FF 45.9.0 ESR incompatable with newly updated Banking Portal

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Mike Walsh
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#21 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, Alberz.

Yes, I thought I'd 'join in the fun'..!

One thing about Puppy-land; browsers, we are not short of, mate. Being a Chrome user of very long standing (dating all the way back to the 'beta' pre-release of version 1, in Autumn 2008), it is the browser I tend to recommend.

We also have Flashpeak's 'SlimJet', and SRWare's 'Iron' browser, too.....both of which are Chromium-based 'clones' (based on the one Mike's mentioned above).

I maintain the 64-bit versions of these. (God above knows why.....but somebody's got to..!) :lol: :lol:

You can find Chrome 62 (incorporating belham2's 'run-as-spot' modifications) here:-


SlimJet can be found here:-

https://www.mediafire.com/folder/3so7h6 ... S_packages is definitely 'stable'. The 'beta' of I'm not so sure about. However, the choice is yours...

And, last but not least, Iron:-

https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dq22re ... S_packages

This is currently Iron 61; I downloaded the Iron 62 tarball earlier this evening, but haven't had time to 'pack it' yet. I think your bank will accept it, though!


However, if you're definitely happier with Firefox, I've broken my 'golden rule'.....and knocked together a .pet package of the new Firefox 57 'Quantum' browser for you. I've included rcrsn51's apulse-stretch.deb integral to the package, with the Menu entry modified to read 'Firefox 57' as opposed to 'Firefox-apulse'. Easier to find, I think.

This should give you sound.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/h5777vue0 ... uantum.pet

I'm posting this from 'Quantum' right now. Basically, all I've done is to condense Mike's 'manual' explanation from above into a ready-to-use package. (Sorry, Mike..! :oops: )

Normally, we assemble browsers as SFS packages, but that would entail more explanations. At this stage, as a beginner, you won't get much simpler than a .pet; you click on it.....it installs. Easy-peasy.

Since I no longer run Slacko64, I don't know what the state of play is as far as the GTK-3 libraries are concerned. This has been built in Tahrpup64 6.0.5, which has all this crap built-in! The Chrome, SlimJet and Iron packages contain the GTK-3 and libnss 'upgrades' within them, so as not to inconvenience existing apps/programs which are happy with the old versions. You may need to install GTK-3 from the PPM (Puppy Package Manager). If you do, or run into problems with them, others here can advise.

Hope that little lot is of some use..... :) Any problems: just ask.

Mike. :wink:
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#22 Post by Alberz »

Thanks Mike, I've been going a bit bananas trying to sort this out. I tried mikeslr's fix at the post above (thanks mikeslr) with no luck. I will try your solutions later today - thanks for going to all that trouble!

EDIT I just tried running the pet package and when I click on the internet icon it still directs to FF 45.9.0.

I'm thinking I should try a fresh install of Slacko64 (perhaps Slacko64- that Mike is running) or/and the other alternatives you have offered.

I'll head out soon and buy a few new USBs to try them out.

Thanks again!
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#23 Post by bigpup »

I have not tried this in Slacko, but that is not going to stop me from, putting out there, an idea of what may be going on.
Who knows, I could be right :idea: :lol:
EDIT I just tried running the pet package and when I click on the internet icon it still directs to FF 45.9.0.

You now may have two different versions of Firefox on the computer.
Go to menu>Internet>
See if there are two different entries for firefox.
If yes.
See which one starts which version.

That desktop browser icon is going to point to the 45 esr version that is part of Slacko.
It is set to open the default browser.

Easy way to change this.
menu>Setup>Puppy Apps Default Applications Chooser>System> Web Browser
See if it offers both versions of Firefox to choose from.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#24 Post by Alberz »

Thanks for your continuing support guys, it means a lot to me.

I ended up installing Tahrpup 64 6.0.5 and using Mike's pet file and FF 57 installed without a problem.

But frustratingly, I still can't access my bank's new portal - it turns out that FF 56 is compatible but FF 57 broke something. I imagine they (the bank) will fix this sometime soon, as FF is still quite a popular browser.

So it looks like I need to try, try and try again lol (if I wasn't laughing I'd be crying)
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#25 Post by Mike Walsh »

Morning, Alberz.

I think bigpup's hit it on the head about the default browser.....although my package was built to point to the folder in /opt where it's installed.

Try 52esr (the most recent 'extended support' version). It's still supported until June next year at the earliest. I'm going to upload a .pet of this for you to try.; I built this for my own personal use just the other day, since it's the best of the old Firefoxes.....and now I understand the method for getting around the PulseAudio sound problem, it's quite acceptable to me as a backup browser once again.

Especially since it now plays NetFlix! :D

Instead of Bill's apulse 'fix' (which works better for newer versions of FF in the 'buntu-based Pups), this one uses OscarTalks' apulse 'workaround'.....which definitely works better in the Slackos, for some reason. I've also built it to overwrite /root/.cache/mozilla & /root/.mozilla with empty directories, so in theory, you should be starting off with a 'blank slate'. In practice.....

.....who knows? :roll: You may need to delete those two manually.

Before you install this, be sure to remove the previous one via the PPM first.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/8x5c11n3v ... 52-esr.pet

Let us know whether it works for you, please. If not, there's still several other options we can explore. You'll have to get the hang of 'loading' SFS packages, that's all.....

I find this whole thing somewhat hard to believe, I gotta confess. My own bank (Santander), I can still access with a copy of Chrome 26 in 'Lucid'.....which is around 4 years out of date! I do prefer to use newer browsers, though; 26 is the newest that'll run in Lucid, due to the ancient glibc.....and I am aware that many banks regularly update their browser requirements for online banking.

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Thu 23 Nov 2017, 20:19, edited 2 times in total.
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#26 Post by Alberz »

Thanks again Mike.

Yes it is a little unbelievable - Shakes Head & :roll:

At the moment I'm in the process of updating Puppy Slacko 64 6.3.2 in preparation for installation on a USB.

I'll probably have a go at installing FF 52 ESR tomorrow Australian time.
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#27 Post by Galbi »

@Alberz: I can enter the web of your bank with Seamonkey 2.48 (which it's not the latest) without trouble, including the login page.

I'm thinking in something related to Flash, javascript or one of that kind of 'beauties', not the browser itself...

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#28 Post by Galbi »

Also, I can enter with:
Vivaldi 1.12.955.48 (Stable channel) (32 bits)
Revisión d008b6490dacb4042ddcb6b145f9d223032d4697-
Sistema operativo Linux
JavaScript V8 6.1.534.41
Flash (Desactivado)
Agente de usuario Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.102 Safari/537.36 Vivaldi/1.93.955.48
Línea de comandos /mnt/sda1/Store/vivaldi/vivaldi -no-sandbox --always-authorize-plugins --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end
Ruta del ejecutable /mnt/sda1/Store/vivaldi/vivaldi
Ruta del perfil /root/.config/vivaldi/Default
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#29 Post by Alberz »

Apologies for my lack of presence over the last day or two. I have a few health issues and have needed to concentrate my limited energies on them - sorry.

At the moment I can access my banks old portal, and the bank assures me that it will remain open for a while yet.

I hope to get back to my Linux education when my health improves.

Thanks all, for your great help and patience.

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