How do i succesfully install an individual .deb package?

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How do i succesfully install an individual .deb package?

#1 Post by wert »

Hi! i'm not very experienced with linux. I have tried installing the following app but it doesn't load
Overgrive. The package is overgrive_3.2.3_all.deb but when I try opening the app, its returns the following

Code: Select all

root# ./overgrive
./overgrive: line 1: $'\003\363\r': command not found
./overgrive: line 2: $'^\277VWc\b@s\356\031dd\001lZdd\001l\001Z\001dd\001l\002Z\002xKe\003e\004e\001j\005\203\001\203\001D]4Z\006e\001j\005e\006\031d\002d\003d\004d\005f\004k\006rhd\006Z\an\006d\aZ\aq:We\ad\ak\002r\r\001dd\001l\bZ\be\bj': command not found
./overgrive: line 3: $'d\v\203\002\001dd\fl': command not found
./overgrive: line 4: $'m\vZ\v\001dd\rl': command not found
./overgrive: line 5: $'m\fZ\f\001dd\016l': command not found
./overgrive: line 6: $'m\rZ\r\001dd\017l': command not found
./overgrive: line 7: $'m\016Z\017\001dd\020l': command not found
./overgrive: line 8: $'m\020Z\020\001dd\021l': command not found
./overgrive: line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `Z'
./overgrive: line 9: `mZnddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmddlmZddlZddlm Z ddlm!Z!ddl"Z"ddl#m#Z#dd#m$Z$ddl%Z%ddl&Z&ddl'Z'ddl(Z(ddl)Z)ddl*Z*ddl+Z+ddl,Z,ddl-Z-ddl.Z.ddl/Z/ddl0Z0ddl1Z1ddl2Z2ddl3Z3ddl4Z4ddl5Z5ddl6Z6ddl7Z7ddl8Z8ddl9Z9dZ:dZ;de+j<fdYZ=d Z>e?d!Z@d"ZAd#ZBd$ZCd%ZDd&ZEd'ZFd(ZGd)ZHd*ZId+ZJe?d,ZKd-ZLe?e?d.ZMd/ZNd0ZOd1ZPd2ZQd3ZRd4ZSd5ZTd6ZUd7ZVd8ZWd9ZXd:ZYd;ZZd<Z[d=Z\d>Z]d?Z^d@Z_dAZ`dBZadCZbdDZcdEZddFZedGZfe?dHZgdIZhdJZidKZjdLZkdMZldNZmdOZndPZoe?dQZpdRZqdSZrdTZsdUZtdVZudWZvdXZwdYZxdZZyd[Zzd\Z{d]Z|d^Z}d_Z~d`ZdaZdbZdcZddZdededfZdgefdhYZdiefdjYZdkefdlYZdmefdnYZdoZdpZdqZdrZdsZdtZduZdvZe?dwZdxZdyZdzZd{Ze?d|Zd}Zd~ZdefdYZedZdZdZe?dZ e?dZ¡e?dZ¢dZ£e?e?dZ¤ee?dZ¥dZ¦dZ§dZ¨dZ©dZªdZ«dZ¬dZ­dZ®dZ¯dZ°dZ±dZ²ee?dZ³ee?dZ´ee?d^[[?1;2cZµdZ¶da·dZ¸dddZ¹d Zºd¡Z»d¢Z¼d£Z½d¤Z¾d¥Z¿d¦ZÀd§Z
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#2 Post by dancytron »

It seems to be a python application.

The .desktop file located in usr/share/applications has this as it's exec line.
Exec=python2 /opt/thefanclub/overgrive/overgrive
So the first thing to try would be typing "python2 /opt/thefanclub/overgrive/overgrive" in the console and see what you get.

The second thing to try would be to install python from the PPM and then try again.

Python applications can be problematic in Puppy, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.

The README.debian file in /usr/share/docs seems to indicate the same thing.
overGrive 1.0 Beta
overGrive will assist in the installation and setup of Google Drive on your Ubuntu desktop.
overGrive consists of the following components:
A GUI installation will guide you through the the installation process and setup Google Drive in your home folder.
You will be able to access your Google Drive files locally* as well as synchronize your files with your Google Drive online. (* excluding Google Docs)
Auto Sync - overGrive keeps your Google Drive synchronized automatically by detecting changes in your local Google Drive folder. New files and folders will be uploaded to your Google Drive automatically after a few seconds.
The overGrive Application Indicator supports both light and dark desktop themes.
On Screen notifications of Google Drive activity.

launch overgrive from the dash menu after install or from command line with : python /opt/thefanclub/overgrive/overgrive

Project Homepage can be found at :

-- The Fan Club<> Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:22:22 +0200
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#3 Post by anikin »

How do i succesfully install an individual .deb package?

Have a look here: ... 596#956596
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#4 Post by bigpup »

Also, you need to understand that Puppy is not 100% a standard Linux operating system.
It does have it's own way of doing things and it's own specific internal core programs.
Those may not be compatible with just any deb package.

Linux operating systems do require programs to be compiled specifically for that system.
Even to the point of what version of the OPS.

PPM(Puppy Package Manager) keeps this all sorted out.

Using something else, requires some added work.

Sometimes it just works.
Other times, you see what happens and adjust.

Always, always run the update database to PPM and then search for programs.
PPM>Configure>Update Database
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#5 Post by bigpup »

Distribution : tahrpup - 6.0.2
I hope you have used the Quickpet>Tahrpup updates.

Tahrpup 6.0.2 was a bug fix testing version and Tahrpup is now up to V6.0.5.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#6 Post by wert »

bigpup wrote:
Distribution : tahrpup - 6.0.2
I hope you have used the Quickpet>Tahrpup updates.

Tahrpup 6.0.2 was a bug fix testing version and Tahrpup is now up to V6.0.5.
Yes I have dude. And thanks alot for ur details. BTW why doesn't the Quickpet>Tahrpup updates also update the ppm database? Or is ppm not part of tahrpup project?
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#7 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
The PPM points to a static repo, which isn't updated, to prevent conflict.
Quickpet is an evolving repo updated by devs when new things are approved...
The Ubuntu repos the PPM uses are updatable, and you can point it at new repos as well, but it requires editing a text file manually...
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#8 Post by wert »

puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
The PPM points to a static repo, which isn't updated, to prevent conflict.
Quickpet is an evolving repo updated by devs when new things are approved...
The Ubuntu repos the PPM uses are updatable, and you can point it at new repos as well, but it requires editing a text file manually...
Nice info man. Thanks
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#9 Post by wert »

bigpup wrote: Always, always run the update database to PPM and then search for programs.
PPM>Configure>Update Database
I'm afraid updating database to PPM is not gonna work with me. It's drudgery, Plus I can't have that time. How does someone keep clicking the dialogue boxes constantly like do you actually do that? Or is there a tweak to make it update all at once without bringing an awfully long series of alert boxes that I'm to point and click serially?

BTW would updating the database to PPM show me Ubuntu 16.04 LTS programs or do newer ubuntu releases post-14.0 require me to edit the text file you mentioned earlier first. Thanks
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#10 Post by rockedge »

you only need to update the ppm occasionally. It takes about 5 minutes total time. If 5 minutes and hitting enter about 7 times is drudgery your time must be extremely valuable. Crack open some documents and teach yourself something about Linux...I don't share hard won knowledge to save some punk ass kid some time....dude.
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#11 Post by wert »

rockedge wrote:you only need to update the ppm occasionally. It takes about 5 minutes total time. If 5 minutes and hitting enter about 7 times is drudgery your time must be extremely valuable. Crack open some documents and teach yourself something about Linux...I don't share hard won knowledge to save some punk ass kid some time....dude.
Why not just automate the thing instead of making someone press enter. Infact why not integrate in into tahr updates? And why not make tahr updates run on schedule? It seems pretty easy to preconfigure the OS with those things.

It's 2017 not the 90's. A linux OS of today needs to be automated sufficiently before releasing it. I mean, nowadays you want people to be doing stuff like that with their time?

I can't afford time to teach myself an OS. I already spent years learning windows in school. I'm a student teaching myself further things. All I need is to start my pc and get to business. Speaking of which I'm business man too. You can't expect me to do the maintenance work and not compromise my agenda. That's why there are handy men. I don't aim to be one
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#12 Post by musher0 »

Hi gang.

Meanwhile, musher0 left the grounds where the controversy was flaming ;) to do
some useful research...

Here: ... ons-ubuntu
we read, under "Requirements":
Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit / 64bit) or later installed. The software should work on
most Debian based systems if they support Gtk3.
(Bold, etc., by me.)

Ladies and gentlemen,

"Voilà pourquoi votre fille est muette" (famous sentence by Molière) !
Transl.: "That is why your daughter is a mute." Ok. Not funny. Anyway...

Puppy at this time has only partial support for GTK3, namely for gnumeric. Or in a
few cases "compiled in our kennels" :D, the dev has compiled the needed GTK3
components along with the app.

Also, as dancytron has mentioned, Puppy has only partial support for python. I tried
the overgrive on my machine and a message said that python2 was missing.

Puppy has:
[/usr/lib]>lg -d pyth*
drwxr-xr-x 37 2048 nov 5 22:20 python2.7/
drwxr-xr-x 32 3648 oct 20 19:47 python3.5/
but not the true python 2, it seems.

Sorry wert, you're out of luck. Any other app can do what overgrive does? Maybe
a GTK2 one, based on perl? :lol: ;)

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#13 Post by bigpup »

I can't afford time to teach myself an OS. I already spent years learning windows in school.
So, how did you learn Windows 10?
No way are you going to tell me Windows 10 is just like Windows XP, 7 or even 8.

Puppy does some things that are common, but others are Puppy way.
Also, the Linux way.

Next time you buy a new car, ask them why it is not setup to work the same way the last car you had.
Why did you put that switch, there, when it was over here, in my last car?

In PPM(Puppy Package Manager)
un-check Use verbose method during update of package databases.
That not being checked should make PPM auto update everything, when you select update database>update now.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#14 Post by musher0 »

Now, to really answer the question asked in the title:

Option A: use the PPM to locate and install the file.

Option B:
-- download the deb archive from or an ubuntu repo to a convenient and
____ safe place
-- open a ROX window in that "place"
-- double-click on the deb archive with your mouse and it will install itself.

Option C:
-- download the deb archive to a convenient and safe place
-- open a terminal in that directory (aka "place")
-- type

Code: Select all

petget FileNameOf.deb < Enter >
and it will install itself.

Do we have another question related to the subject at hand?

Last edited by musher0 on Sat 11 Nov 2017, 11:11, edited 1 time in total.
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#15 Post by musher0 »

wert wrote:
rockedge wrote:you only need to update the ppm occasionally. It takes about 5 minutes total time. If 5 minutes and hitting enter about 7 times is drudgery your time must be extremely valuable. Crack open some documents and teach yourself something about Linux...I don't share hard won knowledge to save some punk ass kid some time....dude.
Speaking of which I'm [a] business man too. You can't expect me to do the maintenance work and not compromise my agenda. That's why there are handy men. I don't aim to be one
With respect, Sir Not-Aiming-to-Be-a-Handyman,

if you don't have time to learn new stuff, why don't you stay with the devil you
know -- and not bother us?

Best regards.

PS. As for me, I am proud to have become a Linux / Puppy "handyman". ;)
It was worth 100 times the effort.
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can install after downloading via palemoon

#16 Post by sickpig »

Hi Bigpup, Musher0 and all,

I have learnt heaps reading all the veterans' posts here. This forum's a legend. So, whats happening with me with deb installation is that i can only install debs downloaded via palemoon by doubleclicking in the downloads option in the browser.

I cant install it if i download it via any other browser. Or even by clicking in Rox.

Its not limiting me however, whenever i have to download deb i just do that via palemoon :) and it installs happily

M loving puppy. its got a new diehard fan.

Just sharing a peculiarity, no resolution needed.
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