
and changed menu.lst...

Code: Select all

title stretch (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/porteus/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ changes=EXIT:/porteus/live/
initrd (hd0,0)/porteus/live/initrd1.xz

and I got got the warning that a search for stretch-x86_64.sgn file would take place and it wouldn't boot.

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#58 Post by fredx181 »

don570 wrote:Here's an observation...

When I installed stretchdog from the ISO
I read the Readme file inside and
I dragged live folder to a hard drive partition
and made simple menu.lst addition

Code: Select all

title stretch (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ changes=EXIT:/live/
initrd (hd0,0)/live/initrd1.xz

and it worked.

However I tried dragging the live folder to another folder porteus
and changed menu.lst...

Code: Select all

title stretch (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/porteus/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ changes=EXIT:/porteus/live/
initrd (hd0,0)/porteus/live/initrd1.xz

and I got got the warning that a search for stretch-x86_64.sgn file would take place and it wouldn't boot.

Then you need to change from=/... (from=/... should be considered parent folder of "live")

So this should work then according to your setup:

Code: Select all

title stretch (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel /porteus/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/porteus changes=EXIT:/porteus/live/
initrd /porteus/live/initrd1.xz
Btw, name of "parent folder" can be be anything, e.g. if "live" is inside "stretch_dog":

Code: Select all

title stretch from stretch_dog (sda1) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel /stretch_dog/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/stretch_dog changes=EXIT:/stretch_dog/live/
initrd /stretch_dog/live/initrd1.xz
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#59 Post by don570 »

Useful info!

The Readme file in the ISO should have this example.


Code: Select all

kernel (hd0,0)/live/vmlinuz1
was causing problems with the booting process, but it would eventually boot :roll:

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#60 Post by fredx181 »

don570 wrote:kernel (hd0,0)/live/vmlinuz1

was causing problems with the booting process, but it would eventually boot Rolling Eyes
Not sure, but I think you mean: "I didn't specify from=/ and still it boots" :?:

The default folder to search for is "live", so if it's on the root of a partition, the from= is in fact not needed, so with above kernel line it boots without save and auto-mounting all partitions.

P.S. I will edit example boot codes file on next ISO release, thanks.
There's also Wiki page BTW.

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