Linux Puppy Tahr : I can't save, modify or copy

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Linux Puppy Tahr : I can't save, modify or copy

#1 Post by jaylcee »

Hello there,

I run Linux Puppy Tahr 6.0.5 from a usb-stick on my Laptop (Aspire 4810TZ) and was extremely happy with everything until - all of sudden - Puppy started to mount my drives (hd, usb, sd-card) as read-only and will not allow me to save, modify or copy anything. I am a very basic user and the only thing I could try was updating the installation but that did not solve the problem

Any idea please?

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#2 Post by bigpup »

What format are the drives?
Linux ext(2,3or4)?

You have done a complete shutdown and power off of computer?
Power on.
Bootup of the Tahrpup USB?

During bootup any error messages about drive mounting?

Anything you did just before this started to happen?

Any other operating system been used to change anything on any of the drives?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#3 Post by jaylcee »

Hello Bigpup and thanks for helping,

my hard-drives are NTFS, my usb-stick and my sd-cards are fat32.

I always boot from my usb-installation. No warning during bootup and no, I don't remember anything wrong happening within the last months.

I do have windows 7 on that laptop but did not do anything special with it (I almost never use it.)
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#4 Post by bigpup »

Have to see what is good to find what is bad.

If there is anything wrong with the file systems ntfs or fat 32, the Linux program that reads and writes to them will only work as read only.
This prevents it from doing damage to an already damaged file system.

Now, all of the drives having file system damage is, I know, a long shot, but need to know for sure, to eliminate that as the cause.

This would be best to do from Windows using chkdsk and defrag Windows programs.
They are much better to use than the programs in Linux for Windows formats.

So use Windows 7 and run chkdsk and defrag on each of the drives.
See what they find and possibly correct.
If they find anything wrong with the file systems, it will be repaired.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#5 Post by jaylcee »

Hello there,

I did check and defragment every HDD, usb stick and SD-card I use and as expected, it did not fix the problem.

Any idea or any way to "refresh" my installation?

Another problem that I have been having since a few months ago is a X warning I had after shutting down my computer after a crash. There was no problem but the warning persists and - eventhough it disappears after 30 seconds - I would rather not have it anymore and fix it. Any idea?

Thank you.
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#6 Post by zagreb999 »





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Preliminary Steps

#7 Post by mikeslr »

Hi zagreb999,

Nice plug for your Euclid.iso. :lol: In the 9 or so years I've been running puppies almost exclusively I have only had a Read-only drive problem once. And that was after I did something I apparently shouldn't have.

Hi jaylcee,

Hopefully, we won't get to that, but it may be necessary to rebuild your Tahrpup. If that becomes necessary, there are a couple things you'll want to save before doing that. I'd invest a couple dollars in another USB-Stick if you don't already have one. Then, boot into your Tahrpup "pfix=ram". If your using grub4dos as a bootloader, at the bottom of its Menu.lst there's a listing for Advanced Menu. From that select the listing for

title XXX RAM mode\nBoot up Puppy without pupsave -- Yours will say something about Tahr rather than XXX.

That will boot tahrpup without using its SaveFile.

There will* be an icon just above the taskbar with an "x" in its top right corner. Left-click it to open in rox the drive on which you've located tahrpup's files. Plug in your 2nd USB-stick, a drive-icon will appear. Open it as well. Then in the rox window for your tahrpup installation, browse until you see a file named something like tahrsave_XXX.sfs. The important part of its name is "save". Left-Click it. This will mount/open that file. Browse within it to a folder named root. Left-click it to open it. Within it may be any folders, such as "my-documents" where you may have stored data files. Left-Press, hold, then drag them into the window of your 2nd USB-Stick and select copy from the popup window.

Now back in the root folder of your mounted tahrsave, Left-click rox's eye to show hidden files. One of them will be the /root/.packages folder. Note the '.'/dot which is used in names to hide a file or folder. Copy it to your 2nd USB-Stick as well. In the .packages folder are text files having the names of every application you installed.

Hopefully, someone else will have an idea as to how to solve the permissions problem.


* There may not be as you're booting "ram" so tahrpup may not have identified your Home drive. If that's the case, its likely that the right-most drive icon is to your USB-Stick.
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#8 Post by bigpup »

Another problem that I have been having since a few months ago is a X warning I had after shutting down my computer after a crash. There was no problem but the warning persists and - even though it disappears after 30 seconds
What does the warning say?

What is the name of the save file you are using?

Do you know how to boot Tahrpup so it does not use the save?
If yes.
Try that.
Does it now work?

When booting this way.
When shutting down, you will be asked to make a save.
Say no.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#9 Post by jafadmin »

You either have a hardware problem or a puppy problem. We need to determine which it is.

Boot with the "pfix=ram" parameter to boot without loading savefiles or sfs files.
When at the puppy boot screen with your boot option highlighted, press the 'e' key on your keyboard. Then highlight the line that has the 'kernel' parameters and press 'e' again.

It should take you to the end of that line where you backspace over 'fsck' and type 'ram', then press 'ESC' then press 'b' to boot.

A discussion on 'pfix=ram':

You should now be booted to a LiveCD session just like a new install. Check if the drives in question still mount read-only.

If they DO still mount read-only, you have a hardware problem. If they mount read-write then your puppy setup is the problem.

This will help us to know how to proceed.
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#10 Post by puppytahruser »

Some time it happens when we save something like pic or doc on a unmounted partition. while we save file it does not show any error but after next boot it start to show the error you cant write on drive. If you can boot into windows 7 and find n delete that file it can give the solution. Just a suggestion if that thing happen in your case.
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#11 Post by mikeslr »

puppytahruser is correct. It is sometimes possible to write files to an unmounted drive or partition which will screw up a Puppy's ability to access that drive or partition. His having mentioned it reminded me that that was the "something I did wrong" mentioned in my first response. And, if I recall correctly I was able to solve it by booting into Puppy and deleting/moving the file from where it wasn't supposed to be.

However, that may not be your problem. And the elaborate steps to backup your files I suggested in my first post may not be necessary.

What is necessary is to follow jafadmin instructions: boot your Tahrpup without loading your SaveFile/Folder so that we'll know whether you have a hardware problem or a software (Tahrpup) problem.

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