Retrovol 0.13.1 (Volume mixer)

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.

Retrovol splash on Toutou linux 4.3.1

#181 Post by Pelo »

gvolwheel here
Retrovol splashes on Toutou linux 4.3.1, i;e you see it so fast that to toogle it you must be very speedy.
Try gvolwheel, and advise about it

Retrovol était responsable de ressources CPU environ de 40 %! Je l'ai tué et le système est retourné à son comportement sensible normal.

Modifying .xinitrc as told get my old kindy pup 431 speaking

#182 Post by Pelo »

Thanks a lot to this old topic.
Modifying .xinitrc as told get my old kindy pup 431 :) speaking
My computer Medion P1664 has always refused to run old puppies with audio. That is an huge progress. I now connect wireless too.
Happy Christmas 2015 everybody !

XFCE Puppies have XFCE4-mixer

#183 Post by Pelo »

XFCE Puppies have XFCE4-mixer included to activate capture and adjust volume . pet by Geoffrey provided here (for X-Slacko Slim)

Retrovol : 2016 retrovol-0.14.3-X is the version used by Woof-CE. Retrovol capture is delivered not activated in most Puppies. If sound is not recorded, launch retrovol. Often the reason is here.
Beware, capture not active untill you toggle the bar
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Merci Geoffrey !
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retrovol 150% volume

#184 Post by zagreb999 »

hi Pizzasgood

your retrovol is the best

can you make to increase volume
to 150% as in pulseaudio...

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#185 Post by disciple »

Unless it supports pulsaudio as a backend rather than alsa, I think it couldn't set the volume any higher than alsa, so you'd need to do some magic with your alsa configuration to set up a software volume control it can use rather than the hardware one... or am I wrong?
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Lexicon Omega Audio Interface

#186 Post by rustypup »

Hi, hopefully someone can help with this problem, or at least the info will be useful. So, I'm running tahrpup64 6.0.5 and I've been playing around with a Lexicon Omega Audio Interface I picked up cheap. I have used the Alsa Wizard to select the Omega and the bark test button works - I hear barking! However, there are no volume sliders available in the Retrovol config and the system tray icon has a red line through it. Strangely, Audacity can see all the inputs and outputs and I am even able to record sounds from a keyboard synth that is plugged into the line in sockets on the Omega interface. The recorded audio then plays back too. So, Retrovol seems to have a problem seeing the inputs and outputs on the Omega interface. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on how this could be fixed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One thing to note, is that the usb led on the interface is constantly blinking, the Omega user manual says it should not be flashing if the interface is communicating with the computer correctly.

By the way, Retrovol is working great on my other computer which has a Soundblaster Audigy 2zs platinum in it - so not all bad news! :)
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#187 Post by watchdog »

Post the output of the command in console:

Code: Select all

aplay -l
I think you have probably to set the right card in config window of retrovol (tab Hardware).
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#188 Post by rustypup »

Hi, first of all, apologies for such a late reply but life got in the way. I think I've got to the bottom of this now, well sort of. I fired up alsamixer from the command line and there are no volume sliders available. I've also been playing around with a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB 2.0 audio interface and alsamixer won't display any volume sliders for that either. I think I'm right in assuming that retrovol is kind of a GUI front end for setting the levels in alsamixer, so that explains why it doesn't show any controls as being available.

I've come to the conclusion that an audio interface that has actual hardware controls for all the levels (knobs on front of unit) won't have software level control. I've now disabled retrovol in the startup apps thingy and just set the Focusrite as my default device using alsa sound wizard - everything works fine. Both audio and MIDI ins and outs are working great via Jack in Renoise, so I'm happy.

Hopefully this is useful info for someone. Cheers.
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Re: Retrovol splash on Toutou linux 4.3.1

#189 Post by musher0 »

Pelo wrote:gvolwheel here
Retrovol splashes on Toutou linux 4.3.1, i;e you see it so fast that to toogle it you must be very speedy.
Try gvolwheel, and advise about it

Retrovol était responsable de ressources CPU environ de 40 %! Je l'ai tué et le système est retourné à son comportement sensible normal.
Hello all.

"Retrovol was responsible for using about 40% of the CPU resources!
I killed it and the system returned to its normal sensible behavior

A "posthumous" thank you to this member for his reference to Marv's
pet for gvolwheel.

My portable's screen turned stubbornly gray a couple weeks back and I
had to dust off my 11 year old Acer Aspire desktop box. I reinstalled
DPupStretch-7.0.1a on it.

Retrovol was doing the motions, but not controlling any sound. I had to
rely on mpv's or mplayer's internal keyboard volume controls. First, it is
not handy, and second, I don't use those apps all the time to play music.
Sometimes I use mpg123, or ogg123, etc.

Ditching Retrovol and installing Marv's pet for gvolwheel solved the issue.
It is not as cute as retrovol, but it does the job. Phew.

I also noticed that DPupStretch-7.0.1a does not have an asound.conf file in
/etc. Was this by design out of the Woof-CE factory or is it me (not) seeing
things? TIA for any hint.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#190 Post by ITSMERSH »

A "posthumous" thank you to this member for his reference to Marv's
pet for gvolwheel.
Sometimes I was also a bit nerved about Pelo bringing up old topics, though sometimes I found interesting stuff that way. So, I complained one or two times about it, though mostly missing him today.

Btw.: the .pet works in my Tahr based Art Studio (32bit). Pity there's no 64bit version?
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#191 Post by disciple »

Pity there's no 64bit version?
Presumably it compiles and works easily enough on 64bit; Arch linux has it in the AUR with no complaints in the comments.
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#192 Post by ITSMERSH »

disciple wrote:
Pity there's no 64bit version?
Presumably it compiles and works easily enough on 64bit; Arch linux has it in the AUR with no complaints in the comments.
I downloaded the latest version 1.0 and tried to compile.

It complained about gtk3 not being installed, though I have gtk3 installed.
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#193 Post by mikeslr »

Btw.: the .pet works in my Tahr based Art Studio (32bit). Pity there's no 64bit version?
There's an 2011 64-bit version compiled under Lighthouse that ran under the then current FatDog. Both, at the time, were Slackware binary compatible. ... 731#539731 only shows links to Slackware versions,, including Slackware Current and Slackware 14.0. Interestingly, this Forum is noted as there home-page.

These might function under 'Ubuntu' Puppies. They don't appear to have any dependencies. Worth a test.

As I was currently running Xenialpup64, I chose the Slackware 14.1 version, figuring it was created about the same time as Xenialpup and had the best chance of being compatible.

Clicked the txz and selected "install". Restarted-x. Via the terminal it opened w/o notice of problems. Double-check that this was the 64-bit version by browsing to /usr/bin and Right-Clincking>Properties its bin. See Attached.
retrovol's bin.png
Slackware 64-bit Retrovol under Xenialpup64
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#194 Post by disciple »

If you are using a puppy perhaps the devx doesn't cover gtk3. Did you have to install gtk3 or was it included by default?
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#195 Post by ITSMERSH »

Gtk3 is installed into the main .sfs.

Downloaded and tried to compile version 0.7.
Complained 2 errors on make -

- undefined reference to symbol 'XFlush'
- error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line


I'm not trying to compile retrovol, but gvolwheel.
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#196 Post by mikeslr »

Sorry, came to the conversation late. has Slackware versions 64-bit gvolwheel. But libpng16 is a dependency. And zlib1g a dependency of that. First crack at finding whose versions might work generated a gtk mismatch. It's late here. So, I'm not going to continue. If unresolved, I look into it tomorrow.
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#197 Post by disciple »

Oh, I didn't realise you were trying to compile gvolwheel either.
Did you bother googling the errors?
This might sort the XFlush:

Code: Select all

make "LDFLAGS=-lX11"
But it sounds like it basically has a broken autotools setup. You might find that running autoreconf fixes it, or if it has a custom equivalent, that might.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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