[CLOSED] Fatdog64-720 Beta [1 Dec 2017]

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#141 Post by jamesbond »

How can change menu icons height? , their size in 710 is more better , i think!
Errr, actually I don't know myself :oops: . I need to figure it out; I'll let you know when I find out :) May be step/SFR can help too.
When Right click on the USB mounted drives -> there isnt safty remove straight (must first unmount then safty remve will appear!)
The correct procedure is indeed to unmount first before you can safely remove. In older versions this couldn't be done because of the limitations on how we draw the drive icons. In 720 we have a more flexible system that enables us to do just that.
hope 720 final can be updated from 720b!
Yes it should be. There isn't too much breaking changes.
... I still use quite a bit of rotating storage which is well-proven, can withstand 20G ...
I'm a rotating storage fan myself, but do they really withstand 20G :shock: ? I thought they're quite fragile in terms of mechanical stress and shocks (compared to SSD).
Next day: revisited the TV display issue. Tried all the drivers, resolutions & co again, including Intel - none work.
That's odd. Just like others, I too connected my laptop with HDMI screens, and it worked. In the past I had it connected to Samsung HD TV (1366x768), Samsung Full HD (1920x1080), Panasonic Full HD (1920x1080), Bauhn Full HD (1920x1080) - all worked. All this were direct connection from laptop's HDMI port to the TV.

Can you explain better of your connection? For example - what is the display adapter? What is output of the display adapter? Do you have a direct connection from adapter to the TV - or do you use some sort of conversion box in the process? Do you have a secondary (hopefully VGA) monitor? I ask the last question because if you have a working display and a non-working one, at least we can see the display and we can see the error messages from the non-working monitor.
Would NOT boot. Balked at initrd
Could you please explain what you mean by "balked"? Do you see any error messages? What is the bootloader you use?
Opened wpa-gui. wlan3 (usb donge) auto-selected in wifi tab, only etho and wlan2 (pcie) both in wired selection box.
Interesting. Would you be able to share the output of "iwconfig" and "ifconfig -a"?
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#142 Post by SFR »

jamesbond wrote:
How can change menu icons height? , their size in 710 is more better , i think!
Errr, actually I don't know myself :oops: . I need to figure it out; I'll let you know when I find out :) May be step/SFR can help too.
The icons size seems to depend on the font size: Right-click the Menu -> Configure -> Custom font size.

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#143 Post by borzeh »

Thank you very much

Thank you dear SFR, but i think this is not all depend on font size
as you compare 710 and 720b menu , font size not increased , but something get more space (like padding in HTML)
anyway its not an Annoying change ...

Another question :idea:
Is there possible way to have close icon on each window tasks in taskbar when they are open as a group? i know it can be done by right click on each one , but if its a simple red Multiplication sign (Only on Expandable Group tasks) ... maybe better

Overall , Great great great work
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#144 Post by Sage »

TV display issue
All of the options you suggest ie direct HDMI, via adapters, straight to vga input, etc, etc. - assume, when it comes to HW, I've got the lot dating from ~1985 to present & well versed in swapping working/dud/misbehaving systems. Nearly got a picture with a direct vga connector, 640x480, Basic Vesa but it collapsed into a vertical line width of ~1cm and wrote this to the HD so couldn't pursue it with dismantling the HD - again! When it comes to SW - that's your bag and I need instructions in words of, preferably, one syllable.
NIC probe
lsmod | grep (for sis900 and RTL8201CL - gives no OP)
Modprobe not helpful either for sis900 but gives FATAL - not found in RTL---
dmesg lists sis900c v1.08.10 Apr 2 2006
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#145 Post by SFR »

borzeh wrote:something get more space (like padding in HTML)
Ok, I think I know what you mean. It's a theme thing.
Open /usr/share/lxqt/themes/ambiance/lxqt-panel.qss and decrease the padding (both 7px to e.g. 4px) in this section:

Code: Select all

#MainMenu QMenu::item {
    color: #f2f1f0;
    padding: 7px 40px 7px 24px;
Then you need to reload the theme. Open ~/.config/lxqt/lxqt.conf, rename theme name to anything:

Code: Select all

and save it, then rename it back to ambiance and save again.
If this won't work, you need to restart X.

Btw, you may also want to check out 23Smokey theme.
I've been using it exclusively since 710, that's why didn't notice the change in ambiance's menu items padding.
borzeh wrote:Is there possible way to have close icon on each window tasks in taskbar when they are open as a group? i know it can be done by right click on each one , but if its a simple red Multiplication sign (Only on Expandable Group tasks) ... maybe better
I don't see such an option in the settings, but alternatively you can enable: right-click the taskbar -> Configure -> Close on middle-click.

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#146 Post by don570 »

jamesbond wrote:
How can change menu icons height? , their size in 710 is more better , i think!
Errr, actually I don't know myself Embarassed . I need to figure it out; I'll let you know when I find out Smile May be step/SFR can help too.
FAQ page for icons that might be useful --->
https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint/wiki ... sing-icons
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odds & ends

#147 Post by dr. Dan »

Greetings again,

one more note about running the 710 savefolder. It didn't honor the default program settings, specifically using SeaMonkey instead of PaleMoon, and instead of Thunderbird. I'm using a new savefolder, so it's not an issue, but just more information.

In getting set up with the new savefolder, I opened Gslapt, updated it, then marked upgradable. It was not entirely happy. I've attached an image below.

I've wished for some time that there was a hibernate or hybrid-suspend option. I see files in the system to that end, but I'm wary of trying to enable them. (Perhaps right now, while testing the beta anyway, would be better than at other times.) Will it work? Is there a help document somewhere?

Since I can't hibernate, on occasion the laptop runs out of battery charge while suspended, which is not ideal for the file system. I have added an option to the bootloader to run the dofsck option without having to type it in. I'm considering using it at every boot. Perhaps a note among the help files explaining how to do that would be useful to others. Something automated would be nice, but with a variety of bootloader options, I can see why that might not happen.

Lastly, I've never noticed this explicitly spelled out, but it is implied somewhere. When preparing a thumbdrive to be a Fatdog64 boot device, creating 2 partitions, the first exfat, the second ex2 or otherwise non-journaling, and large enough for Fatdog64 to reside there comfortably, then using the installer to install to the 2nd partition results in a Windy-readable drive as well as a Fatdog64 boot device. This info might be helpful in a help document.

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#148 Post by jamesbond »

one more note about running the 710 savefolder. It didn't honor the default program settings, specifically using SeaMonkey instead of PaleMoon, and instead of Thunderbird. I'm using a new savefolder, so it's not an issue, but just more information.
The "defaultprogram" was extended from 710 to 720 and requires an updated /etc/defaultprograms. However this file is edited whenever you change the default programs, and this edited file (in savefile/savedir) will obscure the newer file from the basesfs doesn't show up. Hence the problem.
In getting set up with the new savefolder, I opened Gslapt, updated it, then marked upgradable. It was not entirely happy. I've attached an image below.
Fixed, thank you. Anyway, gslapt is not supposed to be updated via GUI anyway (it cannot update itself when it is running). And gslap-0.5.4b has known problems, I will remove it from the repo so you can't accidentally update to it.
I've wished for some time that there was a hibernate or hybrid-suspend option. I see files in the system to that end, but I'm wary of trying to enable them. (Perhaps right now, while testing the beta anyway, would be better than at other times.) Will it work? Is there a help document somewhere?
"Hibernate" requires complex setup - the "resume from hibernate" is basically the same as usual power-up; except that the system is supposed to load the context from a special file (swap file). Fatdog64 usually run without swapfile so this isn't possible in the default setup.

Even if you have swap, the initrd must be specially crafted to load the context from the swapfile if the computer is coming up from hibernate instead of from normal boot. The issue here is that Fatdog isn't installed in the usual "full-install" sense of the word; when it wakes up it needs to know where the swapfile is, in order to load it. The same way it has to look for its basesfs and savefile/savedir at every boot. It's not simple to get this going, but it's not impossible either.

I have to admit that my motivation to write the support for this is very low, because I can't even get the "suspend-to-RAM" works for me - I've got blank screen; so I cannot test the more complex suspend-to-disk (="hibernate") scenario. May be one day I will. Don't count on it though :)
I'm considering using it at every boot.
Actually I do use it at every boot. It doesn't add much boot time. Perhaps we should make it on at all times, and have the option to exclude it if it's unwanted?
Lastly, I've never noticed this explicitly spelled out, but it is implied somewhere. When preparing a thumbdrive to be a Fatdog64 boot device, creating 2 partitions, the first exfat, the second ex2 or otherwise non-journaling, and large enough for Fatdog64 to reside there comfortably, then using the installer to install to the 2nd partition results in a Windy-readable drive as well as a Fatdog64 boot device. This info might be helpful in a help document.
Indeed. That's the exact setup that I use for some of USB flash drives. Fatdog is well protected in a partition that Windows can't see, but we can still use the first (and large) partition for sharing with Windows.

These are useful usage notes, the "dofsck" notes too. They should be documented somewhere. Eventually they will :)
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#149 Post by fatdog »

We are closing the beta. Final release is coming soon.

The following issues are **NOT** addressed in the Final release and will be addressed later:
- don570 mtpaint icon issue
- certain radeon machines may have video problems (SFR can explain this more if you need more info).
- nfs-utils not included in base (or repo) yet. We don't have time to investigate it yet, but eventually we want it to be available in the repo, and if size permits, in the basesfs too.

The following issues may or may not be **NOT** addressed in the Final release:
- Sage's TV display issue (new Linux kernel may have addressed it)
- Sage's RTL8201CL ethernet issue (new Linux kernel may have addressed it)
==> If this is not solved, let's take this offline - drop me a PM.
-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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#150 Post by Sage »

==> If this is not solved, let's take this offline - drop me a PM.
Thanks & for the record, detailed PM discussions underway with jb.
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#151 Post by fatdog »

Thread re-opened. There is some showstopper problem we need to work out with Final. Grrr :evil:

You can still continue to report beta problems, the fixes may or may not be included in Final; but it's good for all of us to be aware of any issues.

-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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#152 Post by don570 »

The following issues are **NOT** addressed in the Final release and will be addressed later:
- don570 mtpaint icon issue
It's mypaint not mtpaint.


How about the label problem in mhwaveedit????
I would love to see that bug solved.
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#153 Post by don570 »

Suggestion for fatdog720....

Here is the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
for Slacko
https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/w ... aults.list

Forum member Norgo suggested a change for pdf files


A proper defaults.list is needed for mypaint to open gimp.

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#154 Post by fatdog »

-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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